Saturday, July 9, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Jim Jones
Inside the mind of an Apistale Assembly of God preacher and proof like Satan God never takes away your free will and he has fallen before ever reaching Paradise or Heaven and some would say that he was never saved or born again like God takes away our free will to return as the Bible says like a dog returning to his own vomit and also this is the mind of not only a fallen preacher but a Socislist/ Communist and datling of the Democrate Party System and Gay Pride of ehich he was also Gay and Democrate politicans sucked up to him like Mayor Moscone, Governor Jerry Brown and even Jimmy Carters sister spoke in his Apostate Church and I'm not sure but working from memory that he bought the former Churvh of Satan building for his Peoples Temple and was made head of the housing administration as a reward for putting Mayor Moscone in office and all I remember hearing him speak in San Francisco that he was a rabid Socialist Demorate and staref me in the face of two thousand people who wete almost exclusively black and with his anti racist ranting said to me in the crowd ...what are you so wortied about and then began knocking the Jesus Movement and his finance manager I heard speak in his Northern California compound that they supported the gun runner and communist terrorist Angela Davis who helped the Jackson five shoit up the Marin County Court House and even Jim Jones wife tried to recruit me but no bannana because I read my Bible which he took out of the hands of the people mostly black and low information or educated people easily decieved like they have been over Obama who sounds just like Jim Jones and all the other Democrate leafers ranting and raving about the same things he does and screams Im God uncontrolably during his sermons and the people begin yo worship him calling him Father as they lift up thier hands to him in true Communist demigod fasion to have idils and statues of them as Gods in Washington DC...
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Nothing is free except the Grace of God and heaslthcare in Europe suckes up more then fifty percent in taxes and takes takes years if ever yo get a hip replacment like in England and the country is over run by fleeing Muslims to suck up more headdlthcare and everyone wants to come yo America for its free healthcare if poor or even have aids and death panals in Europe which euthenised my grandmother under the lying socialist sustem where everyones heathcare is degraded over aids, bums and lazyness...and the whole system is colllapsing under the burden with no private doctors anf government doctors giving the second opinon and if you want free heathcare then go to Cuba but bring your own sheets and even Canadians flees to America for our health care system which Obama viwes to destroy and degrade and make it impossible to get private healthcate so he can bring in all his sinful aids buddies and as more and more Americsns are looing thier private healthcare and last I heard in Canada they only had one of two MRI imaging machines in thier country some ffew years qgo and Canafians coming to America, for quality healthcare which aids is festroying as a pre existing condition and do tell me about the German Heaslthcare which Finland is a model slso with government doctors and death panals and mass sbortions like Obama supports in planned Parenthood found to weed out blacks, disabled, mentally ill , poor whites, Mexicans and its founder said that bring a babt into the world is the greatest sin and ni doubt a cure for so called globel warming so about German heaslthcare with haslf its people from the failed Socialist side which non of these countries3s pay thier fair share yo Nato and not even for thier defence especially fly fpor ciuntries like tell me how good the healthcare system is in Germany and how long it will last while millions of uninsured people overun Europe and more babies being killed qnd more death psnals and more long lines and waoting periods...
Friday, March 18, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
Story telling time by Peter Romanowsky of the furthest outpost of the Russian Empire Marin County
Story telling time from the story teller my mother told me of a Finnish tradition that in every family one is appointed to be the story teller the Finns being the last to becom Christians in Europe still have some of the Shamanistic traditions after all Sant Claus picked up his Rain dear from there ho ho I sometimes feel like the last Russian standing here in Sausalito the furthest out post of the Russian Empire that stopped the advance of the Spanish into Northern California along the coast and built their Capital City Fort Toss which means Fort Russia and the Exhiled Czar Steven Romanoff lives nearby in West Marin as a common man and artist and thete is also a tradition that my Russian ancestors along with the Finns White Russians and Ukrainians who all came here and are still living in Northern California assimilated and buried a plate in San Francisco claiming it for Russia also maybe under Russian Hill
First Western Boat refugee from Socialistic Communism by Peter Romanowsky
To the best of my knowledge my father was the first boat refugee from Communism and Socialism being a Russian Soviet Army officer who defected to the West thriugh Finland and fought against his own country in the propaganda radio network against Soviet Socialism under Stalin, who also imprisoned his activist attorney father into the Gulage Prison System and enslaved my grandmother to wotk on the White Sea canal digging by hand tools the canal from the Baltic to the inland White Sea, where a minimum of twenty five thousand enslaved Russians died digging the canal and my grandmother was freed by Stalins wife personally while visiting the canal project. After Finland was forced to make a Treaty after slaughting millions of Russians until they ran out of amunition, the Finns were forced to return all Russian defectors including my father who escsped in a thirty foot boat, in thirty foot seas, with thirty people on board, across the sea from Finland to Sweden, making my father possibly, the first boat refugee from Communist Socialism, as all the other refugees were sent back, from in the boat, because they were economic refugees and my father was a politic refugee and that's how I ended up being born in Sweden... the tragedy is that I was awoke on a boat somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean as a child being my first waking memory and today day every night I still lay my head on a pillow somewhere in the middle of the San Francisco Bay as a boat refugee even today as a refugee from Socialistic Democrstic Marin County, the richest County in California for some thirty years...... ...for the rest of the story and to be continued...
Thursday, January 14, 2016
A short History of the Sixties Jesus Movement
Movements that started in and of from Sausalito Marin County, San Francisco and Berkeley starting with Sausalito the Marin County area. The first Rock festival on Mount Tamalpias called the Majic Mountain Festival. The Hippie Movement starting with Sausalito and Waldo Point Houseboats and moved to Height Asbury disabigulation, the Jesus Movement of the Sixties some say started in Height Asbury, but I was the first formally hippie pastor to formally begin Sunday Services in Marin County to the best of my knowledge, in all California , the quote Gay Movement starting in San Francisco and probably had its roots in the Sausalito houseboat area and disambiguation required, but no doubt of all the three cultural generaters , Sausalito area is tops next to Telegraph Hill Road in Berkeley and North Beach, and the first Mountain Bike was built from scratch by Richard Breeze on Humbolt Street in San Anselmo Marin County a block from my home on Elm Street, the Weather Underground met and hide on the Houseboats of Waldo Point, Sausalito area, the creater of Jumbee lived in Sausalito, Music from the Hearts of Space originated from Sausalito, New Age Music. The United Nations was dedicated in Marin County in Muir Woods a short hop from Sausalito in Marin County, the First Hippie Summit, met first in Waldo Point mext to Sausalito, including Allen Ginsburg and friends like Timothy Leary and others, Doctor Rom Das is slso a resident of Marin County a leader in the therapeutic use of LSD, the Golden Gate Southern Baptist Seminary property prior to the Seminary purchase was the first proposed site of the United Nations, Marin County I'm grnrr add l the playground of virtually all the Rock Stars of the San Francisco sound music scene, the first acid test done by Kinsley and friends including the Grateful Dead was conducted in Muir Beach, Marin be continued disabigulation and corrects welcomed...including information regarding whether I was the first Pastor of a Jesus Movement Congregation...without external missionary support, in fact resisted initially by formal Missionaries from the Golden Gate Baptist Seminary in Marin County, to the Hippies of Height Asbury and Marin County. I Peter Romanowsky was Baptisted, by the First Southern Baptist Church of Sausalito in 1968, in fact the Missionaries to the Hippies, did everything they could, to discredit me, for not being formally trained at the Seminary, but home schooled instead in Theology and Evangelsm and mentored by the Pastor of the Northern General Baptist Church of San Rafael, which met in Carpenters Union Hall and licensed by this major denomination as an intern minister, before breaking free after church collapsed or ran it's course, before the pastor moved to Ceres General Baptist Church, next to Modesto Pastor Jack Kuhlmen and Church of the Open Door moved into the Union Hall, one of my mentors along with the Reverant Fred Small of the Marin City Church of God a predominately black church , next to Sausalito, also the largest cover ministry to reach Gays for Jesus Christ started under my preaching as a youthful pastor and church congregation planter by our church organist before he was pressured to leave our congragation by a Golden Gate Bsptist Seminary graduate/student who later wrote a book about the Jesus Movement and together with Frank Worthen our Organist together with the Seminary graduate Missionary, formally started the cover ministry Exodus Internatioal , to reach Gays for Christ, the Gays finally over ran the ministry and made the Christians apologize, be continued a history of the Jesus Movement from a Marin County/San Francisco perspective by Reverant Peter Christian Romanowsky...PS I don't claim to be the first and non formally trained, mentored and home schooled preacher to begin Sunday Services, during the Jesus Movement Hippie Sixties Movement, I'm just the only one that I know or have heard off, others were co pastors or missionaries to the Sixties Hippies in or from already established churches like Lonnie Frisbee of Orange County and Calvary Chapel, the most well known hippie preacher and tragically, died of aids, being a former Gay, before being a mighty, man of God and discouraged and marginalized by the formal edtablisment, like I have been be continued a short history of movements from Marin County, San Francisco and Berkely.and the Sixties Jesus Peter Christian Romanowsky Pastor and Senior minister along with the Reverant Douglas Storms, Missionary to the waterfront of Sausalito and Waldo Point and graduate of the Golden Gate Baptist Seminary in Marin County....PS we will begin having Sunday Services at the Edgewater Room below the Library in Sausalu to the Waterfront and Anchorout Out Community and about be make history again, in a revival and fresh Jesus Movement to influence and go around the world again , beginning on January 24th Sunday 12:00 Noon
Monday, January 11, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Saturday, January 9, 2016
There will be a day that the rich, succeful and well showered and greedy of this wiord, will be praying to the homeless and so called bums, covered with sores and virtually naked on the streets and living with the dogs eating out of the rich man's trash can...16:19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:16:20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.16:24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.16:25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.16:26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.16:27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:16:28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.16:30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. Luke
Marin Community Foundation the Berli Buck Foundation
Good news I took a long hot shower last nigh before the art show for the first time in virtually over twenty years or more since I lived in a Harbor Marina ince some twenty five years by joining a health and gym club due to not having a car lately to keep my dog in regulary, so it felt so good, this town of Sausalito is brutilly cruel to us Anchor outs and shun us and don't invite us into their homes for showers and dinners so I have had to hot spot wash and scrap my skin with a bread knife and sunbath and swim naked on the Beach at Muir Beach, the result of this fast and avoiding fornication I have been seeing visions, ike any ascetic monk would see if by self denial and not going mad and taking things into my own hands and for now will help others shower and join the health club and finance them through grants from our 501C3 non profit Church Oginization which I have officially been made CEO of and can file for grants for the poor from virtually the largest trust fund in the world the Buck Foundation left for the Churches the poor of Marin County and education. Which none of the money has come down for the poorest of the poor Anchor off shore and sleeping in the bushes on our waterfront, because we have not filed for relief, without a non profit like I am President of now and am able to tap into the over a billion dollar trust fund for the poor and of which has been sending most of the money out of the County and of which the money was suppose to be left exclusively for Marin County the proverbial bastards and lawless lawyers, this is a Demicrate and Rio Republican County ... Reverend Peter Christian Romanowsky President and CEO of of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated in Marin County
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Peter Romanowsky Testimony of Jesus Christ
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Jesus People Movement with Peter Romanowsky's New Birth Testimony and History of Agape' Christian ChurchAgape Cyber is the on-going STORY of JESUS CHRIST as viewed through the eyes, faith, and experience of the former members and associates of AGAPE CHRISTIAN CENTER CHURCH which began with my conversion in the late sixies and is continuing by GOD'S GRACE in Spirit over the INTERNET VIA this WEB PAGE.
Agape' Church History
I Peter Romanowsky by the GRACE of GOD, bring to you a history of the Jesus Movement, which began in the sixties, around the peak of the baby boomer generation. Our STORY begins with the SUMMER of LOVE 1967, which is also known as the class of SIXTY-SEVEN. This was the height, or turning point, of the 60's counter- culture generation of intellectuals, hippies, free thinkers, DRUG GURUS, and so-called free-lovers. We're all old enough to know now that there is nothing free in this world without the LOVE OF GOD. Henceforth, the name AGAPE CHURCH, which our congregation came to be known as.
We started out with five people, basically, in my brother's apartment in San Rafael, CALIFORNIA. Then we moved to my wife's and my home on a hill in SAN ANSELMO, Marin County, then on to the WOODACRE IMPROVEMENT CLUB facilities where we worshipped for a number of years. Before moving to the facilities of the San Francisco Theological Seminary, in San Anselmo California. The WORD AGAPE is the GREEK word for love: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. God always makes the first move; our job is simply to respond.
I was the first full-time pastor of the early sixties AGAPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. One day I was standing in front of the Shrine Auditorium on a sunny October day in 1968. I was wondering what to do next, the Shrine Auditorium was so full that the fire department had closed the doors, because it had reached its capacity. Inside moving among some seven thousand people, was the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ,He was healing many of them. I had just hitchhiked with my future wife, Becky Kettenhofen from the San Francisco Bay Area, all the way to L.A. to attend this Miracle Service, and to visit my parents Ritva and Arkady Romanowsky. The woman of God who was conducting the service was named Kathryn Kuhlman, she was a tall red-haired, white skinned, a beautiful woman, well on in her years. While I was listening to the music on the external loud speakers in front of the Shrine, a tremendous presence came into me, rushing suddenly like a spiritual wind into my heart and my mind. It felt exactly as though a channel of wind split in two, and parted half into my mind, and half into my heart. I never before had such an experience, nor have I experienced anything to this degree since, only various degrees, because, this was the NEW BIRTH that I later would learn, was foretold in the BIBLE. Truly, it can be said, that this is the MOTHER OF ALL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES, because it deals with the initial SALVATION of ones SOUL. Hallelujah and GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY, may HE SHAKE EARTH with HIS GLORY, amen.
Hallelujah! after the HOLY SPIRIT came into my heart and mind, I was stunned, amazed, I had never experienced anything like this before in my life. I was walking on air, clouds,IN HEAVEN. Even though my initial reaction was fear, that was losing my mind. Every time an angel appeared to someone in the Bible, the first thing the angel would have to say is 'FEAR NOT'.Because most people do not experience things of this supernatural nature every day. In a split second, in a moment, after I felt this WIND THAT SEEMED TO GO RIGHT THROUGH ME, into my mind, into my heart, I thought I was losing my mind. I pictured myself being carried away in an ambulance, in front of the Shrine Auditorium, in Los Angeles. Then I realized, that this wasn't some kind of horrible major flash back from the sixties, it was something different, something I never felt before, real inner peace in my mind, real joy in my heart. Even thought the initial SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCE was so awesome a feeling. After walking in a SUPERNATURAL DAZE, IN FRONT OF THE SHRINE, I felt exactly like one would feel, I imagine, when one dies, and goes to Heaven. There was no sense of fear or guilt before God. It was though I had never sinned, nothing stood between me and my Creator. No sense of guilt or shame. After what seemed like hours, days, an eternity, I began to come back on my feet to the ground. I was stunned amazed no one had ever told me of such an experience to be had, except by saints and a saint I wasn't, or certainly didn't feel like one before. In fact, I was a sinner and had to come to that conclusion, that I could't save myself, by being good in my own power.
I don't remember anyone telling me of such an experience, 'HEAVEN ON EARTH'. I thought all I would have to do is describe it to anyone that would listen, and they would instantly believe. I turned to me future wife Becky, but she was literally in a corner at the Shrine, and was just shaking her head, in disbelief. She later said that I completely changed,to the point that she didn't even know me any more. I was that changed, I shaved my head when a barber gave me a fifties style haircut, I read the Bible constantly. I was in meetings all the time, she was very tolerant, but had a sad experience in the formal church where she attended sunday school. She started crying when she looked around one sunday morning, and no one seemed to be taking the gospel seriously, so she drifted away, til I meet her in a commune in 1966. But now things have changed, I was the one on fire for The Lord, jumping up and down on the couch, sometimes with joy, sometimes with frustration, why couldn't she see. Later on in a Christian Coffee House called the Crown of Life, in Mill Valley Calif. at the Assembly of God Church. She was born again. But now, I was a new creation, heaven came down to my heart, I was walking on air, I had a mission. I felt, from the day I was born again, that I had to tell somebody, somebody, anyone, that would listen. I have been doing that, to this day, with brief interruptions. From that day on,I knew what I had to do, the ministry, was my calling. After their initial new birth experience, we were going home to the San Fernando Valley in the suburbs of Los Angeles, where my mother and father lived, and while travelling up the Hollywood Freeway, I began to wonder if I could have experienced this through Buddha,or some other way, JUST THEN the CROSS on the HOLLYWOOD FREEWAY APPEARED IN MY VIEW.
The cross began to burn with love into my heart again, like the feeling I had in front of the Shrine Auditorium, the love I felt was indescribable, the joy I felt was out of the world, beyond anything I ever experienced before, these were the feelings, the experiences, the facts, in front of the Shrine, and before the cross. This settled my doubts forever, that Jesus was the only way, to experience this NEW BIRTH. People may have other names for HIM in other lands a cultures, but they better have the person right, of they will not experience this SALVATION. There is only one way to the FATHER through the HOLY SPIRIT, no matter the up bringing, culture, geography, name you use, it better spell JESUS, SALVATION, SAVIOUR, because that's what HIS NAME MEANS in the ORIGINAL HEBREW. After that experience never again have I had any serious doubt that Jesus is the FIRST BORN from the dead, the CO- CREATOR with the FATHER and the only one that ultimately can bring one to the throne room of GOD. It's not to say that there are not other prophets and holy men on earth past and present, but I am testifying that JESUS is the ONLY WAY that I could have been brought to the THRONE ROOM. Upon returning home, life was different from then on, people, my friends, began to quiz me and even ridicule me testing me to see if I would break. but I didn't, they did, one after the other, they came to me in the night to really talk to me about what happened. Though before, in the day, they mocked me. Yes you will be mocked also and tested, when you believe to the point of the NEW BIRTH in God in Christ by His Spirit, but withstand the test, complete your trial, for in doing so, you will be like the angels, saints, most holy.
upon returning home, as I shared already, my friends tested and taunted me. But the final show down was like this. All were gathered together one day in the commune I lived in. Since my future wife and I were the only ones paying rent. i had to give my best friends their ultimatum. They had to leave the house. One by one after a very dramatic scene, they walked out the front door. The last thing my ex-former girlfriend Sally said, was that I didn't have a friend in the world. She was right, the world walked out my front door. I locked the door, and for the first time, in the history of the commune, there was no traffic. I only person of note that was not there, was my old best friend Wes Holk who was in Viet Nam. He came home later, a changed person, but not ready yet to receive Christ as Lord, like my friends before him, he tested me. But later like the rest, he came to me in the night, to ask me if It was really true. Yes there is a price to pay to commit your life to Jesus Christ. But remember, He paid it for you in advance and all you have to do is receive and believe, separate yourself in your heart from the things of this world that you know are harmful and He will give you the strength to walk away from those things. That's all I asked of God that He would give me the power to walk away from my sins. He did with the NEW BIRTH which I wasn't even expecting. I just wanted the inner strength to be whole. I literally asked God to give me something better then I already had and I would follow, very simple.
After my best friends all left me I locked the door of the commune I was living in and found for the first time that I had my own home. My future wife and I shared this house and began attending First Baptist Church of Sausalito. After a few months I began to wonder if I was married before God and man. In my mind I felt committed and married yet my heart was bothering me. It was the sixties, I had asked Becky to marry me and was committed all the way, but she felt that her father would have a heart attack (to use a figure of speech) so we never got formally married. We both felt that true love was more important then just a piece of paper. But my heart was still nagging me. So one night when I asked the Lord to show me if I was really married or not, the words fornication moved across my vision like a moving sign. I knew then, that I was not married, the Lord showed me without condemnation. He had already excepted me as I was, now He was cleaning me. You have to catch a fish first, before you can clean it an old timer said years later.We continued living in the house together, but in separate rooms. The next few months were wondrous, joyous filled with personal victories. God saw me thorough the good times and the bad. The bad times were far and few the good times seemed to last forever. I couldn't hardly wait to wake up in the morning to see what God had in store for me today.
Those early days were wondrous and glorious, 'before ye pray, I will answer' so the good book teaches and so was the wondrous experiences of the early days. Like a child, God provided for in marvelous ways, by answering the earliest prayers. For instance when a dog would be barking it's head off with saliva flying from it's mouth, with only a fence to protect me, " a wire one at that", God would silence the raging beast in an instance by His angeles, least I have my peace be continued
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Paul Kamena Recall Attempt Marin County District Attorney Peter Romanowsky
Click here for Coastal Post article about arrest of her daughter's father, after she was covicted and sent to jail near near the Mexican border for trying to protect her daughter from abuse in the courts.
Carol Mardeusz had to give up her beloved dog Caji to Peter Romanowsky, because of the amount to time she had to spend going to court and filing papers and legal business to continue seeking the safe custody of her daughter from abusive father
To meet Peter Romanowsky and Caji the Dog come to the Sausalito Ferry Landing most every sunny afternoon.
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Or write Peter Romanowsky300 Napa St # 40 Sausalito, CA. 94965Mailing address P.O. Box 1591 Sausalito, Ca. 94965415/261-5917/ fax (415) 331-2096
3 Marin judges face recall effort
Dissatisfaction about rulings in child-custody cases has escalated into full-blown recall efforts against three Marin Superior Court judges.
Petitions filed with the Marin Registrar of Voters this week say recall efforts have been launched against Marin Superior Court Judges Michael Dufficy, Lynn Duryee and Terrence Boren.
The petitions, which elections officials said are the first step in a process that could take a year, have triggered what is believed to be the first formal recall effort ever against Marin judges.
The petitions against Dufficy and Duryee cite criticism of them in a citizen-commissioned report on the Marin family court system. The report accused the judges of routinely ruling against the interests of children, and in favor of cronies Link to full article related to the above picture and text.
Verna Adams writes me that she should be addressed as the "Judicial Goddess of the Marin County Superior Court," now that she has assumed a judgeship there, Verna whom I recently described as the "Dean of the Marin County divorce lawyers," was one of Gov. Gray Davis first judicial appointments.
DA recall petitions submitted
RECALL DRIVE: Lynnette Shaw, head of Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, arrived at the registrar's office with 20,691 signatures calling for a recall election targeting District Attorney Paula Kamena. Standing next to her is Ron Mazzaferro. Photo: Marian Little Utley
Political background of Peter Romanowsky
Peter Romanowsky Ministerial/background history
THE KINSEY REPORT SUPERVISOR GETS ANOTHER EXTENSION FOR CODE VIOLATIONS (Where is Paula Kamena when an investigation needs to be done on a high official?)
ALIGN="CENTER" ALT=" John Mongomery plead no contest ">
John Mongomery sentencedJohn Mongomery sentenced
Got Hope?
Peter Romanowsky for Marin County General Hospital District
Marin County, CANovember 3, 1998 GeneralDirector; Marin Healthcare DistrictCandidates (Vote for 3)
Click on a candidate name for more information.
Lawrence H. "Larry" Arnstein 30,974votes 17.5%
Party: DemocratOccupation: NeurosurgeonBS Stanford, MD StanfordClinical Professor of Neurosurgery, Stanford and UC, (20 Years)Hospital appointments, El Camino, Standford, Mills Peninsula, San Mateo County and MGHFellow, American College of SurgeonsFellow, International College of SurgeonsDiplomat, American Board of NeurosurgeryPriorities:Return Marin General Hospital to true local District Board controlRehire registered nurses and skilled techniciansRestore control of quality care to doctors, not corporate bureaucrats and accountantsSuzanna "Suzy" Coxhead 30,184 votes17.1%Party: RepublicanOccupation: Caregiver/Board MemberDirector, Marin Healthcare District BoardMBA - Health Services ManagementTwenty Years Banking CareerChair, Healthier Communities Task Force of MarinChair, Altzheimer's Association, North Bay ChapterFormer Chair, Big Sisters of MarinPriorities:Initiate Public Representation on the Marin General Hospital ManagementEstablish High Quality Trauma Center at Marin General HospitalEstablish Marin Center for Health PromotionSylvia M. Siegel 28,677 votes 16.2%Occupation: IncumbentHarold "Hal" Hassin 27,752 votes 15.7%Party: DemocratOccupation: PhysicianPediatric OphthalmologistAssociate Medical Director, San Diego Children's HospitalHealth Policy Fellow for Senator Edward KennedyMaster of Public Health DegreeConsultant to Health Care IndustryPriorities:Initiate Public Representation on the Marin General Hospital Management BoardEstablish High Quality Trauma Center at Marin General HospitalEstablish Marin Center for Health PromotionBernard L. Del Santo 27,238 votes 15.4%Occupation: Police ChiefR. Eugene "Gene" Tolls 26,276 votes 14.8%Party: RepublicanOccupation: PathologistPast Chief of Staff Marshall Hale HospitalPast President San Francisco Medical Society.Founder and CEO of successful laboratories, screening centers and a medical clinic.Completed Program for Health Systems Management Harvard Graduate Schools of Public Health and Business Administration.Marin resident for 23 yearsFree of any connection with Sutter affiliaded hospitalsPriorities:I will work to end destructive political squabling between the District Board and the Hospital Board.I will bring years of creative healthcare experience to restore credibility to the District Board in mediating new role for the board.Modify the lease so that the electorate is effectively represented in healthcare matters.Peter Romanowsky 5,850 votes 3.3%Occupation: Minister/Marine RecyclerLicensed as Baptist Minister 1969Orginized and pastored an evangelical church 1970Recruited as vice president of my ministerial alliance in 1971Began my overseas teaching and preaching ministry on annual basis 1972Began radio broadcasting ministry on local stations 1973Halfway house/homeless shelter director in Ross Valley area for most of the 1970'sPriorities:100% for continuing the lawsuit against Sutter Healthcare.Returning Marin General Hospital back to the tax payers who built it and to the elected board of directors.Provide for equel and fair treatment to all citizens of Marin County regardless of financial status.Basic candidate data supplied by the County elections official. Any additional information supplied by the candidate. Order of candidates is random and changes daily. Suggest a link related to this contestLinks to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.
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Peter Romanowsky for college of Marin School Board
Marin County, CANovember 2, 1999 ElectionPETER ROMANOWSKY CANDIDATE FOR COLLEGE OF MARIN BOARD OF DIRECTORSBy Pete RomanowskyCandidate for Governing Board Member; Marin Community College District
This information is provided by the candidate
A rough draft of what I intend to do once elected, and the vision that I share with Doctor James Middleton President of COM/IVC, (after reading his Evolving Vision for Indian Vally College Report).
Hello my name is PETER ROMANOWSKY and I am currently running for the COLLEGE OF MARIN BOARD OF DIRECTORS, here in MARIN COUNTY.
Our College district is made up of two campus INDIAN VALLEY COLLEGE, in Novato California and the College of Marin campus in Kentfield. They were once two separate colleges but now are one. The Indian Valley College campus was built in anticipation of a population growth the never happened. Henceforth the 333 light wooded acres with it's cluster of buildings has been under utilized and has become a financial drain, due to subsequent lack of management and vision. In particular the faculty wasn't able to keep up, with the rapid technological pace of the job market. When high tech firms worked with the students and faculty in the past. But now that 80% of the highest paid faculty members are about to retire, there will be a new influx of monies, to hire highly energized fresh faculty members.
There is the problem also of the three student cafeterias at IVC, that need to be consolidated into a central meeting area. To give the college more atmosphere, and feeling of fellowship.
Another need I plan to address is to have an attractive athletic program for the Indian Valley Campus. That will draw more full time students away from the commute to Santa Rosa Junior College. Which is the number one competitor to COM and IVC campuses.
You might be saying to yourself "Why not sell some of the land and consolidate the assets into a smaller more efficient IVC Campus, and take the financial burden off the district"? Well the problem is that every local, state government and non-profit agency on the horizon, has first priority to buy the excess property. So the land can't be sold to the highest bidder or, on the open market to solve the finical problems of the district.
I believe that another way of insuring that full time students attend COM/IVC is to use some of the IVC land for ecologically sound and centrally, planned affordable housing. For the students, faculty and essential work force such as the College Police, etc. If a shuttle bus service was is instituted the concerns over increased traffic, would diminish and the whole extended community would profit. The college cannot depend on locally elected city council members that tend to vote for bigger and more expensive housing, at the cost of the middle class and poor. Which tend not to vote in general because they feel so disenfranchised, from the whole political system. Therefore only some 30% of the entire population will eventually vote this November. Unless a candidate like me, who really represents the majority, (who don't tend to vote), to go to the polls.
Separate books also need to be kept between the COM and the IVC campus, to make it easier to identify the financial problems of the District with more clearness. The most recent Grand Jury Report recommended this. Of which there has been approximately ten such reports in the past fourteen years. All apparently dealing with the financial problems of COM/IVC.
There is also the legal problems that the College District is having, with large out of court settlements paid to plaintiffs. From concern that court trials would be more expensive, (or embarrassing)! This Needs a real expert at mediation and resolution conflict, on behalf of the welfare of the students, first of all and teachers, work force and district as a whole. "Can't we hold to higher standards, then to just want to make money, or for that matter being over anxious about the lack of it"! Is this becoming the whole the purpose of living and working? Do not we have a higher purpose? Yes we do". Where is the spiritual dimension in all this, is survival of the fittest the only road to take in a tug of war between higher and lower powers. Is this the fruit of all that education is suppose to be about? Where is the altruism, where is the self sacrifice, where is the passage from the Oath of Hypocrites, about not charging to impart this sacred healing knowledge to others.
Let's not fight and tear one another apart, or be anxious about our futures, at the expense of the next generation. A nation or district divided against itself about money and resources, between the haves and the have-nots, between labor and management will eventually collapse unless a middle road is be continued
Peter Romanowsky trained in-house and interned by the General Baptist Church of America 1968. Organized and pastured Agape' Christian Church which met in the Woodacre Improvement Club 1970. Recruited by the New Covenant Evangelistic Association an inter-denominational ministerial alliance headquartered in Richmond 1971 and made vice president. Moved Sunday services to Stewart Chapel located on the grounds of the San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo 1973. Traveled internationally as a missionary evangelist lecturing, preaching, teaching and holding healing services through most of the seventies. Spent nearly three years in cloister studying and meditating in the early eighties. Became senior minister to the waterfront live-a-board community in Sausalito during the nineties as a home missionary. Mailing Address 300 Napa St. #40 Sausalito, CA. 94965 Tel 415/289-9540
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Peter Romaowsky Sausalito Marin City Sanitation District
Marin County, CANovember 2, 1999 ElectionWHY I AM RUNNING FOR SAUSALITO MARIN CITY SANITATION DISTRICT!By Pete RomanowskyCandidate for Director; Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District
This information is provided by the candidate
To long we have looked the other way and sat around watching politicians drink their Martinis, while the enviroment goes to hell in the face of over development. Where are these poltical leaders, when the real down and dirty work needs to be done. To keep clean, Richardson Bays waters and to prevent needless waste from going into our landfills.
Rev. martin Luther King was assassinated while helping sanitation workers organize and get a fair wage for their necessary labors. He was not assassinated while running for President of the United States. He could have run, and would have been the first black President, if he had lived and been chosen and called to do so.
After I thought an extra day whether I should run or not, I signed up at the Civic Center. As I was returning home I met a friend at a bus stop, who didn't even know where I was coming from or what I had done. He said that a famous beat writer named William Bennet was asked when he gave up his aspirations to run for president, the answer he gave was "When I learned that I could get my elbows deep in the flush fund, of the Sewer District". That is not why I am running, to wade in slush money (if any). But it goes to show that corruption can be found in any level of political office, and that even in a joke the seriousness of kick backs can be found anywhere.
The reason that I am running to to serve the community and help preserve the environment.I want to establish recycle stations for reusable goods such as wood, paint, chemicals, toxins, metals, compose,clothes, etc. I believe that we can act as a community doing this, and help people save money and clean the environment at the same time. I believe also that it will install a spirit of community in us all, not to waste so much.
I want to see cleaner water and less development of every square inch of property next to Richardson Bay. The Bay can only hold so much pollution and all the Sanitation Districts from beyond Sacramento to here, dump their sewage into the river and the bay. Which eventually ends up on our shore here because the Sacramento River Bed flows right between Angel Island and Tiburon. I went swimming once on the Golden gate Headlands when brown foam was present, and my eyes were irritated and mildly infected. We need a cleaner bay, blaming one group of people or another is not the answer. Run off toxins from automobiles, oil, preservatives from houses, dog fetuses, pesticides, over development are all causes and blames for an unhealthy bay. Even though the water is cleaner then ever before as far as mussels are able to grow again on the bottom of boats and pier pilings, as a result of diverting mill Valleys sewage from Richardson bay to Tiburon peninsula over these past years. Yet, still chemicals, heavy metals and even radio active materials are still present in the waters, not to forget to mention PCBS and God only knows what else, has been dumped into the bay. Much of this can find it's way through our drainage sinks, if we are not careful. Don't flush anything down your toilet, that you wouldn't want in you food chain.
I remembers thirty years ago when the whole west end of Richardson Bay stank to high heaven, before the diversion of mill Valleys Sewage. I still smells bad at low tide in Sausalito, due to all the marinas and yacht harbors, that have taken over the entire waterfront. it's not the few Anchor Outs that dot the bay that are causing all the pollution. It's the over development in general of the entire district, including the hugh marin City USA development, that has profited out of county white rich businessmen and residents from I don't know who knows where, that have moved in. I wish I could think of someone I know that could afford one of these town houses. Instead of providing spaces for black owned businesses and residences that local low income waterfront people of Sausalito could afford, as well as the historical population of Marin City, who is being squeezed into a corner, with not even a place to buy food any more.
There is a mad frenzy to over tax and over use the land around Richardson Bay, at the cost of the pastoral and serene beauty of the landscape and waterfront. The bay can't take any more run off without not only becoming more polluted, but filled in for that matter with silt.
To come down to earth more in a practical sense, I don't that we should just give away all our reusable and recyclable resources to refuse companies. Without hard fast data on your garbage bills, that the re-cycleables, like aluminum cans and redeemable glass and paper, are truly deducted from your bill. Otherwise why recycle for just another big corporation, when we can use the money here at home.
I have had fifteen years of recycling experience here in Sausalito, and have learned to live on this earth, without polluting it and making a living at the same time. I want to share this experience and profit with you all, let's work together and start getting away from this sometimes mad consumer mentality we have, in throwing so much away,after so little use.
The harbors can be cleaned up by monitoring sewage discharge better, and requiring harbors that have house boats to hook up to the sewer system. The heavy metals and toxins that fall from the bottom of the boats, and pollute the fish cannot be helped short of tearing them down.but a moratorium on new marinas will certainly help the situation. Now we know why there are all the no fishing signs.
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Peter Romanowsky Family History escape from socialism
Peter Romaowsky family history escape from socialism ....I grew up around guns, always had a gun rack over our heads on the couch as we watched television, ev r n when left alone as children while parents went out on Fridays and older brother a child also as baby sitter and the lick on the gun rack was made of a thin wooden rod, easy to be broken, never had a temptation to play with real guns, toy guns air rifles I mean real air rifles and bee bee guns imaginary and were trained from childhood to be around and use guns, boring at times, taken hunting, carrying high powered rifles, I remember the first time I fired a 306 Russian rifle my father's favorite, the kick was tremendous to a somewhat young kid, unforgetsble, same with shotgun, wow would bruise a women, God made women to bruise easy for evidence in spouse abuse. My dad always carried a gun because one saved his life from deportation to the Stalinist Soviet Union after the Russian Finnish War Treaty, to return all Soviet defectors, my father was an officer and traitor to the Soviet Union for defecting and joining in the enemy against Communist Socialism which is the death penalty and pulled a gun on the authorities and escaped through a farmhouse window and lived as a survivalist in the forest in an underground covered hole, so all his life he carried a weapon, in case Soviet Agents caught up your him. They begged him to come back to Russia while in California and he said obviously no and kept on the run, till we ended up in Marin County in 1963, I remember him showing me a twenty to automatic pistol, so small that he could put it even in his wallet...for concealment. ... to be continued
Praising to run for Congress by Peter Romanowsky
Smart Voter
Marin, Sonoma County, CA June 2, 1998 Primary
Peter Romanowsky
Candidate for Member of the State Assembly; District 6
This information is provided by the candidate
Biographical Highlights
Party: Republican / Middle of the Road Moderate
Occupation: Minister/Aquatic Recycler
Lived in Marin / Sonoma counties 35 years
Attended both Redwood and Analy High Schools
Licensed as a baptist minister in 1968
Founded Interfaith Church at the facilities of the Woodacre Improvement Club in 1970, moved to Stewart Chapel on the grounds of the San Francisco Theological Seminary in 1973
Appointed vice president of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association 1971 an inter-denominational ministerial alliance incorporated to aid new and struggling ministries.
Founding minister of Agape Christian Center Thrift Store in San Rafael 1972. Bay area religious radio broadcaster in 1973. Same year became an internationl missionary evangelist with service in countless countries in Europe and middle east . Currently I am involved with the low income working waterfront /anchorout community of Sausalito as a Chaplin representing the N.C.E.A.
Top Priorities if Elected
I am concerned about the devorce rate and the poverty it brings to children as well as mothers. I will introduce a covenant marriage bill like the State of Lousianna has, to parallel our current devorce laws.
I will introduce charter school vouchers for poor and low income families who can't afford private schools so public schools will have healthier competition and freedom to choose for parents.
I will reduce the population of our prisons ten to twenty percent of minor drug offenders and use the money for rehabilitation and education. We currently have the largest prison system in the world.
Key Endorsements
I have been endorsed by the Republicans of Sausalito and good friend democrates.
I also have been endorsed by the working poor and low income waterfront people of Sausalito.
I have been endorsed by the New Covenant Evangelistic Association as well as my pears, friends and associates.
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Copyright © 1998 League of Women Voters of California, Smart Valley Inc.
The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office or political parties.
Peter Romanowsky Family History escape from Russia
Stories from Finland my great great grandfather was was and educater,
minister and town elder in general, a Finnish Shaman so to speak and a
leader in the Free Church of Movement in Finland apart from the official
Lutheran Church, Independent Church Fundamentalist. There was a large lake
in his home town of Tianus Jurva, a part of the town of village of Jurva,
near Vaasa Finland and he noticed how the water was do shallow that he
could see the fish swimming around in it, near the surface so he tried to
organize the locals to dig a canal and drain he lake for rich farmland. But
the villagers mocked him at he idea or the project, so he ended up hiring
them instead to dig the canal, instead of enjoying the mutual benefit and
land ownership, after buying the lake of course and drained the lake and
turned it into rich farmland next to his already handsome farmhouse the
villagers then grumbled that he became so wealthy in land and prosperity.
He then ran for school board and lost and then used his property and
position to build a school and wrote textbooks to bring the Fi mush
language back, from the common language of Swedish because most Swedes
lived on the coast of Finland and couldn't even speak Finnish, even though
that they have lived in Finland for hundreds of years, during the war with
Russia the President couldn't even speak Finnish , funny...when I was there
dome give times in the seventies Finland was still a bilingual country,
being passed back and forth between Russia and Sweden, before it's
independence around 1918, today it's better and Finnish Swedes are starting
to learn and speak Finnish. The result was that the Finnish language was
tough phoneticaly, by Principles and educators like my ancestor, who wrote
the books on grammer, among others so that today Finnish is the perfect
computer language and. Finn named Torval developed a computer language
that was better then Bill Gates and Microsoft and he gave it away free
instead of bring a greedy multi-billionaire, but
Peter Romanowsky CEO New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc. 501C3 non profit Church
I feel God wants me to share something very serious, I was called into the ministry virtually the moment that I was born again, my ancestors were mainly ministers on my mother's side and mail veterinarians on my father's side, with large family owned farm in Finland on my mother's side and a law professor on my father's, with two University educated patents who immigrated to America to flee execution by the Soviet Socialist Republic of Russia, for my father being an officer, defected to Finland during the Russian Finnish war and married my mother, it was the death penalty and the Soviets enforced it, my parents began living the American dream as small businessmen and mechanical labourers, including a bar and garage business, mother as a nurses aid also, briefly, we growing up in a large family, had nothing extra, never been on welfare or good stamps, they didn't even exist, in fact my parents had to sign papers that for three years that they couldn't get any government help. My great Aunt in New Jersey was out sponsor, she was head maid for major holder of Ponds and Nestles Chocolate in Short Hills New Jerry, my uncle was his scooter, even offered to buy my younger brother and adopt him, Alex was his name, he was do blond haired and blue eyes even as a child, grew up to look like Elvis Presley, I said all this, to say that. That I have never made my living, preaching the gospel, as a missionary, pastor, radio programmer, gospel radio. Never got a salary, except supplimenatel income, when the bills were due for Church Chapel rent, it ultimately, came out of my pockets, like Saint Paul, I never charged or begged, for preaching the gospel, I am thankful for the supplemental income I received, time to time, primarily supported myself, announcing rooms in our large garden estate, lionised to us by my in-laws, or which I turned over all my community property, to my wife and now she is a millionaire, owning the estate lock stock and barrel, I have never had a credit card, pastor of my first Baptist Church of Sausalito, said it was a trap of Satan, always paid cash or check, wherever I went, like the Apostle Paul said, no one can ever take that boasting from me, he said that he could have been supported as the most successful missionary, the world has ever seen, or known, he received money to give to others, otherwise he supported himself as a tent maker, tradesmen, his whole missionary life, like me also, supporting myself, doing any kind of physical labour or rental management, of which I was good at, even on facebook, where I have pictures of me with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and angel, hasn't brought me any support, except likes, I have never begged for support for myself, I'm not a begger, like Saint Paul was not either, Jesus was supported for only three years of his life, by rich women from Herod's court and the common pheasants, no doubt, he turned water into wine, fed the multitudes, paid tax money from a fishes mouth, but never begged or salesgirl money, Judas was the treasurer, and complained, about the repentant prostitute, breaking her perfume on Jesus' feet, her stock and trade, I supported myself salvaging and recycling for twenty years, after my wife was forced to leave me, under threats of disinheritance, of which at time, was in denial, I married into a super rich family, the Donald Trump of the richest county, in he proverbial world, being the richest in California alone and the head of the Republican Party, tapped to be a Congressmen, but didn't want to live in Washington, who would, except a dedicated public servant, he was a friend of presidents and governors, appointed twice to the State Harbors Commission by Pat Brown and Ronald Reagan, I supported myself preaching and ministering, in the hot sun on the Dock of the Bay Sausalito, where Otis Reading was inspired to Co write the song, in the Sausalito area, Gates coop, but I played, watching the shops come in, finally I reached sixty five and had enough credits to get Social Security and suplemental income for my back, which I earned, doing back breaking work, for twenty years, on facebook where I preach and share my daily life for years, have received some twenty dollars and a hundred dollar contribution, I married into money and rejected it, for the gospels sake and have as ways provided for myself, with my wife who had a modest trust fund also, for a few years, of which h I matched the money, with supplemental rental income, from our large estate, of which we took in all the poor and homeless, weather they could pay rent or not, finally to some college students, we rented the first floor, the town homeless alcoholic, even passed away and went to heaven, in our guest house, no way he could pay rent, none of us were on welfare or social security, we made it, even though for a time, we did finally get some food stamps, which we had to pay for, partial at the time, in fact my father in law, started the food stamp program to Marin County as a Marin County Supervisor, even today I am financially, self supporting or asking or begging for anything for myself, but would never turn down a donation, which basically, doesn't exist, I can go on forever, even have pictures of me in the clouds, I say all this to say, no one should ever call all preachers money grubbers or men of the cloth, but to receive supplemental support to make my life, more bearable, with electronic communications, I.e. cell phone bills, shower bills, up coming, went without a hot bath or shower, for countless years, only spit washed or bathed naked, on the beach, with no soap or shampoo, not polluting the bay, and needless to say, my desire to help others, in more need then myself, no one can take this from me, I could sell my pictures, won't and when published, will at go to the 501C3 California Incorporated non profit, that my children's mother and I inherited, to help others and establish a place, to worship, here in Sausalito and elsewhere, I make no apologies, for pirodically, letting folks know, of supplemental needs, of which my ex wife, is the greatest, contributer, in spite of not having laptop access on my boat, I conduct virtually all my business, on a cheap hundred dollar smart phone, and politically, in the public library, I could go on forever, having no serious mental bills, reached Medicare age, etc,...
Peter Romanowsky Family History
More refugee boat stories from Soviet Communism by Peter Romanowsky, born
into a refugee family, press follow button for the rest of the
stories...My grandfather was an activist Lawyer in Soviet Communist White
Russian , against the Communist state, from Minsk the Capital of White
Russia, the only country in the world, called White , funny, anyway his
house was confiscated and turned into a police military headquarters and he
was put into prison, my father was a student at the University of Moscow
and was also caught up in the Anti Christian hysteria of the time and even
helped to destroy an Orthodox Church, as a student. When he went to the
Ukraine and saw the people staved to death by the Russians, under Stalin a
former Seminary student, by the millions, for not become g collectivist
farmers, being the bread basket of Europe, things apparently, begin to
change for him, he said that he saw whole families, starved to death, in
their houses, by the Soviet Communists, he had to support his brothers and
sisters being the eldest, while my grandfather was imprisoned, for his
anti communist activities, even though my father said, that he was an
atheist lawyer, in Russia if your not an Orthodox Christian then you were
considered an atheist, that obviously changed with my grandfather, a
monument being over his grave, with a cross, when the German Army overcome
Bella Russia, they released my grandfather from prison for his anti
communist activityies, but took my Blue eyed Aryan looking grandmother to
Germany as a domestic slave, I'm still thinking of filing for repreations,
my father although a student still, had to take care of the family and feed
my grandfather in prison, before the Farmers came and liberated him, the SS
came later has Hitler's henchmen and not the German Army, who were all
forced to be drafted and fight, weather a Nazi Party member or be
continued my doggie just woke up.