
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Jim Jones

Inside the mind of an Apistale Assembly of God preacher and proof like Satan God never takes away your free will and he has fallen before ever reaching Paradise or Heaven and some would say that he was never saved or born again like God takes away our free will to return as the Bible says like a dog returning to his own vomit and also this is the mind of not only a fallen preacher but a Socislist/ Communist and datling of the Democrate Party System and Gay Pride of ehich he was also Gay and Democrate politicans sucked up to him like Mayor Moscone, Governor Jerry Brown and even Jimmy Carters sister spoke in his Apostate Church and I'm not sure but working from memory that he bought the former Churvh of Satan building for his Peoples Temple and was made head of the housing administration as a reward for putting Mayor Moscone in office and all I remember hearing him speak in San Francisco that he was a rabid Socialist Demorate and staref me in the face of two thousand people who wete almost exclusively black and with his anti racist ranting said to me in the crowd ...what are you so wortied about and then began knocking the Jesus Movement and his finance manager I heard speak in his Northern California compound that they supported  the gun runner and communist terrorist Angela Davis who helped the Jackson five shoit up the Marin County Court House and even Jim Jones wife tried to recruit me but no bannana because I read my Bible which he took out of the hands of the people mostly black and low information or educated people easily decieved like they have been over Obama who sounds just like Jim Jones and all the other Democrate leafers ranting and raving about the same things he does and screams Im God uncontrolably during his sermons and the people begin yo worship him calling him Father as they lift up thier hands to him in true Communist demigod fasion to have idils and statues of them as Gods in Washington DC...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Nothing is free except the Grace of God and heaslthcare in Europe suckes up more then fifty percent in taxes and takes takes years if ever yo get a hip replacment like in England and the country is over run by fleeing Muslims to suck up more headdlthcare  and everyone wants to come yo America for its free healthcare if poor  or even have aids and death panals in Europe which euthenised my grandmother under the lying socialist sustem where everyones  heathcare is degraded over aids, bums and lazyness...and the whole system is colllapsing under the burden with no private doctors anf government doctors giving the second opinon and if you want free heathcare then go to Cuba but bring your own sheets and even Canadians flees to America for our health care system which Obama viwes to destroy and degrade and make it impossible to get private healthcate so he can bring in all his sinful aids buddies and as more and more Americsns are looing thier private healthcare and last I heard in Canada they only had one of two MRI imaging machines in thier country some ffew years qgo and Canafians coming to America, for quality healthcare which aids is festroying as a pre existing condition and do tell me about the German Heaslthcare which Finland is a model slso with government doctors and death panals and mass sbortions like Obama  supports in planned Parenthood found to weed out blacks, disabled, mentally ill , poor whites, Mexicans and its founder said that bring a babt into the world is the greatest sin and ni doubt a cure for so called globel warming  so about German heaslthcare with haslf its people from the failed Socialist side which non of these countries3s pay thier fair share yo Nato and not even for thier defence  especially fly fpor ciuntries like tell me how good the healthcare system is in Germany and how long it will last while millions of uninsured people overun Europe and more babies being killed qnd more death psnals and more long lines and waoting periods...