Friday, June 10, 2022
Book of Love/ Chapter Twenty Three/ Missionary Journey into Egypt
My missionary journey into Egypt starts at Athens International Airport. While standing in line to buy my ticket a Greek came up to me with an intoxicated and beautiful woman if I recall from Belgium or Germany? She was beautiful tall blond and very drunk or high and this Greek man and asked me to take care of her to make sure she gets on her flight back to Europe and so put her in my arms. I turn to a middle-aged lady behind me apparently was American from her accent and being a minister on a mission had no time to deal with the Beautiful drunk or high on drugs socialite looking woman who obviously was in Greece for a good time and woman behind me cried out saying that there was nothing she could do dude. So I helped her stagger to the counter so I could buy my ticket to Cairo Egypt. In the confusion she grabbed my boarding pass and whether it was deliberate or a setup I don't know, all I knew was then when I got out to the tarmac to board the plane, up to the boarding ladder. I didn't have my boarding pass for she had taken it along with hers, in her drunken stupor. The Egyptian who took the boarding passes and allowed people on the jet. Saw my utter surprise and distress and night was falling and kindly and miraculously let me board without a boarding pass. With great relief I was comfortably seated on the Egyptian jet and I was on my way to the mysterious land of Egypt. Along the way there were magazines on the Jet Plane, one that particularly got my noticed was a tabloid type, with if I recall belly dancers and an article about Elizabeth Taylor and her movie where she depicted Cleopatra. It wasn't a long flight to Cairo from Athens and I arrived while still dark. The airport was modern and state-of-the-art looking. But once I left the International Airport proper. I was in a Strange New World. There was no shuttle per se, to downtown Cairo and no easy bus access that I could find in the dark once I left the airport and I found myself walking in the dark to Cairo after possibly taking a short bus or Shuttle ride of which I could not recall at this time absolutely due to memory issues after such a long time. Sufficient to say allegorically and metaphorically, I found myself in a nightmare of a dream world, trying to find my way from the airport to downtown Cairo and in the confusion of it all I found myself walking for instance through a totally and empty and desolate walking tunnel with a little bit of fear and intrepidation of things being so dark and unlit, after leaving the airport. I saw a scarab beetle that was dead in The Pedestrian walkway and I knew I was in Egypt. Suffering from lack of sleep and jet lag and timezone issues. I sleepily like in a dream or in a nightmare, of an adequately lit sidewalk towards the heart of Cairo. I know this all sounds and feels like a dream to me and I hope as well as you, as I give this narration from memory being 73 now and this all happened in the late 70s. Coming to downtown Cairo the first thing I noticed was a huge lips sign, spelling the word Juwelry Store and obviously misspelled and I thought to myself that that this must be some type of prejudice against Jews because they couldn't even or wouldn't even spell jewelry right and it was in English big huge letters lit up and downtown Cairo, another thing I noticed what is a huge billboard sign with a man looking or Screaming in agony with the top of his head on fire as to promoting some dramatic Egyptian movie, possibly about war and certainly about violence. It was all very creepy and dark and Ill lit, for a major Downtown City. I found myself coming up to a somewhat broad area all shops and hey semi Outdoor Cafe, where I met some young Egyptian Arabs who invited me to sit with them in the Outdoor Cafe. In the background was President Sadat speaking on a television and the young Egyptian man that I was talking to along with a friend of his, looks so proud to both seeing and hearing his president on television shortly after making the peace agreement with Israel of which I gave a word of prophecy about at the international charismatic convention in Jerusalem on a higher Mission to Israel and now I was living the reality of what I had prophesied, by being one of the first Backpackers to enter Egypt after hostilities with Israel and the country opening up again to not only tourists, but independent solo and alone backpackers instead of a package tourist program of the buses and hotels. For there was virtually no foreigners on the streets of Cairo and Egypt when I was there and the daily wages in Egypt we're under a dollar a day for the average person, $165.00 a year for the average Egyptian and I know it sounds unbelievable as I narrate dictate and write this Mission documentary and a tourist walking around alone in Cairo and especially at night usually has well over a years equivalent to an Egyptian annual income in their pockets, if not two or three years words of Egyptian income in their pockets walking around and just imagine that! So this is the world that I walked into unknowingly, that I was a walking bank even though I only had a few hundred dollars on me. Well talking to these two young and kind Egyptian youth, one offered me some roasted watermelon seeds and I thought to myself how kind I love him and I also thought to myself that this is stuff that we throw away in America. But the watermelon seeds taste as good as small is hard is they were to eat enough to satisfy someone other than a snack. Basically I thought they were eating garbage compared to how we eat in America for I had never eaten roasted watermelon seeds before and was a cultural shock. Then the two youth invited me to come to their apartment as a guest, so walking in the dark with them between large dingy apartment buildings, for everything in Egypt seemed dark and gray and without color and it was still night and dark when I got to downtown Cairo and I had left Athens in the dark, so everything just seems so foreign dark and strange to me arriving at night to an ill lit up downtown City. As I was accompanying these two youth down a road between the large and dingy looking apartment buildings a military looking Jeep with military looking occupants came up behind us and shooed the two Egyptian youths away and told me to get into the Jeep with the two soldier military looking looking people and I was taken in the open military looking Jeep, too the downtown police Department of which was my entry into the Dark World of Egypt from Athens, all in a single night and with the only fitful night sleep Bonaire Egypt and excited time of that I had what's on the Air Egypt too Cairo and trying to explain my experience decades later is a wonder and a journey in itself that I am reliving as I narrate this missionary scouting journey into Egypt for I always like to scout a place out before settling down into any type of formal or informal Ministry and making contacts for future missions or a future mission the journey continues as I was taken to the Cairo police station and of course wondering why I was being picked up and why they chased off of my to Young friends that were only inviting me to their apartment of course I asked him why and the chief of police told me that it was for my own protection, in other words I was taken in for protection protective custody. Not knowing that I was walking around carrying a year or two wages in my money belt according to the Egyptian economy can I was just stay financially low life missionary. Imagine the average Taurus from the West with thousands of dollars in Travelers checks is a phenomenal amount of money to an Egyptian at the time who only made $165 a year on average. A doctor told me in a salon that he only made $1 a day that's $365 a year. I had at least that much money on me if not more. It would be like walking around with like a millionaire in the eyes of not only an Egyptian at the time. But many places in Africa where people made like $0.50 a day. If you want to be treated like a millionaire go to a third world African nation and the only problem is everybody will be same to you with her hand out bakshish of which is their word for handouts or begging or tips. Well anyway back to my story, I was taken into the police chief's office in Cairo and he was dressed in plain clothes and was very friendly and accommodating and we sat down and talked and he was very curious to talk to me. For as before mentioned on a previous Mission I had been in Jerusalem and gave a prophetic word, given the green light to make it a peace agreement with President Sadat of Egypt at a an international charismatic convention in Jerusalem and now I find myself living the prophecy dream or nightmare of being one of the first westerners to go backpacking in the Egypt after the peace agreement with Egypt, where is the four it was a more hostile place for westerners except those going on package tours. I was not there on a package tour or a vacation but on a mission, to survey Egypt four possible future missions of which was my modus for passing emissions to Finland, Western Europe, Greece and Israel and now I find myself in Egypt, deep and dark and mysterious Egypt. I wasn't being interrogated by the chief of police in Cairo, but it felt more like he was absolutely amused to meet me a Westerner going solo in Egypt and especially from the United States of which Egypt has been hostile with until the peace agreement with Israel. He asked me how many Muslims lived in the the United States in and I didn't know because I barely didn't know any Muslims growing up in West Valley Los Angeles in California and San Francisco Bay Area in predominantly white and nominally Christian suburbs. So I told him something like maybe 10% do the people in America are Muslim? He told me in return that there were only 10% do the Egyptians that work Christian. So that's more or less how we started are virtually all night dialogue. Here I was a man on a mission and I'm talking to the chief of police the first night I'm in Egypt about the Lord. Not a bad start when one thinks about it talking to a high Egyptian official about my mission and why I was in Egypt. During the night a couple of prisoners came in to mop up the floor of the chief of police's office and they looked like they were dressed and Rags like slaves and we're on their hands and knees mopping the floor without a mop and just using rags and it look like something out of the prehistoric past using prisoners as slave labor. They never looked up when I made contact or said a word as if the hell that they were living in a an Egyptian jail was something out of the western world we're at least you got a mop with your bucket. Being on their hands and knees and mopping the floor seems kind of part of a way of humiliating the prisoners. Then too young officers in plain clothes came in the early too late evening and word beaming and Shining and the chief of police said that they had just killed and stabbed to death a very bad man and they were so proud of their job according to the chief and I was speechless and said only the proverbial dumbest thing my mind could think of at the time was instead of congratulating them I'm more or less blurted out that they don't look like Killers to me in an honest and humble sense of the word what else can one say. They look dumb and crestfallen after my words and the chief of police also looked a little embarrassed that my comment. No doubt if they had to kill somebody that night, that person must have been extremely violent for the two young officers look clean and happy at doing their job. So we virtually talked all night and he asked me how much money I had on me and I told him that I had a few hundred dollars and he said that would that amount of money that he could live like a king and check into a nice hotel and get a nice meal. I didn't know at the time or I had just gotten into town that an Egyptian hotel is only a dollar a night for a double bedroom with shower. The chief told me that I should stay in the police station all night and then I could check into a hotel room more or less across the street and next to a huge Mosque of which look like at least 100 people we're camped out and sleeping in front of the mosque all night long. I went to the front door entrance are the police station and there was an armed guard with a rifle standing there and and basically I couldn't leave until morning. At daylight I walked across the street and checked into the hotel and it was only one dollar for a double with shower and a view of downtown Cairo along with what look like Rubble on top of a rooftops. Strange view in Mystic scene, felt very in the past and ancient and rubbish in a way. The view of the people sleeping in the front of the mosque was quite a sight because they didn't have tents but slept there in their robes basically for it was common to see the Egyptians even in Cairo still dressed in robes are what are called Jalopies a sword of a heavy and thick pajama looking outfit that people slept in outdoors in the front of their Apartments even and on the streets due to the Heat even at night without air conditioning, people just put on these thick pajamas and slept outdoors wherever they could. I wanted to and usually in front of mosques or or apartments without air conditioning for that matter but mostly on Stoops like in New York. One night I saw an Arab or Egyptian woman who reminded me of my mother dressed nicely and sleeping on the sidewalk with nobody around and nobody bothered her or Dare bother her and the side I will never forget us clean and nice and if I recall using your her hands as a pillow with no blanket or anything else it says what she was wearing and sleeping on a concrete sidewalk on a virtually Empty Street. Anyway In My Room with a View rooftops in Cairo and across from my room the view of the lit up Moss where people or camping and sleeping who don't have even a dollar to get a hotel room, I began fixing a cassette player that I brought with me the small handheld type liked from Radio Shack. In the bathroom or shower room there were exposed pipes I dubbed my first hotel experience the water torture hotel room facetiously. The next day I went to what seemed to be the absolute center Cairo and found hostel that Westerners and backpackers would go to call the Sunrise Hostel and when I walk through the front door to the front desk there were a couple of young Egyptians playing with a pistol and laughingly pointed at me when I walk through the door and came up to the counter and I didn't think it was very funny. They checked me in and I went to my room after spending a day downtown and not remembering quite what I did accepted my goal was to go to the pyramids of which were close by to Cairo and I can't remember if it was that day did I went to the pyramids or not because things are a little bit blurry and foggy after all these years and my age seventy three now on, June 26th born in1949 and now is I right it is June 10th 2022, but I remember turning off the lights in my room and virtually all of a sudden I felt things creeping on me like invisible bugs. I would turn on the lights to look for them and what were these things that were invisibly crawling on me and I couldn't see them they were so small and would disappear when I turn the lights on. So after a few tries falling asleep with the lights off and the bugs would come crawling all over me so to speak, I just fell asleep with what seemed like virtually just a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling on all night. The next morning I saw two young female Western Backpackers who had spent the whole night in the hallway of the hostel because of the bed bugs and I just told and them to sleep with the lights on after they asked if there were bugs in my room also. They look distraught quite frankly and had never experienced anything like that and neither had I ever experienced bed bugs before. I think it was the next day I decided to go exploring and but before I left the Sunrise Hospital I talked to the Elder manager of the place who was a complete gentleman and a Christian and showed me his tattoo identifying himself as an Egyptian Christian and I had the impression that this is what the Coptic Christians did is a custom, tattooing themselves with a mark of which I don't remember what it was? So I called that place the bed bug Hotel after first checking into the water torture Hotel. During the day I don't quite remember what I did but the pyramids are the first thing on one's hearts and Minds when coming to Egypt and Cairo which is right next to the pyramids and the Sphinx. I got to the pyramids a short bus ride away on the outskirts of town going towards Sahara City we're all of the people with money went to gamble and play and drink in this predominantly Muslim country was my impression that it was the Las Vegas of Egypt and if I recall I can only see it from a distance in the sand dunes and seem like a mysterious place we're tourists and people with the money went and there probably was no gambling because the Muslim religion forbids it as well as drinking and but Muslims do drink discreetly and out of the way of the mainstream. So anyways I didn't have the time or money to go to this mysterious place called Sahara City in the sand dunes not far in the back of the pyramids for I was not there is a western tourist but as a missionary on an expedition as dreamlike and wondering what it would be like in Sahara City in the distance sand dunes all lit up. I was still suffering from jet lag and feeling somewhat claustrophobic I didn't want to go into the Great Pyramid of Giza and after visiting the Sphinx I ran into hey young Egyptian tour guide dressed in traditional Egyptian robe and garb and headdress if I recall and he told me that that I could climb the Great Pyramid and that he would be my guy, because there is a way up on the back side of the pyramid and a somewhat zigzag Trail going up to the top and one needed a guide and besides it was illegal to climb the pyramid after coming down from the pyramid so many terrorists have slipped and fallen and injured themselves in the past. So I started climbing the pyramid with him up the backside Trail that was somewhat carved into the corner of the pyramid. But I could only make it like two thirds of the way up before jet lag and fatigue overcame me and was taking it for granted that anyone anytime could climb at their leisure and that I would simply be planning on coming back and finishing the climb, but little did I know how special it was to find a guide to take me up the pyramid and past the guard behind the, smiled and waved us on. After coming down from the pyramid and feeling in my heart I will try again at a future date or time and again little knowing how special it was to even be able to attempt to climb the pyramid as before mentioned it is against the law in Egypt do to so many people injuring themselves trying in the past. The guide wanted his pay and I offered him five dollars and he took it as an insult and told me that he has taken congressman from America to the top of the pyramid and demanded more and exactly how much more he did not state, of course he needed to pay the guard behind the temple also and when I told him this is all I could afford for I truly was on a minimalist budget than Egypt and after learning that Egyptians made $0.50 a day I thought that $5.00, would be appropriate and but it was not and he spit at me. After that I started to walk away and he turned around and said he that he would take the money and after being spit at I refused and walked away. Then I found another guide and rented a camel ride and I thought that I could be in control of the camera camo camel, just like someone renting a horse in America and of course I was dreaming and and so he held on to the camels harness and I experienced my first camel ride. In front of the Great Pyramid of Giza and I cried out at the top of my lungs Allah and the camel guide looked at me like I was acting crazy and of course I was still stressed out from jet lag and and time changes and was a little bit frazzled around the edges to say the least and I saw how far off in the distance to Pyramid of Sakara the most ancient stone structure in the world and the oldest heart of Egypt in that sense, off into the distance and I had no idea at the time of the significance of the Sakara site and its historical value that went back it seems to the time of Joseph in in Egypt as second only to Pharaoh and some believe that that is where Joseph stored the grain after seven years of plenty of harvest and then the seven years of famine, that he prophesied would happen and was made second in charge to Pharaoh in Egypt. I also remember so vividly when I got to the Great Pyramid of Egypt oh standing in front of the Sphinx and what an experience that was to actually be there and staring at it cuz I got close to a group of tourists and a tour guide explaining the history of the Sphinx and what upset me the most about his speaking about the broken nose on the Sphinx he said that Napoleon's Army used it for target practice with a cannon, of which is totally ridiculous and apparently nobody knows exactly how why or when the nose was broken and there is a reference in the Bible to the noses of the Egyptians being broken as a judgment and in my mind it seems to me the most likely to deface the Sphinx would be during the Muslim invasion of Coptic Orthodox Egypt as was the tendency of the month Aslam Invaders to destroy or deface what they considered to be idols and but only the Lord knows for sure for I've never heard an adequate explanation other than the reference in the Bible to the noses of obviously the idols of Egypt being broken and a footnote to Napoleon's invasion of Egypt he brought artists and archaeologist with him to record the event and everyone knows how much the French love art and I believe in my heart that they would have never have defaced the Sphinx and how ironic, that nobody seems to have the answer of how why are when it happened, other than the fact that it was buried in sand at one time and had to be rediscovered and with the head being dug out of the sand first it would have been easy to deface the nose for some ancient political reason or more modern religious reason. After this daytime Excursion to the pyramids I was so stressed by the constant begging of people for money using a new word I learned call bakshish publish when I asked what does it mean and why are so many people holding out their hand and saying bakshish and I was told at this smile but it meant share the wealth and even in the Cairo Museum of which I thought look kind of pretty bleak at the time before it was renovated years later and seems somewhat of a hollow empty place with a lot of Egyptian Antiquities, but nothing that really stood out in the way of ancient Egypt wealth gold and treasures for most of what I saw where the standard Antiquities and statues and and coffins and such and was impressive enough but nothing spectacular like you see them showing on television for the wealth of the treasures of Egypt and especially from King Tut's tomb would be too much of a temptation for terrorists to break in and steal and so they're really spectacular stuff, at least at the time I was there, was hidden and even a guard inside the museum of which there were not too many people at that time asked me for money of which felt very strange to happen in the museum and things have changed since then after the Museum was renovated and upgraded years later, with the peace agreement peace agreement with Israel and tensions between the two countries had relaxed and most of the visitors in the museum came with the tour group and I saw a few individuals if any milling around or even a tour group was not in there to my memory at the time, when I visited the museum and basically felt like I had it all to myself. Next door to the museum and or not far away what are the two Western and spectacular hotels one called The Shepherd and the other the Hyatt Regency if I recall. Both of these hotels were the largest and most modern and Western in Cairo, that I ever saw and it's where all the tour groups went and then were bused out over Egypt and to the museum for again I saw virtually no individuals or backpackers in the museum and I heard it is all change now and renovated and upgraded and made more spectacular with more of King Tut's valuable Treasures added behind glass and added security no doubt. Well walking through a public park area not far from the hotels I had another first person view of how the average Egyptian spent their time sitting in the park in their traditional garb and looking very Egyptian in the middle of modern day Cairo of which didn't look very modern to me by Western standards except for the two hotels of which were spectacular and really stood out. After a day's Excursion to the pyramids and all I found or return to the third Hotel I stayed in in Cairo downtown. It was an Egyptian hotel and cost only a dollar fifty a night with a nice double bed a caged elevator access from a from a dark downtown Cairo night, with a rat scurrying by and yet the room I had what is the best, it had some type of tapestry or mural on the wall with a romantic image and I could tell this it would be a great hotel room to have a little honeymoon in. In the daytime while scurrying around downtown Cairo, there is a circular elevated pedestrian walkway in the Heart of the City and people just seem to walk around in circles and delightful to see. Before leaving Cairo and going South to the Aswan Dam, there futherst place on can go by land I had a couple of encounters left in Ciaro, first off all I will attempt to describe the most memorial experiences left. First I remember two Muslim black women covered head too toe with jewelry if I remember for Bedouin women wear thier wealth with them and I could see enough of thier African faces to see that they were as much amazed and surprised as I was looking at them and each other with smiles of curiosity and then I knew that I was in Africa and not only in Egypt and my first incounter with the most ancient people except on a bus in Israel where I first encountered seeing Bedouin women and thier loving curiosity looks and little that I knew that I would be a guest I Ancient Jerico as a guest of a Bedouin family who had built a one room temporary shelter looking over the forbidden and cursed ruins of the ancient city site at the foot of what is called the Mountain of Temptation where Jesus was driven by the Holy Spirit into the Wiilderness of Judia to fast or forty days and being tempted by the Devil and all so awe inspiring. Then the other encounter in Ciaro of which I remember so clearly, before I forget was getting into an Egyption cab in Ciaro and needed to go just a short distance too the very center of town from the Sunrise Hotel of which I call, the Bedbug Hotel and when I felt that the cab driver was taking me the long way and driving slowly through Ciaro's heavy downtown traffic I got upset and Baile out of the cab, near or at my destination and then we got into an argument and how much money the fair cost and feeling that I was being take.advantage of and a crowd started gathering out if curiosity fo like I've stated before it was not common to see a Westerner walking the streets alone, with out tour guide or group and one of the observers in front of a shop looked like a potential terrorist in his Mulsim dress and I just remember his look of what looked like hate, for me a Westerner and then again, it may have all been in my mind, except for his stare and look and then a Egyption dressed in business clothes saw the ruckus and came out of his office and camled things down and invited me into his office. Now this is a scene that could be made into a movie, the middle aged man in the Shiney dark blue suit was the head of the Shriner Templers for the Middle or Near East he said, if not af least for Egypt and I will never forget the muggy heat in the office and sight, talking with this man, like I was talking too the Chie of police in Ciaro, with mutual curiosity and he convinced me to buy a ticket for a tour bus and when I got on it, I was the only one and hoping to ateast meet some Western or European tourists along the way and instead, I was the only one and I has spent a large portion of my limited money at a time before I had even a credit card and like every place else I've travelling, I always knew that my American Passport would be taken for a hotel room, long enough to call or write a letter home, for emegency money and now I was in the most primitivecountry, that I have ever been, in my life and I bailed and insisted on getting my money backfrom.the man in the Shiney blue suit and he wasn't pleased for he worked with the tour bus operator and I somehow, got my money back and feel not bitterness looking back, only how desperately poor,by Western standards Egypt was and the desperation for the American dollar, where everywhere one went people we're either begging or hustling and eventually fraying one nerves and I at least, got to witness Jesus too him for it was the reason, that I was in Egypt and serveing for a future or future missions. Other places of interest in Cairo is the Great Mosque of which was built from the outer casings stones of the pyramids and really stands out in Cairo and a great grand and old looking Coptic Orthodox Church of which both places I had not actually visited or gone into such as it would have been quite an experience especially to go into the great looking Orthodox Church. Feeling that the mosque was made from the white limestone casings of the pyramids kind of put me off so to speak. If I recall there were actually mountains in the background of Cairo if I'm not mistaken from memory I've no good size but still mountainous area and not all sand dunes and wastes surrounding Cairo. On the train leaving Cairo and going south towards the city of Aswan and the Aswan Dam. Leaving Cairo was like going thousands of years into the past where everything look just like it was in the days of Moses. The only thing that look different or the car tires on the cart drawn by animals. The people dressed in the same manner as people have been dressing for thousands of years with their robes and all and still making clay bricks and drying in the Sun who is straw used in between them to keep them from sticking together. When arriving in the village or Hamlet or city of Aswan I checked into a youth hostel and there I met an Egyptian doctor and we begin conversing the first time in depth with anyone in Egypt about the Bible and the Koran and Jesus. He told me that the Koran said that Jesus was the Son of God and I said where in the Koran does it say that and he said or quoted a verse in the Koran that said Jesus was the Breath of God and knowing that the word breath in the Semitic language of which includes Arabic and Hebrew means spirit of which could be translated Spirit of God in the context that he was speaking and he told me that in the Koran that it says Jesus was born of a virgin and I further asked him somewhere during the conversation where in the Quran does it say that and he said that the Koran says that Jesus was born of a young Maiden of which again the word young Maiden implies that she was a virgin or could be translated that in the original Semitic or Arabic language was my presumption of what he was trying to say in a most agreeable way and sincere way of communicating with me his similar or agreeable thoughts words and Theology and friendship with me and finding that beautiful Middle Road of understanding between great cultures and religions, that we don't have to always be arguing about everything in the Bible and the Koran and to look for similar thoughts interpretations and beliefs and remembering that Egypt and the Egyptians where once an Orthodox Christian country and but because of the Muslim invasion and not by the Arabs but by Saladin the Conqueror of Jerusalem and his people were of a different race than the Arabs of whom were allied with him in the conquest and was of a r closer to that of the ancient Medes. In general we were communicating as human beings and not cultural or religious adversaries but finding common ground this is the way to communicate with all peoples on Earth from different races religions and cultures and understanding from my position that. Christianity is the mother religion of all faiths and religions of the world and must sooner or later coming to compliance as the Bible says that every tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow that Jesus Christ is Lord as written by the Apostle Paul. He told me also that the average income of an Egyptian with something like $165 a year and that a doctor like himself made only a dollar a day in Egypt and was a most pleasant and agreeable person to talk to and articulate in English and when I say the mother of all religions on Earth, I am not talking necessarily about the Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Christianity or Coptic Christianity per say, but of the Christian faith has a whole worldwide which makes it the largest religion on Earth if all Christian faiths or dominations where combined as one. The next thing I did with a couple of other people sharing a taxi was to drive to the Aswan Dam and drive over it if I recall and was forbidden to take photos of the dam for security reasons officially but if I recalled I think she allowed is too but quite frankly I don't know where the pictures are even if I have them and am working from memory in writing this book or chapter in my life and near the dam was the Great obelisk of which was cracked as it was being carved out of a single piece of stone and said to have or would have been the greatest the largest obelisk ever carved. And we walked on top of it with my head still reeling from all the Wonders and history and Mysteries of ancient Egypt and the desert was so dry around Aswan that it looked like a Moonscape with a little pipe coming out of the side of the bank of the Nile River below the dam was bursting green with vegetation flowing down and out of it in the hot desert sun and never in my life have I seen such a barren desert our land without a single blade of grass or twig or brush except what game fourth tell me the water out of this pipe below the dam. The reasons for no photographs are allowed of the dam itself and when I think about it again while writing and dictating this book simultaneously, is that one tactical nuclear bomb could wipe out the entire country of Egypt in a flood of which is mostly bordered along the Nile River and the rest of Egypt is mostly desert in the sand except for the Nile Delta area where the children of Israel were settled and were made to build the city of Pharaoh Rameses and the shared taxi tour was very reasonable and inexpensive, especially when shared. Another experience I had was talking to the Chief of police in Aswan about taking the ferry barge down the leanth of Lake Nasser, behind the Dam too the country of Sudan for this is where roads and rails entered and was told I would have and was told I would have to and was told I would have to go and was told I would have to go all the and was told I would have to go all the way and was told I would have to go all the way back Alexandria to get a Visa to take the boat trip to Sudan. So he suggested that maybe I could give the boat operator a little money. Well I did and the ticket taker told me that he could get into a lot of trouble, politely. Well because I could have been a spy for instance and that I was a spy for the Lord and a future Mission into not only Egypt, but I wanted to travel the entire length of Africa through What's called the English-speaking corridor, all the way to South Africa and I could have done it for almost nothing in American money, for it only cost five dollars by bus to cross an entire African nation and I estimated that I could have easily travel as far as South Africa with the money I had and the support that would be sent me. After leaving Aswan I came to a place in my memory while heading back down or up to Cairo, I Somewhere in Time and Space I spent the night in a budget the ancient capital city of Egypt called Thebes and a Dusty Backwater town that it was at the time I was there and the Avenue of the Rams as depicted in the movie Ten Commandments by Cecil B DeMille, did not look as impressive or the entrance to the Ancient Temple complex, the largest in the world it is said. For every Pharaoh wanted to add something to this Temple complex and I didn't even go in. I was still reeling from all my traveling I always felt that I'll come back and do the exploring later but right now I'm on a mission. There were horses and Buggies there to ride people around in and I didn't even cross the Nile to the Valley of the Kings. My mind was set on one thing, this is a survey Mission and not a vacation for recreation. Then upon leaving this rustic little town or Village next to the temple complex. I took a long and Dusty train ride back to Cairo, I remember opening the window of the train to cool off and a soldier in his new and clean uniform with sitting not far behind me and taking in the full force of the wind and the dust and by the time we got to his destination the poor inpatient young soldier had a layer of dust on him. Now that I think about it he may have been tailing me or watching me, for I saw no other Europeans are Americans traveling around single like me on any public transportation. So it was a rare sight to see European or American traveling alone up and down Egypt. I eventually boarded a first-class train and I think it was in Cairo, heading north to the city of Alexandria, to catch a ferry boat to the island of Cypress and I noticed that people would try to ride on top of the air-conditioned and First Class Cars and a Stage Station attendee, would be ordering them off the top of the train, for a free ride. On one of my train rides I remember A well-dressed business looking a Egyptian exiting the train out the window instead of the door and if I hadn't already mentioned peopleclingto back of buses as going down main streets in Cairo and when I got to Alexandria of which was truly a baron place as a maritime Harbor for I saw no Yachts at all and the harbor just seemed empty and barren and apparently I hadn't seen the commercial part of it for it seem to be hidden out of sight somewhere and I've never seen a large Harbor without luxury boats or even fishing boats, like in Alexandria. It just seemed Sso bleak, the buildings also didn't have any color and just everything just seems so primitive and bleak is the best description that I could give and nothing like an European Harbor full of yachts and colors and flags and happy people. But I did find an old-fashioned Mariners bar at the harbor that was very classic looking and a watering hole for Sailors from all over the world and I imagine my sea-captain father-in-law Ernest Niles kittenhofen sitting in that bar during the war for instance, when he was a Merchant Marine sea captain on the Mediterranean and had entertained Eisenhower and patton on his ship and his Captain's Table. Before long and as night was falling in Cairo I pay the ticket on a boat to go to Cypress from Cairo and then catch another boat to Haifa Israel and the boat was full, if not overloaded with mostly Egyptians and there was not enough chairs in the main salon and people just sat on the floor and it was all very strange to me, the way people dressed and looked kind of, on the worldly like a blast to the Past into ancient Egypt and yet it was a cabin or room or salon on a boat and there was really no room for me to sit down and there and not knowing anybody and being the only European in sight and I noticed that the writing on the of all of the ship and it was in The Finnish language and then I realized it this boat used to go between Vasa Finland, the nearest large town to where my mother is from in Finland and the boat used to go Sweden and back, was my guess because it was the right size to make that run and the lower fairies in the southern part of Finland to Sweden, or larger and what a blessing to think that this book that I was on is where or near where I was conceived in Finland to be continued! And if you would like to send any amount of support please do at the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated PO Box 2404 San Anselmo California 94979 and our call or text me at 415 374-0734 and that's a PayPal number also and God bless, for I am a self-supporting preacher and international missionary evangelist with the longest service ever 39 years in the city of Sausalito California reaching the anchor out, so-called Pirates of San Francisco Bay who are liverboards and live and work on the bay and we meet every Sunday at the Gazebo in Sausalito around noon for a church sponsored barbecue and picnic and fellowship, around the word and song, all afternoon long and into the early evening and come join us and put something on the barbie if you can and God bless! Peter Romanowsky of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated and thank you again in advance for your support and helping me and the organization to buy the food and implements for the weekly event!
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