foremen by lottery from some five hundred justist by a divine twist of fate and being a peace also a peace activist and latter on in his own trial was accused of being associated with a well known leader in politics and war of which he was also was a friend and fellow !? And this story to be told later on in this work andnhe was accused of being implicated in the sending the fleet of ships too Sicily to crush it's navy for it's support for Corinth and Sparta, in the greatest navel disaster during the war, in which the entire fleet of the Athenian ships was destroyed off the coast of Sicily of which only one man survived to tell the story who returned as an unshaven and dishoveled looking homeless man and vagabond and stranger from his ordeal and escape from the navel battle and survived the journey back home too Athens. To tell the story of how the entire Athenian fleet was destroyed and that he was the only survivor of this greatest of all expeditionary fleet, that was going to destroy the Sicilian navy of which was allied to Corinth and the Peleponeseia and this one lone survivor said that those that were not killed, were taken captive into slavery by the Sycilians and the whole of Athens was in shock horror that thier loved ones and brethren and fellow citizens and their greatest of fleets was destroyed, with their fellow Athenians and this Greek tragady of immense preportions somehow was associated with Socratese for his friendship or association with the one who conceived the plan to send the fleet too Sicily, in this second and greatest navel battle of the war that broke the back of the greatest navel power in the Mediterranean and the final straw in this on going war and setting aside the fact that Socratese was a friend or associated with and contrbuted to the jury that finally and ironically condemed Socratese to death in his own trial latter on in the story and I will attempt to unravel the timelines and details of these two navel events and Socrateses' support to the Generals or "Admirals" as we would call them today, And I will seek to unravel the intrigue and the relationships and timelines with the so invoked players in this drama in this epic period of Greek history that brought Athens finally too it's knees and broken dominance of Athens that led to the Philosophical Age of Athens, after it's defeat by plage and the Spartans and Corinthians who now had a superior fleet to the Athenians, after the final destruction of the Athenian fleet in the harbor off Sicily and in the meanwhile in the this first navel battle of the alleged desertion and drowning sailors in the sea was the trial going on with Socratese as Jury Foremen and influenced the Jury in his own trial for Atheism, against the Greek gods and the corrupting of the youth of Athens and with his anti war sediments and his association with a major political figure who was accused of treason had made him a very unpopulater Street Philosopher and will attempt to unravel these associations and accusations later on in this book as I go for my manner of writing is called self correcting as and I vertually never go back and cross anything out and rewrite but go further on and correct and repeat facts, speculations, machinations and inspirations as I go and try to explain the under currents of Socretese's own political connections, accusations and religious heresies trial, where politics and religion become one in Socretese's trial and conviction and all the under currents for the Spirit of what is taught and written is more important then the details and timelines of his historical period and the turning point of history and safe to say the Socretese had both religious and political enemies and when all is said and done the Athenians grieved after Socretese drank the Hemlock that he was condemed to drink as well as Admiral whom he defended was condemed to drink also with his Generals of whom done escaped the Hemlock by going into self exhile after paying the usual bribes associated with trials of condemnation of which Socretese was expected to do also having well to do friends and supporters like Plato and his money who paid the bribes to the politicians and the jailers for his own escape and release into the area of Thessolonia of which in Greek mythology was associated with the fields of Ilysian with it's mythical horses roaming free and the ocean beaches of the Greek version of Paradise, but Socretese was not thinking of retreating of hiding of fleeing too the early paradise Thessolonia of which was out of reach of the Athenian authorities and living or spending his last days in exhile in Paradise, but out of conviction, humiliation and the injustice of his condemnation and old age and having a younger wife with young children felt no doubt in his advanced age it would be impractical for him to start a over again in Thessolonia and although his wife was a really hard person to live with anyway and had friends and supporters in Athens to take care of his young wife and children he decided to drink the hemlock in protest and affiliation with the Generals condemed to death who also drank the Hemlock of which he si fervently defended at thier trial so they all drank the hemlock together in protest and honor except for those generals that paid the required bribes and escaped to thier own Ellsium on earth and he chose with his fellow generals before drank their condemnations down with honor like Rommel did in World War Two after his involment to kill Hitler and save his family if he promised to kill himself, otherwise his wife and children would have to pay the price and as Socretese in his old age and lisd of pention could not be able to support his wife and family in exhile he felt that he was doing the best for his family and his trouble wife was young enough to marry again to a now famous Philosopher as the people of Athens grieved and mourned for what they had done to such a humble and yet outspoken and innocent man who believed in one God like Plato and his name was not Zues the god who was more like a sinful man then a God and the final nail in Socretese's coffin according to Plato who was feeling sickly over his condemnation and was busy paying off the bribes for his exhile and couldn't be in the room with Socretese's closest followers said that it was the Play called "The Clouds" written and preformed by Athens most famous theatrical writer and playwrite was what finnaly killed him as a man with his head in the clouds so to speak and when he spoke at his own trial and defend his said that the people of Athens owed him free meals for life at the greatest dinning table in Athens and for the most important people for all his wisdom and could have made a plea bargain of which was the custom also at the time this more infuriated the Athenians at his trial and he remained stubborn and defiant at his innocence for his Atheism of the Greek gods and the charge of corrupting the youth of Athens with his teachings and philosophical and practical view of life that was not completely controlled by the gods of Homer in every detail of ones life and further more he was charged with charging money for his wisdom of which he venenently denied like Saint Paul also would deny centuries later and supported himself as the most successful missionary in history although he also said that the labourer is worthy of hier and he would have non of it except for expedience and travel when not supporting himself by making tents and providing work for his concerts and brothers and sisters and having tent meetings and prayers together in his hand made sanctuaries long before any Church buildings were ever built and I also have gone through life never profiting of being paid for my preaching and ministry, like a hireling and not a good Shepard from the heart and not for profit although when traveling abroad as a missionary evangelist throughout Western Europe and Israel, I would take support as I went from country to country and town too town and Church to Church recieving travelling monies for good and lodging took the next town and at home, only went into debt supporting myself and others in the ministry and gave a my community property too my wife and children who are we of and all three grown children are University graduates and I myself was forced into exhile after the external forces and circumstances of the World sourced my wife too send me I to internal exhile on my ship or boat on San Francisco Bay where I live anchored off shore and have been on my boat full time since nineteen eight for some thirty eight years and counting anchored in the middle of the bay through some of the fireces storms of life save for three years in a Harbor in Sausalito California called Galilee Harbor for three years and like Moses in the desert wilderness for forty years, I've been in a watery wilderness all this time and still am as I write these words in my watery and floating writers cabin and free from all distractions as I write for most all of us that live on boats or vessels anchored as out casts have of ei become hermits and have learned to live solitary lives as mostly single or physically abandoned men and women from family and friends and have learned to live without human company of physical love and are forced into the Spirit World or drugs and after decades of ground breaking missionary activity on San Francisco Bay and Sausalito I still support myself in the ministry with a little help from my friends and am in debt to no man on earth as Saint Paul taught and am in debt only too a corporation called Bank of America on my credit card in the few thousands and am able to pay the minimum from by Social Security and added physical disability payments and no man on earth can say that I owe them anything but love as I continue to minister every Sunday at noon to evening feeding and providing for my fellow abandoned and impoverished friends with two meals and pantry every Sunday in front of the Sausalito City Hall starting at noon and with again a little help from my friends and brothern in the mist beautiful place in Sausalito to have an outdoor service and fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Book of Love by Who/ Chapter Eight/ The Naked Philosopher and Open Book too the World was Socrates the lover of Wisdom over Materialism of Which are Better then Rubies as Solomon Wrote
Picture Socratese at the Gymnasium and School in Athens during the athletic time with the youth of Athens and envisioned naked with the students of which the custom was to do thier athletics naked and him with only a towel and or without his dingy light robe that he usually wore on the streets in summer and winter and barefoot if I recall also from my reading history as he was not on staff on the equivalent of a University for the elite, and taught the students on their sports time of his philosophy and views of the war and he himself was later charged or accused of corrupting the youth of Athens with his Minamilist Philopsophy of life Atheism against the Panthestic beliefs of the Greeks, in general and sharing his wartime experiences as a veteran and Peace Nick with the students a d after experiencing the horrors of war and combat and was also a decorated war hero himself and Hoplite in the Pelapenisian War with Athens of which he was now retired and an honderably discharged veteran, from the horrors and non sense of the long and drawn out war with Corinth and Sparta and sharing his support with supporting the Generals of his thier accusations that the Generals on trial for their lives accused of abandoning thier fellow seamen in a navel battle with the Peleponesians, whom he supported thier innocence after by lottery became jury foremen at thier trial after the navel battle against the Peleponesians and Corinth in the war with Athens that was dragging on forever, with no peace in sight and supported the Generals or Animals in thier innocence in the accused abandonment of thier fellow seamen after a navel battle in which he and the other Generals were accused of abandoning thier men at sea after the battle, due to a storm that made them unable to rescue thier fellow sailors who were in the water or clinging on to thier wreaked ships that sunk and destroyed due to a storm that made it impossible to rescue thier fellow matines and were now on trial for their lives for desertion and abandonment of thier fellow seamen, before a jury of some five hundred Athenians and he being made
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