
Friday, January 27, 2017


ISLAM THE RELIGION OF THE SWORD...I feel a burden on my heart like a preacher getting ready of a sermon or important message and being the pastor that I am and have been and yet to continue to beet me uniden my heart on the subject of Isla m being a religion of the sword and now I speak in part and know in part and rela on the Divine Holy Sprit to bring forth this pr opheyic message as all messages should be prophetic or divinely inspired for the preachers and pastor of old were also called prophets and thier messages prophecies for prophecies are not all about about foretelling the future but about revelations of the present and the be continued...16:1 Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.16:2 And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.16:3 And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.16:4 And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.16:5 And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have given my maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the LORD judge between me and thee.16:6 But Abram said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid is in thine hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled from her face.16:7 And the angel of the LORD found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.16:8 And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai.16:9 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands.16:10 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.16:11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.16:13 And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me?16:14 Wherefore the well was called Beerlahairoi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered.16:15 And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.16:16 And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram. Genesis
17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.17:2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying.17:4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.17:6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.17:8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.17:9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.17:10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.17:11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.17:12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed.17:13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.17:14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant.17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.17:17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?17:18 And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee!17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.17:20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.17:21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.17:22 And he left off talking with him, and God went up from Abraham.17:23 And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him.17:24 And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.17:25 And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.17:26 In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son. Genesis

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Advice to Shariah Law immigrants about child brides by Peter Romanowsky

For those immigrants that come to America from Sharia Law countries where marrying and having sex with children is practiced take warning for it is the most hated practice in the West and especially in our prison systems where if you are put in general.population for child molesting your life will or may be in site danger and will most likely end up in protective custudy which means being locked up a a cell for your own protection and there is no special places or prisons for those charged with child molesting under Shariah Law so you may have to stay locked up basically in solitary confinement or which is not fair in my opinion as one may be just doing thier time for some various f pen of child molesting and feeling  rependant and one must be given a chance to repent without being murdered or killed in our prison system and but if one is convicted of kidnapping and rape and especially if a repeat offender the possibility of losing ones life in prison and general population is very high unless you are in a jurisdiction where the death penalty is practiced then one virtually has no hope of survival and many people in America believe that the death penalty or life imprisonment in solitary confinement may be practiced unless special prisons for pedifiles are built...and one final note that the only time Jesus advocates or taught the principle was  that the death penalty was for unrepentant  child molesting ....

Monday, January 23, 2017

Peter Romanowsky on politics and running for office

Does anyone else feel as sick too thier stomach listening to Glen Beck as I do and what is it ? Fake conservative or Mormon or poor loser and backer Of the wrong presidential candidate like the rest, like Mark Lavine who that dosn't make me feel sick like Glen Beck as much, even as much as he wiens about Trump winning when conservative talk show hosts like Sean Hannity who  were unwavering in their support for Trump as well as the King of Christian  gentlemen conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and in spite of his jokes about women liberals and just talking,  I like Mark Lavine and in spite of his hate filled triads and periodic and quite  often rudeness to his callers in spite of his great knowledge of American Law and history of which I love and maybe it's just an non Christian Jewish thing and lack of grace and the opposite of the politeness of Christian Conservatives like Rush and Hannity and of course we all love the intelligence of Michael Savage my virtual neighbor here in Marin County and I even ran against his great son Russel who owns Rock Star drinks, for the California State Senate Primaries,  for the Republican party and obviously  I lost but spent the least and Russ Savage lost also the general election after spending over thirty thousand and I lost the primary election after  only spending a thousand or less, then who really won in the end and got more publicity or bang for the buck,  or votes for dollar spent then me...!?

Peter Romanowsky on the Roman Empire and Julious Caeser

OooOkI'm times of war and crisis under Roman Law dictators were appointed with term limits like Roman General  Cinncinates, who after saving Rome from the Gauls went back to his farm like General Washington did and the problem with Julious Caeser was that he was made dictator for life by the Roman Senate...with some Senators disagreed and assinated him and Rome ended up with a civil war and the Emperor Augustine the adopt son of Caeser won..the rest is history and what if Julious lived out his lifetime term and without excepting the crown of King of which the Romans hated and overthrougb long ago in lue of the Senate and one year terms for Procouncils...what if...Julious was simply left to be lifetime dictaor or retired early and what would the wor ld be like today and of course the Senate could have taken away his lifetime dictatorship at any time for he already had the most powerful  army behind him already and could have crowned himself Emporer of which he never did and only his adopted son did that with the blessings of the Senate..
Cincinatus After obtaining virtually complete dictatorial power in ancient Roman he gave it up and went back to his farm and plow and what if Julious Caeser who became the most powerful military man in Roman the known world after conquering Clepatras heart and sided with her in the Egyptoan Cvil War and made her his concubine and mother of his only child and then went on to conquer Gaul the heart of Europe and won the Civil War with his Pro Council Pompey and became the richest and most powerful man in the known world and could have crowned himself Emporer  and did not and what if he was never assinated by Senators by those who sided with his rival Pompey in front of his statue in the Senate and what if he also like Cinncinatus before him just retired and went back to.private life like Washington who also could have become an Emporer or King like King George of England...and what if and what would the world be like today...if he was not murdered...Until Congress passed the war powers act US Presidents had dictatorial powers like the Roman Generals Cincinatus and Julious Caeser who both commanded armies large enough to make themselves Emporers and like George Washington could have and both he and General Cincinatus retired to the farm and Julios Carter was outright murdered before he even had a chance to do so and two civil wars followed ...

Thoughts on the subject of concubines by Peter Romanowsky

A concubine is basically a slave girl or second clasx wife depending on the culture and for  instance Ottomen Sultans didn't bother getting married because of thier large harams except for Sulimen the Magnificent who was the first Sultan to engage in a marriage,  to a Ukrainian women and put away or sold off his virgin concubines and concubineage is still practiced under Shariah Law Muslims as well as adult and child slavery and sex slavery and child marriage.....thier is no age limit under Shariah Law for marriage and usually they usually wait to have sexuel intercourse until eight or nine as with Mohamed's six year old bride's case and Israel also had children my his two wive's concubines of which the twelve tribes came from and Abraham had a concubine named Hagar from which Ismael, the father of the Arab nations came from but  the line of heritage went through Abraham's wife Sarah through Issac as the son of his wife and not through the concubine Hagar and son  Ismael and that is just one of the ways things were usually done with various forms of concubinage and dependng on what nation or  culture one lived in and also if a wife could not produce an hier then the child of a concubine would do...King Solomen had 600 wives and 400 the West concubines are called mistresses, paramores or courtisens ...Abraham put away his concubine Hagar and son Ismael reluctantly under pressure of Sarah his legal wife but God blessed Ismael to be the father of many nations also...but the Abrahamic blessings to the whole world would come through Abrahama's son Isaac from which the Messiah would eventually come from the Son of God Jesus...disambiguation welcome...concubinage  is a very complicated subject and depending on what nation or culture practices it from Asia and  China  to the Middle East ....some concubines became great and powerful women especially when they produced the only hier of a rulers childless wife....The term pilegesh comes from a non-Hebrew, non-Semitic loanword deriving from the Greek word pallakis (Greek παλλακίς)[2][3][4] meaning a mistress staying in house; there is a common but unfounded view that it derives from the Aramaic phrase plag isha, meaning half-wife.[citation needed]

In contemporary Israeli Hebrew, the word "pilegesh" is often used as the equivalent of English "mistress"—i.e. the female partner in extramarital relations even when these relations have no legal "marriage" depending on the laws and customs of the land and various  cultures ...gravestones in pagan Rome states my concubine...even though Greeks and Romans only had one legal wife...concubine slave wives were common...and had rights of inheritage...and especially if and when one produces a only child or hier....Suleiman the Manigicent was the greatest of all Ottomen Kalifs and broke tradition of producing hiers to the dynasty by insuring hiers perpetually by producing them through concubine slaves instead of relaying on wives that sometimes did not produce hurts like in Europe and broke tradition by marrying one of his slave concubines a Ukrainian and daughter of an Orthodox Christian priest and dismissed all his virgin concubines for apparently true love and also had a dream that he must rebuild the walls of Jerusalem to this day seen and admired and like the King of Babylon Nebucadnezzer who converted to the God of Israel but could not change the minds of his subjects on Baal worship had to play alone with the game of the ruling majority and even though having absolute autocratic authority and only God yruely knows what is in a rulers heart and whether be a Muslim outwardly of a worshippers of the pagan Baal god of fertility to corrections..on the marriage he issue of the first European style of wedding rather then having a Haram to guarantee hiers and an unbroken dynasty ...

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fantasy part two of Peter Pan and Hook by Peter Romanowsky

Part two based on the movie Hook fanrady by Peter Romanowsky thegood Ship Galilee sailed through the emerald skies and over the torquise sea with Capatian Hooks evil ship following in hot persuit firing his bannobs in vain as Tinkerbell sprinkles flying fust on the cannon balls to make the fly up they began to approch the lost boys island around a kaleidoscope sunset ans still ahead of Hook and then Peter's ship landed in a hidden mangrove swamp amobg the twisted hidden trees...and Hook's ship landed near the golden strand beach in plain view for the night and Peter and the lost boys made thier way to thier tree forts  for the night high up in the canopies and out of reach of Hook's raiding party for the night be continued

Monday, January 16, 2017

Allegory of the rebuilding of the Sbip Mathew Turner

Originally story line Posted before January, 2012...the resurrection of the Tall ship Galilee originially built by Mathew Turner and is happening today....
An Allegory of life on the San Francisco Bay by Peter Romanowsky based on a sequel to the movie Hook!  ONE DAY, I came upon a movie named  "HOOK". A story about PETER PAN, after he finally grew up and forgot who he really was.    After Peter Pan came back to his world safely, from Captain Hooks clutches with his children. He became a better father and volunteered to work with kids. Especially his son as a Little League Base Ball Couch, and his daughter who plays Wendy in the local playhouse theater.
   He became a better attorney and a better and thoughtful person in general. To his wife as well as those under him in his corporate firm. He also became more concerned about the plight of the poor and under represented, more then worshiping his job and making money.
   So all was well with Peter Pan, now known again as Peter Banning. To his professional associates and friends, who had no idea where he really came from! Knowing only that he is now a successful attorney and a part of the world, (that he vowed as a youth that he would NEVER grow up and become a part of). But because he married Wendy's daughter, (Wendy) who had now grown and aged, not the daughter of course, she was the same age. For Wendy had grown old, along with everyone else, that Peter new in the real world.                                                                                                   One day a dark sinister occidental star had begun to raise again on the horizon, the Pirate Captain Hook had cut his way out of the stuffed alligator that swallowed him with his penknife. And now decided to follow Peter back fro Never-Never-Land, that he now occupied. He knew he had to destroy him, but how in a   modern technological world?
  He devised a plan, to disguise his black pirate ship as a classic yacht. Dress up his pirate crew and reveal himself again disguised as a successful corporate executive, or CORPORATE PIRATE to be more exact.
  He came one day to Peter's Law firm invited as a distinguished guest speaker, and swayed his associates to come aboard his mighty corporate machine. Which has been taking over the executive and classic yacht-racing horizon, like a dark cloud on a stormy sea.
  When Peter watching him realized who he was, that he was Hook in disguise, he wanted to cry out and expose him during his presentation. But then he realized that no one would believe him, AS HOOK WINKED AT HIM WITH HIS EYE. For he knew that would it be sear madness and would destroy HIS REPUTATION for sure, and possibly even open the door to lock him up for insanity.” Think of it", the president of his firm telling everyone that this is Captain Hook come back from Never Never-Land, and that he in truth was really Peter Pan who had now grown up!
  But now HOOK who was dressed to the hilt, swayed the board members like no corporate pirate had ever done before. His reputation that he accrued, before springing himself upon the corporate firm of Banning and Associates, was well thought out in advance. He had gained is reputation from representing an oil shipping firm, which had a history of cutting corners leaking problems, including a major oil spill on the North West Coast. Of which he blamed it on the mechanics that operated the ship, instead of the captain who was drunk in his bunk and not keeping watch with the helmsmen.
   But his main fame came from his reputation of having the fastest and most ruthless sailing yacht in the corporate world. With the meanest and most ruthless and cunning crew that the world had ever seen. The black pirate yacht named the "SKULL BONES".
   A motion was given and a vote was taken, and Captain Hook was made president of Peter's law firm. "That was it", Hook had convinced the other board members that his yacht would continue being the scourge of the corporate seven seas, and he had already proved in advance that no one could beat him or stand in his way. For he had black dark mystical powers and silver tongue with a gold saber to wave in the wind.
  Peter was devastated; he was wiped out in a moment, his whole life flashed before him as he reeled from the impact. Like a ship tossed in a heavy sea, under a giant swell. His wife could or would not comfort him, Hook had beaten him again. Proving that he was in the long run more clever and ruthless then even he could ever imagine.
    So Peter went down to the seashore near his home by the San Francisco Bay in a county called Marin, to a little bay side town called Sausalito across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. Where there he laid his head on an old anchor and chain, in a harbor that his firm once helped restore to it's rustic past. Where fishermen and old wooden boat tradesmen gathered, worked and passed on the ancient dying art of wooden boat building by hand.
  All of A SUDDEN HE HEARD SOME Familiar Voices. He could hardly believe his ears, it sounded like the "Lost Boys" singing sea shanty's as they worked. He turned and there, they were. Dressed in working waterfront mariner s clothing, with tools in their hand, like they had a plan. For Tinker Bell had heard of the evil plans of Captain James Hook, while she was stealing some jam from the captain’s table. She had gathered together all the Lost Boys from Never-Land, to awaken them to THE PLAN. To restore the ancient ship called Galilee, after which the harbor was so named. For she was a mighty Windjammer that CROSSED the Seven Heavenly Seas. With record-breaking stealth and speed. She rounded the Horn so gracefully through mighty tossed and stormy seas, and then sailed into this historic harbor, to rest upon her lee-side.
    But now with the help of the Lost Boys and Tinker Bell, the boat was to be refurbished, cleaned and outfitted with new rigging. To fight against the evil trade winds of the vessel called "Skull Bones", and to shame Captain Hook and his crew. With the good ship Galilee restored and renewed, Captain Hook will not have a prayer unless his rigging and outfitting is squared, and his dark hart is right with his maker.
  Peter was astonished, amazed and in great awe that friendship and fellowship had followed him thus far. With toil and vigor they all dressed the sails, working and squaring all the rigging and stays and turnbuckles. They new they could beat Old Captain Hook and restore Never Land’s good name. They knew they could shame and disgrace him and bring Peter home again. The harbor was indebted to Banning's company so deep, that all the maritime workers would pitch in and keep, the ship from failing, flailing and floundering in the on coming waves so steep, so all the world will wonder again, at the ship called GALILEE.
   Onward went Hook with his new position of power, which he had usurped his archenemy Peter Pan to this very hour. He thought there would be nothing that he could not do, to conquer and conquest the New World he, now knew. With ruthless abandon he absorbed and he merged, corporations together with one final aim. To consolidate his power and glory and ruthless evil ways, to influence the children to always misbehave. By confusing and defusing and fighting for the wrong, he felt that Peter would never be able to come back to fight for his home. Among his friends, acquaintances, family, and children, all have been lost, to fight for his freedom no matter the coast.
      Meanwhile Hook had moved into his new corporate mansion, on top of the highest hill on the richest island in California, Belvedere. With a spectacular view of the San Francisco Bay, with the city bright and glowing before him, and the little town of Sausalito to his right.
Where Peter now lived in outward abject poverty and resourcefulness, with the floating community that he now called his home. But slowly and surely Peter worked on his plan, to conquer their unconquerable with only his hands. Recycling and praying and working with wood, he stopped every leak of the rustic square-rigger, together with the lost Boys and the workers of old, they began to tread water out of the abandoned and thought to be obsolete ships of delivery, in this Liberty Ship way.
     The ways of deliverance were carving the deadeye stays, with standing and running the rigging was twined. The shackles and turnbuckles were added for strength; with line upon line the rigging was complete. With Tinker bell on head mast to lighten the way for other ships to see, they slipped out for maneuvers while Hook was out to play with a socialite named Helmsley who had captured his heart with all her millions in oil  (polluting) industry, which he also represented in state and federal government class action suits for her families company, environmental disasters. Hook also busied himself in the politics also that Peter had plans to enter in before he was voted off the presidency, of the board and forced into exile.  Not even being able to care for his bring his wife and children. But Hook cared not as to what sorrow of heart he could bring, because that was his plan all along. But also the added excitement of a political career where he could take his message of ruthless behavior to all the world was at hand. For Peter had done all the groundwork and his former secretary was now in the lap of Captain Hook.
       Meanwhile the sun kept raising and the sun kept setting on the little town of Sausalito with it's vistas and panamas of redwood tree lined mountain ridges and cold brilliant green and blue waters dancing to all the colors of the bright red, purple, pink and crimson horizons, that the rainbow filled white clouded skies could rain upon a human being.
        The lost boys worked, Peter hammered and Tinker bell polished all the fine details as supervisor. Captain Hook kept up his legal and political career as an elected local Supervisor and Chairmen of the Board. Never once noticing the enameled green polished work of classic wood that was being transformed before his very eyes, and under his nose. Until a couple who inhabited the same harbor named Buttons and Bows, established themselves as an theatrical trope and began rubbing their shoulders with Hook's company, and festive balls and wine tasting consorts. Buttons and bow tie were more and more getting involved with the politics of Hook and forgetting the poverty and the people from whence they came from and said they would help. This became a great concern to the working waterfront mariners, lost boys and Tinker bell and Peter. They began to set watches least the secrets of the ship Galilee be revealed to Hook and his crew by a slip of a sip of champagne and wine.
     Slowly the days were approaching for the final preparations and show down challenge to Hook's pirate yacht and fantasies of becoming President of the United States someday.
     Then came the time for the Ship Galilee to be hauled out beached and re-fitted for the final challenge. The Paint was scraped, brass polished, varnish applied, standing and running rigging replaced lines, servile shackles and dead eyes all double checked, then bottom painted with racing water line and finally blocks and chalks removed and skids greased, to let the graceful ship slid back into the blessed waters from which she was plucked. The challenge was about to be made, as a surprise, but buttons and bow ties (now black ties) were about to spill the beans, and warn Hook of the pending challenge, and the work the lost boys had done, to better equip the ship. Tinker bell raced ahead when she got wind of the scheme and tried to head them off. But to now avail for just when she reached Napa County and the local political wine tasting celebration, where now black ties, betrayed the secrete.
     Immediately Hook rushed out of the political event and gathered his pirate crew to attempt to sabotage the ship Galilee while she was quietly resting in haven. Into the skiffs they jumped and rowed with all there might in the dark, to gauge out the cotton chalking from the rustic seems and let the boat list until it sank.
But before he could carry out his plan, one of the lost boys spotted their strange-silhouetted skiffs in the dark and sounded the alarm. Down went Hook and his men in their leading skiff when a boat hook point was thrust through the bow in gushed the sea. Cursing Hook swam to the other boats and was pulled in soaking wet with all his fine red silk clothes and cursing the day that the lost boys and Peter Pan was born. Then firing his rustic 50mm odd flare pistol and lit the rigging on fire, with it's classic tar cover shrouds.
      Fighting frantically to put out the flames the lost boys, lost sight of Hook and his pirate crew in an on coming fog bank. Meanwhile Buttons and Bow tie (black tie) had no remorse for the slip of the lip and continued to practice their theatrics, instead of doing the real work that needed to be done around the harbor. Which can only exist if the people that live on their boats make their living from the sea. But theater and show has always been the easiest way to escape into   illusion (with smoke and mirrors) and place people into a dream world, not of this earth. Then have to face the harsh reality of working with ones owns hands, and getting down and grity with the people of the earth.  …To be continued
Seqeul development concept script, for the move Hook II
Script rough draft part two sequel to movie Hook! After Captain Hook's men fail to destroy Peter Banning's and Lost Boys ship, The Gallilee. The yacht race is about to commence, without further incident , except Hook and his.crew, smuggel cannons on to his ship to blow the ship Gallilee out of the water, should he begin to lose the race. As the race begins with the roar of shore cannons, two s...hips depart, Hook's pirate ship, disguised has his corporate yacht and the restored and rebuilt ship The Gallilee, from the.mudflats of Sausalito! As the ships depart the Tiburon Cove, seagulls screamiing and crying, the afternnon winds blowing , from the deep blue sea breeze, cutting.through the deep green San Francisco bay, a pot of passing wales blow their spouts as thy passed by in the deep channel, that used to be the ancient Sacramento river bed, passong between Angel Island and Belvedere Islands, the land marks on Francis Drake's Chaplin's map! The tide was in ebb , the warm wind of a distant hurricane, in the distant Pacific horizon, creates excitment, on the good ship Galillee, as the Lost Boys, are used to living semi outdoors, the warm wind, takes the cill frpm the be continued as I continue writing this rough script and draft to the movie Hook , the Sequel. Google Sequel Hook by Peter Romanowsky, for a draft, of part one, of the sequel concept, with Americas Cup, starting trials, at the end of this year, this is an appropriate, time to begin writing again. I thought I saw.Robin Williams again and called ouy to him again on his bile, that I habe, the sequel to Hook! (via Peter Romanowsky                                                                   While the two ships sailed side by side, through Racoon Straits, or the straits of, Sir Francis Drake, the most famous pirate, that ever lived! So named by modern historian, me!
The crew of Captian James T Hook's pirate ship, disguised as a corporate yacht, who's plans, after beating, the good ship Galillee and Peter Pan Banning,... now grown up and use
usurpted from his position, family and ambitions, by the revenful Hook! disguised, as a corporate, raider, pirate and plans, to take the Americas Cup, after defeating, or destroying, Peter! The curses, words and sword waving, between the two ships, sailing side by side, were enough to peal the paint and barnaculs, off the Flyiing Duchmen, no people on land, can hear, under, invent, curses, like a sailor, they seem to have invented, the art. When one is in a storm, fighting, for your life, there is little time, to speak, the kings english, especially, when there are no women, or children, aboard!
As they sailed past Sausalito, the last town, before being sucked out to sea, through the Golden Gate, the gateway, to the gold fields, of California, Peter Bailey, who help restore he ship Galillee, with the Lost Boys, waved good bye and God speed!
Under and through the Golden Gate, they sailed still tied, while sea lions leaped and splashed, breaching, like whales, while Great White sharks, kept their distance, lurking between the Golden Gate and distant Farllon Islands, where Drake collected eggs, for his crew, from the millions, of birds, that used to nest there and tens of thousands, still do! ...
To be continued, pray that Robin Williams, fully recover, from his heart condition , he must be doing well, he likes to ride his bike, in Sausalito and I see him now and then in passing, his agency won't let him except, unsolicited scripts, but his boss, Ford Copella, excepted my script concept, on cassette tape, made me promise, not to sue him! This is the extended, version, in process. Google A Allegory of life, by Peter Romanowsky, for thumb nail, of part one, love! (via Peter Romanowsky)

   ..continuation of online, live seqel concept/script for movie Hook! By Peter Romanovsky As he two dhips lurched forewards, tacking against the wind at forty five degrees ! Green water poured over the blue sea and white spray, turning into bursts of rainbow , fans forming over every bow wave, splashing and clapping against the port side of the mighty, foaming, lurchings ships, into destiny, roun...ding the Farllon Island, destination, turning around, towards, San Franciso! Is the plan, but Hook had another plan, he would wait till reaching, the fog bank and at close quarters, blow Peter Pan and the lost boys, out of the water, efore, losing this race, and the time has come, the silent witness, coup
ld only watch , the Blue whales , Humpbacks, Greys and the towering dorsel finn, of a Killer Whale, that stood, so high, that it hung down, at the top, like a hook! As Peter 's boat, a ship length ahead of Hook's pirate yacht, the time was rip, to enter into he fog bank and finnish the race then; before Peter's lighter ship, catches the westerly wind back, with more top sail, stowed, then Hook! be continued search peteromanowsky.blogspot, for earlier posts..the rug ties the room together, The Dude!

what if PeterPan grew up....sequel to the movie "Hook"! continued by Peter Falkner the two majestic ships, plowed the waters upwind towards the West, waiting to round The Farllon Islands, off San Francisco, with whales spouting, Greys, Blues, Humpbacks and Killer whales, waiting for an Elephant Seal, to surface, before a Great White shark, devoures it! Eyeing.the two ships racing... woth fury towards the steel-grey blue fog bank, moving in from over the horizon, the brilliant orange, red ball. Lighting the horzon, with dazzilng blue and piurple white cloud filled sky, like a dream color everywhere, as they head, into the fog bank past crying seagulls, puffins, pearched on the volanic rocks, with countless migrating, birds. Hook primed his canon, to sink, Peter's boat lost boys amf tinkerbell, under the cover of the fog l, them blam, an ear piercing sound thundered, and the cannon ball missed, as a wave, lifted, Hook's ship! Then another thunder rolled, but this time, Tinlernell, sprinkeled, fairy dust, in path, of the cannon ball, the dust made the ball go straight, up, like flying! Next Hook primed, for a third strick, but Tinkerbell sprinkled dust on Peter's boat, and it lifted up and began to sail, through, the air! As Hook saw, The Galilee, begin to fly, he used his black magic to lift his boat, out of the water, in persuit, towards Neverland, up through, the now pink skies, and the beginning of the setting sun, they flew, like, in a dream, stars, starting to twinkle, with a rainbow, around the sun, with Hook, in nightmarish, evil be continued by Peter Romanowsky

Friday, January 13, 2017

Peter Romanowsky Testimoney of Jesus Christ


My journey in this ERA OF REVIVAL among the COUNTER CULTURE HIPPIES and STUDENT RADICALS began on a lonely Highway called # 1 on the coast of beautiful Monterrey County in the middle of my darkest night.

I was trying to chase down one of my younger brothers, who had just stolen some property from a motor cycle bandit, and almost had my friend blugened in the cyclists rage. I wanted to get some of what he stole as some kind of compensation for the trouble that he had caused. I took an over the counter medicine to help me stay awake, as I hitchhiked down Highway 101 that night from the San Francisco Bay. I got a ride to Highway #1 in the darkest and most desolate place on the freeway in Salinas Valley that one could imagine. I just looked at my shadow in the moon light and wondered where I was going, and how was I to get there. I was picked up all of a sudden in the middle of the night and dropped off on an equally desolate appearing curve in the rode on Highway # 1.In Monterrey County in the middle of what appeared to be no where, in the dark.

I went down to the beach that night and pulled my little pocket knife out and stuck it into the sand next to me in case some maniac tried to attack me. I feel asleep in a fitful night made up of cold and shear blackness. I had imaginations of multi- colored beasts coming out of the ocean surf and swallowing me up, or dragging me out to sea. It was a horrible black and cold night, with just a light jacket to try and keep me warm, which didn't happen.

THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN IT WAS DAY I woke up to see a black robed priest walking along an incredibly white sanded beach with a beautiful little chapel perched on it. I wasn't dreaming I was actually seeing this with my own eyes. little did I know that I had spent the night on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It was so dark that I couldn't see it. I woke myself up and shuttered towards the green Monterrey Pine treed Highway. I stuck my thumb out and cursed in my heart the long haired hippie types of people that past me, just the like straight squares that they were all suppose to be so different from. Years later a friend of mine told me that being HIP is just short for being a HYPOCRITE. But here I was now thoroughly DISILLUSIONED by the lack of brotherly love among the so seemingly, brotherhood of the PEACE AND LOVE GENERATION. It was the year of the climax of the SIXTIES generation,THE SUMMER OF LOVE,it was all downhill from there.

As I stood there hoping in my heart that someone would take pity , and pick me up so that I could shake off the early morning cold all of a sudden stopped and gave me a ride some miles down the road, then dropped me off in another deserted area on the side of a cliff over looking the Pacific Ocean. As I stood there at first disturbed that I didn't get a longer ride, I began to realize the beauty of the place I was in. It was still somewhere in mid morning and the sun began to warm my skin through my light jacket and clothes. I looked out over the ocean (deserted as I felt), yet awed at the SERENITY and BLUE GREEN TRANSFIXED VISION of the place I was in. Along with the clear sweet air and brown dirt I stood there soaking in the beauty and serenity. I thought to myself that in spite of my cold night and present hunger, that I am in one of the most beautiful spots in the world. While I was absorbing mountains to my right and the translucent oil painting like ocean to my left and feeling an unusual peace, all of a sudden a large late model Oldsmobile pulled off the road in front of me, and stopped. A kind gentle man in travel leisure clothes said "where are you going". I said to Los Angeles and he responded by saying "come in I'm going there to". I couldn't believe it, here was a strait looking man in the most strait looking car that you could ever imagine stopping and giving me a lift, after so many long haired or supposedly hip people passed me by. I was thoroughly disillusioned with the so called LOVE AND PEACE GENERATION that I was ready for a change, and GOD KNEW IT. This kind and gentle man somewhere in his fifties or sixties and healthily feed, introduced himself as a Christian and began to share with me things that I never expected. He started by telling me about the LOVE OF JESUS and though I was bewildered I listened because he stopped and I was in a warm beautiful car, on the road again. He told me of his wife who has passed away a little earlier and how he is looking foreword to being with her in HEAVEN WITH JESUS. I was polite and listened, even though I had never heard any one talk so assuredly about HEAVEN and that he new he was on his way there. The things that struck me the most was his AURA THAT SEEMED TO BE AROUND HIM, FILLED WITH THE LOVE OF JESUS. I NEVER FELT SUCH LOVE COMING FROM ANYONE in my life as he spoke about GOD. For the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I FELT LIKE GOD LOVED ME.

Not long after the gentlemen me up near the beginning of the most beautiful setting of land meeting ocean possibly in the world. We came to a stunning sea cliff side restaurant Coffee Shop on the most gentle area of exquisite beauty, near San Simeon and Hearst Castle. He asked me If I was hungry and I was stunned to find that he offered to buy me breakfast. I thought I was in Heaven, to use a figure of speech. The Sixties and the world had been so cruel towards the end 1967 that I just leaped in my heart to be sitting at a table in the morning with a view. I ate and drank every word he said, because he backed what he was saying by love and action. He took me next through San Louis Obispo, where he was so in the Spirit telling me about the love of Jesus, and how he was going to see his wife one day in Heaven, that Satan got into a man in front of him who slammed on his brakes and we gently hit him from behind. it was all so good, the gentlemen didn't even flinch, nor was upset, no bad works, not even a darn. He just simply got out of the car and exchanged license, insurance and registration with the owner of the other vehicle and we were on our way again. The gentlemen drove me right to the front door of my father and mothers home in Encino California. but I was ashamed of the place they were living in for some reason at the time, and asked to be let out next door. Then climbed the neighbors fence and went into my mothers home, with the gentlemen right behind me. Somehow the Lord showed him the house that I really went to, how I'm not sure, but the Lord wasn't going to let go of me that easy, especially since the kind man had invested so much time witnessing to me. He talked with my mother a great deal, they shared their faith with each other and my mother was so thankful to God and the gentlemen. Because she hadn't heard from me for over a year of more and had been praying to God that I would come back home safely, and saved.

My mother then took me to a doctor, who told her that I could only have six months to live, the way my life was going. Because I had come down with Hepatitis Type A twice, and I was only 19 years old. Unless I stopped taking drugs, pills and changed my lifestyle in general. She also took me to Angeles Temple in downtown Los Angeles, where a little known piano player and singer named Andre' Crouch was performing during a prayer service. A black women got up and began giving a testimony like I had never heard before, about needing rent money, then after prayer when she opened the door of her apartment, the money was there somehow. I had never heard such singing, music shouting, praying and preaching in my life. I was raised a Catholic and that was all that I really know about formal Christianity before. Now I was in an old fashion Pentecostal Revival Prayer Fellowship Meeting. I was stunned again, God was truly reaching out to me in ways that i had never experienced. I was unsure of the whole process at the time, the meeting with it's beautiful black housewife looking preacher giving her testimony and all. But I was impressed enough to let some of the elders or members of the special meeting to pray for me. As they started praying they started shouting and crying out to the Lord all at once, a whole handful of them laying hands on me while my head was bowed. I was startled, dazed, confused, but kept letting them pray. I started getting warm, uncomfortable and started towards the door after they were through. I thought I needed to get out and get some air, I was so bewildered and dazed with the spectacle that I decided without any guilt from anyone, to reach into my pocket and throw my cigarettes away.

I was wondering what to do next, the Shrine Auditorium was so full that the fire department had closed the doors, because it had reached its capacity. Inside moving among some seven thousand people, was the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ,He was healing many of them. I had just hitchhiked with my future wife, Becky Kettenhofen from the San Francisco Bay Area, all the way to L.A. to attend this Miracle Service, and to visit my parents Ritva and Arkady Romanowsky. The woman of God who was conducting the service was named Kathryn Kuhlman, she was a tall red-haired, white skinned, a beautiful woman, well on in her years. While I was listening to the music on the external loud speakers in front of the Shrine, a tremendous presence came into me, rushing suddenly like a spiritual wind into my heart and my mind. It felt exactly as though a channel of wind split in two, and parted half into my mind, and half into my heart. I never before had such an experience, nor have I experienced anything to this degree since, only various degrees, because, this was the NEW BIRTH that I later would learn, was foretold in the BIBLE. Truly, it can be said, that this is the MOTHER OF ALL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES, because it deals with the initial SALVATION of ones SOUL. Hallelujah and GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY, may HE SHAKE EARTH with HIS GLORY, amen.

Hallelujah! after the HOLY SPIRIT came into my heart and mind, I was stunned, amazed, I had never experienced anything like this before in my life. I was walking on air, clouds,IN HEAVEN. Even though my initial reaction was fear, that was losing my mind. Every time an angel appeared to someone in the Bible, the first thing the angel would have to say is 'FEAR NOT'.Because most people do not experience things of this supernatural nature every day. In a split second, in a moment, after I felt this WIND THAT SEEMED TO GO RIGHT THROUGH ME, into my mind, into my heart, I thought I was losing my mind. I pictured myself being carried away in an ambulance, in front of the Shrine Auditorium, in Los Angeles. Then I realized, that this wasn't some kind of horrible major flash back from the sixties, it was something different, something I never felt before, real inner peace in my mind, real joy in my heart. Even thought the initial SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCE was so awesome a feeling. After walking in a SUPERNATURAL DAZE, IN FRONT OF THE SHRINE, I felt exactly like one would feel, I imagine, when one dies, and goes to Heaven. There was no sense of fear or guilt before God. It was though I had never sinned, nothing stood between me and my Creator. No sense of guilt or shame. After what seemed like hours, days, an eternity, I began to come back on my feet to the ground. I was stunned amazed no one had ever told me of such an experience to be had, except by saints and a saint I wasn't, or certainly didn't feel like one before. In fact, I was a sinner and had to come to that conclusion, that I couldn't save myself, by being good in my own power.

I don't remember anyone telling me of such an experience, 'HEAVEN ON EARTH'. I thought all I would have to do is describe it to anyone that would listen, and they would instantly believe. I turned to me future wife Becky, but she was literally in a corner at the Shrine, and was just shaking her head, in disbelief. She later said that I completely changed,to the point that she didn't even know me any more. I was that changed, I shaved my head when a barber gave me a fifties style haircut, I read the Bible constantly. I was in meetings all the time, she was very tolerant, but had a sad experience in the formal church where she attended Sunday school. She started crying when she looked around one Sunday morning, and no one seemed to be taking the gospel seriously, so she drifted away, til I meet her in a commune in 1966. But now things have changed, I was the one on fire for The Lord, jumping up and down on the couch, sometimes with joy, sometimes with frustration, why couldn't she see. Later on in a Christian Coffee House called the Crown of Life, in Mill Valley Calif. at the Assembly of God Church. She was born again. But now, I was a new creation, heaven came down to my heart, I was walking on air, I had a mission. I felt, from the day I was born again, that I had to tell somebody, somebody, anyone, that would listen. I have been doing that, to this day, with brief interruptions. From that day on,I knew what I had to do, the ministry, was my calling. After their initial new birth experience, we were going home to the San Fernando Valley in the suburbs of Los Angeles, where my mother and father lived, and while traveling up the Hollywood Freeway, I began to wonder if I could have experienced this through Buddha,or some other way, JUST THEN the CROSS on the HOLLYWOOD FREEWAY APPEARED IN MY VIEW.


The cross began to burn with love into my heart again, like the feeling I had in front of the Shrine Auditorium, the love I felt was indescribable, the joy I felt was out of the world, beyond anything I ever experienced before, these were the feelings, the experiences, the facts, in front of the Shrine, and before the cross. This settled my doubts forever, that Jesus was the only way, to experience this NEW BIRTH. People may have other names for HIM in other lands a cultures, but they better have the person right, of they will not experience this SALVATION. There is only one way to the FATHER through the HOLY SPIRIT, no matter the up bringing, culture, geography, name you use, it better spell JESUS, SALVATION, SAVIOR, because that's what HIS NAME MEANS in the ORIGINAL HEBREW. After that experience never again have I had any serious doubt that Jesus is the FIRST BORN from the dead, the CO- CREATOR with the FATHER and the only one that ultimately can bring one to the throne room of GOD. It's not to say that there are not other prophets and holy men on earth past and present, but I am testifying that JESUS is the ONLY WAY that I could have been brought to the THRONE ROOM. Upon returning home, life was different from then on, people, my friends, began to quiz me and even ridicule me testing me to see if I would break. but I didn't, they did, one after the other, they came to me in the night to really talk to me about what happened. Though before, in the day, they mocked me. Yes you will be mocked also and tested, when you believe to the point of the NEW BIRTH in God in Christ by His Spirit, but withstand the test, complete your trial, for in doing so, you will be like the angels, saints, most holy.


upon returning home, as I shared already, my friends tested and taunted me. But the final show down was like this. All were gathered together one day in the commune I lived in. Since my future wife and I were the only ones paying rent. i had to give my best friends their ultimatum. They had to leave the house. One by one after a very dramatic scene, they walked out the front door. The last thing my ex-former girlfriend Sally said, was that I didn't have a friend in the world. She was right, the world walked out my front door. I locked the door, and for the first time, in the history of the commune, there was no traffic. I only person of note that was not there, was my old best friend Wes Holk who was in Viet Nam. He came home later, a changed person, but not ready yet to receive Christ as Lord, like my friends before him, he tested me. But later like the rest, he came to me in the night, to ask me if It was really true. Yes there is a price to pay to commit your life to Jesus Christ. But remember, He paid it for you in advance and all you have to do is receive and believe, separate yourself in your heart from the things of this world that you know are harmful and He will give you the strength to walk away from those things. That's all I asked of God that He would give me the power to walk away from my sins. He did with the NEW BIRTH which I wasn't even expecting. I just wanted the inner strength to be whole. I literally asked God to give me something better then I already had and I would follow, very simple.


After my best friends all left me I locked the door of the commune I was living in and found for the first time that I had my own home. My future wife and I shared this house and began attending First Baptist Church of Sausalito. After a few months I began to wonder if I was married before God and man. In my mind I felt committed and married yet my heart was bothering me. It was the sixties, I had asked Becky to marry me and was committed all the way, but she felt that her father would have a heart attack (to use a figure of speech) so we never got formally married. We both felt that true love was more important then just a piece of paper. But my heart was still nagging me. So one night when I asked the Lord to show me if I was really married or not, the words fornication moved across my vision like a moving sign. I knew then, that I was not married, the Lord showed me without condemnation. He had already excepted me as I was, now He was cleaning me. You have to catch a fish first, before you can clean it an old timer said years later.We continued living in the house together, but in separate rooms. The next few months were wondrous, joyous filled with personal victories. God saw me thorough the good times and the bad. The bad times were far and few the good times seemed to last forever. I couldn't hardly wait to wake up in the morning to see what God had in store for me today. Those early days were wondrous and glorious, 'before ye pray, I will answer' so the good book teaches and so was the wondrous experiences of the early days. Like a child, God provided for in marvelous ways, by answering the earliest prayers. For instance when a dog would be barking it's head off with saliva flying from it's mouth, with only a fence to protect me, " a wire one at that", God would silence the raging beast in an instance by His angel's, least I have my peace disturbed.



Urban mining Salvaging and recycling by Peter Romanowsky

After a devestationg divorce and loss of family and home in 1984, the week or month the Nightmare on Elm St came out with Jobnny Depp and of course I lived on Elm Syreet and was give 48 hours to Leave my home and family and booms and only able to take my personal effects and a Nomad trailer that 1 planbed to use to go on a marriage counceling vacation in at the encouragement of my wife and little did I know the conspiricy of my inlaws to have me removed from the family ficture unless I submitted to the family plan which did not include my conservative Christhian views, needless to say I was devestated and in my mid thirties abd thought that I had finally arrived at a place of rest and detirment with out best joint intocome since our martiage and two bar garage and two room guest house and three healtby children but how wkrong I was. No obe could touch me beibg and having a history as a minister and being a respectable part of my larger family. But how wrong I was, I had no one one standing with me in the end and that is how life gkes when you are alm alone and have to start a over sgain all alone. My first order of busines now was pure mental, emotional and physical survival, I was given up yk seventy four hours tp leave my home and fsmily after skxteen years of marriage and I had given up a higher education in the secular world and developed no trade to fall back on except my natural l gift of mechanics,  but haven't worked as one since a teen apprentice but I also devolped a talent for property management and rental from using our large home and mini estate first as a Christian Disciple House and then eventually into rental property by renting out rooms.

    But for now my immediate need is to nos only brace for the divorce and it's fall  outs but to brace myself for winter as this divorce happened on Thanksgivings Eve and winter is approaching and all I cpuld think of is a place to stay warm, for my trailer had no adequate heat but I had no place to park it so I started heading for Florida to wait out the winter and I left on Thanksgiving Eve and my first stop over, over the cold cruel winter desert and stopped along the way with the laxt homeless person and friend that was witb me that I was helping and my only companion. We are a Turkey dinner in a proverbial greasy spoon truck stop style roadside resyeraunt, clean and quaint but but brutally iconic and ironic. The desert is really cold at night and especially in the winter and looks as bleak as he, in the cold. But somewhere the sun had to shine eventially that cold and dark Thanksgiving  night and the Sun did finally shine in Los Vagus and even tbough we got thier that in the day towards evening and found my old Christian friend and brother in Christ, Larry Smith. Now Larry Smith tried to warn me in tears of what was about to happen to me but I could not see it at the time, all looked so well and everything seemed fine and prophetous and happy and bright for the future and making plans to go back to Israel with my family and spend some time there as missionaries as a family and live and rent a flat in Bethlehelm and even my mother inlaw thought that it would be a good idea to go somewhere for a while in  Hawaii, where she was married, etc.

Salvage and Recycling history

Feeling better the sun is out and no wind or rain the cronic pain in my left lung from some kind of cold sore travelling virus is to cronic back pain so I sip fortified alchole energy drink on and off..all the day and nightlong and never get drunk...I estimate I rode my bicycle the equivolent for seven times around the world and mostly carrying recycles of glass bottles in gunny sacks of up to fifty pounds on bike as qell as usual aluminum cans and every short of recycera ble inmagibable...including cat batteries and 100 pound marine batteries...I used to check and recycle 35 dumpsters twice  a day ...that is 70 dumpsters collectong ass, aluminun and metadl to recycle and food and clothes and evetyday items oc need lf leu of cash...

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Chaplins Log 1/11/17 by Peter Romanowsky San Francisco Bay

Chaplins Log of San Francisco Bay 1/11/17  Imagine this all you Caucasian and Nordic European haters who believe North America was simply stolen from the native Americas and Mexicans and Spanish who where already there and reaching up to Florida and in the West the Spanish Mediteranians until Nordic Francis Drake landed in San Francisco Bay ahead of the Spanish according to our local Native Americans and Drake built the first Nordic defence wall in all North America and a Fort of fortified wall before Jamestown of the Pilgrims while tbe Mediteranians alreadiy had Mexico and Peru and just a matter oc time before they toom Utah, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and extended tbier influence all the way to the Great Lakes along with the French also eventually extending through out the Mid West and while little England establishing themselves on tbe East Coast and buying and eventually fighting thier way West Ward against what was call a part of New Spain   and the European powers from Canada to New Spain all struggling over this newly discovered Continent and migration which ultimately was part of manifest destiny and demographic evolutipn of the greatest powers and forces of eartb except for China whose ancestors so yo speak had already migrated North through the land bridge and apperantly North European tribes also duronv the ice age and ancient mariners from the South Pacific to at least South America and come migration in amcient history to South America also and eventuay all tbeze migrating tribles from the East and the West settling into North and South American continent...some tribles being sttonger and growing faster then others and needing space and a eventuallly in the end escaping from Muslim violence and expansion and slavery ...from the Old World and after being expelled from Spain in the West and the fall of Constantinople and much of East Europe to the Ottoman Muslims and eventually stopped in the Phillipeans after the Spanish  crossing the Pacific to stop their expantion from one end of the world to the other and so the Spanish did...and to tbis world and Continent did the Nordic, Caucasians step in finnaly in aittle ace called Plymouth Rock...and make a pack with the Native Americas, before the mercenaries came in later...after the missionaries...and if the Christians from the West did not come here first after expelling the Muslims from France and Spain, then the Muslims would have reach the Bew World...even before the Christians and for they were already, in the Phillipeans and I thank God that not a Muslim Nation made it to the New World...then the Native Americans would really have been howling..unapologetic thoughts, teachings, machinations and free style writings  of Privateer Chaplin of San Francisco Bay who has no land holdings in the New World and lives on the waters...and is the preverbial Hermit of San Francisco Bay...Peter Romanowsky C.E.O. of the New Covenant Evangelist Association, Inc. a 501c3 non profit orginization abd Senior Pastor of our Waterfront  Community Church in Sausalito and donations can be made through PayPay 415 347 0734 or or The New Covenant Evangelistic Association, Inc. P.O. Box 1591 Sausalito, Ca. 94966 and thank you for your support in feeding the poor and unemployed and both physically and our churcb meeting room rent at the Edgewater Room Sundays at 12:00 noon every Sunday for four hours at $28.00 an hour plus food and drink wbich is another bundred a week...

Privateer Chaplin of San Francisco Bay

Chaplin's Log 1/11/17 of San Francisco Bay...With over two million Hindus in America and some  millions of Buddists and both of all thier pseudo followers or members as well as Jews are not terrorists or do terrorists acts being attributed to them and only by sympathizers or followers of Mohamedism being the perpetrators of such acts, proves that Islam is the Anti Christian and Jew by name,  as a religion of the Devil and not of Gabriel the Angel and Mohamed and the false gospel and narrative of the Devil in writing of the most unholy Quran and its s historically murderous leadership over it's forced by the sword and and taxes and starvation into conversion,  into the house of the Devil Islam and Oobama and his followers taboot...Privateer Chaplin of San Francisco Bay...C.E.O. of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association, Inc. And send your support of preaching the fearless true visa via PayPal by downloading the app...a 601C3 non profit orginization...

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Part Two of Obama Speech by Peter Romanowsky

Part two of a Privateers view of Obama's Parthian Shot Speech 1/10/17...It made me sick to listen too, it was the same speech that I heard Jim Jones the Rainbow Gay terrorist of Guyana...that I heard in San Francisco that all the aids infected Gays and Democrate politicians...bowed too at his he put the Mayor into office Moscone with his army of uneducated and illiterate black supporters and then was appointed head of the Housing Administration..while railing against Christian Conservatives and the promote the rule of the face of God...the only thing missing in Obama's more refined speech ...was the periodic outbursts of the words "I'm God" ..."I'm God I Say"...and the people bowed and raged to him...nothing has changed...things have just gotton, more slick...with the devil...Obama...but thier ends will come...we are in charge now...that tables have turned...and they will be in jail...if to speak...and the Republicans stay...united...Privateer Chaplin Peter Romanowsky...beholding to no man...and don't drink the Aids infected Cool Aid...for Obama is not finnished yet...for the devil...still has more plans for the Devil appearing to give him all those suger coated as I say Mohamed might say...die in Jihad...but not for me...I live another day...Haddith...the Life and Times of Mohamed...pharaphrased...

Monday, January 9, 2017

Chapils Log 1/9/17 San Francisco Bay by Peter Romanowsky

Chaplins Log Privateers of San Francisco Bay....If your a middle or upper class Playboy or Gay and contract a social per existing disease like Aids and cant get Cadillac heath insurance there is always the option of pleading poverty and living in the cibdition your in instead of putting your playboy lifestyle on everyone else...everyone one on the poverty or low income  level has free health insurance....PS we only take ships that are in need of rescue and expect to be paid for sa lvage rights...if something looks questionable and everything is fifty/fifty, we takes the booty...if we need it...for we give ourselves the benifit of the doubt...for simply survivals sake and not for partying and lust ...and are in our waters now...keep your ship sea worthy and your bulges pumped and your anchors deep and your anchor lines maintained of you will be a navigation hazard and may have your ship cut loose if draghing into another...during a storm...and it becomes salvage...if further untended...survival on the water is like nothing on earth...its like mountain serious mistake or slip and one may be in the waters so cold that one can short time from hypothermia...send ypur support by downloading PayPay App for our non profit Waterfront Sausalito Church through telepne number 415 347 0734 or sponsored by the New Covenant Evangelsitic Association, Inc.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Chaplins Log Peter Romanowsky

Stranded on my boat and roding put the wind and the rain...eight bells and all is well...down to the basics...votka insteay of rum...warm doggie in bed with me...recovering slowly from the flu...had a miserable the rocking and wind and rain and was worse today...neigbors motor boat sank...behind thier sailboat...pumped my will sleep better tonight...rain forecasted for  days...looking for break in the wind get supplies from shore...out of beer...out of protien meat...cleaned up doggie oder from pee...can't have her on deck in in the storms...tested to my limits...calmer waters in my head at this time and moment...tempted to curse those who helped put me in my isolated and cold situation...but them when I begin to hate..even over little my past upsets my peace...wisdom is justified by it's childrem...Jesus of Nazareth...still I reserve the right to curse the devil and those who have unrepentadly ...done his bidding...vengence belongs to me ...saith the the scriptures...if I take vengence on my percieved enemies...I will be stealing from God...the Hermit of San Francisco Bay and Privateer Chaplin...of  all self employed mariners and waterfront peoples...who are treated like pirates...amd svum of yhe earth and floating floatsom and jetsom... Peter Romanowsky and Diamond "Sea Dog" of Sausalito...thier is no room for fear during a storm or on the waves...but viligence...and that when to tired to stay up to be viligent...when this ate falling all around you in the rocking and nauseating waves...on can only lay one dpwn to sleep and pray...that one has not been...blown away in ones has happened to me more then once...but I have always woken up in a safe spite of failed...or dragging ...anchors...sometimes the cold is so  bitter ...that ones lips feel that theu just have to curse someone...without dwelling on primary curses are the Devil...who temps blame he did im the Garden of Adam and Eve...blaming God is blasphemy...the root word of blasphemy is to careful whom you blame and never blame matter how much goes through...its all just a test and a test also...of taking...ones own responsibility...when appropoe ...or appropiet....paypal donation Number (415) 347 0734 or ...non profit 501c3 Church New Convenant Evangelistic Association, Inc. P.O. Box 1591 Sausalito Ca. 94966

Privateer Pastor of San Francisco Bay

Forced to live like privateers by the super rich of Sausalito in comparison,  who look down on us like pirates...

Peter Romanowsky political activist history

Smart Voter
Marin, Sonoma County, CA June 2, 1998 Primary
Peter Romanowsky
Candidate for Member of the State Assembly; District 6
This information is provided by the candidate
Biographical Highlights
Party: Republican / Middle of the Road Moderate
Occupation: Minister/Aquatic Recycler
Lived in Marin / Sonoma counties 35 years
Attended both Redwood and Analy High Schools
Licensed as a baptist minister in 1968
Founded Interfaith Church at the facilities of the Woodacre Improvement Club in 1970, moved to Stewart Chapel on the grounds of the San Francisco Theological Seminary in 1973
Appointed vice president of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association 1971 an inter-denominational ministerial alliance incorporated to aid new and struggling ministries.
Founding minister of Agape Christian Center Thrift Store in San Rafael 1972. Bay area religious radio broadcaster in 1973. Same year became an internationl missionary evangelist with service in countless countries in Europe and middle east . Currently I am involved with the low income working waterfront /anchorout community of Sausalito as a Chaplin representing the N.C.E.A.
Top Priorities if Elected
I am concerned about the devorce rate and the poverty it brings to children as well as mothers. I will introduce a covenant marriage bill like the State of Lousianna has, to parallel our current devorce laws.
I will introduce charter school vouchers for poor and low income families who can't afford private schools so public schools will have healthier competition and freedom to choose for parents.
I will reduce the population of our prisons ten to twenty percent of minor drug offenders and use the money for rehabilitation and education. We currently have the largest prison system in the world.
Key Endorsements
I have been endorsed by the Republicans of Sausalito and good friend democrates.
I also have been endorsed by the working poor and low income waterfront people of Sausalito.
I have been endorsed by the New Covenant Evangelistic Association as well as my pears, friends and associates.
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Political Philosophy

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 13, 1998 15:15
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Copyright © 1998 League of Women Voters of California, Smart Valley Inc.
The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office or political your local preacher PayPal non profit tel. 415 347 0734

Views on Black Slavery history in Ametica

Time for Micheal to teach all ack students that tbey are in the most blessed nation on earth and have multiplied and prospered more then any black nation on earth and that thier ancesters came as aves from couqured nations and Muslim slave traders and most slaves are used historically and then eliminated afyer thier working years are spent and tbat is the way it has been historicay but instead the Democratic institutions that brought the 500,000 Africa slaves to America have to built abortion clinics to keep thier populations down and unheard of in other nations eccept for ancient Egypt atemp to control the Hewbrew population and at a minimum 500,000 Germens who surrendered to the Soviet Communist International Socialist if not in tbe millions...where exterminated in slave labour camps in Siberia a long with countlesz otbers of whom my Russian  grandmother survived the White Sea Slave labpur camp after being releazed by Stalin's wife and yes she too was a slave and there more white slaves in Russia and Germany and other cou tries allied to them then any spoiled and deliberately unexucated black in Ametica can ever image...who wete worked to deatb and then exterminated...Support your local preacher...Peter Romanowsky PayPay non profit donation tel. Number 415 347 0734...meanwhile every black in the world dreams of coming to least to be taxi drivers...Sadam Hussain's last job...

Peter Romanowsky's Greatest Missionary Journey

Paypal non profit donation tel. 415 347 0734
My life's Greatest Missionary Journey By Peter Christian Romanowsky The greatest singular event that happened in my life, and by extension to the church that I was pastoring at time. Was an amazing six month missionary journey that began after Becky my wife, my mother Ritva Romanowsky and I had finished the ground work of our future ministry in Finland. By traveling there together and ministering in homes and churches while visiting relatives. Afterwards John Newton a fellow Agape Church member and I traveled to Israel and Greece on another missionary journey, surveying and ministering in these countries. Later on to return to these above mentioned countries, and more with my music minister Ken Hopkins. To complete the third and greatest missionary outreach of them all to that date, which lasted six months from the time of my departure from the San Francisco Bay Area, to the time of our return from Israel. It began after I felt I received a proper date of departure from The Lord. I had a dream possibly influenced by the same type of dream that Saint Paul had in the Bible about the Macedonian man calling him to Greece. Nevertheless I had a dream about a man asking me to come to Greece. I knew no one in the formal ministry in there at the time. My week in Athens and Corinth with Brother John Newton on the earlier mission way a logistic time of ground breaking and getting familiar with the lay of the land. Where to rent a room where to buy groceries, etc. I found in my international travels that it usually takes about a week to familiarize oneself to the basic needs when entering a new country. The ground work had been laid in our principle target countries Finland, Greece and Israel. The year was approximately 1975 the world as ours and we were young and full of the fire, of enthusiasm. After a fund raising meeting, that was challenged by two other fund raising needs. One an evangelist and teacher who had recently come back from Page 2 India and another missionary named Roberto Brown, who was also in need of funds for Mexico. “What a challenge”, I woke up with only some fifty or a hundred dollars the next morning, after the double and triple fund raiser at the Knights of Columbus meeting hall. Which we especially rented for the event in San Anselmo, Marin County California. This was the date that I told everyone that I believed, was the date of my departure. I really only had fifty dollars the morning that I was going to leave for this the greatest of missionary evangelistic journeys. As the day began I found some money in the mail, maybe as little as twenty dollars maybe more. Then a neighbor of whom I told about the departure lovely and cheerfully gave me another maybe fifty dollars, maybe less. All in all that day maybe some two hundred dollars came into my possession. Enough to easily take the first leg of the journey and fly to Los Angeles, where my parents lived and wait for god’s next provision. In the meanwhile Kenneth Hopkins our music minister did not have his plane ticket either. So I told him that I would leave by faith and wait for him in the Los Angeles San Fernando Valley suburb of Encino with my parents. I was filled with faith, I had nothing else to do but to ultimately trust in the Lord to provide. Then I got word from my wife Becky that she had sold our IBM Selectric typewriter which I had place in local paper before I left, to a seminary student from the Golden Gate Baptist Seminary in Marin County. The add had been in the paper long before I left “what divine timing”. Just when I needed it, that was two hundred more dollars. Then my parents contributed the rest of the money for the plane ticket, with enough money left over to buy a first class Eurail Pass. So that we would be able to travel from Denmark to Greece, over land and sea after first landing in Finland. Then on to our final destination, returning from Israel. The plane ticket was called an open jaw arrangement, with the rail pass accommodations of being able to sleep in all first class couches, due to the fact that all the seats folded down flat, when one wanted to lay down or sleep between cities in Europe. I can’t remember exactly how much my parents Page 3 Contributed, but if I can recollect properly it seems that the pastor of the Foursquare Church Tarzana and his wife contributed money also. The pastor and his wife will always be in memories because of something unexpected and special that happened months later in Rome Italy. They told me about a place they ministered in Rome and a pastor they knew named John Mcturnen. Who I was told and later to find out first hand that by faith he had been used by God, to build the largest Pentecostal Church sanctuary in Europe. In the suburbs of Rome, according to his testimony. I believe the ministers name in Tarzana was Pastor Wayneburg “what a couple”, they have seen some of the greatest events in modern church history. In the meanwhile a miracle was happening in northern California, where I had left Ken Hopkins. He had taken his Volkswagen bug to his grandparents home, to wash it before putting an add in the paper to sell it. While there he told his grandparents of what was transpiring , they were so impressed that they gave him enough money to buy a plane ticket, from the funds that they had been saving for his college education. They believed this would be a great opportunity to travel and see Europe. “It was done”, we had the money, we bought the open jaw return tickets from Los Angeles to Finland, then by rail through Europe and over land and sea through the Near and Middle East to Israel then return from there by air. It was amazing it was a dream comes true for any evangelist. We departed with the blessings of my parents from the airport and we were off, with only a little money in Kens pockets and nothing in mine. When we lands I had to borrow five dollars from Ken for the train ride from Finland's capital city Helsinki, to Tainus Jurva a suburb of Jurva which is near to the mid country eastern port city if Vassa. It was incredible when I look back, but young people have a lot of faith and that is why I believe that Jesus taught that, “…we must become as little to children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. We were on the first leg of a journey that I only dreamed about writing about in a journal. Page 4 “God is Good”! upon arriving at my grandparents farmhouse and after settling in a writing a few letters, as my manor had become after arriving in Finland. To let ministers and Christian workers know that I was in country. Invitations started coming in. During one meeting in a home for instance, after prayer for the sick and operating in the word of knowledge, calling out what physical or spiritual need was, as it was being healed. Revival broke out, word got out. I still remember the look on Brother Matti Ojalas (local Elder who invited us to minister) face when I called out a physical need, while praying for instance for someone sitting in a chair. I believe it was Perkins’s disease and the man responding while being healed. News spread like fire, the healing in this home meeting service somewhere near the town of Jurva. Organized by a “living saint,” in my opinion Matti Ojala of Jurva. News spread to other towns hamlets and villages about the healings and unmistakable power of God, that was flowing and healing person after person. Heart problems were a common prayer request, or discerning in the Spirit the needs while praying . People were being healed, people were being touched, joy was everywhere, hope had sprung anew in this spring and summer season. The warmth especially in the beginning of home meetings and services everywhere was contagious. I had read so clearly about miracles and phenomena like these in Charles G. Finneys book called Revival Lectures. As well as other stories of the way God used this great evangelist in America in the nineteenth century, I found a copy of one of his books in my grandparents home in Finland in the Finnish language. I thought to myself how my ancestors were ministered to by this same great book as I was. Page 5 We began we began being invited to speak in every imaginable place, such as factories for instance, where I felt so much like Charles G. Finney where he also spoke in factories. The people, workers, with their children sat there stoic like, then began opened up at the preaching of the Word, then lost all inhibitions when time came to pray for miracles and salvation as it was in our meetings, only on a smaller scale, with more healings. Again word spread at light speed, the light of God’s Word, the feeling of excitement that the Lord was able to convey through Ken and I was contagious. The healings were countless, the words and sensations of supernatural revelation of peoples needs in prayer were flowing. I feel almost overwhelmed as I write these words down, “my pen is the tongue of a ready writer,” as the scripture say. “Oh how I love Jesus,” it’s like I’m there again even though I am writing this far away and many light years from that time in space. I feel like I’m still there, ready only to let God flow like a mighty river of healing and salvation or redemption, as some might want to put it. Only a blessing and healing is the same, no matter what you may call it. I’m starting to lose touch with the physical so to speak, I have witnessed so many healing and miracles that I am tongue tied and awe struck, except to be able to write these flowing words with my pen. “God can do it again,” every day is a miracle; there is problem to big for God. I feel Satan also fighting, not fighting the good fight of faith, but fighting for our souls and our minds. Resist him, rebuke him, give him no quarter, and give him no glory, by even dwelling on his evil activity. “God is Good,” this is the number one principle, the first doubt Satan put in Adam and Eves mind was that God was holding something back that was good for them. In other words, that God was holding something back that was good for them. In other words, that God wasn’t perfectly good to His children. Resist that lie and you will be always able to overcome. As I reflect back, those days were some of the most powerful days of ministry I had ever experiences. My mother was healed at a Kathryn Kuhlmen service in the shrine auditorium some years earlier. Her testimony was published in Kathryn's second best selling book GOD CAN DO IT AGAIN. I am mentioned also in her testimony and because this book was published in Finland, in the Finnish language it helped open many doors for us. But the primary immediate moving force was the Holy Spirit. Revival had begun Finland, is a famous Page 6 country for revivals. It was prayer that kept the Russians from over running the country and seizing it as a satellite. I saw people praying on their knees OUT LOUD in the largest Pentecostal Church in Helsinki on subsequent visits and in time and in particular, it etched into my memory forever to see so many people on their knees. In reflection I remember a little sign as you enter the huge sanctuary in Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church in San Francisco and it read something like this “PLEASE DO NOT PRAY OUT LOUD”. No wonder San Francisco has become such a Seat of Satan, when people forget how to fervently pray without fearing what some carnal minded person sitting next you is thinking about you anyway. “GOD IS SO GOOD”, it is Him that I spend all my most precious time glorifying, and if I criticize it is only out of deep love for God’s People who need leadership and fearless devotion to the written as well as The Holy Spirit inspired spoken Word “OUT LOUD”! We need to rise up and cast out fear and doubt and worry, no longer use these words. But instead use the words concern, faith and optimism in their place. I have replaced these words with CONCERNED, never do I tell people to worry about this or that or say “I’M AFRAID” that this might happen . Or I’m afraid for you my brother or sister but instead say, “I AM PRAYING FOR YOU” and BELIEVE only the best will happen! In Finland on this third and most powerful missionary journey to date, invitations keep coming to preach, sing and pray for the sick as well as other needs that they had. Sometimes we would have two services scheduled in the same day. All in all during that same thirty days we spent in Finland we had ministered in approximately thirty eight meetings altogether. Many of the meetings were in home churches because not every town and village had a church building. But it seemed that every town did have a church meeting in someone’s home, if not two or three. I remember a Baptist church that my grandmother took me to in a village close to where she and my aunt lived. I believe on my first visit to Finland, well anyway I was asked to address the congregation and minister on some two different occasions. When I believe it was the second time I was there a leader in the Baptist Denomination in Finland, who was visiting and ministering also, told me that speaking in tongues was not the issue that distinguished Baptists and Pentecostals in Finland. Because the Baptists speak in tongues also, it was something else he said or some other Page 7 difference, but we never got we never got into the differences whatever they were. I believe he said that he was the secretary in the leadership of the main Baptist denomination in Finland. The first time we went to that church I was asked to give my testimony or a greeting as it’s called, when a visiting minister first comes to a church. My mother was sitting behind a lady in the congregation and lady was praying in tongues. My mother asked her if she a Pentecostal and the lady turned around and said with pride that she was a Baptist. As Ken Hopkins and I were ministering and praying for the sick, we were being paid without having to ask for anything. We were transported and provided with translators, I am primarily speaking of a wonderful women of God named Ritva Phooey. “God bless her,” as she tirelessly interpreted for both Ken and myself. I never really got to thank her as much as I would have liked to. Partially because of the great heat and excitement of the period, or because of the many other occasions when returning to Finland with her as our primary interpreter, we or I myself either began to take her for granted, or that she was just too young or too potentially pretty, and felt so venerable being so far from family and friends that we or I myself, really couldn’t get too emotionally close to her. “GOD KNOWS HER LABOR OF LOVE”. I feel indebted to her to her for her great humility and godliness in the way she conducted herself and never doubted what she was witnessing and seeing as she translated. Ritva was as much as part of the miracle services as Ken and I were. Matti Ojala to is greatly impressed upon my mind for his professionalism and good nature, while he not only took care of scheduling our appointments and engagements, but was faithful in the financial business work that somebody had to do while we were all immersed in our Spiritual warfare world. Matti was the primary person that began our schedules and launched us into the Spiritual dimension of ministry. Before we left Finland the engagements began to get larger and larger, one dear pastor organized a revival meeting in a high school auditorium and the same day in the morning I was asked to give the morning devotion in the same auditorium before the entire high school of some nine hundred students. The devotion was short, but the fact that there is no separation of church and sate struck me in Finnish schools. They get all the teaching, both evolution and creation. A much more balanced system then ours in America today. In the evening service we ministered and prayed for the sick. Many hearts were touched and healed in this period of ministry in this part of Finland. Page 8 On one occasion, I don’t even know for sure if it was on this missionary evangelism journey or the next. I was asked to speak open air in the center of a town with a lot or red bricks. I believe the name of the city was called in Swedish Jacobstad and possibly in Finnish Pietrisary, all the cities towns and street signs on the coast of Finland are bilingual. Due to the many Swedish Finns that live there, my grandfather himself being one. We were in the front of what looked like city Hall with it’s impressive structure and I was able to speak through P.A. system and shake the buildings in the town square, so to speak. Such freedom of speech and I gave a hard hitting message about salvation and repentance if I recall. I stayed in a missionary training school in this part of Finland North of Vaasa, not far from a town called Umeo. Here in the school my interpreter lived and taught English. English is a very important missionary language because it is the principle international language spoken and missionary trainees here were preparing to go to Kenya. Where English is the principle language spoken for instance, plus anywhere you go in the world someone knows enough English to translate for you. In this school I have many fond memories, the young ladies of which the school seemed primarily comprised of were so thoughtful and helpful. When I asked for a shower upon my arrival they looked at one another at first and seemed a little puzzled. Then they opened the door of a huge walk in kitchen area where there was nothing but large pots and pans, from what I could see next to the main part of the kitchen area and closed the door. This was apparently where they cleaned the pots and pans and stored things. There was a drain on the concrete floor, so I just turned on the hot water and poured it on myself; I felt like I was showering in someone’s kitchen the room, was so big. Well I didn’t fully realize it till later that they had no shower and this was the only place with running hot running water, except the bathroom sinks. Mind you now this was a great wooden building, something that looked like a donated mansion for the school. For bathing the Sauna or Sana as the Swedes call it was the place to wash and it is only fired up with wood at certain times, or certain days, certainly not every day. Page 9 The water was heated traditionally on top of or next to the Sauna fire, and then poured on you, hot and cold. In the winter sometimes people roll in the snow naked to cool off, or jump into a near by ice cold pond. I never witnessed this myself. (Only being there in the winter but once, and that year was not much snow). Regardless it was a time of such intense ministry it was hard to even think about every day little pleasures such as daily hot showers, but I still love the memories of the smell of burning wood, soap and hot steam coming off the rocks in the Sauna. Even thought I wasn’t totally accustomed to bathing naked with other people especially relatives, males only of course. At this time also and in the school Ken Hopkins was asked to play and sing over the radio visa via tape. I believe the music may have even covered all Finland on its primary, if not only radio network. Regardless whether it was local or national the Word was getting out. We were also taken to a Swedish speaking elderly retirement home and ministered there in healing and encouragement and were received well. That is where I realized how distinct the language difference barrier was between ethnic Swedish speaking Finnish citizens and ethnic Finns. The Swedish Finns did not find the need for a large part to understand or learn the Finnish language. From what I was told it was too difficult a language to learn (being non-Germanic). Although this Swedish speaking retirement home had to be translated into their tongue, I still thought it strange. But as I look back after many years this was an older generation. Since the war with Russia I was told that the Swedish speaking Finns and the ethnic Finns began to for instance intermarry more. The people were wonderful though, charming and polite with great warmth and smiles and miracles did happen. Finland at the time had only two national television channels, one in Finnish and the other in Swedish and neither of them were on twenty four hours a day. One must remember that Finland was passed back and forth between Russia and Sweden for many centuries. My great great grand father Jussi Tarkenen was one of the ministers; teachers and businessmen that help bring the Finnish language back, by founding a school and writing textbooks. I was learning so much about the language differences between ethnic Swedes who lived in Finland and the indigenous Finns, along with the Laplanders who were in the area possibly before them all. Page 10 Since I am writing these events in 1995, (plus finally typing and revising this text in 2005) and the events took place in approximately 1975. Many kilometers and names of towns ministered in are not as clear, as if I had recorded them in a journal at time. But I am so great full to God that I am finally able to complete my journal, in large part at this time. While still typing and hopefully remembering more as I go, in further additions and revisions God willing. May he help by His Holy Spirit, whom the Bible says will bring all things to remembrance. These most powerful and memorial events are with me and written down forever in 1975, when I first wrote is manuscript by hand. May my children both spiritual and biological keep these memories and history alive forever. There were also businessmen, professionals and ministers who were like saints helping me along the way, behind the scenes in Finland. Then again people like Ritva Poyhonen our translator and Matti Ojala a businessmen and church elder back in the town of Jurva, still playing a major part in organizing meetings and keeping tabs on things In The Spirit along with countless others whom I hope to remember, as I continue revising, editing and expanding this handwritten manuscript in 2005. One Event that Matti Ojala organized early on in the campaign was to minister in a TENT MEETING in the village of Jurva. I had received an invitation to open the first meeting in a LARGE TENT REVIVAL in one of the largest cities in the area. But Matti who was handling my engagements, on the earthly plane, had scheduled me and Ken instead to the smaller home town tent revival. Every summer Finland flourishes with old time religion style tent meetings, like were common in America in the forties. It was like being in the past in the great days of American evangelism. I wanted so much to speak in the large tent OPENING SERVICE, but duty calls to minister to my home town even if it means missing a part of a dream to be under a canopy that eventually could hold five thousand people. Matti was right to schedule me to speak the same date in the local tent meeting instead, even though it held only fraction of the people I could have ministered to. Size doesn’t always matter in the long run. I am sharing this part of the story because after reading about and seeing the great tent revivals in America on television, and even witnessing such an event in my home county of Marin. Organized by Pastor Fred Small of the Church of God in Marin City Page 11 California, I yearn to witness those days again in a general way, in the first person from the pulpit, but everything in God’s time. There was a young pastor and Bible smuggler, into Russia that organized some of the best meetings for Ken Hopkins and me. I can’t quite remember his name at this time, but it will eventually come to me. He went to Kenya Africa as missionary with his family, not long after I first met him. He lost one of his children a young daughter from what I can remember, to local disease. My heart went out to him, and his pretty and young and brilliantly blond petit wife next time I saw him. I felt some guilt and shame, that at the same time they were getting ready and raising money to go to Africa, my preaching schedule overlapped their fund raising schedule. I even thought I saw some sadness, bewilderment and a shrug of a shoulders, in the look of the eyes of some of the elders. As if our timing schedules could have been off, and more money and awareness could have been raised for the missionaries. We all looked inside and out for what could have caused such a tragedy, but we all pushed on, especially the young pastor. That was during my fourth missionary visit to Finland. Money is often a source of weariness in a crusade, where we are all looking to the spiritual. Even though we never asked for money, it was given to by Matti the Elder, and many other churches and groups for services rendered. In fact it is a shame to beg for money in this country; Finnish people are very proud and honest, (honest as a Finn). We were never short of money or hospitality. The young missionary pastor and his little family will always on in my heart and mind. The many meetings he organized for us on our third journey, the careful hospitality of him and his wife in his home /church, the obedience they had from their beautiful children and the congregation that he pastured. I could only imagine, what my non-believing or non committed relatives would have thought, if I lost a child on the mission field in Africa. Some already thinking, that I am beside myself for living and moving in this spiritual world. “God bless you pastor and man of God and your beautiful snow white platinum blond haired wife”. Page 12 The meetings in Finland were getting more powerful intense and more numerous. Although we were not able to speak at the opening meeting of the Large tent revival meeting in the city of Sainajoki, because of the two invitations on we had that same day. Nevertheless later on and towards the end of our thirty eight day mission in Finland we were blessed and invited to preach in the largest congregation, of the second largest city of that area of west central Finland the beautiful San Francisco like city of Vaasa. This was our ultimate and trumpet service, in The Lord. People had traveled one hundred kilometers from another area where we ministered just before. This was our final farewell service and people were crowded all the way to the balcony. Ken Hopkins told me later, that when he turned to look over at me ministering, he said with admiration and wonder, “Peter you looked like a real evangelist”. The power and anointing of God was there mightily. One lady sitting near the front started to cry out like as though a great struggle was taking place. People began to look to me for leadership as she was shaking and tensed up into a ball, while still sitting. I sensed that it was the power of the Holy Spirit coming on her and an inner battle for healing and deliverance or salvation had begun. The church building had hundreds of people there if I recall, it seemed like a thousand looking back, and even the balcony was filled. It was awesome, the atmosphere was charged, the invisible Shaken Glory was present, and the Holy Sprit was moving mightily. People were being healed, revival was staking place right before us, and souls were being saved. What I remember the most was the supernatural warmth, as I was to sense and pray for people’s needs at the alter call. I could feel by warmth on my own body, on what part of other people’s bodies were being healed and would call out the healing in the audience. This same phenomenon happened in virtually every meeting we conducted, in very place and very heart that would let the Holy Sprit move, heal, save and deliver. The Word of Knowledge moved daily, hearts where being physically healed as well as spiritually. I remember in one service prior to our final service in the large Pentecostal Church in Vassa. I believe it may have been in the evening service at the high school auditorium, in the hearts were being physically healed, I could sense people’s pain and healing in their hearts, it was Page 13 supernatural beyond words, I could feel in my body heart and mind, what people were going through. Words did not have to be spoken, people came foreword in every service, or I reached out to them in audience. Touching, healing, moving, singing, motivating everywhere where people had an open mind, and an open heart. The healing is still flowing; I can feel it, while I am typing these words. I never worked so hard in my life, doing something so rewarding, being part of a revival a supernatural experience, never has one young man felt so blessed. While I was praying ministering and traveling through west central Finland, I thought about all the petty problems that the local church and ministries had in Marin County. Truly a prophet is not without honor, except in his own country and his own home, as the Bible teaches. I felt so free, no head trips I had purpose in life. I felt I could have stayed here indefinitely, full time, with my family and children. This was only for the poorest of the poor, In Spirit. Nobody but a saint could do this, make the sacrifices, and teach the children as missionaries as long distance family cruise sailors do. It wasn’t my lot, I married into wealth and power, and it is hard to break free from this both blessing and curse. Jesus taught the rich young ruler to sell to sell his excess, and come and follow him. He could not, Jesus also taught that it was harder for a camel to go thorough the eye of needle then for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. To those that trust in uncertain riches Jesus also taught that they must give their extra coat, to those who have none. That goes for houses and property also, as the early believers did so after the day Pentecost. I have never had more then I have needed, even when I lived in the nicest house on the block, I and my wife Becky took in all the poor and homeless. I remembered Charles G. Finny the American Awakening Evangelist who lived out of a trunk with his wife and was so poor, that that was all they owned at one time. I could have traveled around the world non stop doing nothing but teaching, preaching, traveling. But I needed a home base, the church I was pasturing, the wife and children and home that I left behind. Even though we would have been provided for even more, if my family was with me. But it was not our lot at the time. Someday in the future I would like to circle the earth ministering somewhat like my famous Finnish great granduncle who became my great grandfather at the early deaths of my biological great grandparents. Matti Tarkenen was his brother, who adopted my grandmother and raised her with his Germen wife. He went on to seminary and became a Lutheran Page 14 Priest, then traveled around the world three times establishing missions, schools and ordained the first Lutheran priests in Angola Africa, started a school in Shanghi China, ministered in probably in or near Nagasaki Japan, and started missions for Finnish seamen. Most notably in my mind was the one he started in San Francisco around the turn of the century. The red brick Finnish Lutheran Church located on Church Street on the right hand of to Market St. facing south, which is still there. The church wrote the Finnish Governments Missionary Board to send someone to help the Finnish sailors who along with mostly Scandinavians were the backbone of International Merchant Fleet. That first invited him to minister to the seamen and sober them up and give them coffee and make them write home to their mothers, and sent them money. He said to my mother later, while she sat at his feet listening to his stories, that that was his first mission and the it took three years to establish and was the toughest assignment he ever had. The red brick building where the Seamen’s Mission was located, is still at the foot of Market Street, it is a restaurant today and my older brother Bronik got a free meal there after telling them the story. It was one of the few buildings that was not destroyed by the Great Earthquake of 1906. There were still 30 people there meeting regularly in the sixties when my mother visited the mission. I attempted to contact the lady in charge one Sunday at the Church, but they were having a dinner that day and wasn’t available to talk. My mother said that she still had pictures and history of him with her. He went on to become head of all missionary activities for the Lutheran Church in Finland translated the New Testament into modern Finnish wrote theology books and brought the first black Africans to Finland from Angola. His story is in a museum in Helsinki, the Lutheran Church and State are together in Finland. He received a metal from the Czar of Russia, according to my older brother Bronik who also visited and worked in Finland many years later. Building Nokia Corporations Website after being contracted out by The IBM. Corporation. When Matti Tarkenen died all he had accumulated in life was memorabilia from the missionary field and a set of silver wear given to him as a gift and pictures and books and the family farm which he inherited form his father, my great great grandfather Anti Tarkenen. Who also was a Free Church Minister, businessman, educator and school founder. In fact he wrote some of the first books teaching and bringing back the Finnish language, which has been suppressed in favor of Swedish. Depending on what side of Finland you lived on I suppose, because she was passed back and Page 15 forth between Russia and Finland for four hundred years before her relatively recent independence. We left Finland after thirty eight days of ministry. We came with only ten dollars or so and with no promises of meetings or engagements in advance. But with only the promise of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s directions, which can always be relayed upon. We had some three hundred and sixty dollars each after ministering in approximately thirty eight meetings, an average on one a day. Where the pay we received and the general wages paid in Finland, was equal to one third of what people made in America at the time. So by American standards and the rate of exchange, we left Finland with closer to one thousand dollars each above our expenses. I am not saying all this to boast, but to show the sacrifice and love of the Christians in Finland. To those who come to them bearing the precious Word of God. My aunt was shocked and surprised when she saw how much we were being paid after ministering in a few meetings and yet we thought it not that much at the time and cared not about the amount, because we were so glad to be provided for with food, lodging and even clothes. I remember a Christian businessman taking us out shopping from the church in Vassa, and another Christian businessman lodging us in his own home and transported us to every meeting. We never had to pay for transportation except once or twice between cites, but were virtually everywhere. Everywhere we went, we were taken care of. Before leaving Finland I also want to mention that in the relatively large city of Peitrassari we were invited to minister in a special meeting organized for the Gypsies, or those who are called Romany I will have much more to say in the future about these special Christian Peoples in this special Christian Church. A Christian Romany Evangelist named Manny, and the Pastor of the Church he belonged to organized the meeting. The women wore their beautiful full dresses and the men all wore their traditional Gypsy Boots. I especially remember a beautiful young Gypsy women come to the alter with; tears in her eyes and people were being healed in general inside and out. Page 16 Enough can’t be said about Kenneth Hopkins and the songs he wrote while on the road, his beautiful twelve string guitar, HIS MUSIC WHICH DREW MANY HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE AND HELPED MAKE THE JOURNEY WHAT IT WAS. Like Paul and Silas we were together, two by two as the Lord sent his Disciples out to evangelize the world, in preparation for his coming, “The fields are white saith the Lord, pray to the Lord of the harvest to sent laborers into the field, go to where people will listen, go to where the Word is hungered for. Cast not you pearls before swine, wipe off even the dust from your feet as a testimony against those who will not receive The Living Word of the Lord. It will be more tolerable in the day of judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah when for those cities that reject the Living Word of Christ”. To use some of the words of Christ, in a prophet inspirational manor. CHAPTER TWO The Journey to Sweden We disembarked on a vessel from Vaasa to Umeo Sweden where the next leg of our journey was about to begin. Once on the ship and in the middle of the sea, we were in very high waves. Higher then anyone might have expected on such and inland sea, of which we were on. It was dark and grey and windy, I had no fear even though I was tempted. I had witnessed so many miracles back in Finland and of course I remembered Christ walking on the water. I sat behind near the ships stern watching the huge grey waves pushing us westward and onwards to Sweden. I remembered how my parents escaped to Sweden with my older baby brother in a thirty foot life boat before I was born, with some thirty refugees from Finland in the vessel. The rudder broke and my father got into the water to fix it. The waves that night during the storm they went through sank a couple ships including an American vessel. What we were going through was a wind storm and not even a true winter storm. Even when it got dark I feared not, even though I had never seen waves that huge, since I first looked out of a ships window coming to America as a child. On an ocean liner that was going through a big gray, gloomy storm in the middle of the Atlantic. There was much motion Page 17 on this fairly large boat that we were on. I watched people drinking when we started, as people often do on boats. Then I saw them later, so very sick and vomiting in the restroom and sad to say some, did not even make it to the restroom before getting sick and leaning against the hallway or lobby wall. Alcohol only increased motion sickness, and does not help it at all to my observation at the time. I think people were scared and tried to forget. Sea sickness takes your mind off the fear of death, to the point you don’t care that much about it any more, that’s the blessing in disguise. Dealing with sickness is sometimes a diversion from dealing with fear. While on a small twenty foot sail boat alone off the Pacific Coast of California many years later, in a very big wind storm, when the seas where behind as big as houses. I experienced some sea sickness, but just enough to take my mind off of the wind and the waves, and focus my heart and mind on my body and my vessel. It’s hard to explain sometimes but every dark cloud has a silver lining and when one is very sick, death is sometimes to be welcomed, more then fear of death. I also was thrown out of my twenty four foot boat by a rough wave, but held onto the gun rail, even though thank God I had a rope around my waist for safety, which I didn’t have to use. Only later in my bed, when I would think about what happened, did I have to think about the fear. At the time, there was no time to fear. When my parents landed in Sweden after the storm, they were blown off course and landed somewhere in the southern part of Sweden. The government sent back all the refugees in the boat back to Finland, except for my parents because my father was a Russian defector and soviet army officer and would have been executed for desertion to the Finnish front, during the Russian Finnish war. It also helped I’m sure that my mother was half Swedish, so that is how I happened to be born in Kristianstad Sweden on a Sunday on June 26th 1949. My Swedish name was Hejlsberg of which my grandfather changed to the basic Finnish equivalent of Kallio. Did I forget to mention that one of my distant cousins on my grandfather’s side became the head of Nokia Corporation, which became the largest cell phone company in the world? Hejlsberg and Kallio both basically mean rock, or Stone Mountain or barren place. That is what the Vikings named North America when Leif Erickson landed in what is now in the Northern Canada territories above the tree line. Heliland or barren and rocky land because it was above the sandy beaches of the Golden Strand, of which the Vikings discovered later, after they sailed further south and renamed their new found country Vineland, after finding wild grapes in order to make wine. I believe the original name Heliland also came from the basic root Nordic word for rock, from which we get the word Hell, or barren place. It’s interesting that I was named Peter, which also means rock, or more accurately stone. Page 18 While on this ocean going roller coaster I to write or dictate a message on cassette to the church that I was the founding pastor. We had recently moved our Sunday service to Stewart Chapel which is on the grounds of The San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo California. The Seminary moved from San Francisco some time ago and was built to look somewhat like a Scottish Castle, during 1906 the earthquake one of its towers collapsed. The epicenter of the earthquake was actually centered in Marin County on the North Side of the Golden Gate, in a little town called Olema. These is a story about the ground opening under a cow and it fell in. But later was dismissed as hoax or an attempt to bury an already dead cow, by pushing it into the opening of the earth. Marin County now is more or less an extended suburb, or bed room community of San Francisco. Even though most of the county is beautiful and rural with extensive natural wonders made up of parks and wilderness. Dominated by a majestic mountain called Mount Tam, where the first mountain bike was built by a man named Gary Fisher of Fairfax. In the heart of this county sits Stewart Chapel, perched on a hill overlooking the town of San Anselmo which sprung up around the Seminary when it moved there, of which before it was just referred to as The Junction or train junction. My ancestor Matti took these trains and traveled extensively around preaching as far as Astoria in Northern California, where a lot of Finns lived. Our church even rented one of the old train stops for an office and meeting room for Friday evening dinner services. I believe a rock and roll band called Credence Clearwater Revival meet there before us for rehearsal, and recorded an album with a picture of the inside, with a band member sitting on a bicycle. I couldn’t help but wonder, if my great granduncle/father stopped at this very spot further down from the main junction, on his way to a speaking engagement somewhere north. The ghosts, spirits and history of this place in general speak to me, of a person who prayed, looked and wondered who would follow him. I Page 19 can not help but to think of him when I am on a bike path that used to be an old train track. Of him thinking and praying as I would do as he traveled along looking at the people towns and scenery. That his work would not be in vain and that someone, preferably a decedent would carry on the family name and spiritual tradition, of bearing the precious Word. Which is more precious then houses, land or gold, and which words are the building bocks of a city not made with hands, which lies eternal and not with brick and mortar but with souls of the redeemed. The building blocks made into a precious house with many rooms and with many mansions built into a city immortal and fellowship with God and all that is good forever. Where nobody is hungry lonely or cold anymore and God shall wipe away every tear and fear. Yes my ancestors were here before me, yes they prayed that someone would follow them and build on their spiritual work and complete it and yes God did answer their prayers, and they are still praying under the Alter of Heaven for us. We are not alone in this World, even though it feels like it in the middle of the long night we call Earth compared to the eternal day, except for the still small voice of God and the good that He is contemplating for us who love Him and worship Him. The gold of a man's heart is all that ones needs in Heaven to walk the streets of Spiritual mirror polished streets of gold. The diamonds of ones souls are all that are needed to shine with brilliant colors through any darkness, and the silver of ones word will all that will be needed to purchase anything of need in the City of God. The gates will be made of great pearls carved with the mighty deeds of the righteous and their exploits. The stones of the walls will have the names of the redeemed engraved and set with precious gem stones and he language spoken in Heaven will be that of poetry. There will be blue sky all the day, with brilliant pure white clouds, which are the symbols of the garments of the inhabitations that were washed in the red blood of the spotless Lamb. The throne before God and the Lamb will have a sea glass, like no sailor has ever seen for calmness and beauty. Stewart Chapel where meet for Sunday Service was the most beautifully situated in all Marin County. It is also a popular place to have weddings, being also called The Wedding Chapel. The vaulted extremely high ceilings and the stone work was marvelous. The high stain glass windows made the chapel or more accurately church size building, awesome to behold. The pedestal pulpit is ascended by steps and was made of fine oak wood. Behind the great the great Page 20 golden wood alter was also a great carving of the last supper in oak facing rows of white oak pews that could seat a least two hundred people. Above the carving was a circular stain glass window, with great tear drops like a spinning wheel descending into a cacophony of brilliant stain glass light climaxing into the center where there was an cut glass effigy of Christ the Lamb of God, carrying a banner or cross on His shoulder. It was awesome and hypnotic to behold in this great Cathedral like Chapel. “Oh you must see by now, that I am in another world free from petty fears of letter and word”. I feel poetry moving through my soul, that language that makes sense of all sincerely held religious beliefs. Perfect inflections and freedom to move and express the ecstasy of creativity. In The Holy Spirit I can create and imagine brilliant lights and dazzling sights. I can create things out of nothing, I can speak things into existence like my Heavenly Father saith, the Spirit in the Word of God, where He inspired the great words. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made”. To quote from John first chapter verses one to three, and then in the first chapter of Genesis ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let their be light: and there was light”. I am free, “I am free at last” to express myself, move myself, in The Spirit, I see things, with my minds eye, things the earthly eyes can only imagine, only dream, I dream while I’m awake, I feel the breath of God moving through my spirit and earthly lungs, I see Heaven, I see people all one, all beautiful all young all caring and tender, forever free. holding one another without sex or gender, but all looking beautiful, like a man or women looking at one another, holding one another in their arms, laying ones head one another’s lap and falling asleep without fear of abandonment, disappointment or discomfort. I see flowers and colors vibrating and singing with eternal music coming from everywhere, where odors and incense are beyond human description where flight is a given and majesty and rule is given to all according to their talents and deeds. But above all praise be given for the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world, and to the Page 21 Father of lights who by His Spirit accomplished it all and all praise be given to Him and towards Him when the rule of Christ be accomplished. “Oh the Logos”, all that has been sacrificed for the faith of believing in His Word, all the wealth and riches that have been traded for the intangibility of His Word. All the sacrifices made trusting that His Word will bring life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness with purpose. How many people have traded their wealth and riches for this “Logos Christ” only to find at times persecution and loss of reputation, for trusting in something so visibly unseen with the naked eye? But the Eye of the Lord sees all things, and travels back and forth throughout the earth looking for those who trust in Him, and will reward them with great riches in the heart and glory from above, not only in this world but in the world to come. “Oh the victories and joy”, when after our sacrifices and we are found to be wise, by God’s Word. Even more then all our teachers as it says in Psalms 119:89 “For ever, O Lord they word is settled in heaven”. and then in Psalms 119: 98 “Thou through they commandments hast made me wiser than mines enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers:” Psalms 119:105 “They word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Christ is the embodiment, fulfillment and empowerment of the word by The Holy Spirit, to “walk through the valley of the shadow of death”, only to stand above on top the highest mountain. The higher the mountains, the deeper the valleys, you..
.to be  continued ...