It's hard to explain what's been happening to me lately the Tent City Sanctuary has exploded into I the infinity of the high and raising tide of the poor and oppressed and dispossesed flooding the cities of sin like Sodom and Gomorrah and they horrid why they treated the poor and homeless according to a number of ancient and historical sources and the fires of hell rained on them in the end and but it will not happen again in the sense that the World will be flooded again proverbly as in the Days of Noah as Jesus taught and the men of this generation will have to apologize to Done and Gomorrah for today's generation has far exceeding the the horrors of Sodom and Gomorrah and this present World has so far gone beyond any horrors that they afflicted on the poor and the homeless in that at least they buried thier victims in unmarked graces in the desert instead of eating them and cannibalizing thier body parts for profit as done in these last of the last of the last of the days....Signed Pirate Pastor of San Francisco Bay Peter Christian Romanowsky and CEO of NCEA turds Satan Lol
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
History of the Waterfront and Anchorage of Sausalito by Peter Romanowsky
Note to the Treasurer o the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated L.P. Box 2404 San Anselmo Cal. 94970 for tax exempt donations for food and catering every Sunday from noon til midnight sometimes ....My shattered wrist is better and couldn't use it to even row home so have had to use electric motor and solar panels for two months and my wrist looks kinda deformed and but no parslizes and am praying the Lord heal me completely and it's been a trying two months catering every Sunday with one arm or hand and but I did it even when fasting done eighty days was still cooking and still buying the basic food for all day Sunday services ....somewhere between three and four hundred dollars a month from my fixed income and others bring food for the pantry and I go from 11 PM setting up to breaking down twelve hours later and then blacked out, fainted and stumbled in the dark for they turn off the walkway lights at night and we minister by candle light of which candels and inscence alone cones out to forty dollars a month and coffee cups are expensive and coffee and sugar and polish hit dogs and chicken and paper plates and plastic silverware and napkins and propane and gas and car maintainece and time to do all this running around and half and half and I'm able to feed up to thirty or forty people a week for under a hundred dollars a week and glad to do it for my reward is in Heaven and God pays interest in between on earth until we receive our full reward , while holding my inheritance in Heaven and to hear those words someday welcome beloved for I was hungry and you feed me and I was naked and you clothed me, I was homeless and you took me in all all....signed Pirate Pastor Pete or San Francisco Bay and Sausalito ...PS excuse the lack of punctuation, fore this is all one finger typing on smartphone and plus I write like I talk like the writer Faulkner who wrote in paragraph long sentences ...
History of Sausalito Waterfront and Anchorage by Peter Romanowsky
The big lie and a red herring for the eel grass only flushes in the summer and clogs the Anchorage and fouls propellers and anchors for that matter and the herring don't spewn till winter when eel grass dorement and there was no eel grass problem when I first anchored in Richardson Bay in 1982, when Mill Valley dumped it's treated sewage directly into the bay killing everything including the eel grass and nothing would grow on the bottom of our boats except the most primative life forms such as sponges and no mussels could grow in our boats as they can't even today on the rip raft rocks that line Tiburon for instance the rocks are bare even today from apparently possibly natural arsenic and but today at least on our boats bottom mussels grow for instance, since Mill Valley diverted it's sewage by pipeline all the was to the end of the Tiburon pennisula and Richardson Bay is healthy and cleaner then ever before except for the shirt development and riprap rocks that are apparently toxic, like the Serpentine rocks that Marin County is made on and is the official rock of Marin County and don't belong in r n the shred f the bay and the ariel photo of the Anchorage is a lie of ommision sue to its only a little piece of the bay photographed, while most of the bay us untouched by anchors if one looks at an ariel shot of of Richardson Bay it's healthy for the eel grass since sewage was diverted and doesn't stink like hell when going over the Richardson Bay bridge at low tide and let's not forget all the insane development of multi million homes, many empty or used as vacation rentals, while owners live in their other homes in Hawaii and while the homeless Anchorouts struggle to survive and stay afloat in the midst of all this hill and shor pollution and paint chips and weed killer and fertilizers from gardens and dog poo, that washes into the bay from developing a millionaires Fort Lauderdale on Richardson Bay and the cure is to let the Anchorouts move into the empty rooms of the mansions that surround the bay and are the big polluters and not the Anchorouts and Mariners and boat refugees from extreme capitalism and no Sanctuary for American citizens, while the whole state is a Sancuary State for undocumented and illegal aliens and no Sanctuary for American citizens and meanwhile the coast is dying from sea urchines destroying our help forests, the underwater Redwood forests of our coast and even the starfish have been dying from pollution as far north as Canada and ironically the only starfish I've seen are off Sausalito of which makes Sausalito healthier then the coast for that matter, with all the development along the coast and pollution and big houses and corporate ranches for example, while the poor, homeless and elderly and the disabled cling to life under freeway overpasses and the tent city of which sprung up in Sausalito of which has never happened before, due to all the greed and meanwhile even Hing Kong has allowed Anchorouts to this day in their bay still, instead of BCDC and RBRA and thief five year plan to destroy an historical way of life of fishermen, salvagers, rescuers and world yachtsmen needing a place to winter anchor, without all the local fat and greedy and oversexed millionaires who like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who according to the book of Isaiah persecuted the poor and homeless and even tryied to rap the Angels that came to warm Lot and his family of the coming of their destruction in the city, by the hand of God for their outrages policy of not knowing the poor and homeless to settle in their towns and even forbidding them to be fed, according to other accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah such as the book called the Little Genesis and by Josephus the historian and the book of Jasher also and all culminating into a powerful earthquake that will destroy these mansions someday and people will be fleeing to the water for safety and by the way Marin County hasnt had a firestorm like what happened in Oakland that darkened the sky and bottled out the Sun with human ashes mingeled with the fire and don't say it can't happened to you like it happened in the woods of Paradise City, not to long ago and furthermore the Anchorout so called crisis was created by BCDC,m when they limited the liveaboards in marinas to ten percent occupancy and drove countless people onto the Anchorage and into their cars and tents and tunnels and created the example for the Delta to do the same and gas destroyed or left abandoned marinas and have outlawed Anchorouts there also and they all came down the Sacramento river to be huddled like in a floating consentration camp to be picked off like shooting fish in a barrel and but it's not over, for we the people and dispossessed by lawsuits, criminal charges like anchoring ones boat off Sausalito with the chief of the Sausalito police who has been made harbormaster of Sausalito waters if which is rediculus for the whole if Richardson Bay has historically been a federal achorage and has had captured Gernen ships anchored on the bay during the first world war and the bay has been also historically and ship building harbor off and in Sausalito during the war and no local authorities have had jurisdiction on the bay and the Federal Anchorage cannot be modified at least without the present in meetings and consent of the local Coast Guard Commandor stationed in East Bay and last I heard was a women and somewhat anthetical, considering that hard working Seamen, fishermen and Salvagers and Mariners are traditionally a Seamen's world. and she needs to be present in any local meetings regarding any enforcement or change of regulations on the bay and if that doesn't work, expect the poor and needy and homeless and Anchors shoes boats have been destroyed will be camping out on the Chairmen of BCDC'S lawn and the Mayor's lawn of Sausalito and the Chief of police and any member of any agency or person Including the Chairmen of RBRA and any other person standing in the way of progress for the homeless and dispossessed including the District Attorney who fails to prosecute those the break the laws of sea and land, to disposse poor and innocent and disabled as well as hardworking Mariners that have no place to retire too, except in the water where they have made their living and fishing and if that is not enough recall papers will be filed in politicians ruining their political lives like I was forced to do, when filing recall papers in former Marin County District Attorney Paula Kamena after she began prosecuting a Church going and choir singing mother trying to legally save or get her daughter out if the hands of a drug dealing and using father and sent her to a women's prison next to the Mexican border and but God punished the DA, by allowing her to win the recall, but lose her health in the process as a result if her own actions by getting out from under God's healing wings and the same thing will happen to all the office holders who lie and say we have a plan to house the dispossesed anchorouts for instance and the imoveable tent city that they created here in Sausalito and underpass in San Rafael and the homeless camps in Novoto, during this pandemic which the current law states that one cannot be told not to sleep on public property,unless an appropriate place to camp or sleep is given in exchange and not something worse or jail and if one would like to contact the President of the homeless Union of Marin County Robbie Powlson, who has chained I self to a sailboat and gas been arrested for protecting and being in a houseboat to be destroyed only days after resident Anchorout was found dead after called were made to the Sheriff's patrol to do a check on her, for she was elderly and alone and found dead on the floor, the next day and within 72, hours the floating home was towed to the Marine Service area, to be destroyed and I've can find Robbie at Tent City or at the Novoto Library camp of where he has been our greatest and active supporter and if one would like to send a tax exempt donation for legal and material help for tent city Sausalito or for us the remaining Anchorouts please do and if help me as CEO of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated P.O Box 2404 San Anselmo, California 94960 or cal me for help or information at 415 374 0734 and we need help filling out San Francisco Foundation support of which over a billion dollars was ultimately left by Breal Bucks will tok the Churches and poor of Marin County and for education and we on the historical Anchorage have seen none of the money m, due to shiney and dirty pants and greedy lawyers and politicians for thirty material and sexual gain, like the doomed people of Sodom and Gomorrah and please feel free to puncuate and pass sentence on this rough draft that I have done with one finger on my smartphone and no time to run this through a word processor and but any press if friend of the Anchorouts and the poor and homeless are welcome to do a republish or take excerpts from and in context course and signed by the Anchorout Reverend and Pastor of our Sausalito Community Church services and pantry every Sunday afternoon in front of the Sausalito City Hall Library and patio area during this crisis and shutdown of it city and employment and have had a boat on the bay since 1982 and have been decendent of a World class Missionary too the Anchorouts and Mariners of the San Francisco Bay in 1890's and was my Feet Granduncle and Grandfather at the untimely death if his brother my Great Grandfather and went on to become the head of all missionary work for the Country of Finland and the World and is written up in the United Nations if which was dedicated here in Marin County and he left a mission behind the Finnish Seamen's Mission behind if San Francisco of which developed into a Lutheran Church on Church Street in the Tenderloin after merging with Danish Lutheran Church on Church Street in the Tenderloin across from Safeway of which used to be called Finn Town and one more point Sir Francis Drake found the entrance of the bay and first European to anchor off Sausalito according to the Local Miwok History and written by a Miwok in an historical account and a large part of his work talks about the Miwoks and Sir Francis' Drake's peaxeful encounter with them at the Miwok Chiefs camp in present day Novoto and he built the first English fort in North America and buried tons of Spanish silver bear Burkenshires, in Novoto and furthermore, if I may say that I am to the best of my knowledge the longest surviving Anchorout on not only off Sausalito, but the entire San Francisco Bay and if anyone else wants to claim that title, then I will give it up for Jesus and furthermore my late father in law Earnest Niles Kettenhofen was the Chairmen of the Martine Academy in in Vallejo California and was appointed by both Governor Pat Brown and Governor Ronald Reagan to the Date Harbors Commission and was a Sea Captain in the Merchant Marines during the war and he had both Isenhower and General Patton at his Captains table in the Mediterranean and was former Marin County Supervisor be continued in a book on the history of the Sausalito Anchorage...