
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

chapter 13 /40 years on a hook on San Francisco Bay the arrival and the insult

Digressing again and again on when I first set foot in Sausalito again after an unexpected divorce and was given 72 hours to leave my home and family in San Anselmo in Marin County California where I first set foot in 1964 and for set foot also in Sausalito that same year and while living in Larkspur California and having a friend named Wes Hulk , whose father was the salmon fisherman and had a fishing boat named Molly had a place called Galilee Harbor Pier where it was docked along with other fishing and working boats as it was a working pure in those days and even had fuel pumps on the end of the dock and the boat was bought from Cass gidley who was in charge of operations and the Harbormaster so to speak of the pier and founder of a sailing school and harbor next door also and was a living legend and a real salt in a deep sea fisherman for salmon for instance and anything else he could catch and was in a movie with John Wayne as the co-pilot in the movie island in the sky and also got John Wayne the ferry boat used in the movie Blood Alley which was filmed close by at a historic water front ghost town called China Camp and Cass also acquired another vote for him to use as an office and it's in the opening scene of the movie Blood Alley and of what your friend of mine whom we call mushroom John AKA John Sperry, who bought the boat after it caught fire years earlier while being serviced on What's called the ways in Sausalito and referring to the mechanism to pull out out of the harbor or Bay for maintenance and while being pulled up on What's called the ways in nautical terms the fuel somehow had flowed to the back of the 85 ft some odd ship and caught fire and burn virtually everything from the deck up except for the Pilot House of which was salvaged and put in someone's Garden in Sausalito and is still there no doubt and the boat eventually sank many years later after John Sperry restored it from the deck up and built a new Pilot House and turn it into a luxury interior household and finally sank a few years ago from this riding , during the storm on San Francisco Bay off of Sausalito and John ended up in the first homeless camper Village and sleeping in his Volkswagen camper in Sausalito, until he got a Section 8 voucher and moved into a nice apartment eventually to retire from the water. The legendary casket League who sold my best friend's father the salmon boat called Molly and my best friend's father after retiring from salmon fishing we can operating the crane at the Army Corps of engineer, put an abandoned boats were crushed and disposed of and other Marine debris on Richardson Bay of which is part of the greater San Francisco Bay off of Sausalito Shores. When I landed to live full-time on San Francisco Bay / Richardson Bay off the shores of Sausalito, the first words I remember being told to me when I was talking to one of the, scurvy looking Pirates so to speak and Denison of the deep and in the depths of Sausalito I came again to live full time on my 30-foot boat that I named Daystar and it was made of marine plywood and a sailboat of which became my home for the next 15 years at least until it sank after a storm and thankfully I wasn't on it and when I did go out to it to salvage whatever I could before it completely saying and I'll never forget the feeling and the sinking feeling of waiting through the interior of my boat with water up to my knees and grabbing everything I could before the boat sank and put it in a 20-foot Cal 20 small sailboat of which became my home for the next year anchored also. And first words I heard when I tried to strike up a conversation with one of the denizens of the deep was fuck you asshole and that was shocking to me after leaving in a garden estate house with redwoods and being married and having three children for 16 years, living a normal life and raising kids and being a pastor and an international missionary evangelist as well as a gospel radio broadcaster on our local 50,000 Watt AM station in San Francisco of which antenna pointed North and the signal sometimes skipped over the North Pole all the way to Norway I heard in one incident and but not on my watch to my knowledge and mainly not contributions and correspondence from places like Grand Junction Oregon and and so forth. When I was a church planner our house which was two stories and owned by my in-laws and said to be my wife and I to own in the future and meanwhile paid a very low rent and payments to my in-laws of which we are used the first floor with its two bedrooms living room kitchen and sunroom overlooking a beautiful shaded Garden and we took in the homeless and use the first floor as a homeless shelter and disciple house for homeless men. Eventually after the homeless population dropped after the 60s we ended up renting the first floor to some young college students from College of Marin and they party it at night without music and even set up of that wheel and apparently we're doing some gambling downstairs and but I was paralyzed with exhaustion after returning from my fourth overseas mission and that time from Egypt and was suffering from professional exhaustion and professional burnout to the point that I didn't leave the house for 3 years and I spent the first year in my bedroom and then the next 2 years on the floor and rug of my living room and in the second year I spent the whole year studying dictionaries encyclopedias and primarily the history origin and study of words called etymology. The third year of my shut-in I watched religious television program on the two cable channels we had at the time until after a year they started repeating themselves and on Thanksgiving Day I was finally able to walk away from the house and walk across town in San Anselmo California to my in-laws estate for Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws and my family and I had completed my 3 years of my monastic experience and felt great and bought a couple sailboats and wanted to take on the world again and then all the sudden I got hit with divorce papers and was given 72 hours to leave my home and children take only my personal possessions and a nomad trailer I had bought to go on a marriage counseling vacation back East to Jim Bakers marriage counseling center and Ministry on the East Coast for instance and my whole world caved in and my wife thought that I did not recover properly and said I was someone that had a broken arm and fixed it himself and it wasn't quite a straight or healed anymore and looking back I understand what she was talking about and for she was under tremendous pressure to divorce me and Lou losing her inheritance, if she didn't divorce me for her parents thought I was a religious fanatic and two Heavenly minded to be of any Earthly good for they were very rich and powerful people and on and off the richest county in the state of California and my late father-in-law was also originally appointed to the state harbors and navigation Commission by the then governor of California Pat Brown and then was reappointed by governor Ronald Reagan and my late father-in-law told me that he entertained Eisenhower and patton on his ship apparently in the Mediterranean during World War II and he said Eisenhower was very light nice and patton was kind of the opposite and aggressive as the Army soldier and leader that he was, in the fight against the Nazis. He also was a Marin County supervisor also and chairman of the Marin County General Hospital and found a mental health words attached to the General Hospital. He also was the chairman of the Vallejo State Maritime Academy from which he graduated and became a sea captain after the war for Madison lines and if I recall he told me he had been to Hawaii, something like 100 or 150 times back and forth. He also was a major property owner in Marin County and own everything from the largest single building in Sausalito called the Industrial Center building of which he turned into an industrial and arts Center and on the largest office complex and Sausalito at 3030 Bridgeway and the best of my knowledge built the largest apartment complex in Sausalito of which later was converted to condos in a partnership with a folk artist band called the Kingston Trio. So these were the forces working against me and when the divorce came down I didn't go to court because the woman judge had just officiated my wife's sister's wedding and the second judge was no doubt a acquaintance or friend of my late father-in-law when he was a Marion County supervisor and I just recently learned that he also owned part of if not controlling interest in the historic San Rafael Courthouse in Marin County a historic building that burned down one night after a homeless man was playing with fire and lighting newspapers inside and the place was lacking security and his fire got out of control and it was the most spectacular fire I had ever seen in my life and the largest building I've ever seen go up in flames and of course after insurance was paid two Banks ended up being built on this most Prime piece of real estate Martin County. So these were the forces that were working against my spirituality and spiritual and non-material journey and for he thought that I had married his daughter for his money and told me before the wedding that I would get nothing and I just stood there in silence and almost disbelieving what I'm hearing from my future father-in-law who apparently was only interested in having grandchildren and after having three grandchildren for him. My wife was pressured to divorce me in lieu of being disinherited and for he was very wealthy and a multi-millionaire and own our property that I could count in Northern California and including top skiable of which my wife was a limited partner in and the family own controlling interest after building the resort. So looking back I don't blame my wife for the pressure she was under because the kids could have been taken away from her too and for he has so much money influence and Power and I was like a little David and before a Goliath and of which it took 40 years for me to recover and to move on to land again after being forced to live on boats for 40 years and the majority of that time on a hook or anchor anchored offshore from Sausalito. Except for 3 years I spent renting a slip in gallery Harbor in Sausalito of which used to be the commercial fishing pier and had now become a floating boat and home residency and when it was supposed to be permitted as a full-time Marine Service Harbor and of course they lied and to this day it is now just a residential floating Tiki tacky houseboat community. To be continued .. 

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