
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Thirty Years on a Hook a story and a history of San Francisco Bay and the Sausalito Waterfront and Anchorage History beginning in 1964 Chapter Twenty One the story of Homeless Mary Continued.

        The next couple of years or so Homeless Mary and I shared my boat and after I cleared out the forward bunkroom she settled down in her bunk and was as quite as a mouse, one wouldn't even know she was on board, if they visited for instance which rarely if ever happened and if so of course, she would have come out to visit. I just dont remember  if it ever happened, because we lived like Hermits and of course came to shore for supplies and do my waterfront salvaging and recycling occupation, while Mary would panhandle and salvage also, from next to the Goodwill box at Mollie Stones Market parking lot and clothes, that were very expensive, left outside she grabbed and dressed. One day on the boat I thought I heard her say to cut off her one big dreadlock and I began to do it and to her shock, she just asked for a trim and I accidentally cut it off. She after her initial shock, began to put it back on her head and for the next couple of years or more, she wore it under a headscarf. I no scarf, she would use anything at hand, like a shirt wrapped up like a turbin and never brought up the subject of cutting off her hair again and so one day at I think it was  the Sausalito Friday nite Church dinner, at the Old First Baptist Church in Sausalito, so.eone asked was she had under her turbin and I said show him what's under your turbin and she did and pulled out her severed dreadlock and it looked like a rats nest and I couldn't help but laugh in my heart, by the look on his face. So Mary walked back and forth on the waterfront panhandling and salvaging anything she could find abandoned or laying on the ground and changed her clothes regularly from Goodwill Box donations, left outside by expensive and rich Sausalito Marinites and was the best, of most luxurious dresser on the waterfront. But she would throw away expensiver clothes in the trash after a day or two of wearing them for it was part of her illness. So life goes on with us two divorced and abandoned people by forces greater then even ones spouses and we struggled together with sex and living like Nun and Priest and waiting for this title wave of life to pass over us and in the midst of the chaos and condition God gave me the dog that I was dreaming about, when I found homeless Mary begging in front of the grocery store here in Sausalito, when looking for a dog to adopt and in my heart I said this poor homeless women and abandoned mother was and is more important then a dog and I adopted her for two and half years and nursed her back to reasonable physical and mental as well as emotional health and in the midst of a this God gave me the dog of my dreams as a reward for taking in  one of His children, before taking in a dog and I was rewarded beyond measure with the first dog of my own in my life a wired hair miniature doxie with a mustache and beard as we began preforming and ministering on the Sausalito waterfront making more money in tips and donations then I have ever seen  doing back breaking work on the waterfront and anchorage since 1984 and we made and raised thousands of dollars and more then I was ever given from my divorce form the richest family in the second riches county in America and my father in law was the County Supervisor and knew the judges personally that officiated my unwanted divorce and we made a d raised thousands together, after adopting first a human  being, over a dog and Mary helped take care of my dog also together us three took on the world for Jesus and winning and losing battles, but not losing the be continued 

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