Saturday, April 16, 2022
Book of Love by Who) Chapter Five Nudity in the Bible
In the beginning Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed and even King Saul stripped naked before the Lord and prophesied and King David danced and leaped into the air wearing only a tunic and thus exposing himself before the Lord and in public to assure the public that he had not lost his genitals in war and that he could produce an heir who eventually would become Christ son of David in a Kingdom that was hereditary and very important to fulfill a future prophecy to David that there will always be a King on the Throne from his loins and I remember reading about or learning about a tradition in tribel India where the Prince or King would walk or parade naked with a full erection in a procession to assure that he could still have an heir in a hereditary society or Kingdom and was not impotent and a real.potentate and a minor prophet in the Bible said that he would go stripped and naked in the hills and Isiah the prophet was told by God to walked shoeless and naked for three years as a prophesy that they would s be stripped naked and march the five hundred miles too Babylon for thier sins and rebellion and repent to get in shape for the death march and not only this message of repentance but he also flew in the face of religious hypocricy that nakedness was wrong and sinful and living by Victorian principles at the time no doubt when womens swimming suits where nothing but full dress suits and the sight of flesh of which is very stimulating at looked on as evil and arousing yes, but not evil in an artistic or medical setting and sone religions virtually forbid doctors to examine of touch a female patient and concerning Isaiah the prophets duel message to Israel and Ethiopia was that if one is not in shape that they were not going to make it on the forced march to Babylon unless they get in shape and quite being ashamed to be naked or semi naked in certain public settings like the popularity on clothing option or nude beaches today due to be out of shape of over weight or morbidly obese and nothing will get someone in shape then going to a public beach and the pressure to slim down under those baggy cloths to hide their real shame like Adam and Eve who broke the first fast and ate from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil of which to he first sin was eating or over eating or over indulgence and the proof being obese and ashamed of ones body of which would gross anyone out on public and while the fat and overweight fat ladies in Church tend to look down on youthful beauty and the hormonel desire to make and attrack a partner with their physical beauty and of course with cautions due to youthful raging hormones that make opposite sexs attract like the invisible smell and attraction of a women to a man that unexplainal attraction in spite of a the perfume that some women wear to attract men in spite of a women's natural scent and a males sent also to a women, called musk of which in both sexs exude thier own peculiar debts and especially under the arms and genital areas and bye even the hair of which tranmits these sexually intoxicating scents and the more people dance and keep and raise their arms the scents will fill a room with hormonel and intoxicating and invisible scents like even in Church when everyone raises thier arms the air is full with hormonel and intoxicating scents mixed with perfume and under arm deoderants into one mass orgasm in a sense and especially in Churches where people dance and raise their arms both together and the beautiful scent of humanity fills the room and the most causious or dangerous scent is the one that triggers and chemical reaction in the body that over rides ones common sense and reasonable thinking about sex and pregnancy and this strange hormone or chemical release too the brain that just seems to over ride the concern or fear of producing another human being while being alone are in close quarters with another in private, while married or not, that strange chemical reaction over rides that fear or concern of having children of which in most people's minds is a decision greater then one can comprehend and this is the greatest danger to personal life and morality to resist that over powering temotation to release oneself to have a baby of which will cost as man eighteen years of child support, married or not and not to forget the concern of countless general diseases like alphabet soup and some medically incurable and the more one engages in intercourse out of marriage the more likely things like virues' to many to name like everything from Mono to Aids and Hippitius, He genital warts pregnancy abortion if one has sex with one that practices and then there is gonariah, Syphilis and do on that condomes will not protect from one that is sexually addicted to fornication and adultery and there is nothing in the Bible against caressing and petting and messaging and even masterbating of which is the safest form of sex and even that can be addicting and depriving of a mate true sexual satisfaction in a Holy and maritalky committed state and if single and looking for a mate. and remember to save yourself for that special one for life and remember again that strange and beautiful and potentially evil hormone or chemical that is released between a couple in the verge of sex and if one finds themselves in that tempting to mindlessly release them turn to masterbation the lesser of the two evils out of wedlock as thought by done people and but I see it as a victory over temptation and victory over pregnancy and disease, when one is caught up in a situation that sometimes isn't a fault of ones own, but abandonment by a spouse or frigidness for one reason or another or using sex as a weapon of control of which will always backfire for if one does not get satisfaction from a wife or mate one will get it one way or another and that is another tool of control making one feel guilty for not getting it at home for if one first get it at home then they will get one way or another and when inlaws for instance or a jealous former lover do all to alienate a couples effecting it's a double evil to threathen disinheritance or ostracizetion or threathen abandonment to cool a married couples relationship and created stumbling blocks to a married couple and stumbling blocks are the source of many marriages troubles and seportations and divorce and guilt complexes that Satan creates of which the Father wi not hold responsible when a third party creates alienation of affections but will cause the one that creates stumbling blocks and a stumble is not a sin under such circumstances be continued and edited
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