
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Early History of the Sixties Jesus Movement


Welcome to the Sausalito Waterfront Community Church and Congregation, which meets every Sunday at 12:00 at City Hall, Civic Center under the Library in the Edgewater Meeting Room. We are a 501c3 non profit church organization the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc., Senior Pastor Peter Romanowsky CEO and President. Sausalito mailing address is New Covenant Evangelistic Association P.O. Box 1591 Sausalito, Ca, 94965. We are a Bible and Scripture Based Charismatic, Independent Baptist/Pentecostal, Missionary organization and if you would like to help support our missionary work in Sausalito and internationally, please feel free to do!

To make a contribution to help pay for the church meeting hall tent of $450.00 a month and dinner fellowhip for the low income waterfront poor of Sausalito 

To the best of my knowledge I Senior PastorPeter Romanowsky( with family and friends planted one of earliest congregations from the Sixties Jesus People Movement here in Marin County/San Francisco area in 1973.

See my facebook site for daily updates and information and activities

Today we meet again after decades at the Edgewater Room Senior Center, under the Library at the Sausalito City Hall Civic Center for Sunday Services in a public location, from a grass roots group of believers mainly from the Sausalito waterfront . Pastor Peter Romanowsky received his in house training as a intern General Baptist Minister in 1969, along with co-pastor Bronik Romanowsky even though our original congregation ran it's course in the seventies,when the youth and street population began to disappear and our young converts married and started having children and had moved to the more affordable area to the north of us, for instance in Novoto California.

After the more well known people in the early Jesus Movement like Arthur Blessitt(the father of missionaries to the Hippie generation on Sunset Strip Hollyood andLonnie Frisbee one of the first notable converts in Los Angeles, Kent Philpott (the first homeland missionary to start a drop-in coffee house in the Haight Asbury District of San Francisco, Ted Wise ( who along with Lonnie Frisbee was one of the first notable converts, also fellowshiping together in the Living Room Ministry. Which was the first known and recorded drop-in center).Moishe Rosen (the founder of Jesus For Jesus) David Hoyt (first known and notable convert from the Hare Krishna Temple in the Haight, under Kent Philpot's ministry). Danny Sands(also an early convert from the notable Living Room Ministry). Mark Buckley (early convert and Pastor of Springs of Living Water Church in Phoenix, trained by Rev. Kent Philpot). Frank Worthen co-founder of Exodus International, the largest known umbrella ministry in the world to reach homosexuals, gays and lesbians for Christ, also former member of Agape Christian Church where his own ministry Brother Frank began and eventually became Love in Action). Robert GauldenandDr. Robert Leslie Hymers, just to name a few. Most of these missionaries and or early converts moved to Southern California, or wrote popular books, or became Pastors, Evangelists or heads of New Movements in Christ. A few of us stuck around Marvelous Marin by the Bay and plugged on through the daily tests and trials of being a Born Again Christian, and are still here holding down the fort in a sense. in this most influential of all counties as far as movements are concerned (being the unofficial bedroom community or suburbs of San Francisco.

Now it's time to tell our story, the story that was in some ways more quite, and in others ways even more dramatic. People like myself Peter Romanowsky my brother Bronik Romanowsky, Sue Romanowsky Larry C Smith, Pastor Fred Small, Dr. Lars Williamson, Mike Rielly, Ken Hopkins, Michael Payton, Rory Chapin, Kevin & Diane Lawson, Steve & Barbara Eckroad, LisuJane Gorham, Cathy Steenbergen (now Cathey Cross), Linda Weaver, Frances and Augie Criesco and Janice Criesco Reynoso 
Just to name a few again, along with our wives were quietly holding the fort in Marin, by faith Building a foundation that one day would be heard all over the world (by faith via internet). TRULY "THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST AND THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST"! 
There are other names that shone or still shine, out of the Bay Area in General like Dick Keys in San Francisco, Jack Sparks and Holy Hubert Lindseyand Mario Murrillo in Berkeley, Kenny Sanders, Dennis Peacock and Richard Paradise in Sonoma County to the North of us and so on. So here we are in one of the richest and most influential Counties in California! Where the Sixties Jesus Movement had it's beginnings in Northern California, and in ultra liberal Marin County, which opposite of the more conservative Orange County, in Southern California. There are other names like the late great KATHRYN KUHLMEN who was instrumental in bringing me to the Lord along with my mother the late Ritva Romanowsky , whose testimony is in Kathryn's book "GOD CAN DO IT AGAIN," the chapter named "From Russia with Love" be continued by Peter Romanowsky 

Current Email Tel. (415) 347 0734 Mailing address New Covenant Evangelistic Association P.O. Box 1591 Sausalito, Calif. 94965 donations for this missionary work appreciated and tax except cash or kind we except donated vehicles and boats also, etc. 


Please leave a comment or say hello on the Guest Book 

Cloud vision of Jesus hugging and comforting from the cross by Peter Romanowsky Sausalito 

I was taking a picture in the clouds of what looked like the Holy Spirit in the Sun shinning through the clouds and then I saw what looked like me when younger, with the Holy Spirit as a beautiful by Peter Romanowswky 

Cloud vision of being in the heavens with the Trinity and possibly saint Peter and his next to me also?! wife 

My first photograph of Jesus in the clouds receiving people into Paradise 


Early seventies Church photo in Woodacere California, Marin County Pastor Peter Romanowsky on the left and guests the Pastor Mark Buckley brothers and Mark pastors a church now in near Phoenix Arizona 

A rough draft of my autobiography by Pastor Peter Romanowsky a sixities California runaway for Jesus... a work in progress...looking for publisher/editor on commission for the Lord 

Pastor Peter Romanowsky's Blog Page 

OPEN AIR BAPTISM PICTURE IN A STREAM, at Samuel Taylor Park in Marin County,in the early seventies. 


MY GREATEST MISSIONARY JOURNEY journal, rough draft and unedited and a work in progress from hand written book BY PETER ROMANOWSKY 

Visions of the faces God the Father in the clouds and you can see Jesus in His hair for those with vision, photographed from my boat in Sausalito by Pastor Peter Romanowsky 

I have taken numerous pictures or different apparitions of God and Christ in the clouds and I appear in some of them also, in visions in the clouds seated in Heavenly places as the scriptures say all believers are.




Visions in a trance state and apperation of a hand holding the Devils head and Angel above comforting me and holding hand up the hand that showed me the vision, on my boat in a cloud of incense 

Early seventies picture of home Bible study in Fairfax California, Marin County at the home of Augie and Francis Criesco 

Home Bible study in Forest Knolls Marin County California in the early seventies.

A cloud vision I photographed from through my cars windshield at Muir Beach and I'm still praying about it's meaning, it looks like a vision of me expelling and evil spirit which possessed me as a new believer after I had a lustful thought, or it could be a vison of Jesus expelling a lukewarm believer 

This vision or apparition in the clouds that I took off my boat in Sausalito of God's hand 


Early seventies picture of Pastor Peter Romanowsky and wife Becky with son Michael Elijah inside in San Anselmo. 

Picture of Peter Romanowsky and Missionary Robert Brown and our young daughters in San Juan Del Rio State of Durango Mexico in the early eighties, where we helped start an orphanage and string of churches with financial and logistical help and also being the first church congregation to support his ministry. With members of our congregation, including his own family members from our church, to go there for an extended season of missionary work also, in Poncho Villas own home town of his birth. The missionary bought the property that Poncho's hidden treasure in gold is supposed to be buried. My sister in-law's cousin had written a book about it and described, where it is suppose to be and why no one has dug it time I'm bringing a metal detector and the missionary TOLD ME WHERE HE THOUGHT, IT MIGHT BE, hearing coins dropping in the adobe walls of his chapel building and also there is a well on the property with a tree next to it, where they hung landlord's during the Mexican Revolution and threw their bodies down the well, where also he thought that the treasure might be...where is Heraldo Riveria when you need him...someone call him for me and we will go together and look for the treasure, "for the Kingdom of heaven is like one who finds a treasure in a field and sells all he has to buy the field" Paraphrased teachings of Jesus from the Gospels! 

A PICTURE OF GALILLEE HARBOR SAUSALITO where I used LIVE AND WORK as a marine recycler and salvager and AS A MISSIONARY, to the ultra liberals in MARIN COUNTY California.

Anthony Tipacio took this picture after asking me to pray for a rainbow to appear and then asked me to pray for a double rainbow and here it is! In this area where many of the Sixties Hippies and rock stars moved too, from San Francisco just across the Golden Gate Bridge from Marin County. Here also people don't follow trends they set them, everything you can imagine, good, bad and ugly has started here in this cultural triangle of communities that make up San Francisco, Berkeley and Sausalito, here in Marin County. Here is where the League of Nations started and is where the United Nations was dedicated in Cathedral Grove in Muir Woods next to Sausalito in Main County. Here is where the first proposed site of the United Nations was to be built on the grounds of what was to become the Southern Baptist Golden Gate Theological Seminary here in Mill Valley also next to Sausalito. 
San Francisco (and this triangle) is where it is believed by many, to be the birth place of the Beat Movement, Hippie Movement, Seamen and Longshoremen Movement, (quote) Gay Movement, First Church of Satan by Anton Lavey and his Satanic Bible, Sixties Jesus Movement, Rebirth of the Civil Rights Movement (declared by Jesse Jackson at the California Regents Meeting in San Francisco), and other movements that I can't even remember of at this time, except for names like Allen Watts here from Sausalito, and the well known beat writers of the fifties in San Francisco. Mario Salvo declared the first great Student Rights Movement in Berkeley in the sixties, and so on and so on and all I have said all this, "to say" that this is the logical place for the rebirth of the Jesus Movement as experienced in the sixties, but applied to the new millennium. 


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