
Friday, December 22, 2023

Forty Years on Hook bt Peter of Sausalito the Hermit of Asante Franvisci Bay

Inside the Mind of an anchor out pirate who has been living without indoor plumbing or baths or showers and I'm forced to go naked on the beach for sunlight and antiseptic purposes and dipping in the ocean and for nobody likes to shower with their clothes on and the powers that be instead of taking away my happy home showers and plumbing and children in life are about to pay the price and if not in this life in the next unless there is true repentance and compensation on top of reconciliation with evildoers and relatives also to boot and don't mind me and nobody does in a sense and virtually nobody supports my Ministry outside of my anchor out and so-called pirate community and if so then I am the chaplain of the Pirates very very support there is nobody else out there willing to do the job of weddings and funerals and memorials and counseling and binding up proverbial wounds and feeding the malnourished and as Jesus told Peter the Apostle feed my sheep after his resurrection and the first thing that Jesus did after appearing to his disciples on the Sea of Galilee after his Resurrection, was to have a fish Barbecue on shore and calling out to Peter and the others to come and join and we have a anchor out Privateer buccaneer BBQ every Sunday and rendezvous sponsored by the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated every Sunday and I am the CEO

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