Monday, July 29, 2024
chapter 16 my encounter with a man named Bo titled 40 years on a hook on San Francisco Bay with pirate Chaplin Peter Romanowsky in raw form and unedited and to be published into a book in the future and a movie also about the last days of freedom on San Francisco Bay Anchorage and Waterfront off the shores of Sausalito the real Harbor of San Francisco Bay.
Unedited voice to text ... When I first met Bo Conally he was being hassled by the police who was accusing him of stealing some bicycle parts like a tuber Tire or something and Bo was slim and trim and fit like Jack LaLanne and was polishing detailing cars which gave him a great and muscular body and I even saw a picture of him in the Bank of America with local Sausalito art photography and a picture of him really buffed up and flexing his muscles if I recall and gradually I learn more about this character and his character as time went on and at some point he started getting weight and became morbidly obese and still able to function and ride a bike and do all this other stuff but compared to the way he looked he was morbidly obese as time went on and on and off you see Bo riding bicycles that he basically swapped and any bicycle that was unlocked and Sausalito belong to both as far as I was unconcerned at the time he even took one of my bikes and tried to charge me a finder fee what I found him in the park with my bike to get it back and there's no opportunity but won't take to make a buck and was Notorious for taking stolen bicycles to emergency City to sell for drugs of course and girls and ladies would flock around bow and because he always had quote good dope. One story I heard was that Bo was sitting in Smitty's bar on a stool and somebody came up and smacked him to the ground or something like that knocked him off his stool for giving his daughter LSD if I recall. I always got along with Bo and only had one major event with him when he had moved onto a boat and was sleeping in the engine room of a luxury yacht with a lady going through a midlife crisis I suppose and was letting us Waterfront people on to her yet to party and both out to this was his game or territory and that I was muscling in on his cash cow and princess who would rent a stretch limo with a bar and invite people to come into her rented stretch limousine and that's how I met this year woman who is going through marriage crisis and her husband wasn't approving of her opening up the luxury hot too us Waterfront people and both finally snapped while I was holding my dog at school to make a beach in front of a number of witnesses and took a didgeridoo and smashed it on me and hit my dog in the process who was in my arms and the didgeridoo shattered into a million pieces and if it was made of bamboo of which they never are it could have seriously injured us and it shattered into proverbial dust but my dog let out a wealth and Witnesses said that Bo hit my dog in the process and Bo is arrested and taken away and allegedly the police said that if Bo had only hit me he wouldn't have interested and but he hit the dog in the process and later on when it's public defender wanted to talk to me about it I didn't want to press the case and we've been friends ever since and in spite of ups and downs and spirals and twirly twos, we seem to maintain our friendship and at our arms distance much of the time as he was busy entertaining people in Dunphy Park in the daytime and the stories and tales of Bo Conley could fill a book in itself on how he fancied himself the mayor of Sausalito and I agreed and when I asked him why doesn't he get mental disability and get SSI money for he was always broke or hustling for money or writing bicycles to Marine City in exchange for you know what and it seemed so many different bicycles he wrote and I saw him riding virtually down the middle of the street at night with no lights and riding towards Marine City through Sausalito and amazing that he didn't get pulled over and for he said that he holds the record and no excuse me it was somebody else who said that he holds the record for being arrested in Marin County and Bo himself was telling me how when they were printing out his rap sheet in one of the many times he's been arrested on Petty things that the printer just kept going and going and spitting out paper and printing and as a confirmation of what somebody else told me that he held a record in the history Marin County, or at least modern history for being arrested and of course he always asks for jury trial and that's when they usually drop charges for drinking in public and I've never seen him publicly intoxicated and for he could drink and maintain and he would get belligerent and arrogant things like that but staggering drunk I have never seen him staggering drunk and maybe when he was passed out on a soft sweet little park bench it was from drinking and if it was it was just to help us sleep and I remember one time when he was sleeping on the park bench and he had his hand out open and I put money in it and he could collect money in his sleep. I helped them get it started in the art business by giving him a stack of watercolors that a artist that had thrown away in a dumpster and I took the watercolors I wanted and gave him the rest and he sold them and apparently made so much money that after he ran out of watercolors he started painting himself and selling his own art and became a folk artist and calling himself a Van Bow and I have one of his paintings and post a picture of it when I can and that is just one of many stories of Van Bow and will continue again with more stories of this late iconic figure in 40 years of the demise of the most famous Anchorage in the world with it 72 hour including limit and these are stories of the past that one might never know of or experience again until people are free to anger and live and work on San Francisco Bay again and to continue with my story about Bo Conely and I asked him if you ever thought of getting mental disability in he said no because he wants to run for mayor of Sausalito on the city council and never did and but he volunteered himself to be my campaign business manager when I was running for I believe it was Sausalito School Board and he raised money and a few hundred dollars and then had a party in the park with him beer and hot dogs and hamburger or chicken and then tried to charge me for it after he has some lady from what I understand donate $200 for my campaign and he spent it having a party and then forever he tried to charge me with that party and that's just the way he was a real Hustler and struggle daily to make ends meet while living in his shoes and moving anchored out at times and moved on to a houseboat recently and or had it donated to him to take it out of the Sausalito Yacht Harbor and I'll never forget him on that boat being called out on that big floating houseboated his former porno producer friend left him with and because he starred in apparently a number of porno videos and claim that he was in the movie Behind the Green Door of which was produced in Sausalito and Marin County by the the brothers who owned a strip joint in San Francisco called Sodom and Gomorrah or a show called Sodom and Gomorrah that seemed to go on forever and another Waterfront person and artist said that he worked for the Mitchell Brothers and on that movie and said Bo is never in it even though both clean to be one of the masked people in it of which I've never seen the movie and it was the first porno movie to ever go on mainstream and one must be careful what one starts in sauce you know for what starts in Sophia does not stay in Sausalito and but goes around the world the good and the Bad and the Ugly things that happen on the waterfront the farmer artist colony called Sausalito and of which has gone Disneyland today for tourists and more stories about our most enduring Sausalito Waterfront character and he used to hijack people's barbecues and did mine a couple of times and so I put a barbecue on a Bicycle Built for Two. The kind that are clipped onto yachts and latest stainless steel around and would like the barbecue and cook while I'm riding my bicycle for instance and when he would show up pretty much take over the barbecue and take twice as much as a lot of saying that he wants to take to compress to watch the game on a stoop across from Smitty's bar where he had been now 86 from and watched the big screen come across the street and that was his version of going to watch the game and whether it was football or baseball or basketball I'm not sure I've never been to a professional sports event in my life and when both showed up at schoonermaker beach in Sausalito and while I'm barbecuing chicken and I will never forget the expression on his face or the look what he saw he couldn't get his hands on the barbecue and because it was portable now on the bicycle I just rode off and left them in the proverbial charcoal death so to speak and I love that man and that man is never crossed the line with me as far as rejecting him totally as a friend and for he did have a heart and had no teeth in kept his false teeth out even broken and stained of which made them look more real in his situation and how he could talk and drink and act with a full set of false teeth was amazing to me and he would even hide stuff under his false uppers for instance and remember to please tell him to take his teeth out to see if he had a hit on a bag of something under them and such is the life and times of a man that was always entertaining and are scamming and are working with the police as a low-level snitch to keep from being called off and send to jail for an extended period of time I wish to my knowledge she never has been to prison or even spent an extended period of time in jail and was somehow, always seems to get off the hook and when in jail I heard he takes over the television and watch is Just Sports channel and charges people candy bars to change the channel and that's the way he is hustling and making a living anyway he can and once told me that a man has got to get every little scrap of happiness that one can and obviously, in his chronically homeless situation as when asked where he lived he would say that he lived in his shoes and I remember him being in a flimsy tent or plastic covering during a really bad winter storm and nothing seem to affect him and could sleep anywhere and on a bench or in a tent or in a car or van and gets kicked from Pillar To Post by the local authorities and some stuck up Waterfront people from Galilee Harbor on that street in Sausalito and he just keeps coming back and bouncing back like one great big black rubber ball and wouldn't let anything get him down and again I've never seen him staggering drunk and but was told that he could drink a whole quart of vodka without getting drunk and then go to Friday night weekly jazz festival in the summer and sell his paintings and that man can hold his liquor without getting staggering drunk or totally shit faced and still function and but his eyes look yellow then would talk about livers exploding for drugs and alcohol overuse in general no doubt had a an enlarged liver and eventually did pass away in Dunphy Park Sausalito after having apparently a heart attack where he had gotten morbidly obese and was still able to function and passed away with a waterfront friend at his side to see him off, in tears named Robbie and so he didn't die alone and friendless and more stories to tell and again it would take an entire book to tell all the stories and antics about the late Bo Conelly and I remember on another occasion when I got permission to have a Sunday service at the senior center at Sausalito City Hall and Library and virtually nobody showed up and specially because I didn't have any extra money to buy food and refreshments of which would have helped to draw people and of which I eventually begin doing years later and only have taken recently a year Sabbath after the cumulation of 6 years to have about having the three course dinner meals under the auspices of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated of which I am also a CEO and president of officially for life 8501 C3 non-profit religious organization which my children's mother is the treasure and acting secretary and any inquiries questions or additions, just let me know in writing to the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated PO box 2404 San Anselmo California 94960 and so Bo showed up dressed like a preacher and holding the Bible and was getting ready it looked like to preach a sermon and to share from the word from his Baptist Bible believing background from back East in Georgia somewhere and there was nobody there to preach to you so he left and I was there virtually in an empty Senior Center room of which I didn't have to pay rent at which years later I had to pay $35 an hour to read to see you send her with the kitchen and begin having Free Church dinners for years until we recently retiring from that in Sausalito to take a sabbatical year off for in the Old Testament scriptures it says to work your field for 6 years and the seventh year letter rest and this is my rest here on July 29th 2024. Another story story about Bo of Interest is when Francis Ford Coppola was making a movie called Jack here and Sausalito with Robin Williams and while Francis was at both favorite barber shop on Caledonia Street during a break during the movie making and was having a haircut and or a shave, Bo had told someone that he knew Robert Williams and was his dance instructor at College of Marin where taught briefly dancing and put together his own teaching book on Dancing if I recall and taught Robin Williams how to dance and knew him personally he attended his senior year in high school at Redwood High School in Larkspur California and The Story Goes if I could remember that someone in the barbershop if not Francis Ford himself was told by Bo that he was Robin's dance instructor and then Bo went out and found Robin and Sausalito and got his autograph and proving to someone that he knew Robin personally and I myself tried to give Robin Williams a thumbnail sequel on a cassette tape of a movie idea and sequel to the movie Hook that Robin Williams starred in of which movie I love very much and I tried to give the cassette with the idea on it to Robin and Sausalito while making the movie and he said he couldn't take it because of his talent agency and so I went to his boss Francis Ford who is with a bodyguard standing alone in a parking lot and Sausalito during the movie making and as I approached him he accepted the cassette thinking that it was music and that I was a rock singer and I explained to him that it was a sequel idea to the movie Hook and he accepted it and in front of his bodyguard Witness we sure cans that I wouldn't sue him if he took the idea on the cassette and sometime later I saw him being interviewed on television and was asked the one thing that he has never accomplished or done and surprisingly he said that he's never had an original movie idea and so maybe my idea if he ever listened to the cassette or remembers will be movie and even though he didn't originate the thought of the sequel idea or the plot and all things are possible with God and Francis was a very gracious man to me and God bless him as he seeks the road of perfection, in Jesus Christ and his perfection that covers all who are born again and believe of all one's imperfections as we strive to be perfect and learn from our errors and mistakes of which are not sins unless we learn from them and not the type of sins to damn somebody to judgment such as the great sin of apostasy of which is the loss of love for the godhead and Heaven and the Heavenly Host and above all the Father himself and if you'd like to correspond you can buy mail to Peter Romanowsky P.O. Box 1591 Sausalito, CA 94966 and to be continued and edited. Telephone number 415-374 - 0734 and God bless you for reading !
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