Monday, December 23, 2024
40 years on a hook by privateer pastor of San Francisco Bay chapter the story of Rudy Homer nice guy pirate salvager and drug dealer of Richardson Bay
This is a story about the late Homer and historical anchor out and resident of the historical special Federal Anchorage of Sausalito California. A part of San Francisco Bay and according to his right hand man, whom we call a military man and a Vietnam combat veteran and Marine and was partners with Rudy In his renting and maintaining Rudy's vast Fleet of anchored out boats and vessels converted to makeshift houseboats ,of what, he had bought or salvaged and this according to what his partner or employee we shall call the military man, told people that he had condos 35 on the water. To make a better impression on people and a vast exaggeration and of these anchored out boats, of which military man, the friend, employee or partner and or all of the above, said we're were about at least 30 boats, I recall again, that Rudy Homer had not only rented out these boats but also sold drugs, to his tenants from everything from marijuana to heroin. Without military man's involvement, to the best of my knowledge and understanding and being more of a an employee than a partner and a friend and incidentally Rudy had built a floating island made of floating platforms of what she piled and stored all sorts of salvaged and bought Marine Goods for retail and maintenance of his anchored out Fleet, of which was moored on my late father-in-law's underwater property, named the late Ernest Nile Kettenhofen and former Martin County supervisor and sea captain, behind the yellow fairy a decommissioned ferry boat that was being used as a houseboat residence and was not even in the federally protected anchor out Zone. Rudy was a very pleasant and polite person to talk to and was originally from Germany and had a jaguar mechanic business in San Francisco from what I understand and even a grave plot of which I don't know if you ever made it to it because someone who claimed to be a person of responsibility, had him cremated and so maybe his ashes ended up in his pre purchased graveside? So as the stories go the longest surviving anchor out next to the late Ale Extrome and who lived on the remains of a gigantic floating World War II battleship submersional Dry Dock, that was floated into Richardson Bay, in order to build a liverboard community on this or these two gigantic wood and floating dry docks, of which got stuck in the mud and remain stuck in the middle of Richardson Bay for many years and occupied by various anchor out Pirates and denizens and finally became the city hall headquarters of the anchor outs of Richardson Bay, under a charismatic unnamed leader at the time who asked me where all the heat was coming from to remove anchored out boats and I mentioned to him that it was coming from Rudy's massive floating junkyard and countless rental boats and when at least one person died of a heroin overdose of which apparently mistakenly are not that Rudy Homer had sold to the young man and was found dead on his floating home and boat and this was the second time, if I recall that someone had died of an overdose and this was long before Fentanyl. Now whether Rudy was responsible for at least a couple of deaths that I've heard of or rumored of. The Unofficial mayor of Richardson Bay and so said leader of the dry dock and anchor out community that lived on our next to it with their votes tied to it and when he heard that he wanted to go and confront him, about trashing out the bay with his massive floating Marine junkyard of which he would ask almost new prices for things when normally you buy things on the waterfront for a dime on the dollar and he would sell what seem to be closer to retail and he softened up on his hard line bargaining about selling used Marine gear, not long before his demise and actually started giving things away or at a very low and reasonable price and this kind of caught me off guard and maybe he had a premonition of his demise and or maybe he had been threatened and but something soften him up on his hard line bargaining and he always had $5,000 in his upper shirt pocket of a outdoor Pendleton like ragged and dingy shirt he wore and dressed poorly and had some huge dogs of what she walked and when I tried to give him a shirt virtually just like the one that was so old dirty and worn out looking that he was wearing he said no thank you for people give him money when he wears this shirt for his dogs. With this $5,000 that he would carry folding up in his top shirt pocket he could buy and sell and trade anything on the waterfront for cash is King on the waterfront. I saw him at Margaritaville Bar one time all dressed up like a real pirate and that surprised me and actually kind of impressed me for he look like one would dress like for a Halloween. I remember also seeing him leaning over a dumpster in downtown Sausalito in front of the Yacht Harbor and with his elbows whatever on the dumpster Edge he would be eating something that he found in a dumpster and remember he walks around with $5,000 in a separate shirt pocket and he's eating out of a dumpster and didn't care what anybody thought of him and that's just the way things are with long-term anchorouts for they get to the point where they are not bothered either by dumpster diving, salvaging and or recycling out of dumpsters and eating out of the dumpsters also, for all the good and edible food that is thrown away including canned food and the 7-Eleven dumpster is the richest dumpster in town for food for when things expire their shelf life sandwiches wrapped in things are still good long after the Shelf a date and but have to be thrown into the dumpster and perfectly good food to eat including their hot dogs of which I have never been sick eating 7-Eleven hot dogs that were thrown away off the grill. Now that's another story about salvaging and recycling everything from Marine gear out of dumpsters to paints and other Marine Hardware and necessities for reuse and even reusing used Kerosene by letting it sit and all of the paint mixed in with the paint thinner for instance was settled at the bottom and you could pour off pure paint thinner once all the particles after brush cleaning and redepositing the used paint thinner in a 5 gallon can and it can be used again and other boat paint products and so this is where Rudy Homer also got a lot of his Marine Salvage from next to or in dumpsters and I found an entire Marine converted aluminum Volkswagen Rabbit engine, with a marine conversion and traded it for barter if I recall. The trouble began and the demise of Rudy Homer is eventually, with the bad blood between him and the defacto leader and mayor of Richardson Bay. When some stolen docks were sold to his close friend and anchor out taxi driver,from San Francisco living anchored out on the water also and Rudy wouldn't refund the money after the buyer found that they were stolen and sold him and so are unofficial and de facto mayor went over to confront Rudy about the refusal to give back the money and an argument broke out and from what I understand, blows were exchanged and for Rudy Homer was an experienced pugilist and from what I was told by and I Witness was that after exchanging blows Rudy knocked him off the floating dog that he had moved closer to the dry docks after being evicted from off my late in laws underwater property by the local authorities no doubt pressuring him off the private underwater property and moving out more into the middle of Richardson Bay with his last remaining floating docks with all of his Marine possessions piled on them and I can't imagine his dog surviving and over a hundred mile an hour wind gusts that happen every 5 years, on San Francisco Bay and so the de facto mayor or leader of the anchor out community was knocked into the water by the pugilist and some talk about the Mariner having a wood stick in his hand to confront the very large 6 ft five giant of a man that Rudy was an experienced boxer and maybe the Mariner needed some compensation to confront this proverbial Giant of a man and that is just another rumor I heard, if I'm not mistaken and when the Mariner got out of the water for I was told later that he couldn't swim and panicked our freaked out and grabbed a 12-inch knife from inside his outboard motor powered skiff and climbed back up on the dock and started hitting Rudy with the blunt end of the knife across his chest back and forth, according to an eyewitness and then plunged the knife into his chest and Rudy saying that you stabbed me in his broken German and allegedly the Mariner said that I told you that I would someday or something of the sorts and so the Mariner was arrested and spent a few years in San Quentin and then out on parole for a lesser charge then premeditated or first degree murder and the Mariner I've heard said that the police were virtually congratulating the Mariner, for putting Rudy out of the heroin business of which he has been or was being investigated for after the death of at least a couple of anchorouts on Richardson Bay. After around 3 years the Mariner was paroled and is living a quiet and peaceful life in a houseboat and Sausalito California and the apparent contributing reason for the light sentence was that the Mariner pleaded self-defense and said from what I understand that Rudy attacked him with a board first and knocked him in the water and then in self-defense got out and return Fire by stabbing booty in the chest of which he died from his injury shortly after all and or was declared dead at Marin General Hospital here in Marin County California. In the end Rudy's floating docks with all of his Salvage Goods piled on them disappeared with his death and the Mariner never went back to living on what was left of the dry docks, after the Sausalito fire department was sent out by the then mayor of Sausalito named mayor Dunphy of which are local park is named after him and had an elite Force of firefighters go out at low tide and set the massive dry docks of Blaze and I'm sure the smoke could have been seen from outer space and what an environmental hazard and disaster and cause of pollution and did it at low tide so was no fireboat could get to the dry dogs to put the fire out and this happened some years before the Mariner tide is 100 ft or more Tugboat next to what was left of the dry dogs, above water of which was still massive and lived on his boat there and helped accommodate people to live out there and tied up next to the dry docks. And there is another interesting story according to the military man and as his employee or partner in the rental business, told me of Rudy's buried treasure, from all his drug dealing and Rend collecting from his myriad of anchored out boats that he had collected and buried all his money and whatever Treasures he may have collected such as watches and rings and Jewelry and buried them underground near shore in a place across the bay from Sausalito on Richardson Bay and a place called strawberry and buried his treasure somewhere in the vicinity and the military man told me the area that Rudy Homer buried his treasure of which he was asked by Rudy to take a walk while he hit his treasure after taking a motorboat across from gate 5 road which is just outside of the city limits of Sausalito. .
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