
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Sausalito Tent City and Waterfront Church Fellowship News

Another Sundays service and one of the best ever for I have learned to pace myself and go through every tribulation, including our Church Fellowship being evicted two and half years or so ago and after a year and half, if having no place to meet, or the money to rent a meeting place left, especially after Corona Virus and tourist shutdown and our official Church fund raising dog departed too dog Heaven, after completing her mission in life, supporting and virtually paying the rent or most of it, in the tune of a hundred and eighty a month. To the Sausalito Parks and recreation for only four hours a Sunday, a year and a half passed since eviction from the Senior Center Sausalito, by complaint from a neighbor, for allegedly bring undesirables too the hot lunch and Christian fellowship, when a suspected homeless Gay drug addict and male prostitute for drugs, came too our fellowship from San Francisco and pulled three fire alarms, And brought the fire truck down on us and then he plugged the public bathroom and flooded then bathroom and deficated all over the floor and of course, we or I got blamed for it and our Fellowship was evicted by the Park Director, who was very rude and called the police in me while fund raising with my dog Diamond and forced me to give up the key to the Senior Center and I had no witnesses to support my claim, that the person that did this, was not a part of our Church Fellowship, even though there was one witness, Doug Storms of whom I supported for two and half years, by letting him do the preaching, while my dog and I paid the bills and bought the gorment good, to the tune of up too right hundred and fifty dollars a month, then he came up with the ideas of meeting outdoors in the patio area of the Senior Center and we have been meeting to here for over a year now, rent free due to it being a public place and then Doug moved on too New Beginnings homeless facilities and last heard was doing Bible Studies there, after done terrible financial crisis, involving his houseboat and such, And at the same time that we started meeting for free, our Church fund raising dog Diamond. Died as I was riding my bike home, in her favorite place, my backpack, for she was to small to run along side me, And went to dog heaven, strait from her favorite place, with her face in the wind, And this happened within days if meeting outdoors free and her services were no long needed, at the good old age of eighteen or nineteen?! So last Sunday we had Serloin steak, after praying at "Camp Jesus", the original name of Tent City Sausalito, so called by it's first defiant tent dweller Daniel Eckinc, whose publicity paved the way with the help of Robbie Powlson homeless advocate and the attorney that he provided and the court order forbidding to evict the tent dwellers gathering in the open, after Daniels defiance, And so I prayed for steak for Sunday lunch and fellowship service and I found eight five dollars if Serloin steak at Safeway, for half price and some forty dollars of hamburger also for half price and we had a feast, it coasts all toll about a hundred and thrifty five dollars, minimum and needless to say I picked up the tab, with the help of my children's mother, who donated a Safeway gift card of some two hundred dollars or more and was able to buy the Turkey for Thanksgiving for Camp Jesus and originally named by Daniel and then those who where camped and hiding in the bushes, came out into to he open and three of the four known to me, attended our Church Fellowship and branched out, And most notably Sydney, who has live in or around Sausalito and was a Anchorout, before she could no longer row out too her boat, due to dislocated or arthritic shoulder. Robbie Powlson's attorney and the judge concluded that it's not illegal to camp on city property,during this Corona Pandemic, unless Sausalito and or the entire state of California  provide an alternate place to camp, of which has been a disaster, And that's another story developing, And if anyone would like to help me pick up the tab for food and drink, during our virtual twelve hour Sunday Services in front of City Hall Sausalito picnic area and non violent  Protest against homelessness in Sausalito and the destruction of people's floating and anchored boats, of which out of pocket costs me about a hundred a month, out of pocket cash,from my Social Security and disability and paying interest on my credit card if a hundred a month for buying food, of which totals proximately half my fixed income, with a little help from my friends of for larger tax exempt donations go too the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc P.O.Box 1591 Sausalito CA. 94960 of which I am the C.E.O and President signed Waterfront Pastor at Large Sausalito Waterfront and Anchorage which meets again I say, every Sunday at noon, in front of Sausalito City Hall for Christian and Jewish Fellowship and whatever religion you were raised under, you are all welcome, in Christ Jesus and AA Meetings every Sunday at eight til nine, next door and bathrooms open starting at noon and twenty four hour internet located on you all Christ and judge not one another and condemn not that of which one does, themselves....PS of Mic for testimonies and dining and dancing if one wishes and virtually all afternoon and evening,, of ambient Bible Reading and inspiration music, in the background .  PSS I don't usually get home til two in the morning from setting up and breaking down the mobile Church kitchen, that I  turned my SUV into ..ask anyone Lol for more information text me at 415 374 0734...PSSS, feel free to bring donated food for the Sunday Pantry also and if everyone that can afford, please try to throw a dollar or two into the tip and donation jug and if go broke, your credit is good at the Jesus Cafe' with candlelight in the evening you all !!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Song about mental illness...

Here is a song to the tune of something Elvis Presley ...I'm a Christian judged insane or maybe a little bit mentally ill and dumped into the streets and waterways of Sausalito, dubbed Mentally I'll by the rich and Hedonistic and thrown out into the streets and waterways and forced to eat out of dumpsters from which I never get sick, And they the rich of Marin founded the mental health wings of Marin General Hospital, where the mentally ill are thrown out into the streets again, after a little while and told you won't get help, or even shock treatment for those who are judged to be so crazed and on and on and on the mental hospitals are closed and the mental hospitals are closed, thanks too the Merry Pranksters and One Flew Over the Coo Coos nest and Napa State is closed, And Camarillo is University now and so now virtually all the mentally ill and so called mentally ill, like me, accused of not getting help or treatment, from where and how and what drugs or medications, none on the streets except illegal, none from the hospital emergency rooms, they don't give pain killers too the homeless, so the homeless drink and smoke pot, to kill the pain and are criticized, for medicating ones self, And on and on and on and on, And the Democrates blame the Republicans for closing down the mental hospitals in lue of Community and neighborhood centers, of which the Not in my Back yards people oppose and on and on and on, the Democrates do nothing about it, nothing about it at all, since they have been in control of California....ballot type song 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Pastor Peter Romanowsky on fasting and fueting

My secret on how to lose weight, without strenuous  excercise, is to simply stop eating for a while and drink plenty of fluids and take your medicines and salts, vitamins and a little protein powder by the teaspoon full, now and then, when the hunger gets intense and one is tempted, to eat solid good again, until ones weight goal is achieved, And it's been done twenty days with me, without snacks or solid foods and I lost about fifteen pounds possibly, for no scale on my boat, but at least ten pounds, plus my goal is to lose twenty pounds, so twenty five days to go, without fatty snacks , And or solid food ,And I feel fine and went around eight days before, do this will be a cake walk, And but will have to stop, when reaching the desired weight, for we need a certain amount of Supernaturalcloud photo by Peter Romanowsky 

Friday, November 5, 2021

poetry by Peter Romanowsky

Words of wisdom only a fool goes after a beautiful and perfect women, for they have reached the perfection of beauty and all is downhill after that, And high maintance, marry a fixer upper and mold her into the beautiful creature, that you long to see in her, through love and tenderness, And investing into her becoming that beauty of perfection, And starting with her inner beauty...PR

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Fasting teaching

Crash diet, seventh day without eating or solid food, looked in the mirror at Harbin Hot Springs Spa and saw the belly and love handles and said to myself, time to stop eating until that fat is gone, due to concerns about high blood pressure and heart rhythm and total esthetics about looking good and healthy, for obesity kills more people in America, then alcohol, with cigarettes being the number one killer, according to the Center for Disease Control, And but am taking precautions and nessessary liquids and medications and minerals and vitamins and can go up too right days, doing this without a diet of solid food and only light liquids. My prayerful goal is to reach forty five days without a meal or snacks and what a freedom that is. When one eats and snacks all day and night, the digestive system is always working and draining ones energy, to become fat, lazy tired and suffer from  obesity, whole watching a plat screen television all day and night, never had a flat screen TV, only the morbid obese on able bodies, welfare recipients have, so to speak, And remember the first sin in the Bible was about eating something, I've eating for sure, while people are dying of hunger, a over the be
 continued and if you approximate this ministry please contribute and I will use the money, to feed the unemployed people of Sausalito, as well with the money I'll save, fasting of which is the spread the wealth and good and not be I believe Eve got into forbidden  knowledge and witchcraft, for Eve means Serpent In Middle East languages ?!

Tent City Sausalito after the Storm of November 2021

After the Storm or which virtually flattened all the tents that were not made for heavy weather in the winter, but flimsy summer tents, And what the camp needs other then permenant housing, military type tents at great coast, but nessessary for this possibly long and wet and windy weather, And blanks, winter jackets, propane, food and drink and heavy sleeping bags and Sausalito City Council had allocated a hundred and eighty thousand dollars, to deal with Tent City Sausalito and a big part of it, no doubt will end up the pockets of lawyers, homelessness is big business, for the politicians in California,which means, Hot Oven. See you in Church Sundays early afternoon for much and fellowship and cross pollination of information and worship and dance, with song in the Patio Area in front of Sausalito City Hall, And bring something to share if you can, like food and cloths and if you would like to contribute to Tent City, when Sausalito is not there, for all the needs, it is using the homeless money for lawyers to fight the Tent City, instead of using it all to help people, have, decent and warm nights in this possibly long winter, one can donate to the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc P.O. Box 2404 San Anselm, CA. 94960 or call 415 374 0734 for more information and best to text....

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Original Rap song

Diamond dog playing dead, when the cops walk by, only dead people are totally imune, from our vil, Godless, injustice system, spawed by both Wall Street and the evil, publc service unions, cops full of dibetes, from fat and donuts, judges, afraid of the truth, astoroid coming toward earth, comet full of cyinide, heading our way, according o Revlations, wars, earthquakes, rioting in our streets, lets join them, non violently, the end is near, grateful are the dead, that die, In The Lord, to this sinfull and unjust world, as Christ said or taught, the whole world lies in wickedness, simply keep turning the other cheeck and remember, that there are righteous, In Christ

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Storm on San Francisco Bay

I woke up this morning to find my ship flooded over the lower bildge  over the planks, so too you speak and with horror flashed, 
I thought hit an unmerged anchor and broke my concrete and steel house vessel and prayed in my heart and wind and waves making it hard to function and I hooked up my bilge pump and pumped my boat and knowing now that I didn't breach the hull, it was just a tremendous amount of rain, coming in through the cockpit...Sitting here and holding my heart and stomach and unable to walk or work inside my crazy time ship, with things falling around me ....tent city Sausalito is flattened and swapped and people taking shelter in the test rooms from the wind and the rain...

Saturday, October 23, 2021

My Anchor holds

What it's like falling asleep from pure mental and physical exhaustion, when normally I can't sleep, during a storm on San Francisco Bay, because I am exposed to the South, with nothing between me and heavy seas, from the most ferocious storms, from the South, And then the North Eastern storms, the worse I've even been through, the Coat Guard was not even able to come to my rescue, the waves and winds were so high and my skiff was half sunk, behind my boat, so the Coast Guard left me the wind and waves were so high, on San Francisco Bay and fir three days it blew, sixty miles winds steady and over a hundred mile and hour gusts,  so that the whole sea, turned a blinding white with waves, no one could believe, without seeing and after three days, I and a little California Bear Boat we're the only anchored boats left south of the Drydocks at the time, all the rest of the boats on the South fifty blew away and re anchored across the channel or washed ashore and countless other boats were washed away on the bay, off Sausalito and even  Greg Bakers tugboat in a slip, sank ...

Mariners Poem on San Francisco Bay ..

What's it like waiting for the first major storm of the year, on San Francisco Bay, while people are on shore with thirty five mph winds, we get double, our hearts are in our mouth, we feel like belching and throwing up demons of great and doubt and cut anchor pirates, looking after thier own, saving thier own hides and boats, not knowing, that no fool, shall be in the bay, if you don't know, we have no time to tell, we hell, the winds are coming, the seas are high, in the middle of the bay, with the martini drinkers and the Audubon  Society haters of Anchorouts and Mariners  and Privateers and salvagers and resucers and fishermen,that put food on your tables, at the highest risk of life, or any profession, ten times more, then bring a police officer,with guns and bullet proof vests, or which Fisher, who have the highest death rate, while police, have the lowest, on the job, death rate, yet tragically among the highest suicide rate and among, the most stressful jobs ..So what am I trying to say, alone and cold and warmed only by a single burner, from a propane stove top, my only heat and healing. listening to music, keeps me sane, drowns out the voices, created by crashing waves and talking rigging, like banshees, wailing, screaming, crying, threatheing ...waves of sorrow and pain and cold and loneliness, when a man's only physical friend, is thier own penus, holding on,for dear life, a celebrate life, for the wenches have a been taken, by toothless and lonely sailors and Mariners, learning to live, without women and only company is the brotherhood of man, on the sea....then one dreams of Mermaids and Syrins calling from the rocks, come, on over sailor, we have teeth, And can devour....and I would rather be with a toothless wench and not even toothless wenches are available, for female comfort. For they are a taken by sailors, who have never married, or lost their wives, or been abandoned ....

Storm of San Francisco Bay

Tonight and tomorrow the biggest storm of the year on the Bay of San Francisco and my heart is brave, when they say 35mph winds on land, it could be 40mph, with gusts of up too 60mph, And my heart is strong, for one has to have great faith, or greatly drunk and passed out and hope for the best, these folks don't last long on the waterfront, or Anchorage, the fears are insanity, the howling winds and the crashing waves, over our bows, in the worse of storms, of which can't be, entirely predicted. my heart goes out and in my throat at times and I  can't sleep during a gale, but the last time I did, I woke up so where else, And saw a great vision in the sky, And the night before, I saw a vision, under my foreword hatch, over my bunk and survived without getting wet, or stranded, marooned or landing on the rocks or beached.Like I was two years ago, And pulled off the beach in Tiburon. But my neighbor was blown away and into the rocks, with three women on board and had to get rescued,from the unavailable rocks, and at times I am   tempted to curse all those that put me in these situations and then blame me for my own problems, not knowing anything about living and working and sailing on the bay and ocean, And I pity them all, and pray for them in my heart, even though  tempted, to curse them To the waves of hell...get ready mates on the bay, when boats break loose of drag, into other boats, be ready and don't anchor anywhere a boat like mine, Southward of my boat and if you do and don't give me dragging room, then it's your fault and it mine, for the worse thing that can happen in a major storm,I to have a boat drag upon you,in high seas and dragging into another boat,when seas are high and the wind are strong and when it is dark as night...pray that boats not drag and the sea people, keep their heads...tangeled boats are the worse nightmare in a violent storm, decisions may have to be made to cut lines and trust ones soul to God, in the raging storms...and pray,that we not wreck, or sink someone's floating home, And if so,pray that all be well and survive such thinks,without falling into the killer cold waters, of San Francisco and die of heart attacks and hypothermia and hopefully and prayerfully, will have a good report after the storm tomorrow and everyone is high and dry and not soaking wet...

Drake 108

Privateer Pastor Reverend Peter Christian Romanowsky anchored where Francis Drake first anchored in San Francisco Bay, named after him ostensibly fir spiritually discovering San Francisco Bay, And his ship the Golden Hind that first sailed through the Golden Gate and found safe Haven off Sausalito California and made first contact with the local natives Miwoks and remember his boat was fist called he Pelican, which in local language translates Alcatraz, the first Island he saw after discovering San Francisco Bay and buying tons of silver in Marin county and bound the sounds of the Sick and infirm natives, who brought thier sick and diseased, And regarding him as a God sent, And he gave orders not to molest the women and only one sailor slipped away and had an affair with an Englishman, And further made him King and ruler, under Queen Elizabeth and claimed all lads North of latitude thirty eight, for the Queen if England be continued a work in progress,clearing the name of Francis Drake, who joined in with escaped Black slaves called Maroons who married native women and formed tribes and allied with Drake, slaves  from the Spanish, And fought together in jungle warfare and plundering the Spanish main ...

Sir Francis Drake 107

Sir Francis Drake and the Fairy Queen Elizabeth together brought down the greatest empire on Earth,making the Virgin Queen of the Earth and Drake the greatest Privateer or Pirate that ever lived...and graced Marin County and was claimed for England also and worshipped by the Local Miwoks, for his human treatment and after plundering the entire Western Pacific Ocean and plundering the greatest Pirate treasures ever taken by any Buccaneer and buried more treasure then and Pirate in known history, And buried tons of looted silver, from the greatest silver mine in the known world in South America and treated everyone and every town and ship he plundered for Queen Elizabeth, who refused to marry the King of  Spain, the Earthly King of Kings, because of his Catholic religious brutality against his fellow Englishmen,being burned at the stake, and made
 Galley slaves and slaves in general, And he harmed, mistreated or brutally tortured anyone , at his inquiry of his plundering the coast of South America and Mexico, And was not only punished on return on the demands of Spain, And was Knighted and Made Mayor of Plymouth, his home town, where his preacher father was from and driven to,by the fanatical anti Protestant and Puritans,under the Catholic Queen Mary, who burned Protestants a the stake at Smithfield's outside of London and upon her death, her sister the Protestant Elizabeth assessed the Throne, And with Francis Drake took in the greatest Empire on Earth, with just a proverbial slingshot, from a back water nation like England, again before she refused to marry the King if Spain of who her sister Mary was married to, And King Philip claimed England as right of passage and Elizabeth and Drake said no for thier brutality against the Protestants, And not only did he find grace, for abstaining from murder and cruelty in his Pacific Ocean plundering of Spain and taking revenge on the Viceroy of Mexico, by his plunder of the Pacific coast, for betraying his word and killing and enslaving his fellow Englishmen, after promise of safe Haven in Veracruise, the port city of Mexico City, And escaped in one of two ships that escaped the Spanish fleet that fired on their Squadron and his hatred for Spain and New Spain and Mexico and everything Spanish, that led him on a crusade, that ultimately cultimated, I to the destruction of the Spanish Armada, as the King if Spain attempted to take England as his own and force Elizabeth to marry him and rule the World together,And but instead, she leaned on Drake and her Protestant Faith, to do the be continued a work in progress, And clearing the name of Francis Drake, who was kind to the local Miwoks of Marin County and buried the greatest treasure ever buried,under the tide Zone ?! As he repaired his ship in Novoto in North Marin and sailed around the World with tons of silver and gold and jewels enough to pay the entire English debt on return and further plunder the Spice Islands controlled by Portugal and Spain, by making treaty in the Spice Islands and opened the way for English domination of the entire World supplanting not only Portuguese but Spain's domination in the far side of the World, after capturing maps of the Spanish of the passage to the Spice Islands of which he loaded up with spices, worth more then silver and even gold and silks, And became the richest Privateer/Pirate in the World, this point....

Friday, October 22, 2021

Drake 106

I feel unquiky qualified to write an imaginary and prophetic history  of the Voyage of Francis Drake, for I have been anchored for decades in the spot or area where he first dropped anchor in San Francisco Bay, And made first contact with the stone age and happy to see him come too thier shores and the last Princess of the last Chief of the local and Southern Miwoks, and the last Princess and dependant of Chief Marin, of which our County of Marin, Is named after, And she gave  me a book describing how Francis Drake made first contact here in Sausalito California....written by her Doctor/Dentist Miwok native wrote ..more too come and send so e support..  PayPal me/Peter Romanowsky 

Drake 106

A description of the reaction by the stone Age Miwoks of Marin County at the thirty eight parallel, San Francisco of which, ostensibly named after him,in the ethereal World, as the Golden Hone, renamed from the Ship Pelican,or which he renamed the Golden Hind after reaching the stairs if Megellon prior and interesting Alcatraz translated Pelican, in the local Native American Miwok Natives, And as he sailed into the Golden Gate on the Golden Hine, in Plain view of him and dropped Anchor whet I am presently,off the shores of Sausalito ..too be continued . 

Drake 104

A description of the reaction by the stone Age Miwoks of Marin County at the thirty eight parallel, San Francisco of which, ostensibly named after him,in the ethereal World, as the Golden Hone, renamed from the Ship Pelican,or which he renamed the Golden Hind after reaching the stairs if Megellon prior and interesting Alcatraz translated Pelican, in the local Native American Miwok Natives, And as he sailed into the Golden Gate on the Golden Hine, in Plain view of him and dropped Anchor whet I am presently,off the shores of Sausalito ..too be continued . 

Drake 103

A description of the reaction by the stone Age Miwoks of Marin County at the thirty eight parallel, San Francisco of which, ostensibly named after him,in the ethereal World, as the Golden Hone, renamed from the Ship Pelican,or which he renamed the Golden Hind after reaching the stairs if Megellon prior and interesting Alcatraz translated Pelican, in the local Native American Miwok Natives, And as he sailed into the Golden Gate on the Golden Hine, in Plain view of him and dropped Anchor whet I am presently,off the shores of Sausalito ..too be continued . 

Drake 102

Being Anchored longer then anyone I know for sure, where Francis Drake anchored and made first contact, with the stone age Miwoks, who regarded him and his crew as gods and even brought their sick to then, for healing and toldhis crew, not to molest the women and treat the locals with dignity, for after all,  he was a preachers kid and was busy brining down the greatest Empire on Earth, the Spanish Empire, on which the Sund never be continued...

Drake 101

Being Anchored longer then anyone I know for sure, where Francis Drake anchored and made first contact, with the stone age Miwoks, who regarded him and his crew as gods and even brought their sick to then, for healing and toldhis crew, not to molest the women and treat the locals with dignity, for after all,  he was a preachers kid and was busy brining down the greatest Empire on Earth, the Spanish Empire, on which the Sund never be continued...

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Resume part one by Peter Romanowsky

My Resume' by Peter Romanowsky born June 26th 1949 in Sweden as my family was fleeing from the Russian Finnish Wars and eventually found Sanctuary in the city of Cork Ireland where we were taken in by an Irish Family as refugees and had two brothers born there and then moved to New York in Manhattan too "Hells Kitchen", where the immigrants move to, if I'm not mistaken. Then we moved to Los Angeles where my dad had a job as a mechanic for American Airlines and then we moved to the suburbs for Los Angeles in the bedroom community of San Fernando Valley and live in Reseda, Encino and Tarzana after growing up there we moved to Forestville  on the Russian River area and briefly attended Analy High School in Sabastopol California before moving to Larkspur in 1964 and attending Redwood High in Corte Madera Larkspur area  and fell in love with Sausalito and had a best friend whose parents owned and operated a commercial fishing boat called the Mollie and sold to them by the famous and late great Cass Gidley and have lived in Marin County every since except for a brief year or so back in San Fernando Valley attending Reseda high and prior to that when living before in the Valley, attended Portola Junior be continued 

Finnish Gypsies

Patricia Twomey I was asked to speak at a Christian Gypsy service in Finland and was so blessed and didn't know at the time that I had Gypsy blood, of which my mother hid from the Finnish Nazi Party and even sang Opera in Nazi Youth Rallys to help his her identity and didn't say until on her death bed and keeping it a secret all her life to us, least we be treated as Gypsies in America, where everyone live like a Gypsy and as you know the Nazis hated Gypsies as much as the Jews, if you had any Gypsy blood and my sister Leena hate a DNA test and found that we have Persian DNA, And the Persian Women we're and are, among he most beautiful in the World , the Gypsy meeting was wonderful with salvation and healing  service and a highlight in my life and I didn't even know, that I had Persian/Ghost blood in me ..but God knew and those that invited me to preach at the Gypsy Free Church  meeting ...the women still where the gowns and then men still wear Gypsy Boots in Finland and most have become Christians,was my impression and my Dark Haired and Blue eyed grandfather in Finland, let the Gypsy Caravans camp on his vast farm in the town of Tianus Jurva Finland. Near Vassa on the coast...and my mother was told that she would be sold too the Gypsies,if she was naughty and further,because my mother was a trained Opera singer in Finland from the Finnish Conservatory of Music, in Helsinki, Fin
land. She had limited options to sing and so even sang  at Nazi Youth Rallys,again to help hide her Gypsy blood.and I have never heard her say anything hateful about Jews...

Sunday, October 17, 2021


We are all made of gravity, no one has been able to explain, the attraction of one body to another, otherwise known as gravity and we keep pulling ourselves apart and trying not to be part of gravity and thus splitting the Atom...gravity is part of being human beings, it keeps us from flying off into space and attracts us one too another....for we need the feeling of being pulled together into oneness, with God and man...

Monday, October 11, 2021

Anchorout and Mariner poem

Poem by an Anchorout Benign Pirate of the Brethren Union on San Francisco Bay, a ghost cooperate of Mariners, cruisers, fishermen and salvagers and rescuers who smell like a sound and drink in scourge or scorn, and laugh about it in the way, while cheering and needing and  eating like Lazarus, out of the rich man's trash cans and dumpsters, And we are survivers, paying no rent, mortgage or taxes, except for our booze, for we pay more taxes for our rum and Beer and wine then any cop or politician, so dare say anyone, that we don't pay our taxes, for our freedom, from rent, Utilities, mortgages and water and garbage, for we eat more garbage then we generate, And we have no carbon footprint to speak of at all, no oils spills by The Brethren Union of San Francisco Bay, only those connected to the lands and government of California, have caused any pollution. The Bird people of the Audobond Society are among our worse enemies here in San Francisco Bay, hate us, hate, hate, us is thier chief mantra and El Grass , El Grass is thier cry, eliminate the working and livaboard Mariners at the cost of human life and death, for Mariners and Anchorouts, with nowhere too, rest and  rest and sleep, the last vestage of freedom, the open waters of the bay and seas, And for he or she has conquered the waters,have conquered the World. 

Chaplins Log October 02

Strong and mighty Angel holding the Cross and spreading the good News I the Gospel if Jesus Christ, before He returns and if have been of are blessed they these supernatural photos,that I have been able to take, as one of God's  photographers and too the best of my knowledge am blessed, with the largest collection...www, And if you seem blessed enough to share in supporting this supernatural  ministry and Church Fellowship on Sundays at three PM, with social barbeque and service after and into the evening,every Sunday, And please consider a small contribution, if you can't be there for the catered food by Peter Romanowsky and fellow non compensation God Bless and thank you in advance, for that one two or three dollar offering,for lady Sunday I forgot the propane tank and had to buy a new one at the coast of around seventy dollars, of which I didn't need, except in this emergency on last Sunda, on top of the hundred dollars for the basic food and utensils and no worries, the Lord will touch someone too help carry the light burdens for Jesus, when we are yoked together, with Him...

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Anchorout Poem

Running and tumbling and wandering thoughts of freedom and liberty for taxes, contracts, And such, free as bird, I our own cage, eating hemp seeds to sing for our freedoms and golden cages can never hold or silence the hemp eating and singing birds of Paradise in a sea of the freedom of thoughts gone wild, until the keeper of the cage, falls to it's knees bees and confesses that do bird should be kept in a cage or marina or mooring ball ...signed weee are winning and saving our Anchorage from Goldbricker and the Audubon Society, the evil, evil, doers that think more of bird, with thier bird brains and no realizing that these birds roost and breed on our bardges, vessels and boats and the sea kckings to our bottoms and feeds the World and seas, with the crustatins that cling too our bottoms  ...

Friday, October 8, 2021


I have found a way  for Muslims to say the proper name of God, be sure Allah is not a proper name but generic and ultimately means the Gods or gods like Elohim is a plural form of God also and nobody wants to talk about it much with the extreme forms of Monotheism in the World denying both Jesus as God's Son and the Holy Spirit or which all share the same Divine substance...Allallujah and something to ponder for using the term, referring to the Gods or gods, in not improper and yet there are so many fearful and superstitious religions that cannot comprehend that God the Father never said that there are no other gods, but said in Genesis that thou shalt have no other gods before me and at the same time Jesus reminded the Jews that we are all gods, so why Cobden me for saying that he was the son of God, And the very word for the Children of God to be called gods, is the exact same Hebrew word for God Almighty Elohim, And the conclusion to this synopsis is that we are all one Spirit with the Godhead and the Angels who are also called if you have been blessed and fed through this Non Profit Church and ministry sponsored by the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc P.O. Box 1591 San Anselmo, CA 94960, And again support your local minister of the ones that fed you both Spiritually as well as physically 


I have found a way  for Muslims to say the proper name of God, be sure Allah is not a proper name but generic and ultimately means the Gods or gods like Elohim is a plural form of God also and nobody wants to talk about it much with the extreme forms of Monotheism in the World denying both Jesus as God's Son and the Holy Spirit or which all share the same Divine substance...Allallujah and something to ponder for using the term, referring to the Gods or gods, in not improper and yet there are so many fearful and superstitious religions that cannot comprehend that God the Father never said that there are no other gods, but said in Genesis that thou shalt have no other gods before me and at the same time Jesus reminded the Jews that we are all gods, so why Cobden me for saying that he was the son of God, And the very word for the Children of God to be called gods, is the exact same Hebrew word for God Almighty Elohim, And the conclusion to this synopsis is that we are all one Spirit with the Godhead and the Angels who are also called if you have been blessed and fed through this Non Profit Church and ministry sponsored by the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc P.O. Box 1591 San Anselmo, CA 94960, And again support your local minister of the ones that fed you both Spiritually as well as physically 

Update on Sausalito Tent City

Sleeping at last are more famous for thier movie score music like the movies Twilight and other movies and that's why no one has ever really heard them  before and are most famous for thier lyrics and are obviously Christians without being called a Christian band. PS I made do much noise after an attempted assault on me by a deranged demoniac women that hurled and steel bar at me and missed, so that twenty four hour security has or is being placed at tent city Sausalito of which mentioned was started by a fellow church attendee and was so inspired to do so after coming into Christian fellowship Sundays in front of City Hall and the camp will be a safer place now from the bad element and drugs and sometimes all nite banging of pots and cursing by women at night and men arguing in the daytime and yelling and I have never seen so much addition and mental ones in one spot in my life and it is a real mission and challenge for a home missionary to the poor and homeless and the mentally ill and all bring thrown out on the streets and the Napa State Mental hospital being closed  and nowhere to send the severely mentally ill, except in over crowded convelescent homes for example, And but there's talk of putting the homeless into the Alta Mira hotel, the fanciest in Sausalito under the Governor's  latch Key program when winter rains come and flood the present homeless camp where the Art Festival once was...upon a time signed Waterfront Pastor Peter Romanowsky meetings on Sunday at three PM in front of Sausalito City Hall, starting with a barbecue style dinner and then Church and Christian Fellowship into the evenings...

Monday, October 4, 2021

On Sabbath keeping

Which Sabbath  was Paul referring to ?! when he taught that we didn't have to keep the Sabbaths and by saying that one must keep the Sabbath to be saved is a lie and then one will have to live under all the laws and commandments or die for that is the penalty for gathering wood to start a fire on the Sabbath and was the man was slain and you go and live by your rules and do nothing, but stay a home seven days a week, while others are forced through divorce and thieft and robbery of which you can stay at home and do the same thing, virtually nothing, Seven days. Week and I Will go with Saint Pauls  general Christian interpretation of Paul's meanings on the Sabbath and all law keeping and not of a Christian Cult like the Adventist who are isolated from the general Christian Community on the Sabbath, of which was the Shadow and  Christ is the body and unless is born again, one will never understand, but will continue to do nothing for the Kingdom of God and not even sell your possessions and give to the poor like Christ told the rich young ruler who kept all the laws and Sabbaths and but hadn't live of compassion in thier hearts and while you were teasing me about sending a $500.00 donation, then God touched my impoverished friend Michael, to send me $500.00 without asking and just tol shame you for living the life of Riely and he was disinherited for being a Christian and preaches in front of San Francisco City Hall like I do in Sausalito whole you sit around enjoying and resting on ones ill gotten gain that you inherited and you and Becky would have both been disinherited, if you completely surrendered to Christ and his teaching about selling what you have and give to the poor, of which your dad could never do and if your not born again then you are the same as him and with only a form of Godliness but denying the power and only God knows if you are born again of just another religious person like the rich young ruler, And I live by two Commandments to Love God and man and waiting for you to sell all and give to be poor like I did, when I gave my community property to Becky to keep her from being disinherited and impoverished and now I am the richest man on the waterfront and am Able to feed the poor out of my own pocket on the waterfront like virtually no one else on the waterfront and God will continue Shaming you and your ill gotten wealth at the cost of people like me that your parents and family has screwed along with countless women by your Hedonistic father who did nothing without gain and I like others I  was just breeding cattle on his ranch for grandchildren then taken away from me....

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Captains log Sausalito

The hardest thing about living like a celebrate monk is the waves of sexuel temptations and feelings, that come like heat waves, so to speak and like dogs in heat, we have to have control over these coming and the heat waves of passion and happens to both men and women and more often with men who feel like bsy bees and wanting to pollinate, while women in heat have more to lose it n a non marriage sexuel relationship and I have learned a lot how to deal with the heat waves of lust, that hit us all and I have learned many ways of dealing with these heat waves, like a little bit of self love, votka for one, THC in edibles form, music, music,music, getting naked in public and saying screw the World, but give me Jesus and radiating ones sexual energy away from one and seeing people naked on a public beach and seeing all thier faults, will put compassion in ones heart for these poor and overweight to people, instead of lust for it inordinate lust is the violation of the Eleventh Commandment to Love one another and not to lust after them has been my secret of being a self imposed Enoch, with few failures since my divorce in 1984

Captains log Anchorout on San Francisco Bay

We successfully immigrated too America after the Russian Finnish War the Russians wanted my dad back to be executed for treason as a Soviet Army Offer with a battlefield rank of Captain and defected during the battle one quite night on the Russian Finnish front walk walked over to the other side abd freedom and but now the sane people are taking over America and the World and China and we had to have a sponsor to immigrate t America and sign a agreement not to ask for financial aid or welfare for three years and we never did.....

Pastors Log Sausalito Waterfront Community Church Services

I am the worse Church fundraiser for I want to do it all by myself without thinking of asking people for money and I have never in my life asked a total stranger for money or ever pan handled asking in my life, even as a street minister and artist, for that is not my mode of operation, for I feel if one is blessed by what I or anyone does,the one out of love, appreciation and kindness should without asking to help support a ministry that ministers too you and that's where your gifts and offering should go to the place where one is fed and ministered to and not just too a cold and death and dry Church , that just goes through the rituals,like in a Non Born hypnotic state,as Atheists love to go to church to pretend and pray on the clean and cleansed members, instead of going to nasty drug filled bars with hookers and drug dealers and prostitutes with aids, etc....Sincerely Waterfront Senior Pastor of Sausalito where we meet starting around noon for Church Picnic and Services all afternoon and into the night with lunch  and candlelight supper and no charge and just bring yourself if to broke to even put a flat or two in the food offering jar for that's where all the donations go, to buy food to feed the low income on the Sausalito Waterfront and expect a miracle if healing and deliverance when stepping into the Holy Ground in front of the Sausalito Civic Center/ City Hall Library, with food, open mic, Spiritual ambient and and live music and dancing before the Lord ....

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Prayers are valuable also and last night I listened too the Book of Enoch and noticed that Jesus and others in the Bible seem to quote from also and the Book is part of the Ethiopian Christian and Bible and the Ethiopian Jewish Bible also ...very old and historically important Book even if not included in Western Bible and thank you for your thoughts on donating to  feed the waterfront poor for pure religion unblemished before God and man is to visit the Fatherless and widows and to keep ones self from being spotted by the  World and for the starving and or  malnourished people of the World who really don't care about splitting hairs over Theology and getting introverted in Church and not reaching out to peoples basic needs, before indoctrination and fighting and arguing and fighting over Theology lessons instead of taking in the homeless, clothing the naked and visiting people in hospitals and prisons as Jesus taught and also in scripture it teaches that if a man have two coats to give to him that hath none and that goes for houses and lands also of which I noticed that my late  father in law never seemed to never give anything away without strings and I'm sure in my heart that I was just treated like one of his cattle as a sperm donator for to o spoil my grandchildren with his influence and millions, too make me look like  a loser in my children's eyes who have all but abandoned me and taking the grandchildren with them and never even seeing two of them and If I asked Becky directly for financial help to continue feeding the poor and ministering the general Word to them and creating fellowship and a funny story when I was in Istanbul the only Church I could find was a Seventh Adveist Church and who talking and fellowshipping with the pastor and the most famous Seventh Day Evangelist from the Middle East they a asked me if I knew who they were and I said of course your Christians and they were waiting for me to react to that question as if I may have had done prejudice and I had none for on the Mission Field everyone pretty much gets along with other Missionaries especially in Istanbul the capital of Mosques and as I said  before to that If I asked Becky directly for help in feeding the broke homeless, Anchorout outcasts  and needy she would put money into my account and but maybe out of a little pride I don't ask her for help and only in an emergency or if credit cards out for I live in my credit cards and virtually put my entire SS and disability check directly into account and an down to around thousand credit left or more and have no worries for for where God provides He guides and my Fellowship briefly with SDA ministers in Turkey was a blessing in spite of any theological differences they are virtually all set aside and my Missionary Ancester Matti Tarkkanen who became head if all missionary work world wide for the country of Finland as Lutheran Priest and help resolve a serious religious conflict in Angola and is written up in the United Nations and in conclusion hungry and dying people in the World don't care about minor doctrinal disputes while dying of exposer, hunger and sickness and also I signed over my community property too Becky to hold for me and the family anyway under threats of disinheritance by my clearly late father in laws Hedonism and my family beliced in  sexuel purity while he believed in virtually nothing and shouted out in front of everyone that he was a heathen and I'm sure that he never kept the Sabbath of ever wrnt to Church except weddings and funerals and so again in conclusion hungry dying and neglected people don't care about endless doctrinal squabbles, but need friends and someone to talk to and listen to and take too Social Services for healing and medical and food stamps and general assistance and Social Security and most homeless have lost everything, including wallets and purses and IDs and furthermore by Ernie's spreading his millions around too my children and their mother makes me look like a fool and loser in thier eyes and a Christian Fundamentalist outcast for not practicing fornication like my late father in law and making example to my children that his way is the best instead of being ready to lose all and be crucified for living and striving for a pure life of perfection and not practicing gross sin,firnjcation and worse of all the love of money, of which is the root of all evil and if I ran around with my late father in law and chased women like he did he would have loved me like buddies and but I have a higher calling and our Church congregation is about to explode around the world in our example of all day or night services for the end is near and we need to set aside our differences and relieve suffering and bring healing and that's the way we are healed while healing others first and while people sit and eat in front of thier flat screen TVs and over eat and die of diabetes,obesity and  heart failure while collecting welfare checks for instance the government is killing people by giving healthy people unearned income and they slowly die watching TV and eating themselves to death as Jesus taught people will be marrying over marrying and over eating and drinking when the Lord returns I stead of breaking bread with the poor and more to say later and thank you again for your thoughts and prayers and be assured that we have no strange doctrines to teach and use only the Bible and add nothing or take away nothing and I am asssured in my heart that I am doing the right thing and my credit is not shot and I can climb out of the three thousand debt with a little help from my friends m,to buy the food and things to feed up too fifty people on Sundays for under a hundred dollars of which is fantastic and but takes up to  a third of my income and forget tithing for that is the least one can do and Jesus has called us to do more the just give ten percent of us and but wants a hundred percent of us in all that we do and Jesus told the rich young ruler who kept all the Commandments from his youth and was lost still because he had no love in his heart for the poor to go the extra mile and sell what he didn't need and give to the poor of which is the greatest blessings on earth and healing the Bible teaches will come too one who gives and heals others instead of just sitting and waiting for the end of the world as we know it and pray for my children also who apparently have no interest in Church and Hannah had never even come too Waterfront Church but only once four years ago and nothing I can say or do about it in my proverbial proverty and low standing on Earth and I know from the visions that I have had and photographed that I am doing God's will,Pastoring formally again and the Church is slowly but surely growing and I can see in the future  hundred people coming on Sundays and since we started Church again  after year and half break aftercbeing kicked out of the Senior Center because of  a crazy homeless drug addict and homosexual  vagrant from San Francisco coming to Church service and trashing the bathroom and pulling the fire alarms, like they do in the streets of  city and had us kicked out and but at least we don't have to pay rent now outside where it is more beautiful and the we meek have inherited the best spot to have Church outdoors in the World so to speak and we in the past have had up too maybe fifty people coming and going too the Church services which includes Pantry and two hot dinners every Sunday and a listening ear for the suffering and lovely and broke and lost and bullied by the Devil and his Demons in human form on the Waterfront and Anchorage of Sausalito and Sincerely Peter Romanowsky Senior Pastor of our Sausalito Christian Fellowship Congregation and safe place to be on Sundays unt the bars close so to speak for if people can hang out in bars til 2:pm, then we can have Church til then also and starting to go into a trance now so now I wi say goodbye until my next inspired one finger message on my cell phone and haven't touched a computer since Covex and Library closer and if anyone would like to contribute too the healing and feeding and creating an atmosphere of fellowship and strength in  numbers Sausalito Waterfront Church send too New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated P.O.Box 2404 San Anselmo CA. 94960 and all the monies or donations will not go for salary,for no one has a salary in our  Corporation of three board members including my children's mother as Treasurer of our 501c non profit religious and missionary organization and thank you again. Very much anyone reading this Churcb bulletin and personal and family feelings and love is not easily offendedand to be continued in the Spirit by the Grace of God and J beg of ask for nothing and WI climb out of my debt alone with God and a we need is to buy the food and utensils and have some extra money to give to the poor and destitute of Sausalito, likeknly I've seen and witnessed and live among them and have become one of them likes a Missionary joining the tribe go help them from within and adapted some of thief customs unfamiliar with the clothed and showered and fed and sheltered World for like Saint Paul said that I have  become all things to all people that I by all means might save some....

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Church Bulletin

Last Sunday Church service at 420 Litho Street Sausalito with the best overall attendance this summer with people coming and going from 2:pm til late into the night and until dawn, if need be, praying for revival in our land and bring something to our Church picnic at 1pm before services if you can and if not and no worries and but will share that if everyone donated a single dollar or two for the food it will go a long way to keep high quality food coming and last Sunday we had steak and that was special and it cost a lot of money to buy initial food, propane and implements and so far this year that I have personally carried the bulk of the expenses over that past year and was and an glad to do it and put me three thousand in the red on my credit cards and I'm not asking for money back that I have donated, but to keep the basic core food coming as my credit cards are not far away from maxing and all everyone has to do is donated a dollar at least every Sunday and if everyone did, it would pay for half of the expenses and I'll be better able to carry the balance of which I estimate that I have been  able to keep the Sunday Services going since we originally started meeting indoors a few years ago and have been able to contribute maybe around $20,000.00, since we started originally meeting a few years and half of the up too around eight hundred dollars a month,when we met indoors and had to pay rent at City Hall Senior Center where we meet every Sunday in patio area rent free now and but the food to feed up to forty people  coming and going and congregating and the weekly bill for food is around three too four hundred a month out of pocket and so if everyone contributes a couple of dollars the good expenses would be covered for our Church picnic and services of which come out to about  up to eighty dollars a week,out of pocket and where God wills He pays the bills and I feel His presence as I write this with one finger on my cell phone and no time for punctuations and so I type, like I speak, exactly and further I feel His presence via the Angels and Holy Spirit for we are all one,in Christ and the Father and we are not not just starting a Church Congregation, but a movement and revival too spread around the World as Sausalito is a cultural generator that spreads it's art and ideas, World wide by having virtually all day and into the night with Christian fellowship on Sundays and not just three hymns and a sermon then all go home and this way we can all fellowship from 2:pm til 2:am or until the bars close for we can fellowship and pray longer then being drink in a nasty smelling  bar.. Sincerely yours in Christ Sausalito Waterfront and Anchorage Senior Pastor at large  Peter  Romanowsky CEO of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc P I. Box 1591 San Anselmo, CA. 94960 if you would like to mail a contribution to continue feeding physically and Spiritually the folks on the waterfront and I in exhile or for those living in Tent City refugee camp Sausalito and search tent city Sausalito for more information on that tent city of which was a spin off of our Sunday Church services and also for more information on how one can help the exhiled from so called polite society....415 374 0734 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Meth Head Pirates of San Francisco Bay/Sausalito CA.

End of the line for the Pirate Meth Heads of San Francisco Bay and Sausalito where these Meth freaks can't live without stealing a looting and even my own camp in Camp Jesus Tent City Sausalito, which started from our Anchorout and Benign Pirate Church Services feeding the poor and counciling and fellowshipping and cross pollination .... Remember the Pirates Code as written by  lack Bark the Preacher Pirate and Captain Morgan whose grave went down too the bottom of the sea, during the tidel wave of Port Royal and has never been found....We are not criminals but Outlaws of San Francisco Bay, for they made us that way and we shall overcome and take the State of California for fun and pleasure for what we have been put through and then chew you out and spit in the proverbial face of Newson's California against the Anchorouts, of San Francisco Bay and my Russian, Finnish, Viking Ancester who came to San Francisco/ Sausalito in 1890, to reach Mariners for Christ and left the Finnish Seamen's Mission in San Francisco and morphed into Saint Francis Church, on Church Street in Castro District San Francisco....If Taleban can defeat America under Biden, then we the so called Outlaws and Pirates of San Francisco Bay can defeat the State of California forthright to benignly work, live and die on our vessels on San Francisco Bay...We will take down the Star of California in this cold war against the fishermen, salvagers and benign Pirates of San Francisco Bay....just like the Taliban took down Biden America....

 We are not criminals, but outlaws and Pirates in the eyes of the State of California of which, we are at a cold war with the State and the treacherous scumbag thieving, Meth Heads who commit the ultimate Pirate code violation, set forth by Moran, that any so called Pirate, who steals from another must pay the ultimate punishment and I've watched these Meth Pirates die for  many decades....Anchorout Pirate /Outlaw News on San Francisco Bay/ the Meth heads at Camp Jesus Tent City, think they have a pass from God and His will pass them, if they don't repent... See you Sundays 2:pm at 429 Litho Sausalito CA. For Waterfront and Anchorout Church Services and lunch and supper e in the evening at 7:pm, second service of the day and then late into the night after AA meeting indoors at eight pm and then prayer into the night and until the morning if need be, through prayer and meditation for all night, potential services with hot food and drink didn't get home to my floating prison in paradise until after four in the morning, ministering to a Brother in Christ ... PitateWatch "Arthur Morgan | REDEMPTION" on YouTube

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Brain dead Meth Heads

Hardly a year goes by since living full time on the waterfront if Sausalito without some meth or Alcoholic of Meth Head head doesn't stalk or threathen me an easy target, being non violent and all and don't take things  into my own hands for God owns the sinners and will punish them and has for decades by outliving the crack heads, thieves and women and children abusers, if which all Meth addicts and serve alcohols do and are terrorizing the elderly, disabled and women and children in Tent Sanctuary Sausalito after giving the mentally Ill of Tent City Meth for blow jobs and the homeless camp has been fenced in like  Concentration Camp run by a handful of Meth Heads who threathen and steel and run decent people out if the camp and everyone should file restraining orders and charges on them until they are driven off or in prison and peace be restored to Camp Jesus Sausalito the original name by Daniel Eggink who picked the first permanent Tent in Sausalito but the hard 
drug users and sever alcoholics destroyed the first  camp and are in the process of destroying the present camp location and PS this photo was taken on my boat years ago on boat after lighting a stick of incense a hand appeared in the cloud of smoke holding the Devil's severed and mangled head and this is your head on Meth and you know who you are and God does also and I do also, for I've been in or around this town since 1964 and have outlived all the Evil doers in town do far and for the best revenge is a good life and stay away from Meth  heads for like brain dead Zombies on Draino an ingredient  in making Meth, thier brains are dead and looking for a place to die and may non if them rot next to you in a tent...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Sequel project script for movie Hook by Peter Romanowsky

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sequel concept to the movie Hook!

An Allegory of life on the San Francisco Bay by Peter Romanowsky based on a sequel to the movie Hook! ONE DAY, I came upon a movie named "HOOK". A story about PETER PAN, after he finally grew up and forgot who he really was.
After Peter Pan came back to his world safely, from Captain Hooks clutches with his children. He became a better father and volunteered to work with kids. Especially his son as a Little League Base Ball Couch, and his daughter who plays Wendy in the local playhouse theater.

   He became a better attorney and a better and thoughtful person in general. To his wife as well as those under him in his corporate firm. He also became more concerned about the plight of the poor and under represented, more then worshiping his job and making money.

   So all was well with Peter Pan, now known again as Peter Banning. To his professional associates and friends, who had no idea where he really came from! Knowing only that he is now a successful attorney and a part of the world, (that he vowed as a youth that he would NEVER grow up and become a part of). But because he married Wendy's daughter, (Wendy) who had now grown and aged, not the daughter of course, she was the same age. For Wendy had grown old, along with everyone else, that Peter new in the real world.
   One day a dark sinister occidental star had begun to raise again on the horizon, the Pirate Captain Hook had cut his way out of the stuffed alligator that swallowed him with his penknife. And now decided to follow Peter back fro Never-Never-Land, that he now occupied. He knew he had to destroy him, but how in a   modern technological world?

  He devised a plan, to disguise his black pirate ship as a classic yacht. Dress up his pirate crew and reveal himself again disguised as a successful corporate executive, or CORPORATE PIRATE to be more exact.

  He came one day to Peter's Law firm invited as a distinguished guest speaker, and swayed his associates to come aboard his mighty corporate machine. Which has been taking over the executive and classic yacht-racing horizon, like a dark cloud on a stormy sea.

  When Peter watching him realized who he was, that he was Hook in disguise, he wanted to cry out and expose him during his presentation. But then he realized that no one would believe him, AS HOOK WINKED AT HIM WITH HIS EYE. For he knew that would it be sear madness and would destroy HIS REPUTATION for sure, and possibly even open the door to lock him up for insanity.” Think of it", the president of his firm telling everyone that this is Captain Hook come back from Never Never-Land, and that he in truth was really Peter Pan who had now grown up!

  But now HOOK who was dressed to the hilt, swayed the board members like no corporate pirate had ever done before. His reputation that he accrued, before springing himself upon the corporate firm of Banning and Associates, was well thought out in advance. He had gained is reputation from representing an oil shipping firm, which had a history of cutting corners leaking problems, including a major oil spill on the North West Coast. Of which he blamed it on the mechanics that operated the ship, instead of the captain who was drunk in his bunk and not keeping watch with the helmsmen.

   But his main fame came from his reputation of having the fastest and most ruthless sailing yacht in the corporate world. With the meanest and most ruthless and cunning crew that the world had ever seen. The black pirate yacht named the "SKULL BONES".

   A motion was given and a vote was taken, and Captain Hook was made president of Peter's law firm. "That was it", Hook had convinced the other board members that his yacht would continue being the scourge of the corporate seven seas, and he had already proved in advance that no one could beat him or stand in his way. For he had black dark mystical powers and silver tongue with a gold saber to wave in the wind.

  Peter was devastated; he was wiped out in a moment, his whole life flashed before him as he reeled from the impact. Like a ship tossed in a heavy sea, under a giant swell. His wife could or would not comfort him, Hook had beaten him again. Proving that he was in the long run more clever and ruthless then even he could ever imagine.

    So Peter went down to the seashore near his home by the San Francisco Bay in a county called Marin, to a little bay side town called Sausalito across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. Where there he laid his head on an old anchor and chain, in a harbor that his firm once helped restore to it's rustic past.
Where fishermen and old wooden boat tradesmen gathered, worked and passed on the ancient dying art of wooden boat building by hand.

  All of A SUDDEN HE HEARD SOME Familiar Voices. He could hardly believe his ears, it sounded like the "Lost Boys" singing sea shanty's as they worked. He turned and there, they were. Dressed in working waterfront mariner s clothing, with tools in their hand, like they had a plan. For Tinker Bell had heard of the evil plans of Captain James Hook, while she was stealing some jam from the captain’s table. She had gathered together all the Lost Boys from Never-Land, to awaken them to THE PLAN. To restore the ancient ship called Galilee, after which the harbor was so named. For she was a mighty Windjammer that CROSSED the Seven Heavenly Seas. With record-breaking stealth and speed. She rounded the Horn so gracefully through mighty tossed and stormy seas, and then sailed into this historic harbor, to rest upon her lee-side.

    But now with the help of the Lost Boys and Tinker Bell, the boat was to be refurbished, cleaned and outfitted with new rigging. To fight against the evil trade winds of the vessel called "Skull Bones", and to shame Captain Hook and his crew. With the good ship Galilee restored and renewed, Captain Hook will not have a prayer unless his rigging and outfitting is squared, and his dark hart is right with his maker.

  Peter was astonished, amazed and in great awe that friendship and fellowship had followed him thus far. With toil and vigor they all dressed the sails, working and squaring all the rigging and stays and turnbuckles. They new they could beat Old Captain Hook and restore Never Land’s good name. They knew they could shame and disgrace him and bring Peter home again. The harbor was indebted to Banning's company so deep, that all the maritime workers would pitch in and keep, the ship from failing, flailing and floundering in the on coming waves so steep, so all the world will wonder again, at the ship called GALILEE.

   Onward went Hook with his new position of power, which he had usurped his archenemy Peter Pan to this very hour. He thought there would be nothing that he could not do, to conquer and conquest the New World he, now knew. With ruthless abandon he absorbed and he merged, corporations together with one final aim. To consolidate his power and glory and ruthless evil ways, to influence the children to always misbehave. By confusing and defusing and fighting for the wrong, he felt that Peter would never be able to come back to fight for his home. Among his friends, acquaintances, family, and children, all have been lost, to fight for his freedom no matter the coast.

      Meanwhile Hook had moved into his new corporate mansion, on top of the highest hill on the richest island in California, Belvedere. With a spectacular view of the San Francisco Bay, with the city bright and glowing before him, and the little town of Sausalito to his right.

Where Peter now lived in outward abject poverty and resourcefulness, with the floating community that he now called his home. But slowly and surely Peter worked on his plan, to conquer their unconquerable with only his hands. Recycling and praying and working with wood, he stopped every leak of the rustic square-rigger, together with the lost Boys and the workers of old, they began to tread water out of the abandoned and thought to be obsolete ships of delivery, in this Liberty Ship way.

     The ways of deliverance were carving the deadeye stays, with standing and running the rigging was twined. The shackles and turnbuckles were added for strength; with line upon line the rigging was complete. With Tinker bell on head mast to lighten the way for other ships to see, they slipped out for maneuvers while Hook was out to play with a socialite named Helmsley who had captured his heart with all her millions in oil  (polluting) industry, which he also represented in state and federal government class action suits for her families company, environmental disasters. Hook also busied himself in the politics also that Peter had plans to enter in before he was voted off the presidency, of the board and forced into exile.  Not even being able to care for his bring his wife and children. But Hook cared not as to what sorrow of heart he could bring, because that was his plan all along. But also the added excitement of a political career where he could take his message of ruthless behavior to all the world was at hand. For Peter had done all the groundwork and his former secretary was now in the lap of Captain Hook.

       Meanwhile the sun kept raising and the sun kept setting on the little town of Sausalito with it's vistas and panamas of redwood tree lined mountain ridges and cold brilliant green and blue waters dancing to all the colors of the bright red, purple, pink and crimson horizons, that the rainbow filled white clouded skies could rain upon a human being.

        The lost boys worked, Peter hammered and Tinker bell polished all the fine details as supervisor. Captain Hook kept up his legal and political career as an elected local Supervisor and Chairmen of the Board. Never once noticing the enameled green polished work of classic wood that was being transformed before his very eyes, and under his nose. Until a couple who inhabited the same harbor named Buttons and Bows, established themselves as an theatrical trope and began rubbing their shoulders with Hook's company, and festive balls and wine tasting consorts. Buttons and bow tie were more and more getting involved with the politics of Hook and forgetting the poverty and the people from whence they came from and said they would help. This became a great concern to the working waterfront mariners, lost boys and Tinker bell and Peter. They began to set watches least the secrets of the ship Galilee be revealed to Hook and his crew by a slip of a sip of champagne and wine.

     Slowly the days were approaching for the final preparations and show down challenge to Hook's pirate yacht and fantasies of becoming President of the United States someday.

     Then came the time for the Ship Galilee to be hauled out beached and re-fitted for the final challenge. The Paint was scraped, brass polished, varnish applied, standing and running rigging replaced lines, servile shackles and dead eyes all double checked, then bottom painted with racing water line and finally blocks and chalks removed and skids greased, to let the graceful ship slid back into the blessed waters from which she was plucked. The challenge was about to be made, as a surprise, but buttons and bow ties (now black ties) were about to spill the beans, and warn Hook of the pending challenge, and the work the lost boys had done, to better equip the ship. Tinker bell raced ahead when she got wind of the scheme and tried to head them off. But to now avail for just when she reached Napa County and the local political wine tasting celebration, where now black ties, betrayed the secrete.

     Immediately Hook rushed out of the political event and gathered his pirate crew to attempt to sabotage the ship Galilee while she was quietly resting in haven. Into the skiffs they jumped and rowed with all there might in the dark, to gauge out the cotton chalking from the rustic seems and let the boat list until it sank.

 But before he could carry out his plan, one of the lost boys spotted their strange-silhouetted skiffs in the dark and sounded the alarm. Down went Hook and his men in their leading skiff when a boat hook point was thrust through the bow in gushed the sea. Cursing Hook swam to the other boats and was pulled in soaking wet with all his fine red silk clothes and cursing the day that the lost boys and Peter Pan was born. Then firing his rustic 50mm odd flare pistol and lit the rigging on fire, with it's classic tar cover shrouds.

      Fighting frantically to put out the flames the lost boys, lost sight of Hook and his pirate crew in an on coming fog bank. Meanwhile Buttons and Bow tie (black tie) had no remorse for the slip of the lip and continued to practice their theatrics, instead of doing the real work that needed to be done around the harbor. Which can only exist if the people that live on their boats make their living from the sea. But theater and show has always been the easiest way to escape into   illusion (with smoke and mirrors) and place people into a dream world, not of this earth. Then have to face the harsh reality of working with ones owns hands, and getting down and grity with the people of the earth.  …To be continued

Seqeul development concept script, for the move Hook II
Script rough draft part two sequel to movie Hook! After Captain Hook's men fail to destroy Peter Banning's and Lost Boys ship, The Gallilee. The yacht race is about to commence, without further incident , except Hook and his.crew, smuggel cannons on to his ship to blow the ship Gallilee out of the water, should he begin to lose the race. As the race begins with the roar of shore cannons, two s...hips depart, Hook's pirate ship, disguised has his corporate yacht and the restored and rebuilt ship The Gallilee, from the.mudflats of Sausalito! As the ships depart the Tiburon Cove, seagulls screamiing and crying, the afternnon winds blowing , from the deep blue sea breeze, cutting.through the deep green San Francisco bay, a pot of passing wales blow their spouts as thy passed by in the deep channel, that used to be the ancient Sacramento river bed, passong between Angel Island and Belvedere Islands, the land marks on Francis Drake's Chaplin's map! The tide was in ebb , the warm wind of a distant hurricane, in the distant Pacific horizon, creates excitment, on the good ship Galillee, as the Lost Boys, are used to living semi outdoors, the warm wind, takes the cill frpm the be continued as I continue writing this rough script and draft to the movie Hook , the Sequel. Google Sequel Hook by Peter Romanowsky, for a draft, of part one, of the sequel concept, with Americas Cup, starting trials, at the end of this year, this is an appropriate, time to begin writing again. I thought I saw.Robin Williams again and called ouy to him again on his bile, that I habe, the sequel to Hook! (via Peter Romanowsky             
While the two ships sailed side by side, through Racoon Straits, or the straits of, Sir Francis Drake, the most famous pirate, that ever lived! So named by modern historian, me!
The crew of Captian James T Hook's pirate ship, disguised as a corporate yacht, who's plans, after beating, the good ship Galillee and Peter Pan Banning,... now grown up and use
usurpted from his position, family and ambitions, by the revenful Hook! disguised, as a corporate, raider, pirate and plans, to take the Americas Cup, after defeating, or destroying, Peter! The curses, words and sword waving, between the two ships, sailing side by side, were enough to peal the paint and barnaculs, off the Flyiing Duchmen, no people on land, can hear, under, invent, curses, like a sailor, they seem to have invented, the art. When one is in a storm, fighting, for your life, there is little time, to speak, the kings english, especially, when there are no women, or children, aboard!
As they sailed past Sausalito, the last town, before being sucked out to sea, through the Golden Gate, the gateway, to the gold fields, of California, Peter Bailey, who help restore he ship Galillee, with the Lost Boys, waved good bye and God speed!
Under and through the Golden Gate, they sailed still tied, while sea lions leaped and splashed, breaching, like whales, while Great White sharks, kept their distance, lurking between the Golden Gate and distant Farllon Islands, where Drake collected eggs, for his crew, from the millions, of birds, that used to nest there and tens of thousands, still do as they swim and burst from the mighty waves of the North Pacific and as Hook and his Pirate yacht continue Peter persute through the rainbow splases of the green, blue and white seas with fear awe and reverance for the largest visable object on thd earth and the bargest body on earth we splase and sing and shout and pray together heave ho for Hook is gaining and as we sail towards th he Farrlon Islands where Drake collected seabird eggs for his long voyage across the Pacific and around the world....
                                                                                      To be continued, pray that Robin Williams, fully recover, from his heart condition , he must be doing well, he likes to ride his bike, in Sausalito and I see him now and then in passing, his agency won't let him except, unsolicited scripts, but his boss, Ford Copella, excepted my script concept, on cassette tape, made me promise, not to sue him! This is the extended, version, in process. Google A Allegory of life, by Peter Romanowsky, for thumb nail, of part one, love! (via Peter Romanowsky)

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