
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Book of Love by Who/Chapter Thirteen/Leaving Munich for Rome

   Cloud photo by Peter Sausalito if God and Christ many years ago and relatively recently and Upon leaving Gemany we hopped onto a very sparse train used my mirant workers from Italy to get back home cheep and although we had first class rail passes with folding seats usually to make into beds there non on this train if I remember after a week in Munich and made our way into the darkness at night towards Italy and woke up in a beautiful city on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland and was one of the most impressive cities I've ever been in my travels and reminded most like Sausalito California in Marin. County USA and had cobblestone streets on the side of a hill with a beautiful view of the lake with sailboats on it and most impressive was a least a fifty foot sailing yacht on this beautiful blue lake and flower pots hanging on the streets and the coin money like like and felt like real silver and place that I will never forget after travelling through the Alps at night and morning light and the city was small a quaint and the most beautiful and desirable place to be in Switzerland no doubt and is famous for an ancient wooden bridge and a Cornish or pocket of the lake even had palm trees I was told and can you image being in Switzerland and no wonder everyone wants to live there and from there we moved on into the next night and had an opportunity to take a side train too France on our first class Eurail pass on a beautiful French train heading for Paris as long as we were in Europe but that was cut short after a troop of drunk French solders boarded the train in North Italy apparently coming from a vacation and one carrying a long neck bottle of Wine and it was hugh with a wicker bottom and waving it around and I though that everyone was crazy like this in Paris France and we jumped off the train and and caught an opposite train south back too Italy and travelling in France went through towns like Lyons and another romantic sounding name of a town at night and imaging that we were not far from Spain and woke up in Italy too poverty looking buildings and housing clinging too the sides of a hill next to the railroad tracks and was the poorest looking buildins I saw in Europe with laundry being dried outdoors and such and then we came too the train station in Rome and asked a uniformed and smartly dressed security guard for directions too a hotel and as he was speaking and lighting a cigarette and putting down checking into a pilgrims or Monestary hotel or hostel his lighter flame bust into his face harmlessly but startling him and took his advice and checked into a clean and inexpensive hotel that reminded me of something like in New York City and ba no ambience and then near the Seven Fountains we found a monastic pilgrims restablisment that was really awesome and beautiful and run by Nuns and I remember being irratable about sonething non related to checking in and just from the heat and searching although the weather was beautiful and the head Nun going tis tis with a smile like saying how can you be irratable in a beautiful place of city like this on a beautiful day in Rome and funny later I saw her get irratable about something herself unrelated to our stay at the Monestary or which was the first time when travelling stayed in and was so clean and holy feeling that wow we made it too the promised land in Rome and these would be the places to seek to stay whenever travelling in Pilgrims Monestaries and we the Seven Fountains and very beautiful and then the Roman Forum in the heart of ancient Rome and were awed by the ancient ruins of the main street and so much to take in and the collosium and the Titus Arch of Triump over Jeusalem with the Menorah carved into it while being carried away with other Temple treasures and I side to he Collosium we were awed and then the experience of going to Saint Peter's Ballsiluca and bring floored by the immense size of the largest open air building in the World and climbing the stairs too the top of Saint Peter's and seeing the immense view of Rome and the Papel Garden below and alm in all a has dropping experience and the skeletons of past Popes in glass coffins dressed in thier Papel robes and the awesome spiral columns over what people believe is Peter's last resting place below ground and the museum connected too Saint Peter's was also awesome close by in Vatican City a State in itself with its own post office and passports and remembering the Roman Forum again and visiting the Mamertine Prison where Peter and Paul were kept at different times and a real hole in the ground dungen and the ancient pagan temple ruins with Churches being build into them or converted to Churches and the leacef atmosphere of this downtown ancient heart of ancient and historic Rome was all that I expected to see from pictures in the past and meeting a talking with a long black robbed and friendly Priest and a breeze blowing Italian Lira in the wind at our feet and the feet of another long black robbed Priest and the whole experience was over whelming and unforgettable and peaceful and one could sit in the central park like forum forever and then we visited the small Pentecostal Church that the Pastor in Tatzana in West Valley where my parents lived and learned about this Church and we had no prior engagements in Rome of cobtacts we visited the Church on a weekday service and to our surprise the pastor said that he was expecting us and had received a letter from the pastor that we're were coming too Rome and Bingo we got and invitation to minister for the Lord had pre arranged it and we had a healing service with Kens music and all I I remember a womens fingers were healed and a typewriter was brought out to demonstrate her healing and it was all a revival and wonderful experience for I had been in Rome only once before and never got off the plane from Israel to Los Angeles and a Catholic Bishop had gito to the plane and sat right next too me and he made the sign of the cross and prayed before departing and we began talking and he told me that he was the leader of an Holiness Movement and an author and was going too New York to meet with followers and I shared with him that was returning from Israel as a amissionary evangelist and he can me an apostle for thats what the Latin word translated from Greek means and also concerning the pastor of the small minority  Pentecostal Church, who was in the process of trying to get a permit to operate a fundamentalist Gospel radio station in Rome and getting resistance like the Fundamentalist Christian Fellowship and Church Movement called Maranatha was having the same problem and had to move a small Pirate radio station around to different places in order to not being caught and while going to a Bible school for a gathering when I the car going too at this time an outdoor gathering if I recall on the site I asked the driver where the portable radio station is he said in the car with us and in a briefcase about the size of a CB radio and they string up an antenna up a tree for instance and broadcast over Stockholm and the Pastor and leader of the Church Movement had showed me a pile of Newspaper articles like on the front pages about the Pirate Christian radio station stricking again again to show the effectiveness of their station and broadcasts again due to Sweden has a Luthern Church State and doesn't like competition historically speaking and Finland also but Finland is full of Independent Pentecostal and fundamentalist be continued contact or 415 374 0734 of you would like to help edit or correct punctuation and Grammer as this is raw data and an outline of a future punished book and just getting my thoughts and memories out at this time and God Bless and Love 316 

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