Monday, October 4, 2021
On Sabbath keeping
Which Sabbath was Paul referring to ?! when he taught that we didn't have to keep the Sabbaths and by saying that one must keep the Sabbath to be saved is a lie and then one will have to live under all the laws and commandments or die for that is the penalty for gathering wood to start a fire on the Sabbath and was the man was slain and you go and live by your rules and do nothing, but stay a home seven days a week, while others are forced through divorce and thieft and robbery of which you can stay at home and do the same thing, virtually nothing, Seven days. Week and I Will go with Saint Pauls general Christian interpretation of Paul's meanings on the Sabbath and all law keeping and not of a Christian Cult like the Adventist who are isolated from the general Christian Community on the Sabbath, of which was the Shadow and Christ is the body and unless is born again, one will never understand, but will continue to do nothing for the Kingdom of God and not even sell your possessions and give to the poor like Christ told the rich young ruler who kept all the laws and Sabbaths and but hadn't live of compassion in thier hearts and while you were teasing me about sending a $500.00 donation, then God touched my impoverished friend Michael, to send me $500.00 without asking and just tol shame you for living the life of Riely and he was disinherited for being a Christian and preaches in front of San Francisco City Hall like I do in Sausalito whole you sit around enjoying and resting on ones ill gotten gain that you inherited and you and Becky would have both been disinherited, if you completely surrendered to Christ and his teaching about selling what you have and give to the poor, of which your dad could never do and if your not born again then you are the same as him and with only a form of Godliness but denying the power and only God knows if you are born again of just another religious person like the rich young ruler, And I live by two Commandments to Love God and man and waiting for you to sell all and give to be poor like I did, when I gave my community property to Becky to keep her from being disinherited and impoverished and now I am the richest man on the waterfront and am Able to feed the poor out of my own pocket on the waterfront like virtually no one else on the waterfront and God will continue Shaming you and your ill gotten wealth at the cost of people like me that your parents and family has screwed along with countless women by your Hedonistic father who did nothing without gain and I like others I was just breeding cattle on his ranch for grandchildren then taken away from me....
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