Saturday, November 16, 2024

Chapter Nine/ Testimonial/ Arrival at Gates of of Hell at Gate Six Sausalito / by Peter Romsnowsky CEO/President of NCEA Inc

  Voice to text unedited and unpunctuated a work in progress.... Once upon a time I woke up on a sunny and a beautiful day in the heart of Marin County California and there was a knock at the door and a young man with a 7-Eleven Highway Patrol hat and gave me a piece of paper and "said you are served"  if I recall and I looked at the paper and it said that I was being sued and I laughed to myself, as to who could be suing me and then I looked at the name on the lawsuit and it was a divorce lawsuit with my wifes name and I had 48 hours to leave my home and take my car,personal property and trailer of which I bought so we could go in a marriage counseling vacation at my wifes suggestion and then being thrown into it and I found myself falling into a bottomless pit and the paper included a restraining order that I couldn't contact my children for 3 years and of course and I lost it like this only a divorcer wants to tell the children what is going on and I couldn't tell my side of the story or even call my children to comfort them. For all was so well we had the highest joint income of our marriage we have three children with a brand new baby and Sarah and I thought I was on top of the world and that the darkness had passed and I had just gone through 3 years of The Dark Night of the Soul where I couldn't leave my home for that length of time and made the best of it studying and praying until I was healed enough to come back out into the world and I bought a couple of used sailboats and taught myself how to sail and sailed one of them down to Coast as far as Monterey and I was in the process of continuing the journey to Ventura California. Of course I was in other consternation and confusion and disorientation and for it felt like I had just been hit by a truck and I had given my wife my community property under duress by my in-laws and I was pennyless to fight the lawsuit after 16 years of marriage and so after an extension of 72 hours, to leave my home and while the movie Nightmare on Elm Street was playing, that week downtown and I lived on Elm Street it all just seemed so surreal and it was Thanksgiving time and I was planning and seriously thinking or taking the family to my parents house in Los Angeles to have Thanksgiving for the first time since our marriage with my side of the family and all this hell breaks out and so I got into trailer that I bought, at my wife suggestion to go on a marriage counseling and healing vacation back East to Jim Baker's marriage counselors classes and Ministry and here I was living in the trailer and being towed away in my used car down to Sausalito and I parked in the parking lot briefly at Galilee, with the trailer and stared out over the water,o for I had a 30 ft Wooden Boat a sailboat out there that was not prepared to be lived on during the winter of which was closing in on me and so with a friend of mine. That I was going to take down to Monterey to continue my sailing and delivery voyage to Ventura, as a gift to my father who has spent and been denied all the blessings and privileges by being around my wife and I and children as we were perennial least stuck with my wife's side of the family on Christmas and Thanksgiving and all and we live in close to my in laws and their access to our children and not to be in touch with my parents who were virtually and totally isolated from our family and living in Los Angeles, the proverbial 500 miles away and I thought this boat would be a nice little token, for it I had planned to spend the summer with my family in Israel for I had been a partner with a missionary couple at the Petra Hotel at the entrance if King David Street in the Old City and in the restaurant business and watching the hotel at night and managing it and I had also rented a two-bedroom flat unfurnished in Bethlehem overlooking the shepherd's field and I also had bought a youth Volkswagen Beetle during my numerous Journeys to Israel and Jerusalem as part of my International Outreach Ministry of what stretched from Finland through Scandinavia and across Europe to Greece and up from there through turkey and Cypress and then Israel and on another mission across Egypt up and down and surveying it for future missionary evangelism and activity and after driving from Marin County in the dead of the night with my first mate who had a bullet wound in his head from a drunk paranoid that shot him Point Blank and left some pieces of the bullet in his head and he was my only companion and a beautiful person he was and an innocent victim and together we drove into the night on Thanksgiving Eve and stop somewhere to have a Thanksgiving dinner at some truck stop and then drove on across the South to El Paso Texas on my way to the Florida Keys to get warm for I did not want to spend the winter on my cold boat in Northern California and we ran out of gas and El Paso and I gave the Nomad trailer in my car to a missionary whose wife had also left him and taking his kids on the mission field and I crossed the border and we took a bus along the Mexican border to Tijuana and crossed back into California and for the first time in my account life I was all of a sudden homeless and sitting on a bench all night with no place to sleep and watching the homeless people all night and one of them offering me some McDonald's hamburgers from the dumpster and I gladly ate them up and it was the first time in my life that I'd eaten dumpster food and I called my mother for bus fare to go up to her 40 acres in sold at Canyon in the northernmost part of LA County and then we took a bus back up to Marion County and I parted with my friend and he went to my now ex-wife's house for shelter and she gave him a sleeping bag and he eventually died in the sleeping bag in San Anselmo homeless and I moved on to my 30 foot and leaky boat for it had never stopped leaking some time I bought it and I was snookered as most people are when they buy their first boat and it did not have adequate Heat and in fact no heat at all and I ended up getting frostbite on my feet from falling asleep with cotton and wet socks and my feet look like they had jungle rot and but eventually completely healed and I settled in to see the world Around Me Now and the world and I hadn't been apart for some 17 or 18 years, before I met my wife and got married and have been living in a home on a hill and then in an apartment complex that might in law phone and then to a beautiful garden estate and this became how I was accustomed to live in a middle and upper class life and married into one of the if not the most wealthiest influential father-in-law and Marin County and was a former supervisor I knew the judges that handled my divorce case and I knew that if I went to court they were going to have me declared incompetent or insane and that's what my father-in-law always alluded for my devotional and if not fanatical born again Christian faith of which was the opposite of his hedonistic lifestyle and was interested only in having grandchildren and he was also the founder of the mental health units at Marin General Hospital of what she was also chairman of the board and the judge that initiated the divorce was a friend of mine-in-laws and did my sister-in-law's wedding and the judge did finalize the divorce after me fleeing and not showing up and knowing what was going to happen was also a friend of my in-laws and I had no choice but but flea and going to Exile or risk being committed and drugged and possibly Electro shocked treatment as was practice and still is practice at Marin General Hospital and after looking around in this new world that I was baptized in and the same world that I came out of I have to be born again in 1968 and had become accustomed to live in the life of Riley and now I was in lower the bowl again where I first initially started after running away from home during the year of the Summer of Love and hitchhiking back to Marin County of where I lived for a few years before moving with my parents down to Los Angeles and after a year of living there I couldn't stand it no more after living in Marin County and hitchhike back up and the first night I spent it was on the waterfront and in the houseboat of a waitress at the Charles Van Dam nightclub on the border of Sausalito and Marin County Land and here I was again after all those years married and being a minister and an evangelist and the vice president of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association and the first church to sponsor the mission Dios es Amor in the heart of Mexico and the state of durando and now I am nothing again and no wife and no kids and no family and no money and the only skill I do was being a pastor and an international missionary evangelist and we had a thrift store and we had a disciple house ministry and homeless shelter in the first floor of our house and have had homeless people sleeping on our porch and on our couch and here I was homeless, after taking so many homeless people in and turning our home into a homeless shelter and the only one in our town and before that was any homeless official shelter in Marin County and there is a bronze life-size statue that looks like me next to City Hall and San Anselmo and dressed like Indiana Jones and I believe it's a token and a gift by the Angels in memory of me taking all the homeless in and especially even the town drunk James Gronsinski who died and went to Glory in Our Guest House and turn out to be one of the nicest and sweetest people one could ever know or meet and so misery on top of humiliation and I went to a local used stuff store to buy a fork and spoon or something to eat with and the man there seemingly mocking me and saying "starting all over again with a smurk"  and so here I was jobless and houseless and family less, with only the clothes of my back and a boat with a constant leak that I constantly had to attend and could not even leave for any length of time and so here I was trapped in Sausalito and on the waterfront and Anchorage and again looking around and seeing every sort of boat or houseboat or contraption or work of art and with people looking like proverbial Pirates and the shenanigans and hard drugs and plenty of drinking and a lot of sex and everyone was following and former Anglican priest who claimed to have introduced Zen Buddhism to America and his name was Alan Watts and all these old school and old timers had died off or moved on and the second generation of hippies following the beatniks we're in charge now and full of energy and youth they were and parties going on and campfires and barbecues on shore and wine and beer and alcohol flowing all around me and yet again I was totally broke and pennies and jobless and the only other skills I had were as a mechanic and as a property manager and none of these job opportunities presented themselves. For everyone was desperate to find work and in order to live on the waterfront and most desirsble place  to live and the most expensive, Sausalito! But after pondering my condition and being fed and helped Along by and mentally ill, on and off heroin user who bought me cigarettes of which I started smoking again and a beer here and there and taking me to the back of a Chinese restaurant for instance and getting the leftovers from the busing tray and I thought to myself that this is the lowest point and as I walk back and forth in the Waterfront wondering how I could make a living I noticed the Yacht Harbor dumpsters were full of all kinds of exotic stuff that the millionaires would be throwing away and I remembered in the Book of Job where Satan came before God to accuse job and God said to Satan by which way have you come into my presence and he said from going back and forth throughout the Earth and looking for somebody to accuse for saying is also called the accuser the brother and accused Job of being faithful to God, because the Lord has built a hedge around him and he was prosperous and had no one to need and God put job to the test by taking everything away from him and even his health and was reduced to ashes and scraped his body with a pot Sheard and I thought to myself if Satan could come before the presence of the Lord like in the Book of Job by going back and forth throughout the Earth, then I will go back and forth across the world in Sausalito and pick up all the recyclables and all the discarded Marine gear and everything imaginable that could be put into a dumpster from wealthy yacht harbors and wealthy Yachtys and so I became a full time Salvager and  recycler for the next 20 years. Until my back was broken from the hard labor with nodes and spars and arthritis and for the next 20 years after that I perform with two doxies on the dock of the bay where Otis Redding got the inspiration for his famous song and perform daily with my dogs on My Guitar and helping to play it with their paws and my first Taxi went to dog heaven after 10 years for she was seven or eight when I got her and my second Doxie also the same and then I reached Social Security age and started getting Social Security checks and a disability check for all the back breaking work I had done and after taking a year off vacationing in Marin County and working on my boat h
a buying a used Ford Sport Explorer with a 4-speed Overdrive and rack and pinion steering and that  became my pet car or Auto and after a year doing anything I wanted todo and having the money to do it. For not having to pay rent mortgage is her taxes on property and my children's Mother, who is the treasurer of our nonprofit. Wrote me in, as CEO and  president of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc. For we were the last two board members, until we invited Doug storms to be Secretary and my children's Mother   doubled as the Secretary, so Doug could be free to minister and the last I heard he was in Mexico and no doubt spreading the word and Back Again to my story and  proverbly arriving at the Gates of Hell as called by yhe locals. The entrance to the Waterfront of Sausalito at gate 6, whete zombies freeloaders, Saints and Sinners and drug addicts and sex addicts and followers of the former Anglican priest Alan Watts. That  claimed to have introduced Zen Buddhism to America of which in the Far East, nobody's ever heard of Zen  Buddism!? Also I met Alan Watts grown up son and he was a very nice and polite waterfront denisen and was staying at the Zen Buddhist Center at Muir Beach and other places I'm sure like on the water and but I also met the former Roadie for the band The Pink Floyd and he was a fantastic person and perfect gentlemen and had a son named dancer and he was an anchor out off Sausalito on a houseboat on San Francisco Bay and he was the gnarliest looking pirate that I've ever seen on the waterfront pand with a Sweet Soul like gold and I met the man at Galilee Harbor those working on Michael Eiseisner's biographical book who was the CEO of Disneyland and the  Hippie Summit happened and a ferry boat turned houseboat with Timothy Leary and other poets and free thinkers and anarchist  and revolutionaries, before I had arrived and also the houseboats were the hiding place of the weather Underground and the ferry boat to Charles Van Damme was the number one hotspot for bands in Marin County and looking back it was the Fillmore Auditorium so to speak of Marin County, or the Avalon Ballroom and I was too young and dumb to know what was going on and I wasn't even old enough to buy cigarettes. But they always had a cigarette machine there back in the mid-60s and I used to sneak out of my house of my parents, who were sleeping. In Larkspur not far away and catch the bus at night with a friend and go to the Charles Van Damme and we serve alcohol even though only 17 and looked older and it was the Wild West back then with a two-story bar and dance floor and eventually Joe Tate and the home Rock Band called the red legs perform there later on in the 60s after it ceased being a nightclub and bar and dancehall and was revived again by the and it was all just one big free for all and Sausalito and a place for Anything Goes and dropping into this soup late in life at 36 after my unwanted divorce in 1984 I had to learn how to live all over again with nothing like I did when I first ran away from home in the year of the Summer of Love and return back to Marin County where I had lived for a few years prior to moving back to Los Angeles where I was raised with my parents and except for the fact that I had a couple of old and wooden sailboats and one was anchored off Monterey Harbor a 24 ft sailboat called Sarif of which I was sailing down the coast to deliver to my father is a gift in Ventura County of which was the destination of the boat and but the drivetrain stripped out and I had to get a new drive chain for the Lister diesel and while at home in San Sumo and getting ready for the next leg of my voyage my divorce went down unexpectedly and here I was in Sausalito with my 29 and a half foot boat, old and wooden sailboat that never stopped leaking from Below and I had bought it at kermits yard Harbor in San Rafael on the canal, buy a boat salesman and of course I got totally ripped off as usual when a newcomer who wants to be a sailor go shopping for a boat and is a sucker. Pausing to ruminate, it's 449 in the morning June 29th 2023, I've been living on the water in my boat since November 1984 and except for three years in a place called Galilee Harbor in Sausalito, the entire time I've been anchored off Sausalito on San Francisco Bay and I as I have aforementioned I became a full-time resident at this time and prior I had a 30 ft marine plywood sailboat a year or so earlier and spent half my day on the boat and half my day in my home with my wife and children, until I was sideswiped by it unexpected divorce and of whom I do not blame my spouse for as I have mentioned before, I married into a wealthy and Powerful family in Marin County the wealthiest and most powerful County in California and ultimately I was rejected by my in-laws of whom my father-in-law never really accepted me and went along with the marriage and it pleased my mother-in-law and he was interested in having grandchildren and that was about the size of it and after producing three grandchildren I was forced out of the family and could do nothing about it for he held the reins of power in this County and knew the judges that did my divorce and so like Moses I fled Into the Wilderness from the face of pharaoh and like David my wife Michelle was taken back by King Saul his father-in-law and being forced to live on my inadequately prepared boat or vessel and dropped into the midst of a hodgepodge of anchored boats and people of every sort and someone wanted by the law and are hiding and some are displaced persons who have lost their homes and family like I did through a divorce and others are addicted to alcohol and drugs and sex and false religions and philosophies and yet all of these train wreck of a community, like I myself have become a part of and are considered floating Jetsam on the bay and treated with no respect and belittled and slandered and vilified as to currently being accused of contributing to global warning, by our anchors dragging and circles like crop circles and yet the Eel Grass Grows prolifically and we are blamed for destroying the eelgrass on this part of San Francisco Bay and in reality it is so thick now because of all the nitrates in the Bay from the Mansions of millionaires that surround us and fertilizers running off after the winter storms and the Eel Grass is growing out of control in the Summers and then dies off in the winter and this is where the battle lines are drawn now, Plus are floating homes and boats have been declared Marine debris and so-called Harbor Masters and administrators black sharks prowl the water and looking for blood in the water so that they can devour people's homes and boats without do compensation and relocation on land of which they wish us to move into or into marinas that don't want us and that are outrageously expensive and so we sit like ducks in a pond and the hunters have their shotgun, too her verbally blow us out of the water and just like the spotted owl was used to destroy the lumber industry in what's now called The Emerald Triangle of where most of the high-grade marijuana is grown in America. Because the loggers were put out of work and their children became marijuana farmers and that's what they expect us to become and for there is no dry land for us to come to onshore in Marin County, a millionaires playground and the hedonistic capital of California and search for the movie called the serial about Marin County infamous hedonism and high rate of divorce. I am currently learning and relearning on how to be led by the Holy Spirit and not to be anxious about anything and to let the Holy Spirit do the talking and inspiration through me imperfections and all for We Are collaborators and the Holy Spirit is not dictating anything to me and but inspiring me and bringing pertinent things to my memory and I am learning this while writing my autobiography and memoise. Not to be anxious about what to write down or what to say for it shall be given to me in that hour, so to speak as Jesus taught when going to court for his sake and persecution by the accuser of the bread and the devil. Not to premeditate what to say or to be anxious about what to say and have a clearly defined thought process prior to a court appearance as in my case a number since my divorce on the quality of life issues of which I began to suffer all of the sufferings of the homeless and the anchor outs and being arrested along with them for simple things like being charged with drunk in public of which is a common charge when the police want to harass her hassle people at the city councils bequest of Sausalito for instance to get rid of all the poor people and the Riff raft and the homeless and the police say you have to go home and drink and how can you say that to a homeless person who lives in her shoes and needs a little alcohol to help forget their poverty as the last chapter of the Book of Proverbs prescribes and it prescribes judges not to condemn those for drinking in public or even being drunk in public and not to criminalize them and to say as I say and interpret the meaning of that proverb telling the judges to judge righteous judgment and for not to give people criminal records to make it harder for them to get a job and by the grace of God I have never been convicted of being drunk in public and even though I have been accused and arrested for it after my divorce a number of times and in fact I hold the record for being body bagged and shamed hand and foot, and being charged with drunk in public and resisting arrest when all I did was lay down in a non-violent protest position and I was chained hand and foot and carried away and by the grace of God in court God gave me the wisdom to have a jury trial and representing myself as an attorney in Pro per, wowing the courts and the jury to the point where the judge told me after two of the jurors bailed out after I gave my opening statement and one said that he knew me and couldn't be an impartial judge and another said she witnessed the quote police brutality that was inflicted on me at my arrest for non-violently protesting and just laying down and saying Carry Me Away and so there was not enough jurors left to have a trial and the nervous and squeamish and paranoid judge who had who had been pulled out of retirement. Specifically to handle my case because she couldn't be recalled and I was part of a recall movement of judges and a district attorney and I signed the initial papers to recall the district attorney and then I got a call from Lynette Rose to founder of the first medical marijuana Club in the USA and said that she had a beef with the district attorney also and wanted to join us in recalling her and she put up the money and the signatures to put the district attorney on the recall about it and then we ran a friend of mine name Carol Marduez, who is being persecuted for trying to rescue her daughter from an abusive father who was a cocaine addict and dealer and even burned her daughter with cigarettes and the district attorney decided to make an example out of her when she got a court order from Judge Duffy and went with the police to her daughter's school to get custody of her daughter and then the district attorney accused her of making false statements to get the legal Authority and decided to make an example out of her for political reasons for I had encouraged her to run for Novato school board and I was her campaign manager and the district attorney thought that she could gain popularity in votes by going after my close and Christian and godly mother and friend and it all backfired and then we ran my friends brother who is an attorney against the district attorney and of course she out spent our candidate and got reelected and but it broke her health and she could never run again for I had heard that she was having trouble with some sort of blindness and she was being groomed to be no doubt the next congresswoman are senator and being from the richest and most influential and Democrat stronghold in California which is Marin County she would have been a shoe in and because of her eyesight trouble and for as you know Justice should be blind, she never ran for reelection and nobody has ever heard of her since for touching God's child who was trying to protect her child from a Godless man and she will ever go down in history as Carol martus and wrote a book about her experience also after being jailed and imprisoned we're trying to legally rescue her daughter and after being sent to the Mexican border to a woman's prison where none of us can reach her and she endured all this horror and she was a Godly woman singing in a choir at the San Rafael Southern Baptist Church for instance and outlasted her critics and opponents and eventually her daughter when she turned 18 came back to her mother and there was a happy ending for Carol and an unhappy ending to a district attorney who dared touch one of God's anointed and I'm saying all this to say that in court I do my homework before going to court and I've had two jury trials that I have picked myself out of 50 candidates one was over an eviction From Galilee Harbor of which was a false and libelous harbor that lied to everybody about being a Marine Service Harbor to get their permits and just recently even pulled out the dingy doc so the anchorouts couldn't tie up there and it was originally supposed to be a refuge for the anchor outs of Sausalito and a double whammy for Mr Goldbar of the San Francisco Bay and conservation development the organization that gave the permit for the harbor to be a Marine Service Harbor also voted to take out the dingy dock and the harbor was supposed to be a refuge for the anchor outs and we have them by the proverbial Eel Grass that they are trying to use to exterminate a way of life on San Francisco Bay and they are all headed for trouble with the Lord to be continued.. if you would like to send a contribution please do to the New Covenant Evangelistic Association PO box 2404 San Anselmo California 949-79 if one would like to help me feed the multitudes in the park Sausalito, for most of the food comes put of pocket and if your broke, come anyway to Dunphy Park Sausalito at the Gazebo, from noon to evening and get saturated in gospel and inspirational music, for and fellowsip and the word of our weekly barbecue and picnic...Hallelujah had a miracle in Dunphy Park Sausalito last Sunday July 2nd for church and hot food barbecue and Pantry in the park all afternoon long and during the day I met a man that was a schoolmate of My Strange son of whom I've only had lunch with the ones and almost 39 years and he didn't even stay for dessert and has not visited me with my newest grandchild for some time now of whom I've never seen and is still bitter over the divorce for my in-laws head brainwashed my children with their millions of dollars and put all three of my children through universities and paid for their tuitions and made me look like a nothing more than a demented Jesus Freak for loving the Lord my God with all my heart mind and soul and of course my neighbor as myself of which are the two great Commandments that Jesus preached and who said all the other Commandments are hinged on these two great Commandments of which are not written among the 10 Commandments in stone and but can only be written on one's heart by the new birth of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ Our Lord to the father and this former High School classmate of my sons said he's going to contact my son and shame him into coming and visiting me and bringing my two grandchildren of which he has never done and I've only seen him a few times since the year of the Big Brother 1984 and I have so needed to go between my son and me and nobody has been able to bridge that Gap and I don't even have his phone number or email otherwise I would try to call and email him and I have to go through my children's Mother and she can't apparently bridge the gap either and neither my eldest daughter and my youngest daughter I've been a strange from also from decades and she is a famous aerialist it was first job was at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas after graduating from Leola Marymount University in Southern California and went on to work with the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes as a contracted aerialist and was in a Super Bowl Chevy commercial with the cast of Glee, doing her aerialist act and was on Good Morning America being interviewed after falling during a performance in Hollywood and breaking bones without a safety net and of course the bitterness of divorce and the brainwashing by my multimillionaire in laws and my  powerful political figure, my late father-in-law who has had appointments by the former Governor Brown of California and the former Governor Reagan of California and has had Eisenhower and patton at his Captain's Table in the Mediterranean during World War II, as a Merchant Marine captain during the war and also was the chairman of the board at the Vallejo state Maritime Academy in California and was appointed by the two governors to the State Harbors and Navigation  Commission of California.  Captain Log July 6th the second day an aging Harbor Seal has moved next door, to my floating home on San Francisco Bay and I was recently wondering where the harbor seals go to die for of all the harbor seals that I've seen in the bay up to around 40 at a time. Sunbathing near the shore of Sausalito on Richards and Bay and here is a seal that has taken up residency for the past two days in my skiff and a very rare event in the few decades that I have been anchored on the bay and I was visited by a white whale on another occasion and that's another story and it wasn't an albino and maybe this agency is looking for a peaceful place to expire?! On the 4th of July I met the man again who has been writing a book about the anchor outs of Sausalito for the past 8 years and is on the final Chapter and he said the book will be out this time next year to be published by Collins and Harper publishing of New York and where he's from and has been commuting back and forth over the past eight years working on this apparently monumental book about the Anchorage and Waterfront people of Sausalito and he told me a story about Richard Dreamweaver and a seal that he friended and fed regularly and I wonder if this is the same seal. For it has no fear of me and usually seals dive back under the water when humans get close to them or they just follow us out in our skiffs in the middle of the night like guardian angels and Richard last I heard is staying with his brother in San Francisco and so if it is his pet seal.Then it's found a new home in my skiff the last couple of days and looking forward to seeing this aging and beautiful and gentle harbor seal for a long time.. to be continued

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