
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The New World Order

At the recent World economic form, founded and headed by Klaus Schwab whose family roots go back to ammunitions Factory using slave labor in Germany is now and as they had of what appears to be with a developing economic New World Order headed by corporations who are buying up all of the affordable housing and land that they can such as Bill Gates the largest owner of farm or private land in America and the strategy is to ultimately eliminate all private ownership and the nuclear family according to the Constitution that the Democratic republics of China and North Korea and the other democratic republics that base their constitution on the Communist Manifesto ultimately in spite of other manifestos like chairman miles Little Red Book and the difference between the United States Democratic Republic is the Constitution for all Democratic republics have a constitution otherwise they would be pure democracies which have never existed and never will and it is a utopian if not dystopian dream and MOB rule, where the individual has ultimately no rights and only the common good of the community whether it be good or evil is the goal and but a constitution guarantees Liberty and freedom not only for the masses but for the individual of which Constitution is Loosely based on the Communist Manifesto do not, for the individual can be discarded for the common good of the majority. Welcome to the new world of communication by voice text and although it has not been perfected it will no doubt get better all the time and the rules are changing such as a movement to move away from periods for instance and starting sentences with the word and and instead commas are breathing spaces and words through voice text will develop into an art form of conflicting capitals on words and be prepared to be free from the constraints of syntax and grammar in lieu of freedom of speech and thought in an artistic and symbolic and metaphoric way as words are only Shadows of substances and obviously not the substance is themselves of whether it be material or philosophical or even spiritual! The other thing discussed at the world economic forum in Devos Switzerland of which etymologically Speaking with my colloquial thought on the word sounds more like the world's devil forum! Corporations and Banks seem to be the main goal of uniting the world at the world economic forum and in the process will suck in and draw in all the nations of the world and their banking systems and food production, for he who controls the food controls the world! Then another subject discussed at the world economic forum is something called the Meta World and for my limited understanding of this world is that it is a cyber world, a world created in cyberspace, not the real world at all but a contrivance to recreate history government and the world in general in digital terms with the aid of artificial intelligence able to reproduce itself and create an imaginary world like a space traveler to Mars would have to live in for the long journey and doesn't have to have anything to do with the real world and what it created world and an illusion of which many people already live in who understand only from what they see or hear or feel, without the soul or Spirits eyes and ears as the scriptures teach for he that has eyes to see let him see and he who has ears to hear Let Him hear and a Metta World helmet, is not the answer but a strong delusion as the Apostle Paul told stated in the Bible that would be sent or allowed to deceive the Godless and bring about their own destruction and the merging of the Cyber or Meta world with artificial intelligence, will be the guiding force and not right or wrong as the scriptures teach for there will be an already is forming a One World Church also of which is not predicated on the sonship of Jesus Christ, the son of the father and thus being a conglomerate, false and Babylonian Church! Here it comes are already is the One World Government and banking system forming and headed by its current custodian and founder Klaus Schwab whose family man and arms Factory in Germany during the war and used slave Jewish labor as well as Gypsies and other political non-desirables and said according to the French treaty on carbon emissions that zero carbon emissions is the target and of which many people in the world will die and although he did not say that someone else did in the form as socially accepted as being a part of the greater plan or the greater good of change it some people will die as a result like in China during the Great cultural revolution some 80 million starve to death or murdered and by,  eliminating all carbon and fossil fuels and gases the only other alternative other than solar panels and wind generators is obviously going to be nuclear power and the Very things that to you Progressive liberal and woke agenda hypocritically degrades and mocks and is the ultimate course unless some new form of energy will be utilized and this looks like the beginning of the end of world Civilization coming together as one without differentiating between Good and Evil and everything will be accepted for the sake of the one including abhorrent sexual lifestyles and of course Bitcoin looks like it will be the currency of the Antichrist, so to speak where in the Book of Revelations it prophesies that in the end times nobody will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast 666 and now digital ID is being developed and without digital ID when will not be able to do business transactions with Bitcoin for instance and gold and silver will no doubt be outlawed the basis for an obsolete currency system of which is already happening by attrition and has happened once before under Richard Nixon. Klaus Schwab the founder of the world economic forum, is to one to watch now, for he appears to be the precursor of the false prophet that will usher in the Antichrist and whom the Bible calls the Beast!