
Monday, February 11, 2019

Worlds longest poem or sentence attempt by Peter Romanowsky

A poem and longest sentance attempt by Peter Romanowsky...I am full of pain, cold and frustration and the joy of  being alive and in my cold and frozen tears falling on my hands as I write like ice drops hitting from my warm tears hitting my hands as I type plus and the joy and warmth of a blanked over my head in the morning  with the joy and pain of being alive I am warmed from within by a strange warming light that brings frozen tears to my eyes as the joy and holiness of the moment between pleasure and pain collide and   the combination of both help keep me alive and with joy anticipation I face and flood the world with joy for alas it has been a long time since I have felt this way in looking foreward to another day with joy and excitment and anticipation a poem by peter romanowsky and next day today after having a wonderful day and the Ferry Landing with guitar and dog and friends and visions and smoke to ease the tension and pain in lue of costly brownies and drink to wash things down we pray and believe that all th his suffing and joy has a purpose beyound legalistic bounds  or bonds that Jesus freed us to live a life of love and freedom within the bounds of love coupled with justice in a world without love for Heavnly things in lue of earthy pleasures, hedonism and self wills in leu of love and gratefulness for forgiveness and the prayer God to put pure desires in our hearts and the ability to preform things out of pure love and gratefulness and so in pain and cold of a sleepless night of physical pain and cold in the morning that pains the cold wet feet of existance on the rocking waves of pure and powerful energy of the swells and waves that demostrate the power of creation and not to challange the Father's creation and enjoy the swells riding up and down in a digney and cusing the Satanic doubts of the breaking waves in a storm of helpessness in a hurricane force gust of wind we pray not to break loose and fall upon the rocks and loose ones home and savings of decades of precious memories and things of all replacable except original arts and writtings and memories and photos and hard drives and so I awake again in pain and pleasure and mostly pain in the night and cold and safetly and privicy  and no one to bang on the wall and yell turn and where the police rarely interfer on the bay and leave us alone except those anchored on the Sausalito side of the bay channel and so the police there are banning new boats from anchoring but safe and sound on the north side of the channel we bob and sway and fight off our fears of storms and modern day pirates and  some evil and some benign and mostly those considered pirates on the bay are painted with that image and are really keeping out for one another unless someone is strung out of meth and those are potentially the real evil pirates and not those considered and the rest we are pirates for the Lord and His Kingdom fighting the good fight of faith against the real pirates and evil doers and corporate pirates who look down on us with distain from the high ground and hillsides and so we as a mighty little navey of so called pirates we band together as brothers and Bucaneers eating meat when we have too and preparing to take on the hillside corporate pirates in a none violent test of wills to see who will blink first or who will be the first to incite violence against our floating homes and ships on the bay and meanwhile a storm is coming with high wind gusts and we are all tence and thinking how to best meet this next storm after a series of others of in one my ship broke loose and landed on shore at low tide and recovered at great expense by waterftont standards and so we this quite before the storm and getting ready with my third anchor in case of howling winds beyound our Oddessyus ability to wax our ears against the howing and singing demon Syriens lashing against our ships with the help of the demon of the sea  Neptune and brother of Zues and so we prepare against the demons of the oceans and the feeling that we are surrounded alas  but not gor only one third of the fallen Angels became demons and so the demons of fear and doubt and worry and wet and cold and harships are surrounded by the proverbial two thirds that did not fall and as we silently wait fb or the next storm and while we pray and think about our neighbors and this ships and homes and not wanting to drag or collide in the howling winds and waves and just had a ritual that anchorouts go through and stepping through a skylight and freaked my poor little doggie abd pooped and peed in bed and so we wait for the storm.windand waves a pray thst water does not come howling into the cabin with both  wind a rain for all things happen for good reason if we have faith and on a sunny day fresh air and Sun will come into my home and sanctuary and oh yes things are better then before for I put a carpet roll over the hatch and put anchor chain on top to kept it from blowing off and wow I was so stressed at first in a calm and sort of serene sense and beliving that God had a purpose to make things better, even though I stepped through it, or into it and so far works for the best and needed replacing and such are the trials and tribulations of living on the waters for the Native Americans call the Southern Miwoks and were called the Water People and lived no doubt like we do today on houseboats made of rafts and huts no doubt and this is where Sir Fancis Drake first dropped anchor in Sausalito and made his first contact with the Miwoks who have never seen European or white man in general so we speak of this mornings cold and pain and my heart was blessed with Seeing God's Eye in the morning as though waiting for me to look up from th he wet cold and pain and rottenness of parts of my tome capsule ship as I traven beyond the borders of this life and sail into the past and the future as I dream of travelling to ancient Egypt and presenting Pharo with a pair of dtainless steel side cutting nail clippers but another matter just came up my family his blog has dissapeared on my blogspot site and only God knows what happened to it so much work lost but nothing ever is for God the Father kmows where everything is and besides when ever it shows up again it will be all good and thus forth I shall incorporate family history in this hopefully prophetic poem and thought and thoughts of all the inporyant things in one life being intellectual and spiritial and material is created beyound our human understanding like a worm can understand nucleur physhics and I don't understand what happened to my autobiography and family history short book I wrote and disappeared off my blogspot but God knows where it is and maybe and probably wants me to incorporate this into my longest poem of sentance ever written so to speak and I speak about my  early life in the womb of my mother and father and brother escaping  from the Socialist Paradise and the KGB, as my father was a Red Army officer who defected to Finland and so my story begins with my father on the Russian Finnish front as a University of Moscow student and High School biology teacher who was drafted into the Officer Corps and as my father was on the front line one day as an artillary luetenant just before a battle he became very sleeply....

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