
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Book of Love by Who/Chapter Eighteen/Drama and Civil War in Cyprus while waiting for a Ship too Israel and nearly blown up out of curiosity

 Cloud photo by Peter Romanowsky of Sausalito....After arriving too the Port City of Nicosia Cyprus from Tarsus/Adana Turkey we hopped on a share ride taxi too the city of Limmasal to catch another ship to Haifa Israel and checked into a hotel and ag night we heard an explosion down the narrow street and glass shattering and upon waking up I asked the hotel manager if a war was going and he said that the explosion was a Greek faction fighting against another Greek faction and a bomb was placed in another opposition Partys business and he further told me that the police station. was blown up by a truck truck bomb or something after a phone call came to them and warning them that a bomb was about to go off and the police scattered,  for the Greeks were more interested in blowing up property rather then targeting people was my impression or that I was told at the time and as we waited for a Barkley Bank wire for money for boat tickets after making our first long distant collect   call for money from home Church and wife Becky for she wired the money and my memory fails ne somewhat as to first I wrote a letter from Turkey for support therebeing no Churchs to speak of in Turkey for indoor ministry and support and waited in Limmasol for the wire and it being late and wondered so called back for the first time in months calling back home collect after being in somewhat primitive conditions in the Near East like never seeing a Supermarket or a fast food resturant for example let alone a phone booth able to call collect internationally until researching the more Westernized side of Cyprus for example again and accustomed to listening or speaking I broken English for months on the roads and seas and at this point we began or begin to start babbling for the wire was a week late and the landlord began harassing us for a weeks stay using only our passports as collateral as the custom always was while travelling and pay as we leave and but now we are stuck with an unsympathetic hotel keeper and I lost my cool and chewed him out under the stress of being broke and no Churches to support us and no food or refreshing drink in the Mediteranian sun on the beach with it's clear blue waters and so hungery that I tried to spear bottom fish like sml flounder witn a fork on a stick and but they were to fast for me and as I was only wearing colored underwear mygrand mother gave me in Finland for underwear in Finland are colored somixed sexes andfamily and neighbors can Sauna together without bathing suits and but in truth most Sauna together naked is the custom with we known neighbors or family, unless one Saunas solo or with same sex friends and so here we were, poor and broke and had just gotton kicked out of our hotel room and leaving Ken's twelve string guitar as collateral on a weeks back hotel bill and we were on the beach with our back packs and sleeping bags and we thought that we would have to sleep on the beach at night, until our money wire comes and then something interesting happened and although the only Protestent little Church fellowship and the Pastor basically said that he could not take us in or help us or to have any ministry opportunity for it was an extremely small Church and so small that I couldn't even remember seeing a building and looked like from memory more of a store front fundamentalist  or home Church as the Greeks are mostly Orthodox and few protestant Churches in the Greek speaking World and no Greek Orthodox Church had invited us to minister on the whole time in Greece, for instance and meanwhile we had met a youthful Hippy with a tiny little sailing digney called the Good Ship and we had fun swimming and playing in the water and trying to forget our delema with he said where are you staying tonight for we had told him that we got kicked out of our hotel room and Ken's guitar was confiscated and he offered to buy it from us for extra cash after paying our hotel bill eventually and in the meanwhile he says that he knew a hotel that we could check into with our passports without money and he took us to what looked like the red light or bar and entertainment part of town and we checked into a clean and nice room and settled down to a good nights sleep and the next day or so we noticed beautiful women walking by the open door of our room wearing thier underwear and we thought or said to ourselves that we are in a prostitutes hotel and everyone was very friendly I including the hotel manager and I must say the women were gorgeous and didn't look like wasted on drugs or alcohole and but full bodied and healthy looking and polite in appearance for they probably spoke litte English or broken English and never remember speaking to anyone there just shy smiles and polite jesters, if any for it has been a long time ago In the early seventies, in the year of the Munich Olympics that we were  there there and now I am writting this in two thousand and twenty two and my mind is full of broken memories at the age of seventy three in June 26th and it is April now as I write and my mind is filling in the gaps of my memories with romantic notions and dreams and memories and inspirations for the Holy Ghost is promised to bring back out memories in the Scriptures and the memories given to me are being guided and checked by the Holy Ghost for importance and relevance and I can fill in gaps on my own also being partners together with God and not nearly robots or drones parroting things for we have amind of our own so to create poetic prose and embellishments without extaturations and as we go on with this historical narrative one finger at a time  and one letter at a time takes deep thought and patien dand again thoughtful prayers as one goes, when there is now writers block then run with it as I am doing now so back too out story in Cyprus as we were staying in our hotel room and waiting for a money wire from California is a good time to digress back too our first week in Cypress when passing time and some would say killing time we heard an explosion a few blocks away from near the shore where we liked to stay and on going to investigate what it was for being a low key civil war going on and out of curiosity and boredom we went to investigate and we found a crowd of people and across the street from them an official looking goverment building and being closed on Sunday a bomb had been strategically placed next to a flight of stairs too the main entrance and designed to blow out all the windows on the right side of the main entrance I then walked across the wide street to see more closing the damage and where the bomb had been placed inthe cornor of a short wall surrounding the frint of the building next to the concrete of stone stairs I went to look on the opposite side of the stairs and wall and noticed  what appeared to be a five gallon square metal can and as half the windows on the other side of the building were blown out it seemed logical that this was another bomb and ready to go off to blow out the second half of the buildings front windows, then I walked away and rejoined with Ken Hopkins my music minister and travelling conpanion, who stayed across the street and we walked a couple of block away and then heard behind us a second explosion and I wanted to go back and look to confirm that I was right in thinking that my face was only feet from the suspected time bomb and Ken would have none of it and said that he just wanted to keep walking away and I still shutter to think how close I came to being blasted in the face from the bomb and I thank God for preserving me and as we again waited for a second wire transfer of money, for the first never came and it caused us to wait again for some days for the second and when it arrived we went to a travel agency to buy tickets to board the ship to Hiafa  Israel on the boat that I believe was the Appolonia of which I had been on before on a mission too Israel from Athens Greece, on which ship and the then traveling companion and Agape' Church fellowship member, of which I was Pastoring named John Newton and I met the YMCA youth groupe that we had a service on the ship on the middle of of the Mediteranian and being announced on the ships public address system on which anyone could attend and no matter what class of passenger and meet in a sunny foreward room on the ship and that we were invited to speak of minister of give our testimonies of salvation or our mission too Israel of which the YMCA leader said that they were going on a pilgrimage also and whom Ken.and I met in Munich again on this present mission and the travel agent for the ship said, that the ship was booked and that he could not guarantee that we will be able to get on board and would give us a refund if denied passage for we were desperate to get off the Island as beautiful as it was in spite of the war and being broke in Paradise was no fun and the waiting what seemed like two weeks to deceive the money and pay the rents and redeem and sell Ken's guitar for extra food and travelling money and then we got into a long boat with other passengers and motored out to the anchored ship and slipped aboard and found a hiding place on the deck and expected to sleep on a deck chair over night too Israel and feeling like  stowaways and being concerned about being caught and taken back to shore in the launch when all of a sudden we heard or names called on the ships public address system to appear at the table where the new passengers were being processed for we had slipped on boat with only boarding passes and avoided the processing table and when we arrived with anticipation of being caught and disembarked instead the uniformed officer smiled and told us what cabin to go too and we were astonished and were given a double cabin on deck level instead of having to spend a cold and hungery night sleeping on cold deck chairs again, like from the ship from Turkey too Cyprus and to our further astonishment it included meals and when the call for supper came we found ourselves sitting and eating at a table with a travling family and we thanked God in our hearts for taking care of us and after a good nights sleep we arrived in the port of Haifa, the San Francisco of Israel and to be continued and please feel free to help me run this unedited and unpuncuated streaming and glossolalia writen and prostatic thoughts and memories through a word prossesor as I'malmost seventy three and need to write these memoirs for my childrens, children in a published book inthe near future and send a corrected copy if you can to and thank you friends and family for taking your valuable time to read and progress and remember Church and Lunch every Sunday starting at noon in front of the Sausalito City Hall at moon in California 

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