Germany was ean and beautiful although I'm always taken back by chickens in small cages I stead of free roaming and Klaus who looked like an classic Englishmen of fighter pilot came and visited us in Marin County and ministered in our home Bible Study s be continued in poetic prose scrip and glossolalian words that fail to comprehend outside of Christ but can draw on in too the live and beauty of the Kingdom of heaven within a while still on this sin cursed World 415 374 O734 and John 316
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Book of Love by Who/Chapter Twelve/ Sweden Bound and beyond to Munich Germany men on a Mission of Love in Jesus Christ John 3/16
After leaving Finland by boat Ken and I landed in Sweden and I don't remember making any contact there with the Churches to minister in and what I remember most about Sweden was it's walking street in It's capital being filled with people and watching a street artist team from England making a ton of money in tips after doing a fantastic street artist performance and someone with a hat getting filled with Swedish Krona and Ken and I were indoors as well as outdoor missionaries, but never crossed out minds to bust for money to supplement out mission as well as getting the Gospel out in song and the Word and although at my age it's difficult to remember all the details of our missionary journey as it's overlapping timelines myself going to Finland four times first time with my pregnant wife and the second with Ken of which I have no real memory of ministry with there my first time in Stockholm and having no previous contacts here even though I was born there and lived briefly as a child my mother told me my refugee father got a job feeding pigs with human manure filled with condoms and hard to imagine as all this was happening before Hitler invaded Russia after seeing how hard the Finns flight the Russian invasion of it's homeland and we're beaten to a stand still in the Winter Wars of which my father was an artilary officer with battlefield promotion too Captain and desecided to change sides and around a million Russians lost their lives in the narrow roads in the forests of Finland and and would not quite fighting the Soviet invaders until they ran out of bullets so to speak and inspired the whole World to be able to stand down the greatest army in the World and Hitler took note and though if they could not over run Finland that it would be easy to conquer Russia and disasterly was mistaken for Finland was a land of believers in Christkne I had never seen before for we had an invitation to speak almost every day for some thirty six days and left with a modest amount of money for the rest of our journey and my mind goes back to my third mission to Finland with David Penmen a close friend and member of our Church congregation and when we landed in Sweden next we meet a groupe of people and fellowl believers in the Lord Jesus Christ call Maranatha a rebel groupe of Christians that had an illegal pirate radio station that they moved around Stockholm because they were not allowed to have a legal one or let on the main radio stations and they had a multistory hotel as thier headquarters and invited us in tent free and where we first ministered indoors and then out into the streets preaching and singing and where in the process of starting a Bible School for the Maranatha Church movement was the Jesus Movement at the time of former Hippies for Jesus and full of energy and I remember a Maranatha Church in Norway when there in a big formal building on a solo journey to Finland and we had fun and free hotel for a week or so and my associate loved it so much that he decided to stay and minister and work with them in their school and later went back took Finland before coming home a long time later and in the meanwhile Jen and I took a train from Stockholm too Denmark and the train car was put on a ferryboat to cross ๐ค over too Copenhagen and now there is a tunnel to cross the channel and we went to the area of walking street where no cars are allowed and found lodging with a groupe of fellow believers and Sixties Hippies types and busted a couple of Pentecostal Churches and as usual we would come to a church service early and introduce ourselves to the pastor abd share our mission with them and then get invited to give our testimonies of Salvation and New Birth and then get invited to the next of evening service to do our ministery of song and healing and preaching and I don't remember how we met the Hippie Christians whether on walking street while they were outdoor ministering of at the Apostolic Pentecostal Church and were invited back again to minister on Sunday morning the next week and hile staying with the Jesus Movement Christians in their beautiful and remodeled multistory house call Soli De Gloria at house not far from walking Street that was build a couple of hundred years ago and completely remodeled inside and thats were we stayed for the week and then were invited to come to thier favorite of Marin Pentecostal Church they go to and my music minister Ken was asked to sing there but I was not asked to speak and the Holy Spirit came on me and urged me to leave during the service and go to the Apostolic Church where I was asked to minister with Ken and we left the first service early and Ken didn't get a chance to minister there to the wonder if the pastor who wanted Ken to sing but we're were a team and had a prior invitation and only went too this๐ second Church out of curtisy to our hosts at Soli De Gloria of which we street ministered with them during the week and we were taken to an abandoned military base where the Hippies had taken over with beautiful abandoned and empty house and such and became a Sixties style Hippie giant commune and the Christians had one of the houses and we were invited to minister in candle light so to speak for there was no power there and since then the place has become permeant housing to this day for the poor, young and homeless Hippies a perfect example of homeless people taking over abandoned buildings called Christania and made into permently housing and I remember while street ministering with the residents of Soli De Gloria on walking street when a we dressed lol are man in a proverbial shinning suit with a Communist Party badge on and said that he was a Communist doing business in Poland and told me a joke in my ear and said that there are no Communists in Poland and this was before the Polish revolt against the Russia occupation and from there we hopped on a train a๐ from Copenhagen to Munich Germany with out first class Eurail Passes and got a seat in one of the train compartments with folding seats into beds and fell asleep to wake up the next sunny morning with some businessmen looking person coming in to sit and opening the window for fresh air and we told him if our mission and he pointed out the border wall fence with it's guard towers dividing East and West Germany and then as we were going through what I thought as the most beautil scenery in Europe travelling down and alongside the ๐ Rhine River valley and seeing the most beautiful castles and German Chocolate rolling hills for we had not seen a hill or a mountain in Finland or since leaving Finland for everything was flat land before coming to Germany and it was beautiful and idelic and reminded me of Marin County withs it's rolling hills and thought to myself that this is the most looking place like Marin and beautiful streets Autobons and wealthy and maintained looking and what a beautiful country and then we pulled into a magnificent railway station with magnificent trains and checked into the local YMCA where I had made contact with the youth and the youth leader on a ship called the Appolonia sailing from Athens to Israel and in the middle of the Mediterranean I along with my associate John Newton on a previous mission to Israel and we met this groupe of Christian youth making thier way to Israel on a pilgrimage and was asked to speak and share during a service that they were going to have on the ship being Sunday and over the loud speaker they announced to the whole ship over the public address system that a service was going to be held on the ship and what a dream and after checking into the YMCA in Munich we met up again with the youth minister a leader and had a beautiful room in a beautiful hotel owned by the YMCA and everything was clean and beautiful in Munich Germany for this would be the site of the Summer Olympics and we had arrived just before the opening and the whole city was waiting for the great and eventful day and apparently the first thing the Olympics were in Germany since the time of Hitler and the streets were clean and bright and the only annonomy I saw was a drunk German young man with an most perfect American Accent that he had learned hanging out with American GIs and drinking with them for the Germans themselves are a very sober people except during Octoberfest and otherwise I never saw another drunk German except at the YMCA hotel coffee house a Germen youth was a little tipsy and friendly and polite as they served beer at the YMCA and the leader told me that he had visited American YMCAs and he said that in Germany that there were nothingime the ๐ YMCAs in America and were Christian Evangelical so to speak and also drinking was no problem for Christians in moderation and there was even a beer vending machine in the dormatory of another YMCA location in Munich where we stayed and I think we may have ministered so e in the coffee house and then out into the streets and English Park where we ministered outdoors together with the YMCA Germens playing the guitar and singing and preaching open air on walking street and English Park of which last I heard one can go nude in part of the park and had a great and good time and I met a hansom young man named Klaus Publichousen who ran a Teen Challenge Ministry for recovering drug and teen alcoholics on a chicken farm outside of Munich and invited us over and checked the place out andjns everything in
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