
Monday, May 16, 2022

Book of Love by Who/ Chapter Nineteen/ The Arrival too Israel

    Upon arriving too the Port of Haifa in Northen Israel we begin the most awesome part of our journey, the final destination after some five months since our departure from the San Francisco Bat Area to evangelize and minister healing and salvation in the name of Jesus and now for me it's back in the Holy Land of the Bible, where it all started for I also had been there before with John Newton a fellow believer from our little Congrgation back in Marin County and bay area and had started our journey and mission into Israel from th his port also and I have been there a total of four times by the time of this writting in 2022 and I will attempt by the Grace of God and the guidance of th he Holy Spirit in Jesus name to combine all my experiences into thus one and historical narrative and where does one go or start in narrating such an epic series of events and ministry in this wonderful and historically beautiful land and for starters the first thing one sees is the golden domed Temple of Baha'i, on the side of Mount Carmel and a vision that I will never forget, seeing a Jewish looking mother weeping at the first sight of the land her ancesters were driven from some to thousand years ago and sold into slavery by the Romans, in seventy AD, and returning alone with tears in her eyes all alone and looking over the ships rail and crying, for probably her whole family was murdered by the Natzis and being all alone in the return, too the promised land, given the Jews, from the time of Abraham some three or four thousand years ago and history never forgets and is ztialive in Israel, one can feel it and see it and breath it and like it was yesterday and the mind drifts off into Crusader forts and some buildings unseen, and the Muslim invasion of the Christian and Roman Byzentine conversion of the land called by the ancient and pagan Romans Palistine,   centuries before the Arab and Muslim invasion and occupation  in the seventh  century top a land that had become officially Christian by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the fouth century and one can see the evidence of this conversion and destruction and invasions and intact buildings left behind everywhere and one gets the feeling for instance the Crusades just happened yesterday and after landing in Hiafa we boarded a bus too Tell Aviv, a Los Angeles looking hussle and bushel and secular looking city and then another bus too Jerusalem and it's beautiful spiritually and religious Capital.and I remember also the first time I set foot in Jerusalem on a prior mission with San Francisco city Architect John Newton and the feelings that I had of absolute awe that I was actually there and entering at night made it feel even more awesome and mysterious and a feeling that I will never forget as walking through the Main Gate King David Street and then checked into the Angelican Church Mission and Pilgrim hotel and a clean and beautiful place with a very neverus and polite minister and caretaker and  concerned about anyone bringing in bed bugs from riding on Arab buses or hostels of which never happened and the first place in my life I expetienced bud bugs was on a later mission too Egypt and checked into the Sunrise Hostel if I recall the name and the secret with sleeping with beg bugs is to keep the light on a night, in your room for bedbugs hate light and yes,very annoying to slope with the lights on all night and two female backpackers chose to huddle outside thier room and not knowing the secret,of leaving the lights on and when I checked into the Hostel in Cairo, I was greeted with an Egyptian couple of youths a the front desk and pointing a gun at me and laughing and people wonder why do many terrorist come from the extreme elements of the Muslim religion !? Anyway after checking into the Anglican Christ of Christ Mission and Pilgrims Hostel or which was very cheap and reasonable for all Pilgrims for what ever financial class was or is one is for that would be blasphemy for holy pilgrims and many Pilgrims hostels are in the Old City of Jerusalem, such as the White. sisters of Zion a beautiful Pilgrims place too stsy and built over the place that Jesus was concerned to death for saying that he was the Son of God and run by the White Sisters of Zion of the Catholic faith and another Catholic Pilgrims Hostel is called the Casa Nova and can eat and drink wine with the Monks and another is run by the Lutherans and I can't rember then name is the Lutheran Pilgrims even though I stayed in them Al and my favorite was the White Sister of Zion and one can call them or all or any of the Pilgrims histels by phone for reservations and forget the expensive hotels in the modern East Jerusalem if you want to stay in the Old be continued next exploring Jerusalem 

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