
Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Prayers are valuable also and last night I listened too the Book of Enoch and noticed that Jesus and others in the Bible seem to quote from also and the Book is part of the Ethiopian Christian and Bible and the Ethiopian Jewish Bible also ...very old and historically important Book even if not included in Western Bible and thank you for your thoughts on donating to  feed the waterfront poor for pure religion unblemished before God and man is to visit the Fatherless and widows and to keep ones self from being spotted by the  World and for the starving and or  malnourished people of the World who really don't care about splitting hairs over Theology and getting introverted in Church and not reaching out to peoples basic needs, before indoctrination and fighting and arguing and fighting over Theology lessons instead of taking in the homeless, clothing the naked and visiting people in hospitals and prisons as Jesus taught and also in scripture it teaches that if a man have two coats to give to him that hath none and that goes for houses and lands also of which I noticed that my late  father in law never seemed to never give anything away without strings and I'm sure in my heart that I was just treated like one of his cattle as a sperm donator for to o spoil my grandchildren with his influence and millions, too make me look like  a loser in my children's eyes who have all but abandoned me and taking the grandchildren with them and never even seeing two of them and If I asked Becky directly for financial help to continue feeding the poor and ministering the general Word to them and creating fellowship and a funny story when I was in Istanbul the only Church I could find was a Seventh Adveist Church and who talking and fellowshipping with the pastor and the most famous Seventh Day Evangelist from the Middle East they a asked me if I knew who they were and I said of course your Christians and they were waiting for me to react to that question as if I may have had done prejudice and I had none for on the Mission Field everyone pretty much gets along with other Missionaries especially in Istanbul the capital of Mosques and as I said  before to that If I asked Becky directly for help in feeding the broke homeless, Anchorout outcasts  and needy she would put money into my account and but maybe out of a little pride I don't ask her for help and only in an emergency or if credit cards out for I live in my credit cards and virtually put my entire SS and disability check directly into account and an down to around thousand credit left or more and have no worries for for where God provides He guides and my Fellowship briefly with SDA ministers in Turkey was a blessing in spite of any theological differences they are virtually all set aside and my Missionary Ancester Matti Tarkkanen who became head if all missionary work world wide for the country of Finland as Lutheran Priest and help resolve a serious religious conflict in Angola and is written up in the United Nations and in conclusion hungry and dying people in the World don't care about minor doctrinal disputes while dying of exposer, hunger and sickness and also I signed over my community property too Becky to hold for me and the family anyway under threats of disinheritance by my clearly late father in laws Hedonism and my family beliced in  sexuel purity while he believed in virtually nothing and shouted out in front of everyone that he was a heathen and I'm sure that he never kept the Sabbath of ever wrnt to Church except weddings and funerals and so again in conclusion hungry dying and neglected people don't care about endless doctrinal squabbles, but need friends and someone to talk to and listen to and take too Social Services for healing and medical and food stamps and general assistance and Social Security and most homeless have lost everything, including wallets and purses and IDs and furthermore by Ernie's spreading his millions around too my children and their mother makes me look like a fool and loser in thier eyes and a Christian Fundamentalist outcast for not practicing fornication like my late father in law and making example to my children that his way is the best instead of being ready to lose all and be crucified for living and striving for a pure life of perfection and not practicing gross sin,firnjcation and worse of all the love of money, of which is the root of all evil and if I ran around with my late father in law and chased women like he did he would have loved me like buddies and but I have a higher calling and our Church congregation is about to explode around the world in our example of all day or night services for the end is near and we need to set aside our differences and relieve suffering and bring healing and that's the way we are healed while healing others first and while people sit and eat in front of thier flat screen TVs and over eat and die of diabetes,obesity and  heart failure while collecting welfare checks for instance the government is killing people by giving healthy people unearned income and they slowly die watching TV and eating themselves to death as Jesus taught people will be marrying over marrying and over eating and drinking when the Lord returns I stead of breaking bread with the poor and more to say later and thank you again for your thoughts and prayers and be assured that we have no strange doctrines to teach and use only the Bible and add nothing or take away nothing and I am asssured in my heart that I am doing the right thing and my credit is not shot and I can climb out of the three thousand debt with a little help from my friends m,to buy the food and things to feed up too fifty people on Sundays for under a hundred dollars of which is fantastic and but takes up to  a third of my income and forget tithing for that is the least one can do and Jesus has called us to do more the just give ten percent of us and but wants a hundred percent of us in all that we do and Jesus told the rich young ruler who kept all the Commandments from his youth and was lost still because he had no love in his heart for the poor to go the extra mile and sell what he didn't need and give to the poor of which is the greatest blessings on earth and healing the Bible teaches will come too one who gives and heals others instead of just sitting and waiting for the end of the world as we know it and pray for my children also who apparently have no interest in Church and Hannah had never even come too Waterfront Church but only once four years ago and nothing I can say or do about it in my proverbial proverty and low standing on Earth and I know from the visions that I have had and photographed that I am doing God's will,Pastoring formally again and the Church is slowly but surely growing and I can see in the future  hundred people coming on Sundays and since we started Church again  after year and half break aftercbeing kicked out of the Senior Center because of  a crazy homeless drug addict and homosexual  vagrant from San Francisco coming to Church service and trashing the bathroom and pulling the fire alarms, like they do in the streets of  city and had us kicked out and but at least we don't have to pay rent now outside where it is more beautiful and the we meek have inherited the best spot to have Church outdoors in the World so to speak and we in the past have had up too maybe fifty people coming and going too the Church services which includes Pantry and two hot dinners every Sunday and a listening ear for the suffering and lovely and broke and lost and bullied by the Devil and his Demons in human form on the Waterfront and Anchorage of Sausalito and Sincerely Peter Romanowsky Senior Pastor of our Sausalito Christian Fellowship Congregation and safe place to be on Sundays unt the bars close so to speak for if people can hang out in bars til 2:pm, then we can have Church til then also and starting to go into a trance now so now I wi say goodbye until my next inspired one finger message on my cell phone and haven't touched a computer since Covex and Library closer and if anyone would like to contribute too the healing and feeding and creating an atmosphere of fellowship and strength in  numbers Sausalito Waterfront Church send too New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated P.O.Box 2404 San Anselmo CA. 94960 and all the monies or donations will not go for salary,for no one has a salary in our  Corporation of three board members including my children's mother as Treasurer of our 501c non profit religious and missionary organization and thank you again. Very much anyone reading this Churcb bulletin and personal and family feelings and love is not easily offendedand to be continued in the Spirit by the Grace of God and J beg of ask for nothing and WI climb out of my debt alone with God and a we need is to buy the food and utensils and have some extra money to give to the poor and destitute of Sausalito, likeknly I've seen and witnessed and live among them and have become one of them likes a Missionary joining the tribe go help them from within and adapted some of thief customs unfamiliar with the clothed and showered and fed and sheltered World for like Saint Paul said that I have  become all things to all people that I by all means might save some....

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