
Saturday, November 16, 2024

Captain's Log vessel Melinda anchored on San Francisco Bay poetic story poem of my encounter with Oscar Goodwin mayor of Las Vegas and Mafia attorney by Peter Romanowsky


My poetic encounter with Oscar Goodman the alleged lawyer for the mafia and mayor of Las Vegas and he was standing in line with a 13-year-old looking grandson and he was staring at me like he was a cop or something on agent and as he was standing in line to get on the Golden Gate Ferry from Sausalito to San Francisco and I asked his son or grandson, why he has such a hard look and the kid told me that he was the mayor of Las Vegas and I broke out in the spontaneous auditory Chuckles and opportunity to exasperate myself by saying ladies and gentlemen here is the mayor of Las Vegas or something like that if I recall and I might not have been that rude or crude and I went on to say that his answer to the homeless problem was too round them up and put him in the abandoned military bases which some have thought of as potential concentration camps as if homeless camps weren't enough. So I roasted Oscar Goodman, in good humor and repeated something that allegedly he had said that the answer to the graffiti problem is to cut the middle finger off the graffiti artists or vandals however you look at them and I assume that he never said that today and yet I am not ruling that out either and just when it looked like I wasn't getting a laugh out of Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman a flight crew from a major airline showed up and saw me entertaining and they all wave to me the captain and the co-pilot the airline stewardesses and when Oscar saw that oh man he broke out in the great big smile after my jokes when he saw I had friends like that who have seen my act before and enjoyed it and when Oscar saw my fans and my dogs of course the proverbial star of the show, all went well and everybody was happy and nobody had egg on their face unless the rumors are print was true and everything I say is my own opinion and testimonial of my encounter with Oscar Goodman mafia boss of a Las Vegas and mayor also!

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