
Monday, December 18, 2023

Forty Years Before the Hook by Peter of Sausalito

Nelson the greatest Navigator known in history who plotted the sea from Australia New Zealand Tahiti and Hawaii where he met his end at the hands of the Savages who laid claim to his skiff which broke loose from his ship and after having a friendly encounter with them and had to come back to resupply or something of A Sort after attempting to go further north to Alaska for instance where the whales go in the summer and there was an Evan flow of whales that people could follow and Admiral Nelson again for one reason or another unexplainable and could have actually made it up to the whale migration to Alaska if he was not slain and eating by the Hawaiians and over our argument over a skiff and the chief said that all Salvage belong to him and Admiral Nelson disagreed that you can't take my skiff and he was slain and eating and it Shipmates went back to get his remains and all that was left for his hands and pointing to where he came from and this is a legacy of seafaring and Hawaii and it's probably the reason that they lost their island eventually to the British and then to the Americans for old sores, never die in the hearts and minds of men unless they are healed by the grace of God in Christ and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Host a poem by Peter of Sausalito The Hermit the Storyteller of San Francisco Bay!

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