
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Chapter Three/ a conversation with Socrates by Peter Christian Romanowsky on his Philosophy and life

   One day as I was sitting in the in the golden and white marble city of Athens, in the sunlìte late afternoon and just when the Golden Sun painted the brillient white Mabel structures of the Acropolis and sitting on a seat on the Athenian Palisade, where people come and walk get to be seen and to hear the latest news and gossip. I saw old man Socrates walking along Barefoot as usual come summer or winter come heater snow and wearing his dingy robe as usual and wondering why his wife doesn't make him wash it and as he walked bye, I asked him how goes it old man and Socrates and you're looking a little worse for the wear as usual and but I understand that is the philosopher way of life and look, the single robe the staff and the begging Bowl and I see you have neither with you and he said that I am not a beggar and I have never even charged for my wisdom as rumors are circulating by my vicious critic aristene the playwright and saying I have my head in the clouds and but my feet are not touching the reality or the ground and yet here I walk barefoot and as he spoke and I thought what would Socrates   think of Dialogines yhe Cynic and all his Antics and your student Plato says that he is you gone mad and what you say and he would no doubt say that we need people like Diogenese, total screwball and left wing anarchist and liberal appearing and but a man with a conservative message, even though he acts everything out the way he does instead of teaching or preaching in a dialectical way in the 🤭 Academia Grove and yes after Play-Doh gave me Illustrated sermon on how he was saying that man is but a bipedal and pluck chicken and of course diagonist could not resist that analogy and interrupted the academy, by bringing a pluck chicken to the audience in the Grove and cried out and said I have finally found a human being that I've been searching for with my lit lamp in broad daylight and thanks to Plato I have found a real human being and of course that's when Plato no doubt said that he is you Socrates gone mad and do you feel or barely responsibility for your wayward student and admire and Socrates said no of course for I still live at home with a nagging wife and children and I cannot go out and do the demonstrative things that dialogeneous is doing for he is living in a wine vat and has no family responsibilities and I a veteran of the Peloponnesian Wars as a half light and Son of a sculpture of whom in my own words I teach that people in the trades should stick to their trades and although I am retired now and the tides are turning against me, especially after defending the generals In the Wars with the Sicilians who have Allied themselves with the Spartans in the peloponnese and we're accused of abandoning their Shipmates after a defeat on the high seas during the storm of which the generals were accused of abandoning their men from their wrecked ships and in the water when a severe storm came and prevented them from rescuing their Shipmates and were put on trial for their lives and I defended them and it made me very unpopular and but they must have known that you were a decorated Hop light Soldier in the Peloponnesian War and was noted for carrying a wounded comrade on your back to safety during the conflict and served with distinction and honor, even though now like everyone else it seems you are tired of the war in the peloponnese with the Spartans of which has gone far too long and seems endless and have become well known as a peace activist and a man wants to see honor and justice for all and especially for those who have fought and combat, whether or not I see are on land and I know you must have a deeper understanding into the psychic of Souls I hope you man on your face and death on the battlefield and I understand where you are coming from and your position and of course it all has made you marry unpopular for the Athenians Revel in glory and that's all they want to see is glory on the high seas and on land with the peloponnese and now the Sicilians are former Greek colony for where would Sicily be or Italia for that matter or even Southern gall, if it wasn't for Greek culture and this is the thanks we get here in Athens. Also I hear they've been bothering you at the gymnasium or bothering you for wanting to for instance letting females exercise in the gymnasium with the youth naked, as is the custom and you yourself enjoy going there and being with the students and I hear they are accusing you of also corrupting the Youth of Athens there by casting doubts and shadows about the pantheon of Greek gods in the face of a reason. Yes I'm being accused of being a an atheist for not believing in our national religions and the pride of Greek culture going back to the poet Homer and his fantasiful and comedic depiction of the Greek gods at the battle of Troy and for describing or telling the truth through reason of the adulterous Affairs of Zeus and of course this is blasphemy in the eyes of the Athenians for they accept him and all the social Norm evils that he commits and live in just like common and sinful man. But doesn't Zeus display or reflect all of humanity the good bad and Evil and Socrates says yes but something better and are someone better for us to worship as Plato speaks of a one God, who is good and of whom no evil like kidnapping and adultery has ever been found like the rape of Europa by Zeus and his homosexual rape of the kidnapped young man at the battle of Troy, the for Plato has Jewish roots and comes from a well to do family and has been sheltered most of his life even though he was kidnapped by Pirates and was enslaved himself at a time of his travels as far as Egypt of where he heard and wrote down what he could by the Egyptian high priest memories and Records of Atlantis and how there are those that believe that refugees from Atlantis gave and had the mathematical technology and Secret of the circumference of a circle for instance of which was necessary to build an engineer the pyramids mathematically and of course this is all conjecture and one thing we know, that it took Supernatural knowledge for an ancient people to build the largest structure and history even though it's ain't your knowledge to us today and I will go so far as to say that Plato is suffered imprisonment homelessness and captivity also and has known with a bitter ends of life also, as depicted in his analogy of we are all living in a cave and we are forced to stare at a wall in the dark and the only images we see are from behind us, Shadows on a wall, before us and not being able to see the true substance of people in life walking past the cave and only the outline of their images to be filled in metaphysically in the dark with eyes that are spiritual and not dependent on the physical to take only see the Shadows or outlines of life for people for that matter. Well let's go back to dialogines for he has suffered at all and going back to sinope on the Black Sea where he and his money changer or Temple Banker of the mint who was accused of defacing currency and was arrested along with him together and whose father died in prison and of whom he made his Escape after losing his citizenship and became the first person to call himself a cosmopolitan and a citizen of the world for being a stateless person in an age of city-states. Well how did he deface the currency it's a great debate or did he shave the edges of the silver coins like it was a common practice or was it as some believe that they took the opportunity whenever they could to deface the faces of kings and rulers on their coins who have proclaimed themselves as gods and was fighting a war on idolatry as it is said that he went to the Oracle of Delphi and was told to deface the currency and the only thing that really makes sense other than he was guilty with his father of avarice is that he detested the images of idols and Men who claimed to be God's, when they were ruthless Sinners and practice and tyrants and Bullies and Socrates answered that a disciple of mine went to the Oracle of Apollo also and asked who was the wisest man in Greece or Athens and the Oracle said that it was Socrates and look where it has got me this far, for if the Athenians don't believe the Oracle of whom they worship at the Temple of Apollo, then how can I convince them that I am not an atheist in the eyes of the Athenians and a blasphemer of their Greek gods. Well as long as we're on the subject what do you think of dialogines is he a blasphemer of the Greek gods? Socrates and I say no for he is a radical against the social norms of the Athenians and the Corinthians of pleasure seeking and Comforts of this world of which are transitory and never last in the end that's all rich and famous people we know, come to the same end of misery and it is only for long by hedonism and luxury and remember also that his name diogenes means born of God in this time of the new birth of reason and spirituality married together in Perfect Harmony and balance without the Myriad of gods that it takes just to make love to one's wife without having countless God send spirits dictating Every Act of making love in the bedroom to the point of spirits in the hinges of one's doors of the bed chamber and the spirits and gods dwelling in their idols and fetishes of which are too numerous to describe in a life of superstitious rituals that even extended the bedroom and rituals and conditions of making love. Where is diogenase would make love to himself in public and understand as with a good friend in order to take away his spiritual hunger as easy as it would be if possible just and just to take away his physical hunger for food by rubbing his belly if it were so easy that and his sexual expression comes from being a celibate and single man with no shame doing around close friends in public as well as making love to himself in the dark and of course his actions were only protest against a recent... to be continued and edited

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