Monday, December 30, 2024

Chapter Eight / The Philisopical Life and Times by Peter "Christian" Romanowsky

(1) Pain is both a blessing and a curse, for there are far worse things than physical pain....(2) Never share your deepest secrets with anyone, but your family in Heaven and not even your spouse, brother or best friend or even ones  mother...(3) Pain like pleasure, nevertheless and only comes in waves... Never trust anyone a hundred percentv and not even oneself... (4) What I miss about my father the most, is him clearing his throat at night or a while laughing or coughing and watching television, it's just to know that I have a father no matter how mean and contemptible... (5) This life is not the destination, for its the journey... life is a testing ground to see who will reign in the next life and who will be a servant...(6)
Every race has beautiful people in it and every race has ugly people also...(7)  Everyone is born ignorant and the hardest thing for a man to do, is to love ignorant people or their ignorance, through no fault of their own and for nobody knows everything except the Creator, except for one thing one can tell him a joke that he has never heard... (8) For I would rather be God's Jester in His Court for the Jester is the one that comes closest to God's face... (9) God did not create us to be robots, yes men or automatons or puppets, but as His children and born of God and share the same divine nature of creativity... (10) There is no darkness so great as to not have a spot of light and there is no light so bright, in this life without a spot of dark... There is no contest between light and darkness in the universe, for Darkness can never put out the light and Light can put out the darkness...There is no greater power than love, when mixed with Justice and mercy, to the penitent... When Heaven and Earth cease, all that will be left in the universe will be love, some may find it the long way and some may find it the short way and some may not ever find it at all... Hatred is like a cancer that eats one up when after it first feels so good and right and ends in pain and suffering and hatred of oneself... Nakedness is close to Godliness, when one has no guilt or shame...God does not produce cats and dogs, but produces children... There is nothing broken in this world, that heaven can't fix in this life, or the next...A clsy pot is worthless until it is put into the fire and hardened....The appetite for food is stronger than the appetite for sex and he who can over come this appetite, has overcome all... The next thing to making love a beautiful woman is to be sailing a boat.... the Creator gave us omnivorous teeth, so one will never have to feel guilty for eating flesh, for strength and not for lust... To look at a woman to Lust For the First Time is forgivable and but for the second time, it is a sin...The difference between rambling and babbling is that babbling makes no sense and rambling is full of words that makes sense..The  reason carbonated drinks taste so good is because all the bubbles cause pain and of which enhances and triggers the pleasure of whatever one drinks, for even one of the ingredients of sugar is salt...(11) Finding the balance between Pleasure and Pain is pure ecstasy...(12) The worst curse that one can be put upon A man is to live a life of pleasure and ease without purpose...(13) Silence is golden when one hears no criticism, from anyone, when after making a passionate statement and even when no one hits the like button...(14) some people are perpetually stuck in reverse and nothing one can say to them will make them feel positive or good...(15) Wise people are genuinely looking poor in their appearance, for their true riches are more valuable than rubies and jewels and can wear a crown of laurels with dignity other than a crown of gold...(16) a true rich man does oh he can do to hide his riches from others as not to make them feel jealousy and a truly poor man does everything he or she can, to show their riches foolishly...(17) I would rather have the lowest position in heaven than the highest position in Hell....(18) Mankind's greatest fear is to be a second-class citizen and that's what the unenlighten will be in the next life, chopping wood and carrying water for the hot tubs of Heaven....(19) A Small Miracle is just as big as a big miracle and don't stop thinking big...(20) it is so much better to praise someone else, then to praise oneself, for everyone will have a turn to be praised, without praising oneself...(20) Humility and meekness is the greatest gift on Earth, for Moses was the meekest man on Earth...We, that can make you lose your teetlh or break your nose are taught by the master Jesus Christ, to turn the other cheek and not let Pride pull you into a fight, by absorbing a simple slap of pride or the or the loss of one's teeth and broken nose..(21)One  can be the most righteous man on Earth or the least of all the sinners and yet suffer the worst calamities that a human being can experience and go unrewarded...(22) The mind's eye is the greatest eye that one can see with...(23)....The greatest tragedy that a man can experience, is to own the whole world and have no one to share it with...(24) The greatest gift in life is to have a pain free breath of fresh air....(25) 4:14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.4:15 Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. 1 Timothy1....(26) Man's greatest fear is to be afraid of being alone, without learning to be  alone with God...(27) Among the greatest fears and tragedies of mankind in the world to come, is to have to live your life all over again with no hope in the end, after living one's life again and toiling to repay for one sins, with nothing to show...(28)There is not a man or a woman on Earth that would press a button to extinguish their life and being forever as though they have never existed and no man can press a button to extinguish all their sins in the next life and be no more and be Scott free...(29) The fear of the unknown is ultimately man's greatest fear and a fear that can only be conquered or understood by lthe mystery of love and poetry ....(30) when finding something in the Bible that seems contradictory or cruel or unusual one must only look to or read the Bible, as the greatest book of poetry ever written or compiled on Earth...(3) One must never make a Doctrine on Earth from the Bible, by simply and only one verse,  but all the verses must be feathered together into a dove eventually...(31) All sin and wrong ultimately comes untimately from Fear,  of which is the opposite of love, for God is love...(32) All unforgiveness and hatred and pride, comes from within and not the object of the one hated or thing hated ...(33) No one likes to be around an anxious person for anxiety repels people away and the world is looking for an anxious free person to follow...(33) anxiety is like sand in the mind of fine machinery and worry accomplishes nothing...(34)
 The best actors and guitar players are those who are best at Faking It, or by improvising...(35) Words are nothing more then vibrations and some vibrations are good and some vibrations are bad, for there are many ways to say I love you and only the vibrations give real meaning to the words, "I really love you"...(36) Never tell anybody to start worrying or to be anxious about something or to say you better  start fearing this or that is about to happen as though it was a self-fulfilling prophecy...(37) Fear jams up the mind and fight is a delight when the time or moment is right...(38) some people Delight in Fright and horror movies and wonder why they have bad dreamsI...(39) Some people face their fears and are able to climb straight up to the top of mountains and others look down and are paralyzed with fear...(40) Never go near a drowning man that is panicked with fear, until that person can't fight anymore against the waves and water and then can be rescued, at the point of total exhaustion, from fea to the point of drowing...(41) To have a brave heart is the greatest badge of courage and the greatest of gifts in the face of trouble or adversary....,(42) Alexander's horse named Bucephalus was afraid of his own shadow, until Alexander pointed him away from the fathom shadow of fear and into the sunlight and then  became the most renowned horse in history and even a city named after him...(42) I once had a friend who tried to save a drowning person and the drowning person clung to him so hard out of here, that they both drowned...(43) I have replaced doubt with faith and fear with a braveheart and anxiety with concern and I will never use the words, that I doubt this or that or I fear this or that or that  I'm worried about you and never teach others to do so by God's Grace....(43) There is not a perfect person on Earth and one can always find something to criticize in another...(44) The goodness side of a person will always look for the goodness side in others...(45) Do what I say or do the opposite of what I do, for they are both the same at times...(46) If you or the government want to destroy, or undo someone, then give them all the unearned money that they can spend...(47) A wise man once said that in Athens, men rule over women and women rule Athens...(48) The higher the mountains one must or seeks to climb, the deeper The Valleys...(49) One does not have wait for the ocean to freeze  over, before one  can walk on water, in a emergency, unless you bet somebody that you can for fun and make one with until the sea  freezes over...(50) my train of thoughts go in and out of tunnels and sometimes they don't come out, for weeks or months to be able to continue the conversation...(51) People that wear Rolex watches are most likely to be rolled...(52) men that work with their hands never wear costly jewelry...(52) The most powerful perfumes are a man's Musk and a woman's pheromones and we do all to cover them up with something artificial...(53) There are people living in space and people still living on Earth still in the Stone Age and so much for the theory of evolution, of which the first four letters spelled backwards are love for  evolution and the survival of the fittest is the lack of love and God is love....(54) The day you find the perfect Church, it won't be perfect anymore because you have arrived...(55) A seamless life is all that anyone could ask for, like the robe of Christ was seamless and could not be divided...(56) People believe they hear God in the lightning and thunder and earthquakes and yet God speaks more often in a still small voice...(57) People are like beautiful flowers and they all have thorns and so be careful how you pick...(58) If you don't want any dung in your life, then don't have cattle and if you do then, use it as fertilizer...(58) It is better to wear the Greek and Roman Laure,l then to where the crown of a king for both these republics and democracy despised the crown of gold...(59) Every Garden of Eden on Earth has a serpent in it and only in Paradise, will the garden be free of serpents...(60) Even the vomit of the rich has precious chunks of food and meat in it, for the starving poor...(51) without thunder and lightning and rain storms we would take blue skies for granted and the white puffy clouds and 
 birds soaring in the air uwards on thermals,  that come after a storm...(52) Pain and depression won't last forever for they come in waves and so does pleasures and joy for they also come in waves, as life goes spiraling on either upwards or downwards and but love is eternal...(53) humility and humbleness are the greatest gifts, for that's what Kings and princes long for and have their greatest Temptations to do the opposite and for Moses according to the scriptures was the meekest man on Earth...(54) the proud and boisterous person wants to be the life of the party, without picking up the tab...(55) The fool is offended when his pride is hurt and where the is humility,, no one is hurt..(56) it is better to cover for for another man's mistakes in secret and one will be rewarded publicly in the future by heaven and not man, of which is only an instrument...,(57) If a man steals to eat from poverty, from no fault of his own he will not be judged and only ask to repay when he is able and if a selfish man steals, he shall be fined fourfold and his hand shall not be cut or give him cruel and unusual punishment...(59) one cannot have olive oil without crushing the fruit first and deal with the pit so also one cannot make wine without crushing the grapes and patiently waiting for the fermentation and so also in making omelette...(60) my favorite Pastor who happened to be black and raised in the south in a rural area,  said that as a child he tried to help a baby chick hatch out of it's egg and he thought that he was helping the baby chicken and the chicken died, because it needed that last burst of energy of struggle, to release healing and fortified enzymes to survive...(61) when a disaster strikes such as an earthquake or a hurricane the poor are the most likely to survive and benefit from the disaster or the judgment, for there will be much left over to salvage or to recycle and the poor are also better equipped to go without hot showers or running water and eating discarded or dumpster food and  living in uncomfortable conditions...(62) I heard a famous opera singer once say that he was blind and but could see and I say that there are those that can see and yet are still blind...(63) When one gives to a worthy person, they are not just giving, they are investing in the best thing one can invest in and that is friends and of course the poor also, that cannot pay or never seen again to pay back, but remembered by the Lord, even if it is just a cup of cold water....(65) Wisdom comes with age and with some, they are still old fools and love, or the lack of love, makes the differance between a wiseman or a fool...(66) Dealing with pain takes away all one's worries, anxieties and family problems, for there is nothing to deal with but the pain and pain never lasts, so enjoy the anxious free moment...(66) living on my anchored out, or moored boat,  like a hermit on San Francisco Bay for decades, I have monsters under my bed every night, but I dare  not go fishing in the day from concern of pulling one up.and into my boat...(67) Once Upon a Time I went fishing off Sausalito on San Francisco Bay and I hooked onto what I thought was a massive and fighting game fish and I eventually tired it out to reel it in and put it into next to my sailboat, on a sunny day and what I thought was a game fish was a black Bat Ray that someone had caught before me and head cut off his stinger and I left it in the sun too long mama before releasing it and while looking at this Beast, it seemed to curse me,  with it s horned eyes and eventually after releasing it and  rolling to shore and as I climbed out of my boa on the beach a palm branch struck me in the leg and hit a nerve, the pain was so great that I had to go to the emergency room and looking back, even though that black Bat Ray had no stinger, it still got me and so I learned to respect God's creatures, more than ever before and so I rarely go fishing  for sport...(68) When the world looks ugly around you, then close your eyes and look into the other world and after a while,  when you come reurn, the world will look like a better place, Through The Eyes Of Love...(69) The greatest Greek tragedy in my mind, was the story and life of the Athenian  General Alcabidies, on whom the gate of Western Civilization turned and as he went back and forth fighting for and in between the Spartans and the Athenians, during the Peloponnesian War of ancient Greece and his cover of Socrates, under Fire and as Socrates did for him also to begin within a prior battle  and of which, put a stain on him in Athens and contributed to his death sentence on ultimately being accused of blaspheming or talking down the  Greek gods to the youth of Athens, and as so was Alcibidies was originally condemned to death, for after destroying or defacing a statue or statues or Mercury, in Athens and profaning the Elysian Mysteries and meanwhile fought on both sides of the Peloponnesian War and consorted with the King of Persia, an enemy to both sides to save his life and whose father before him was the main General of the Athenian Army....(70) in ancient Rome people were held as slaves and in modern times they are called employees without job security unless contracted...(71) The more one meditates the more one gets things done, for in meditating the mind becomes more clear, on how to do things more eaily, without confusion and distraction...(72) The scripture say "Vengeance is mine," says the Lord and it belongs to Him and those that take vengeance without His approvel, are stealing from Him...(73) It takes a lot of patience to be a doctor...(74) Once Upon a Time why I lay in my bank on my anchored and aging sailboat, I heard a strange noise outside on San Francisco Bay, off Sausalito and when I heard it again I went out to investigate and I saw the nose of a white whale spouting outside near my boat and I was awestruck,  for it was not an Albino white, but white on the back and sides and interesting that Franis Drake named Marin County and North New Albion after the ancient name for England, Albion of which means white, like the white cliffs of Dover...(75)  A bolt or a screw, will never tithen itself, but only will come loose, without maintiance...{76}  A loose headed claw wrench, like a pipe wrench with teeth, can be better the a fine and machined Cresent Wreach...{77) Better to wait and surprise someone, then giving one time to worry or doubt...{78} Worry is like fine grass of sand, in the machinery...{79) Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels...{80) Few will be given over five billion heartbeats and how will one spend then the rest of the one's, we have left...{81} The bigger the mountain of worry, the greater the challenge for those with faith...(82) Worry accomplishes nothing, but takes the joy of life, out of one's soul...(83) Worry is like sand in the fine machinery of one's mind (84) Worry as a demon must be cast out at all costs (84) Anxiety also as a demand, must be cast out at all coasts also (85) Pain and sickness and disease are all potential demons, that must be exhocised (86) The World has gone mad, when paying millions for sports objects and such (86) One cannot see the sky reflected in a pond, unless it is perfectly calm ad be still and know that I AM, the Lord (87) severe alcoholics wa89)ke up the next morning so guilt-ridden for all the shameful acts they committed while they were drunk that they have to get drunk again just to forget again and again and again and again (88) Never seek after signs only appreciate them when you see them (89) The most common excuse for brother not helping brother is that they they don't want to be helped (90) It's not the first punch that counts, but the last one (91) Our good feelings are not as a result of being good and perfect all the time, but our good feelings, are because God is good and pefect... (92) The time to stop being anxieious and depressed in now and not a second later....(93) The battle has nothing to do with anything external, but the battle is all within and has nothing to do without for the Kingdom of God is within as Jesus spoke....94 When you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, remember the Lord will give you the strength to bear...(94) Life is to  short and sweet, to be bitter....(95) A whisper is heard louder then a shout...

Thirty Years on a Hook by Peter Romanowsky a story about life on San Francisco Bay and the Waterfront

Controversy about the removal of the working skiff dock on Napat St by the Galillee Harbor Community Association because of complaints and arguments on the digny dock in April 2020 during Coronavirus pandemic and I know it's a rough bunch of people on the Sausalito waterfront, but it has  always been like that on a working waterfront the problem is other then the thieves and metheads and total drunks that the police and courts can't seem to do anything about or unwillin in my opinion and that only make up only a handful of the Anchorouts and not to forget to mention not all the trouble makers are anchorouts, but land based people arguing on the dock and ultimately the anchourouts and waterfront people need to respect the harbor, but the problem is that the harbor has become a purely residential use harbor of which it was not intended to be,  get thier conditional use permit, must be a working Harbor Marina and the original anchourouts that founded the harbor have sold out for money to the highest bidders, meaning land based people or that  have no history in Sausalito or waterfront and the main complainer, I heard was and is the owner of that monster houseboat near the dock who is not used to the historical boat traffic and people that have been using the foot of Napa Street since I can remember in 1964, when it was a working pier and Galillee shot down city proposal for  building a new public pier, after the  old one was torn down and promised to have a working waterfront harbor of which it is not, because after the hard working fishermen and marine salvagers carved out a niche on the waterfront, like at Gave Five Rd area they sell thier floating shacks and workshops to the artists with college degrees, while the working people are mostly high school educated and thier shops and floating shacks are turned into art studios and the the artists sell the floating studio apartments and houseboats for big bucks to speculaters and developers and we now  have million dollar plus houseboats in thier place with no clue how to live and work on the waterfront trades,  with the Anchourouts and working waterfront people that started it all and that's what has happened to Galillee Harbor these new comers or what I call carpet baggers, have no clue how to deal with the local and historical residents and or how to work with them shoulder to shoulder and understand thier unemployments and troubles, not having and working or historical empathy with the waterfront working people and its difficult to find a solution and the solution is not to remove the skiff/dingy dock for two years as a punishment for we will never get it back if the mother of the problems are not solved in that the Sausalito Police aren't doing thier job especially the Chief of Police, that agreed with the dock removal and or the complainets about the so called  bad guys causing the problems and disturbances on the dock and waterfront Anchorage and painting all of us or these people with the same brush including and the Sausalito City Council in general and the real solution is the City of Sausalito and the Bay Conservation and development Commission and the Marin County Board of Supervisors be held accountable for the homeless problem in the second wealthiest County in America and not doing anything about the underlying problem of homelessness and joblessness of countless residents of Marin County of whom to my estimation and understanding has the largest endowment in the world, left for the poor of Marin County the billion dollar trust fund and instead the money going to lawyers and outside the county which trust or endowment left in the will of Berl S. Buck, known also as the Buck Fund of Marin County and is now or also called the San Francisco Francisco foundation of which sounds like and acts like robbing the poor of Marin County and spreading the money elsewhere or which is shear robbery of the historical cronically poor and homeless of Marin County, of which the Anchorouts are among the poorest, if not the largest floating homeless and dockless camp in Marin be continued....Everyone download complaint forms against Galillee Harbor from BCDC website and swamp Galillee and the city with complaints for the illegal closing of dock without adequate notice for public comment for thier online and illegal conference meeting by BCDC, without adequate notice for public online and complain also there is no Marine Service Harbor, like they said and lied and promised everyone that to get thier conditional use permit of which will come up for review and I tried to blow the whistle on Galiller some thirty years ago claiming they were phonies and liars and now the final proof the closing of the dock of which they claim the harbor as a refuge for the anchourouts, which is an obvious lie for not even an artist lives there to my waterfront knowldge except Heather of which is also a condition to live and use the harbor, .16:49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.16:50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good. Ezekie.The harbor is also looking for excuses so they can sleep without all the traffic at night motoring by thier luxury houseboat windows and they should have thought about it before moving in and not try to change the rough and tumble ways of a working waterfront, in front of thier hypocrisy about being a working waterfront marina instead of a bed and breakfast and Karma in the name of God shall punish the evil doers on both sides and them, the waterfront will have its dock back and more and that is the good news through it all, reformation time and judgement time on the waterfront and Anchorage and Amen in Jesus holy name and welcome to our Anchorage on San Francisco bay, off Sausalito the main Anchorage for the whole bay and the Socialist Democrates and the Rino Republicans have left us only one public access dock too shore for some eighty anchorout liveaboards boat refugees out from greed,  in the second greediest and richest country in America and dominated by Democrates in the Area like  Pelosie and Barbara Boxer and Galvin Newsome and they are all phonies and hippocrites, in that they have the highest homeless rate in America and sea and when Republicans ran this County things were  prosperous and rents were cheap and one could simply live off the land and now the control freaks run the show homelessness has exploded. As of Sunday night, the county had confirmed 224 cases of coronavirus out of 3,279 tests. Twelve patients in Marin have died of the contagion.
 continued and updated daily ?! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Forty Years on a Hook by Privateer Pastor Peter Christian Romanowsky Chapter/The Sausalito Military Man Marine

One day or night and Dunphy Park after my unexpected and unwanted divorce and was forced to live full-time alone on my boat and on the waterfront of Sausalito, anchored out and not in a harbor or boat slip, for some time and that only lasted 3 years and while in the park I met a Vietnam veteran/ Marine. His first impression on me was brutal gruesome bullish and somewhat demented with PTS and said that he had killed 12 people in Colorado in Vietnam and he looked down on draft Dodgers, hippies and non-military people who haven't served their country and especially in Vietnam in a combat role like he was involved with and approached me like I was some type of draft dodging hippie and he couldn't get that out of his mind, no matter what I told him and how I was given a 4F, buy the draft board in Oakland with no explanation except I told them that I had just got licensed as a Baptist minister, in a major denomination called The General Baptist Church of which is the opposite of the Southern Baptist Church and when I received my papers denying me, I noticed in carbon or because of carbon paper something was written on my paper about being arrested for marijuana as a teenager, for possessing or being with someone possessing one ounce of marijuana, when it was a felony to even have three seeds. Apparently the one who sent me the paper wanted me to see the carbon riding that bled through from a top paper that had that information on it and the arrest history of a minor is forbidden to see, except by the federal government and in an ironic Twist of fate for not only  being licensed by the Elders of the Central Committee of the General Baptist Church in California, helped me not to get drafted, but the marijuana charge as minor also tip helped the scale. For they did not want people with drug problems in the military and especially at this time, while the war was winding down, in the late sixties and Vietnam soldiers were having serious problems with drugs in Vietnam and dealing and sending drugs back to America in coffins and body bags and but probably also involved theft of government property and I try to explain these things to the military man and he acted as though his mind was made up and don't confuse me with the facts. This is how the PTS syndrome affected him, by making him antisocial and sociopathic tendencies, Complicated by paranoia and has had to go to the VA Hospital in San Francisco and quite often when he's in the Bay Area and when he's not traveling around like in Tahoe for instance or Reno or even Florida?                     This pattern of aggressive behavior and demeaning comments to those who did not serve in Vietnam for instance like he did as a Marine and treated everybody else like lazy draft dodging hippies. He has never been known to my regulation of beating anyone up except a police officer in Sausalito and is ready to fight them also and when they find out that he's a combat Marine vet and suffering from PTS, they give him a break for many police officers also, served in Vietnam and understood his state of mind and Trauma and after all right after the war they just shipped everybody home without, deprogramming them, from their military training, in boot camp and actual battle Warfare.                                                                         So my first encounter with the military man was of pent up progression of which again I can't recall him actually ever assaulting any of the waterfront or anchor out community on Richardson Bay/ San Francisco Bay and he also worked for and partnered with a man that he claimed had 30 or more houseboats or boats converted to being lived aboard and rented and stayed busy with him and probably took him along to collect rent from the votes that he had salvaged or bought and rented. As the military man the Waterfront and Anchorage of Sausalito on San Francisco Bay, he would eventually come and go and disappear and the fear over long periods of time and it has been a long time since I've heard from the military man and when I do see him he's always up to edgy tricks like when he's broke of which he usually is when he shows back up and the San Francisco Bay area and specifically Sausalito and the Veterans Hospital in San Francisco of which he goes to regularly for his PTS syndromes for he doesn't complain about any physical problems or reasons to go to Veterans Hospital and so I assume from my observation and reasoning and deduction that that is why he returns to San Francisco and Sausalito and especially after spending all his money and is broke and is trying to make money when he's in town and one cheap way is to do what I call a Ripon scheme. It's a word I coined after my divorce and transformation from a middle the class lifestyle, with the fringe benefits of marrying into a wealthy and Powerful family, of which turned against me and when forced to move on to the Waterfront of socio and the Anchorage in my 30 foot marine plywood sailboat, with a leak that I could never stop and the 20 years on more that I lived on it and it finally had so much dry rot that it sank one stormy night without me on it. So when I was forced to live in soft people full time people started giving me stuff and one person in particular I remember a nice and harmless homeless man and he would give me something that I didn't need and almost insist or force me to take it and then would ask me for money so to speak and that is what I call a Ripon scam. Where someone will give you something and it will have strings attached and it's not really a gift but a way to panhandle and some can get aggressive like the military man and one time yeah threatened to dislocate my thumb if I didn't buy some used jeans that he had salvaged and he was so insistent that as a symbol I put him in a trash can next to me and trying to tell him that I didn't need those pants and simultaneously he would be trying to Jack me up for money.

Monday, December 23, 2024

40 years on a hook by privateer pastor of San Francisco Bay chapter the story of Rudy Homer nice guy pirate salvager and drug dealer of Richardson Bay

This is a story about the late Homer and historical anchor out and resident of the historical special Federal Anchorage of Sausalito California. A part of San Francisco Bay and according to his right hand man, whom we call a military man and a Vietnam combat veteran and Marine and was partners with Rudy  In his renting and maintaining Rudy's vast Fleet of anchored out boats and vessels converted to makeshift houseboats ,of what, he had bought or  salvaged and this according to what his partner or employee we shall call the military man, told people that he had condos 35 on the water. To make a better impression on people and a vast exaggeration and of these anchored out boats, of which military man, the friend, employee or partner and  or all of the above, said we're were about at least 30 boats, I recall again, that Rudy Homer had not only rented out these boats but also sold drugs, to his tenants from everything from marijuana to heroin. Without military man's involvement, to the best of my knowledge and understanding and being more of a an employee than a partner and a friend and incidentally Rudy had built a floating island made of floating platforms of what she piled and stored all sorts of salvaged and bought Marine Goods for retail and maintenance of his anchored out Fleet, of which was moored on  my late father-in-law's underwater property, named the late Ernest Nile Kettenhofen and former Martin County supervisor and sea captain, behind the yellow fairy a decommissioned ferry boat that was being used as a houseboat residence and was not even in the federally protected anchor out Zone. Rudy was a very pleasant and polite person to talk to and was originally from Germany and had a jaguar mechanic business in San Francisco from what I understand and even a grave plot of which I don't know if you ever made it to it because someone who claimed to be a person of responsibility, had him cremated and so maybe his ashes ended up in his pre purchased graveside?                           So as the stories go the longest surviving anchor out next to the late Ale Extrome and who lived on the remains of a gigantic floating World War II battleship submersional Dry Dock, that was floated into Richardson Bay, in order to build a liverboard community on this or these two gigantic wood and floating dry docks, of which got stuck in the mud and remain stuck in the middle of Richardson Bay for many years and occupied by various anchor out Pirates and denizens and finally became the city hall headquarters of the anchor outs of Richardson Bay, under a charismatic unnamed leader at the time who asked me where all the heat was coming from to remove anchored out boats and I mentioned to him that it was coming from Rudy's massive floating junkyard and countless rental boats and when at least one person died of a heroin overdose of which apparently mistakenly are not that Rudy Homer had sold to the young man and was found dead on his floating home and boat and this was the second time, if I recall that someone had died of an overdose and this was long before Fentanyl. Now whether Rudy was responsible for at least a couple of deaths that I've heard of or rumored of. The Unofficial mayor of Richardson Bay and so said leader of the dry dock and anchor out community that lived on our next to it with their votes tied to it and when he heard that he wanted to go and confront him, about trashing out the bay with his massive floating Marine junkyard of which he would ask almost new prices for things when normally you buy things on the waterfront for a dime on the dollar and he would sell what seem to be closer to retail and he softened up on his hard line bargaining about selling used Marine gear, not long before his demise and actually started giving things away or at a very low and reasonable price and this kind of caught me off guard and maybe he had a premonition of his demise and or maybe he had been threatened and but something soften him up on his hard line bargaining and he always had $5,000 in his upper shirt pocket of a outdoor Pendleton like ragged and dingy shirt he wore and dressed poorly and had some huge dogs of what she walked and when I tried to give him a shirt virtually just like the one that was so old dirty and worn out looking that he was wearing he said no thank you for people give him money when he wears this shirt for his dogs. With this $5,000 that he would carry folding up in his top shirt pocket he could buy and sell and trade anything on the waterfront for cash is King on the waterfront. I saw him at Margaritaville Bar one time all dressed up like a real pirate and that surprised me and actually kind of impressed me for he look like one would dress like for a Halloween. I remember also seeing him leaning over a dumpster in downtown Sausalito in front of the Yacht Harbor and with his elbows whatever on the dumpster Edge he would be eating something that he found in a dumpster and remember he walks around with $5,000 in a separate shirt pocket and he's eating out of a dumpster and didn't care what anybody thought of him and that's just the way things are with long-term anchorouts for they get to the point where they are not bothered either by dumpster diving, salvaging and or recycling out of dumpsters and eating out of the dumpsters also, for all the good and edible food that is thrown away including canned food and the 7-Eleven dumpster is the richest dumpster in town for food for when things expire their shelf life sandwiches wrapped in things are still good long after the Shelf a date and but have to be thrown into the dumpster and perfectly good food to eat including their hot dogs of which I have never been sick eating 7-Eleven hot dogs that were thrown away off the grill. Now that's another story about salvaging and recycling everything from Marine gear out of dumpsters to paints and other Marine Hardware and necessities for reuse and even reusing used Kerosene by letting it sit and all of the paint mixed in with the paint thinner for instance was settled at the bottom and you could pour off pure paint thinner once all the particles after brush cleaning and redepositing the used paint thinner in a 5 gallon can and it can be used again and other boat paint products and so this is where Rudy Homer also got a lot of his Marine Salvage from next to or in dumpsters and I found an entire Marine converted aluminum Volkswagen Rabbit engine, with a marine conversion and traded it for barter if I recall.                                                     The trouble began and the demise of Rudy Homer is eventually, with the bad blood between him and the defacto leader and mayor of Richardson Bay. When some stolen docks were sold to his close friend and anchor out taxi driver,from San Francisco living anchored out on the water also and Rudy wouldn't refund the money after the buyer found that they were stolen and sold him and so are unofficial and de facto mayor went over to confront Rudy about the refusal to give back the money and an argument broke out and from what I understand, blows were exchanged and for Rudy Homer was an experienced pugilist and from what I was told by and I Witness was that after exchanging blows Rudy knocked him off the floating dog that he had moved closer to the dry docks after being evicted from off my late in laws underwater property by the local authorities no doubt pressuring him off the private underwater property and moving out more into the middle of Richardson Bay with his last remaining floating docks with all of his Marine possessions piled on them and I can't imagine his dog surviving and over a hundred mile an hour wind gusts that happen every 5 years, on San Francisco Bay and so the de facto mayor or leader of the anchor out community was knocked into the water by the pugilist and some talk about the Mariner having a wood stick in his hand to confront the very large 6 ft five giant of a man that Rudy was an experienced boxer and maybe the Mariner needed some compensation to confront this proverbial Giant of a man and that is just another rumor I heard, if I'm not mistaken and when the Mariner got out of the water for I was told later that he couldn't swim and panicked our freaked out and grabbed a 12-inch knife from inside his outboard motor powered skiff and climbed back up on the dock and started hitting Rudy with the blunt end of the knife across his chest back and forth, according to an eyewitness and then plunged the knife into his chest and Rudy saying that you stabbed me in his broken German and allegedly the Mariner said that I told you that I would someday or something of the sorts and so the Mariner was arrested and spent a few years in San Quentin and then out on parole for a lesser charge then  premeditated or first degree murder and the Mariner I've heard said that the police were virtually congratulating the Mariner, for putting Rudy out of the heroin business of which he has been or was being investigated for after the death of at least a couple of anchorouts on Richardson Bay.               After around 3 years the Mariner was paroled and is living a quiet and peaceful life in a houseboat and Sausalito California and the apparent contributing reason for the light sentence was that the Mariner pleaded self-defense and said from what I understand that Rudy attacked him with a board first and knocked him in the water and then in self-defense got out and return Fire by stabbing booty in the chest of which he died from his injury shortly after all and or was declared dead at Marin General Hospital here in Marin County California. In the end Rudy's floating docks with all of his Salvage Goods piled on them disappeared with his death and the Mariner never went back to living on what was left of the dry docks, after the Sausalito fire department was sent out by the then mayor of Sausalito named mayor Dunphy of which are local park is named after him and had an elite Force of firefighters go out at low tide and set the massive dry docks of Blaze and I'm sure the smoke could have been seen from outer space and what an environmental hazard and disaster and cause of pollution and did it at low tide so was no fireboat could get to the dry dogs to put the fire out and this happened some years before the Mariner tide is 100 ft or more Tugboat next to what was left of the dry dogs, above water of which was still massive and lived on his boat there and helped accommodate people to live out there and tied up next to the dry docks.                           And there is another interesting story according to the military man and as his employee or partner in the rental business, told me of Rudy's buried treasure, from all his drug dealing and Rend collecting from his myriad of anchored out boats that he had collected and buried all his money and whatever Treasures he may have collected such as watches and rings and Jewelry and buried them underground near shore in a place across the bay from Sausalito on Richardson Bay and a place called strawberry and buried his treasure somewhere in the vicinity and the military man told me the area that Rudy Homer buried his treasure of which he was asked by Rudy to take a walk while he hit his treasure after taking a motorboat across from gate 5 road which is just outside of the city limits of Sausalito.                                  .

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Forty years on a Hook on San Francisco Bay by Peter Romanowsky Chaplin Pirate Chaplin/Chapter One Sailing down the coast from San Francjsco too Montery Bay


   I have been watching people sail their boats up and down the channel off the shores of Sausalito California and after a year, I begin to sail solo across the San Francisco Bay from Sausalito and then after skirting the Golden Gate Bridge and catching the downward wind on the San Francisco side of the bridge then skirting down rhe San Francisco coast. Then I would enter into Aquatic Park Anchorage area and then after a while, I would take my vessel back to Sausalito. After making a straight shot back across the bay and passing Alcatraz then  making it back home with the help of a four-cylinder gasoline engine to help me make the final entry back into Sausalito harbor, before the wind dies, before I make it all the way to the harbor and it is never failed going the round trip and I've never had a serious problem or break down or engine never starting and it was a learning experience. Like clockwork it seem the wind would begin to die just as I entered back into Richardson Bay and then I would use my engine the final way and then so I decided that I would sail a smaller boat, that I had named Seraph. The name of a type of Angel closest to the throne of God and it was about 24 ft long with single mast and made of heavy plank wood and had a single cylinder. Lister diesel engine. I had someone with and we left before Dawn and motor sailed outside the Golden Gate Bridge and for the first time in my life, I was sailing in the open ocean and of course it was the strangest of feelings and kind of still half asleep from getting up Before Dawn things were kind of foggy or hazy in a way and or if I recall there was a certain amount of morning haze but no heavy fog and then I noticed in the gray of the morning and offshore of cliffs and not beachy Sands like people like me used to think and but most of the coast is she rocks and the walls and you would never want to get slammed into a sheer Rock by ocean waves and that's what I was looking at while hugging the shore and starting to hallucinate hieroglyphic images on this year walls of these rocks, after leaving San Francisco Bay and going down the coast to our first stop at Santa Cruz Harbor and then after the sun came up and the wind picked up and me and my companion we're on our way down the coast and my friend was tired and we were both drowsy for the excitement of not being able to get much sleep before leaving Before Dawn and one begins to hallucinate a little bit like a driver in a car when he starts hallucinating things when one is tired and the walls of the cliffs were my hallucination of hieroglyphic type of symbols and a warning, not to get anywhere near shore when you're sailing down the coast of California and for one is safer the further they are from the coastal rocks and at one point my first mate who is drowsy from not enough sleep and it was a lazy hazy day now with mild weather and no fog and a breeze of the Wind and he lay down on top of the deck to sleep and after a while the wind started picking up and I was still in a half a weekdays like an airline pilot who says most of his job is boring until it's time for takeoff and Landing and I was in the boring State of Mind and was not paying attention enough and the wind started picking up and the boat started Keeling over to a degree and at one point he started rolling off the deck and caught himself and I was thinking in a worst case scenario and if he had fallen overboard it would have been virtually next to Impossible to turn the boat around in the Wind and the tide and even with the engine, to reach him in time without a life jacket and we certainly were not prepared properly and to use an expression we were flying or Sailing by the seat of our pants. After a while the afternoon wind started to blow at a thermal Gale picked up the Seas and we were bobbing like a cork over waves around two stories high and our boat just slipped up and down between the waves and it was nothing we could do about it and there was no way to step off the ride and say I've had enough and one finds themselves in a frame of mind that one might as well enjoy the ride because this ain't Disneyland anymore and eventually the afternoon thermal Gale subsided and we were able to motor sale comfortably with just the jibsail up and motor running also, if I recall. At one point we came to an abandoned looking Lighthouse or some sort of abandoned military facility on an island just offshore and my sailing partner wanted to take the vessel between the island and Shore as he thought it would be safer and I thought that that body of water between the in Santa Cruz Harbor island and Shores may have a lot of rocks in it and we would be safer staying offshore and miraculously as it began to get dark and the wind had virtually completely died and all was still and quiet and just to sound of our one cylinder motor chugging, we motored into San Cruise Harbor and off of its Pier, by nightfall in one day, after leaving San Francisco Bay. In Santa Cruz Harbor anchored off of its pure in the open ocean and nah inside the real Harbor area where the Yachts are and things like that and so the weather was coming up and my first mate bailed and had to go back to work and caught a bus back to Marin County and I enjoyed Santa Cruz Pier the smell of popcorn and the seagulls screaming and maybe even the Pelican you know that you can hand feed and all the smells and Sensations in a ocean Pier the smells of fish and all that Sensational stuff and I saw what looked like money floating on the bay off the pier and I got into my skiff of which was told which of which was tied to Santa Cruz pure and rode out to us to it to see what denomination bill it was and it turned out to be a dollar bill and so I rode back to the pier short row and was walking down the boardwalk so to speak and a kid was on his hands and knees looking under a car and crying out that a dollar bill something like I found a dollar bill and just then I took the dollar bill that I found floating in the ocean and it must have been counterfeit because a real dollar bill will sink in water and so other than a miracle of which seems so minuscular I tossed the dollar bill towards the kid as I walked by him looking under the car at the dollar Billy found and miraculously the dollar bill I found floating off the pier landed miraculously right in front of him like instantly out of nowhere and I will never forget the imaginary look on his face and I seem to have remembered the look on his face of all and like saying this is a real miracle and so that was my enjoyable part of the experience on Santa Cruz Pier and the next morning, solo I wrote out to my 24-ft heavy wood sailboat and tied up to it and wait anchor and still mind you anchored in the open sea and the swells started Rising on a beautiful sunny day and no fog and people out in the recreational boats bobbing around and watching me Sail away from the pier in this old boat that was obviously unequipped for such a journey and I'll never forget the looks on their faces it's like none of them seem to wave you know and looking back I should have waved at them as my old looking classic boat go sailing by them in their motor boats and everything is beautiful and clean and respectable I Come Sailing through like some rigidine our pirate looking and unsavory character and what in the world is he doing going out into the Open Sea and I don't even see a life ring on the boat and I can't even remember if I brought quotation devices at least we have those but I don't remember even wearing them. I remember hearing a story that around the world sailors, don't wear life jackets either and or because if they fall overboard the life jacket will just prolong their Agony and death and yet I say at least always have a life jacket on board and I do believe we did and didn't where all the time and few that was a tough one to talk about life jackets. I know someone whose life was saved just with a water skiing lifering around his waist and when he was like way offshore in Mexico and the storm and pounding winds that sank his boat and even something as small as a water skiers life ring around their waist, could save someone and as I sailed past the safety and comfortable feeling being around recreational users of the water that day and into the Open Sea by myself and I felt I could make it to Monterey the former capital of California in one easy day cuz I could see Monterey from Santa Cruz and it looked like an easy one shot like piece of cake and like how can anything go wrong and so I sailed on and I got caught again in a October November thermal Gail and this is the second day I've been on the ocean and the second day that I'm in a thermal Gale and the waves looked like two stories which is like 8 to 16 ft High and maybe cresting a little higher and again I felt like Magellan and felt like I could sail around the world and the small boat like I've heard stories tell and all of a sudden the floor disappeared out from under me as I was standing in the cockpit of my sailboat and I went straight down into the water for the boat had disappeared out from under me and got knocked down sideways like flat and miraculously I was able to grab the gun rail of the boat and hold on as a second less powerful wave hit and then always reasonably calm enough for me to climb into the cockpit of my boat and the engine was still running and the boat was still moving and the front sail was up and I had taken a direct hit by a sneaker wave. What happened was to up to 16 ft waves merged together to become one big wave and it threw my boat virtually into the air my heavy wood boat and I went straight down into the water it was like something out of a movie that I would never want to experience again and yet I had no fear and for there is no time to fear when you're holding on to your boat that you just been thrown out of and I did have a rope tied around my waist of which could have drug me to death like a horse rider who gets his boot caught in the stirrup and I may may not have been able to pull myself up if I lose hanging or dangling by a rope behind my boat and so I'm so glad I didn't have to use that as a last resort and I was so glad it didn't have and in the future I will never go solo without a safety harness, of which I didn't have at the time and I lived to learn without being dragged behind my vessel could have happened short of a miracle when I look back for it was completely unexpected to have the cockpit deck, disappear in an instance and after the second and lesser way and my radio still playing in the corner of the cockpit without getting wet and the portholes on one side bent inwards into the boat for it head landed on its side after being apparently hurled into the air and slamming but it's port side and there was broken glass and everything ended up in the gangway of the boat and it was getting dark at the same time simultaneously and couldn't find anything and not even a flashlight off hand and I continued motor sailing with the for sale up and the diesel engine still chugging one chug at a time with the single cylinder blister diesel a marine engine that could go underwater as long as the water got into it's intake and after a potentially panicking period of time and continuing moving down to Coast of California off of Moss Landing of which unbeknownst to me is a canyon as deep if not deeper than the Grand Canyon between Santa Cruz and Monterey and is known locally as the Devil's Triangle of California and as I was moving along and recovering from my knockdown and overboard experience and when I was motor sailing along and it was getting towards dust and I was judging my distance from Shore by the lights on Shore that I thought were Highway lights and thinking that I was about 3 miles offshore or at least a safe distance offshore and as I was moving along and still Shook Up I noticed White foam on the water to my port side or Seaside on my left and I thought I was so far offshore that a boat went past me and left a trail of foamy water and then it hit me and I realized that it was breaking water and not a trail left behind buy a yacht a few miles of shore and I was heading right into the serve in the dark and for I had lost I'll judgment and or perception as to how far I was offshore and the lights I saw were deep Inland or deeper than I ever thought. I then scrambled to drop the the jib sail off the bow sprint and Cut the engine to the best of Memory Dropped and threw anchors out to break me from going into the breakers and just in time, just before going into the surf and the anchors stuck and then one of the anchor lines snapped, because it was made of a type of hemp rope and was old and apparently had begin to rock and weaken with age without me noticing it and but the second anchor held fast and I was dangling and hanging on with one anchor and miraculously the wind died to a virtual dead still miraculously, after going through a thermal gale that day and now had become a dead  calm im in a pitch black night and cool and Starry Night and I could not and dare not look behind me as I could hear the waves breaking behind my boat and I felt like somebody who is on a great height and wouldn't look down, from concern about fear or freezing up or feeling a panic and I pictured my boat being washed ashore on the deserted beach on Moss Landing and sitting on the beach with my Beast boat like a whale laying on its side and nobody around except me, God and my vessel and now another problem has developed for the wind had virtually completely died and I remember now the drivetrain went out while I was sailing and the main gear from the motor for the drive shaft has stripped completely and the motor was useless and I had no way of Motoring out of the situation and another concern came to me for that I did not know if it was high or low tide and if it was high tide and if the tide goes out after 6 hours the ways May reach my boat and I did not know if it was high or low tide and that was another concern and it was so dark inside my boat and everything a mess after the knockdown and all I had was a flashlight if even that from my memory and no way of knowing if the tide was high or lower in the middle for every 6 hours that tide changes too high tides a day and two low tides a day. No radio operating I hadn't connected it and plan on doing it while I was sailing like I was planning to attach my depth finder of which was not hooked up either of which could have showed me that I was heading to shore and with a depth finder in those days you could tell how far you're offshore and you can navigate the Contour of the coast depths, by staying in the deeper water and following the deep water Contour down the Coast and it is all still a little jumble in my mind from my memories and but this is the gist of it. I prayed and told myself that I have only one opportunity to sail out of this situation, dangling in front of breaking surf and with the wind virtually dead except for a light Breeze, I carefully and prayerfully started pulling the anchor line up in the pitch dark and as I did the anchor line was glowing with phosphorescent microorganisms and it was a beautiful sight and just to see light and even if it was just on my anchor line. As I slowly pulled up the anchor line with the sails up, to catch the ever so lightly wind. The boat started sailing with me on the bow at the same time pulling up the anchor line until it came to the anchor and then the anchor came up without a struggle and the boat slowly and ever so slowly, the ship begin to move at like a 45° angle away from the surf and I was never so glad and happy, to be going back out to see and it seemed like forever and a day and so slow, in the dead and quiet of the night with no lights around on shore and just empty beaches and needless to say I never felt so all alone with God and end of the Cold Dark Night slowly and painfully slowly, my small little ship begin to be free from the magnetism of the coast and begin entering into the magnetism, of going back out to see, towards my destination of the coastal city of Monterey and of which used to be the capital of California at one time as a forest said and after sometime going out in the ever so slightest Breeze and win, I eventually came to a large Maritime sea bouy and later realize that this was a naval targeting and practice range area and the buoy was apparently a marker, a border marker, of the restricted area and I even thought of tying up to the buoy in an emergency and wait for daylight to get rescued and towed to the Monterey Bay Mooring area and but I can't going and a fog Bank was approaching and I started to lose my bearings and it was them that I decided to finally shoot a red Rescue flare of which I had no time or sense, In fighting The panicky feelings, of losing my boat and my pride of being washed ashore and after a while a small airplane came out and found me and circled me in the dark and with just enough light to see from the moon and the stars shining down through the fog of what start of which was starting to envelope my small ship. Then out of the fog came a big fishing boat of which the pilot had radioed my position and the fishing boat apparently Also may have saw my flare and the skipper or the captain of the commercial fishing boat called out to me and said something like skipper how are you doing and I told the captain my situation with my engine down and the wind down and was just basically bobbing around in the ocean and not even sure I could find my way to the Monterey ocean Pier, Harbor and safety and it was the first time anyone called me a skipper and I felt so proud that I had come this far, after watching people sail on San Francisco Bay for the first year and then I began sailing from Sausalito to San Francisco and back and then eventually, overtime felt that I could go outside to Golden Gate Bridge and start sailing down the coast to Ventura California, my original destination and after a while a coast guard boat came out after the fisherman captain and airline pilot No Doubt radioed my position and the aircraft Circle so close, that I could see the pilot inside a the cabin of the plane, looking down on me and my vessel. The Coast Guard towed me just outside the fishing boat pier outside Monterey the inner Harbor and yet still out in the open ocean exposed except, in the armpit of the harbor and the Contour of the land and Beach In a safe place From the Open Sea waves and either tied me to the only Mooring ball off the pier, where commercial fishing boats tie their vows to the pier by a line and have a Stern anchor, holding their ships in place and I was on the only Mooring ball at the time, again if I can recall properly and or they set my anchor for me, can't quite remember and from the best of my memory, I ended up on my anchor in the deepest water, that I had ever Anchored and is where I ended up for days and one night in particular when the wind was blowing offshore, out to the Sea I was really concerned and but another yacht was anchored near me and a Gentleman looking Skipper set in the back of his boat, watching out over me I felt in case my anchor slipped and was blown out to see again and it was harrowing at a time of great prayer and eventually after a few days a Sea Hippy showed up and anchored nearby also and I got to know him and talk to him and he arrived in approximately 30 ft older looking catamaran and he came by to visit me and I gave him some tea or coffee and he said he had no tear coffee on his boat and that he just drank hot water and smiled and was totally sailing Bare Bones and with no engine and we were both included in the beautiful armpit outside of the Monterey Marina Harbor and he asked if I wanted to Convoy with him down to Catalina Island his destination and I said no thank you I needed some more time to chill out after being rescued by the Coast Guard and he was very patient and tried to Sail Out of the protected armpit and around the harbor into the Open Sea and two or three times he attempted to Sail Out without a motor and couldn't and I think it was his third try he caught the wind and sailed off with no fancy equipment and probably no electronics and a simple and bare-bone sailor as one can imagine and so I call him the sea hippie, like something out of water world that hadn't come out yet the movie that is and to be continued and if you like this unedited and unpunctuated chapter by chapter book and or if you would like to correct chapters for me for a percentage of future publishing rights please feel free to and you can text me the corrected chapters and I can upload them as I go and I live in Word and living book in progress and if you like what I'm doing and would like to send a tip to help me feed others which is my passion as well as spreading the gospel you can by downloading the cash app and using the code $Cajidog or my PayPal address at 415 374 0734 and thank you very much and for I have no needs of my own for God is taking care of me and I like to help others and especially feeding them here and in places like Pakistan

Friday, December 20, 2024

book 40 years on a hook pirate pastor of San Francisco Bday Chapter sailing up and down the coast from San Francisco to Monterey Bay

After safely coming into Monterey Harbor California Visa Via the Coast Guard and rescue in the dark and because I couldn't find my way into the harbor or even   enough wind to navigate and too sail into the harbor entrance,of which was hidden by the fog. I was bobbing out there in the pitch dark and with no wind and a fog bank coming in and a commercial fishing boat then appearing from the fog after shooting off my bright red flares and then calling the calling the Coast Guard and then a plane was sent out to search also and finally towed me outside of Monterey Harbor and tied me to the Mooring out there, if I recall or just dropped anchor and set by coast guard and was ordered to stay with the boat and not leave the boat until they come back the next day. When  the Coast Guard did return it was led by an angry Coast Guard officer who demanded to see our flares and registration and myself and my first mate for lunch towards the Coast Guard officer who put his hand on his pistol and put his hand out and said stand back and then wrote us a ticket for having no flares of which we had to shoot off to get rescued and that's how such a ridiculous things can happen in life.           Two of my friends from San Francisco Bay in Sausalito came back with me to Monterey to help me Sail my 24-foot heavy wood sailboat, without a motor northward against the wind and current and one was an experienced sailor,who was born on a Trimaran and the other was totally green and new to sailing offshore like me for instance, but I spend a year of sailing from Sausalito and skirting the Golden Gate Bridge on the inside of the Bay and down the coast of San Francisco to Aquatic Park and Fisherman's Wharf area and back to Sausalito and more time practicing sailing up and down the channel of Sausalito on San Francisco Bay and I don't remember how much sailing time that I had total but it was a few years. At first I was thinking and praying about getting a tow up by a commercial fishing boat to Sausalito and San Francisco Bay and after going to a local high-end restaurant to celebrate our cruise to San Francisco Bay, we launched the next day or so and towing our old wooden dinghy and no life raft or any proper equipment for navigation and safety and Sailing by the seat of our pants like the minimalists we were and at first all is well and the weather was good and it was sunny and tacking up the coast we sailed and eventually a thermal Gail begin to build and started to pushing us back in the waves got up to about 16 ft which is two stories and I saw one breaking in a distance and my third mate was in shock and fear and went into the folks hole of the boat and covered himself with a blanket or sleeping bag and prayed that if God would get him out of this that he would serve him and when he came out of the boat cabin he eventually had the flare gun in his hand and wanted to fire it to get rescued before it got dark or before we were swamped or driven into offshore waves that were breaking far offshore and there were fire trucks in ambulances and police with their lights on onshore in the far distance and waves were breaking about a quarter mile offshore and we were heading right into the breakers and begin struggling to unfural the main sail and just in time we were able to avoid going into the breakers and started heading sewards again after we had turned back around to head back to Monterey Bay and the waves we're really big and our 24-ft boat was like a cork in between these two-story waves enrolled perfectly in between them and a larger boat would have had more difficulty when we were in trouble on the ocean and the sun went down, we were Sailing In The Dark with no navigation lights, back towards Monterey Bay, after only getting as far as Moss Landing before we had to turn back and we finally fired our flares after Dark and my first mate shown our Spotlight on the sale to light it up so that the Coast Guard could find us in the pitch dark and when the Coast Guard arrived in their 40-ft patrol boat it could barely straddle the up to 17 ft ways with a short valley between them and just big enough for our heavy little wooden sailboat and the bow of the Coast Guard boat would completely come out of the water like a submarine between the waves and this is how some ships are lost they break into when a wave Picks Them Up In The Middle and but Coast Guard boats are made to handle such stresses and they threw us a life jacket and missed and had to go back around and pick it up for their very expensive filled with all kinds of flares and tools and Light and after heroically recovering the life jacket in the dark finally we're able to get three of them to us to put on and tie our boat to their vessel and off they and at a high speed crashing through the waves as we were being told behind and my first week told me later that was the scariest part of the journey being towed by the Coast Guard for there are instances where a towed car accidentally sunk from being towed. Later the Coast Guard estimated the way to be as high as 17 ft and the Coast Guard officer said that they could see our sailboat by our bright spotlight being shown on the main sale in the dark and it was blowing and the ways were high and could easily hide a little sailboat between waves and but as a wave comes up then the boat could be fully seen again what it's sail lit up.o sail into the harbor entrance anyways of which was hidden by the fog and so I was bobbing, out there in the pitch dark. With no wind and a fog Bank coming in and a fishing boat calling the Coast Guard and a plane was sent out to search also and finally towed outside of Monterey Harbor and tied to the Mooring out there if I recall or just dropped anchor and set by coast guard and was ordered to stay with the boat and I'll leave the boat until they come back the next day and when the Coast Guard did return it was led by an angry Coast Guard officer who demanded to see our flares and registration and myself and my first mate for lunch towards the Coast Guard officer who put his hand on his pistol and put his hand out and said stand back and wrote us a ticket for having no flares of which we had to shoot off to get rescued and that's how such a ridiculous thing can happen in life. New paragraph two of my friends from San Francisco Bay in Sausalito came back with me to Monterey to help me Sail my 24-foot heavy wood sailboat without a motor northward against the wind and current and one was an experienced sailor who was born on a trimaran and the other was totally green and new to sailing offshore like me for instance but I spend a year of sailing from Sausalito and skirting the Golden Gate Bridge on the inside of the Bay and down the coast of San Francisco to Aquatic Park and Fisherman's Wharf area and back to Sausalito and more time practicing sailing up and down the channel of Sausalito on San Francisco Bay and I don't remember how much sailing time that I had total but it was a few years. At first I was thinking and praying about getting a tow up by a commercial fishing boat to Sausalito and San Francisco Bay and after going to a local high-end restaurant to celebrate our cruise to San Francisco Bay, we launched the next day or so and towing our old wooden dinghy and no life raft or any proper equipment for navigation and safety and Sailing by the seat of our pants like the minimalists we were and at first all is well and the weather was good and it was sunny and tacking up the coast we sailed and eventually a thermal Gail begin to build and started to pushing us back in the waves got up to about 16 ft which is two stories and I saw one breaking in a distance and my third mate was in shock and fear and went into the folks hole of the boat and covered himself with a blanket or sleeping bag and prayed that if God would get him out of this that he would serve him and when he came out of the boat cabin he eventually had the flare gun in his hand and wanted to fire it to get rescued before it got dark or before we were swamped or driven into offshore waves that were breaking far offshore and there were fire trucks in ambulances and police with their lights on onshore in the far distance and waves were breaking about a quarter mile offshore and we were heading right into the breakers and begin struggling to unfural the main sail and just in time we were able to avoid going into the breakers and started heading sewards again after we had turned back around to head back to Monterey Bay and the waves we're really big and our 24-ft boat was like a cork in between these two-story waves enrolled perfectly in between them and a larger boat would have had more difficulty when we were in trouble on the ocean and the sun went down, we were Sailing In The Dark with no navigation lights, back towards Monterey Bay, after only getting as far as Moss Landing before we had to turn back and we finally fired our flares after Dark and my first mate shown our Spotlight on the sale to light it up so that the Coast Guard could find us in the pitch dark and when the Coast Guard arrived in their 40-ft patrol boat it could barely straddle the up to 17 ft ways with a short valley between them and just big enough for our heavy little wooden sailboat and the bow of the Coast Guard boat would completely come out of the water like a submarine between the waves and this is how some ships are lost they break into when a wave Picks Them Up In The Middle and but Coast Guard boats are made to handle such stresses and they threw us a life jacket and missed and had to go back around and pick it up for their very expensive filled with all kinds of flares and tools and Light and after heroically recovering the life jacket in the dark finally we're able to get three of them to us to put on and tie our boat to their vessel and off they and at a high speed crashing through the waves as we were being told behind and my first week told me later that was the scariest part of the journey being towed by the Coast Guard for there are instances where a towed car accidentally sunk from being towed. Later the Coast Guard estimated the way to be as high as 17 ft and the Coast Guard officer said that they could see our sailboat by our bright spotlight being shown on the main sale in the dark and it was blowing and the ways were high and could easily hide a little sailboat between waves and but as a wave comes up then the boat could be fully seen again what it's sail lit up.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

chapter/ the history demeanor and decay of Sausalito California by Peter romanowsky

The history and demeanor and philosophy of a place called Sausalito California on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge . I first said foot massage when I was around 16 in 1964 while living at 66 Hillcrest in Larkspur California, a short while away from Sausalito and when I first set foot and sausages it was like for lack of a better word magic, an artist Paradise and the Bohemian dream of rich and funky delic colors and rustic and ornate and Rich and hippie, expanding and including all things from the left to the right from up and down , from inside out and from within and in a psychedelic curse and dream of the knowledge of Good and Evil frutate's perfectly in the garden County of Sausalito and the largest safest Bay in the world of which is under assault by corporate Pirates and funded partially by organized crime , is my educated opinion , living in Marin County as long as I have and rumors and history of organized crime figures like Baby Face Nelson who hit out in Sausalito disguised as a soda jerk and as a parking lot manager . Until the only police officer in town on the beat recognized him and he made his escape and of course I'll see those known for his bootlegging and Speak Easy and the mayor Sausalito was arrested for his partition patient and it's got a lot is he built the same boats for the rum runners as he did for the authorities and of kind of like the cigarette boats of Florida of which the drug traffickers and the Coast Guard both , equally used . The Fireside in an old historic building between Mill Valley and Sausalito was reputed to be a hideout or a hang out for organized crime , no doubt when they came to town and the town mayor of Madden who went to jail or prison for a spell for his involvement in run-rumming if I recall again , ran for mayor of Sausalito again and got reelected . Ironically mayor Madden had the same name as a top Mafia boss from the East Coast , also involved in bootlegging and stretching if I recall all the way to the West Coast and to go to my Carefree and psychedelicos Meandering of my mind , through the caverns of my mind and the clear bright pristine and heaven like air of Marin County and Sausalito or like something from a dream book , after growing up in the suburbs of Los Angeles California beginning in Redondo Beach as a small child and then to Reseda California and then again to Forestville California , where I attended Analy High School briefly before moving with my parents two beautiful Larkspur California and Redwood High School where also Robin Williams spent his last year of high school before going to college of Marin to study theater before becoming a street artist and being discovered on the street to go directly to the Mork and Mindy show on television and of course he attended Juilliard back east before the spending his last year in public high school , after going to and attending private schools . Myself going to Redwood High I found it was very austere looking and without any vegetation around it except a short distance away with a beautiful Creek that we could escape to off campus of which we weren't technically allowed as we were at Annalee High in Sebastopol / forestville of which had opened campus of which was astonishing to me coming from the Los Angeles School District of which Allowed no such opening campuses to my knowledge or to my experience . We had a smoking area behind the Little Theater at Redwood High School and I was terrible sports and Athletics and was more of a dreamer and a philosopher for my youth and lover of beauty , peace and charm , in a chaotic world of bumbling and stumbling through life and looking for the way and trying to find not only my reason for existence but for the reason of existence in general , of which we all love and appreciate unless we're suffering from some massive chemical imbalance or satanic Warfare .                Words fail to describe the inner feelings and undulations of moving into a redwood forest and Bay Tree with Oak County of Marin with lingering beatniks from the past to the hipsters and then to the hippies all combined here and then one with houseboats and arcs along the cord of their Creek which attaches to the Bay of which is indicated on a map made by the chaplain if I recall of Sir Francis Drake and of which Cordo Madera Creek or Slough is an extension of San Francisco Bay and could be seen outside my valley floor view from King Mountain in Larkspur and the valley and the slough is where I first stepped into a sailing dinghy and was my playground with my hoodlum friends at the time as young people seem to be our act like , without being born again after time and was a leader of a gang called The Purple Gang of which was involved in mischief and petty crime and including a burglary of a doctor's office of which nothing was found except fingerprints left and of which miraculously and outbreak of warts on my hand , didn't show up on the fingerprints , because the world's totally disappeared I was thinking in my mind that this is a miracle , in hindsight if that was the case for the police had me and my brother a fingerprinted and nothing was found . My hands or hand was completely free of words and if there were any other fingerprints the prince did not match anymore and is my convoluted fingering in hindsight at this time and Only God knows what really happened . So Meandering in my young and developing mind , I was always sort of a nervous child or kid or even teenager and never quite feeling secure unless I was involved in some mischief to overcome feelings of inferiority and awkwardness , especially in my teenage years when all of us feel the same and our powerless and envy growing up as we envy  Our Youth and in retrospect now.                             Crashing around in our brains through trial and error, seeking the truth and the meaning of life and being a nurse sort of child and paranoid often of which was initially exacerbated by the smoking marijuana early on, as a teen on my brain was still developing and aggravated my already paranoid nervous and self-loathing esteem that I had of myself when not doing some sort of Mischief as a distraction as I Came Upon a beauty queen in my neighborhood of beautiful arts for California and of course her name was Jenny and turn me on to my first dose of marijuana of what she got from Sonny and Cher's closed designer and it is all new to me and being with Jenny who look like a Italian dream or French like with dark hair and a chisel and beautiful face and we smoke marijuana together for the first time and when she held the smoke in her lungs her lips look like they were wanting to kiss me as she's holding her breath and we never touched or did any such thing and she was that in the love of my heart and yeah I felt still like I'm nobody with nothing and no fancy car or clothes . I remember the stereo playing and listening to music the first time on marijuana and how beautiful the music sounded like I have never heard it sound like that before and I still have my experience to this day even after some 36 years of abstinence from the use of marijuana and the use of it today in a THC vaporizer to control arthritic back pain and depression in general at the age of 75 and still separated from my family after 40 years with a reunion with my son coming up in a few days hallelujah . All this time I still have not found the truth or the meaning of life or am I meaning in Life or a purpose in life , other than to seek for the meaning of life and meanwhile in Sausalito , there was a continual circus and party atmosphere and it was the height of the 60s and everything was new and blossoming , before the Hell's Angels brought methamphetamine into town , so to speak !