
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Part three Egypt

Part three my visit to Egypt somewhere in the seventies while taken into potective custudy in a military jeep to the police headquarters, I was tasken to the police captains office and welcomed and sat down and he introduced himself and told me that I was not under arrest for anything and something about for my own protection I was to be detained until morning and then I can check into a hotel,  or something ...and then he staryed asking me questions of who I was and where did I come from and so on,  and then asked me how masny Muslims lived in Ametica as small talk and I said that I didn't know for I never meet or knew any Muslims where I lived in Northern abd Southern California except on from Egypt who was a really neat person and owned a gas station and garage that my dad as,a mechanic worked for abd I then said or guessed maybe ten percent or even less and theb he said almost offeded that, that is how many Christians lived in Egypt.

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