
Monday, February 19, 2018

Climbing the great Pirimide of Egypy Chapter eight late sixties and early seventies time period by Peter Romanowsky

My jouney into Egpyt late sixties/early Seventies Chapter eight climbing the Great Pyrimide...after a night or two in Egypt I went straight for the Great Pyrimide and the Sphinx and I didn't go inside the Pyrimide for I wanted to climb it but it is forbidden due to so many people falling and getting hurt and so I met a young Egytian Muslim guide dressed in traditional robe and said that he would take me to the top and we went behind the Pyrimide and he had a deal with the guard of the trail going up  through the cut rocks and like a real zig zazzy trail up the edge and very rough cut and I climbed and I climbed and couldn't believe how huge the Pyrimide was and was suffering still from jet lag and lack of sleep the first night in protective custudy as a guest of the chief of police, because I was on my own and not with the protecyion of a tourist groupe and was in danger of being robbed, for I had the equvilant of up to three years wages in American money and travellers checks in a country where a hotel was $1.00 a night and gor $1.50, the suit, so to speak...and of course I didnt syasy at the Hilton or the Shepards Hotels in Cairo, were the Westerners stayed l, for I was living like an Egyption, finnally half or two thirds of the way up I had to turn back for it was too high for me the way I was tired and feeling and I said to myself that I will come back some time or day on a return jouney into Egypt and finnish the climb, the Primides don't look as big as in the pictures at first sight but try to climb one if you can find the guide behind the Pyrimide and the friendly guard to pay them. When it came time to pay off I offered five dollars and the guide was insulted and sit at me for apparently he had to pay the guard also and he told me that he has taken Congressmen up the Pyrimide and such so I just shrugged it off knowing how much five dollars was to an Egyptian and then he wanted the money and I was upset by this time and said no for spitting me,  for I was still realing from the culture shock, lack of sfleep and jet lag combination and figured I'll square it with him the next time I'm in Egypt or something, then while looking at the Great Sphinx, I heard a tour guide saying to a crowd of tourist that Neapolian blew off the nose of the Sphinx, while using it for taget practice. How stupid does he think Westerners ate believing rhat art loving Frenchmen would do such a thing, but it is easier to think that the Muslims did it and just like they stole all the casting stones that covered the Pyrimides to build thier Grand Mosque in Cairo and other structures and apparently other lesser Pyrimides and structures for building the city of Cairo, of which destroyed the beautiful white and gleeming exterior of the Pyrimides and bore a hole in the side looking for Pharoes tomb and treasures and so its said that they found be continued

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