
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Chapter 11/40 years on a hook and thinking about the universe

The complexity of the problem is it there are other forces moving at the center of our galaxy and my equation is that the entire universe is spinning and not going out in a straight line for the universe is curved and many bodies are virtually infinitely pulling and struggling with other objects orbits and decaying their orbits and the question is what happens when all of the orbits decay and how long would that take is another infinite problem to be solved and Isaac Newton's answer to the problem was the existence of God who corrects orbits that are influenced Buy external or third object and when one looks how the moon revolves around the Earth and the Earth around the Sun and the sun spinning in our galaxy and our universe infinitely turning with the correction of God as Isaac Newton talked about end of which by calculating all the orbits from Moon Earth Sun Galaxy and with the universe also spinning and not going in a straight line outwards for nothing in our universe goes in a straight line in a straight line will end up back at its beginning and furthermore the hypothesis of which etymologically Speaking I'm going to have to break it down to the word God as part of the world and hypo meaning things going down black orbits decaying or upwards instead of hypothermic degeneration and furthermore can be used as evidence by squaring all of the orbits and even hypothetically squaring that the universe is also in orbit around God so to speak and of course with his infinite mind and intelligence being not just poetically speaking the center of the universe as well as factoring in the hypothesis that God is not the center of the universe nor is his mind and but he lives outside of the universe that he unexplainably created and more like a proverbial crystal ball in his hand and in a panoramic way the universe is external and material next to the invisible to our light waved eyes and to say that this may be the evidence and the proof that the early Catholic Church argued against Galilee Galileo that the Earth was the center and is the center of the universe by squaring all the orbits and rotations that are known and are hypothetically known as explain and when they find at the early Catholic Church was right about the Earth being the center of God's creation mathematically and orbitly speaking again condition on the hypothesis that the whole universe is spinning like a Galaxy and what external Force may be pulling on the universe what is Isaac Newton might say was unexplainably God who is greater than math and orbits and calculations of which by his hand can make the necessary Corrections for the Earth not to have its orbit deteriorated before the sun goes into a supernova as scientists say Millions or billions of years in the future or a billion!?

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