
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Thirty Years on a Hook Chapter Twenty a story about life on San Francisco Bay and the Sausalito waterfront and Anchorage a rough and unedited book in progress.

      After I took homeless Mary from a smaller sailboat sidetited to mine to avoid out boats from being smashed together in as storm, I had no place to but her in my thirty foot Marineply wooden sailboat I had to put her in bed with me for lack of spacge or room and only one narrow bunk and there we were going through storms on an anchor or two and never took her clothes off she was so modest and in fact, she would wear up to three layers of clothes and I never saw he naked or touched her of took advantage of her, for she was suffering from some sort of eary onset dementia and never used drugs or alcohol and been a vegetarian since some eighteen years old, from what see told me and I never saw her eat meat. I asked her where she was from originally, before she became homeless. She said South Boston (a tough Irish District) and she said that she has a twin sister but not identical and said her sister took her furnature from her apartment and  caused her to be driven from her home, or something of that nature, for she could barely talk for she was so ferro from being homeless for so long sleeping in the wild and on Beaches such as Bolinas, on the coast. She couldn't speak in paragraphs, but only short and broken sentances. She was some ten years younger then me, but looked older from being exposed to the elements and homeless for so many years. It took forever to get any straight information from her like what exactly happened a about her husband divorcing her and taking her children  and abandoning her on some beach in Hawaii ultimately, from what she said and kept saying that she was th he Queen of Hawaii and wanted to go back and still does decades later to this day when I visit her and wants to go back to her Paradise in Kauai, on the clear Honelli river she lived next too and with her four wheel Jeep and house and er children in her mind a paradise lost to divorce and early onset dementia that obviously her husband couldn't handle and dumped her for another women, marriage and children. It took forever to get any solid information from her, I her broken sentances. she know her Sovial Security number and the names of her children and her exhusbands name, which she still believes, that she is married too and I watched as her face slowly begin to heal from the cheek size scab on her face and the her broken and blistered lips began to heal, one at a time over a year period, I didn't believe that she had Aids or Syphilis, like she first told me, apparently she said that to people while panhandling and or begging in her desperation and survival mode otherwise she was not prone to lie, but had a fantastic imagination ad a means of escape, from the harshness, of this physical world and after I attained her children's name after a year of her healing and being out from the elements, on my boat. I looked for them on the internet and I found a daughter in some University dorm and I called the Dorm Mother with the good news that I found your mom and Mary was standing next to me at the Library phone and grabbed it and started yelling and screaming at the Dotm Mother and accusing her of kidnapping her child or children and I. gog the phone back from her and apologized for her dementia inspired turret syndrome on attacking her and I was  given a message from her daughter of whom I was not able to talk through, because of the emotional outburst of her mother and was given a phone number of her eldest son and found some relief in that, until I called the number and the answering machine said I will kill your children and burn your house down and he was working for the police department somewhere in the Detroit area, if I recall and worked for or in the computer science lab, or something for a police department and I was shocked and left a message that I found your long lost homless mother and when he eventually got back to me and he said what can I do with the problem, throw money at the problem of his mother and I said that all she needs or appreciate small things like food and tea and practical things like that. So he sent a care package of all sorts of little goodies including tea, which she loved so much. Eventually he called back and said that that he was coming to San Francisco on business and would meet us at the Restaurant a d tragically again while waiting for the great reunion her son was in a traffic accident with the one that picke him up from the airport in presumed and got the call, that he wasn't coming due to the accident on that chilly day, he wasnt hurt to the best of my knowledge,  but no doubt eally shook up, so back to square one trying to bring on a family reunion and you could not makeup such a tragic tale. So we went on together as brother and sister living together on my relatively small boat for I had eventually cleaned out the forward bunkroom of my boat which I used for storage sometime early I the first year she was onmy boat and we both shared a bunk, but early on I found out that she snored like a sailor or like someone that has t had a good sleep, in countless years, for when I met her I asked where she slept at night and she said in porta pottie outhouses and I said how could you deal with the smell and she said that she used construction  site outhouses, for they were cleaner obviously and she slept sitting up all be continued 

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