
Monday, January 4, 2021

Section Eight An Englismen Meets Cortez

The continuing story of the nations and peoples lives that seem lost or useless as English Roger that would be Pirate if have to against Spanish ships in disputed oceans and his survivor as sole from his fathers wreaked ship off the coast of Yucatan as his father tells to him to save himself and leap off the bow of ship onto s spit, of land before all hands and father the Captain lost and he just a youn teenage lad cast away of a forgien shore where not only Aztecs are hostile and always looking for human sacrifices for one reason of another and eating thier victims and on the other hand the Spanish and thier hostilites to Protestant England and the Inqusitions in Spain and the fact if caught his uncle in England and investors would be sued and insisted in being punished by the Spanish Envoy in England and cause a stir for English ships in thier sea that is claimed for itself and the gold and riches of strange new world so recently discovered....section  eight and to be continued...

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