
Friday, April 15, 2022

Book of Love by Who/ Chapter Four Questions and Answers Sex Nudity and Drugs


   In the beginning Adam and Eve were unashamed to be naked in thier natural state in the Garden of Eden until something happened to make them ashamed to be naked and exactly what that sin was that made them ashamed and obviously it had something to do with sex or procreation and in a marriage situation what could that be since nothing is shameful in a relationship of pure love unless it was done sort of form of bondage or overeating in the Garden after breaking the only fast God put in the couple, such as not eating that one piece of fruit in the midst of the Garden, the only probation in Paradise on Earth and it couldn't have been nearly a sex act of which the Apostle Paul wrote the the marriage bed ins undefiled unless the fruit is symbolic of something else connect to sex such as possibly and abortion and or cannibalism or maybe the fruit or plant or vegetable had a abortion causing property mixed with cannibalism or is the whole senerio a parable of something else that could cause them to be ashamed and but outwardly it appears to be something related to sex and procreation and if a parable or something else for instance in my life the last sin that I recall giving up to God in 1968 was not related to sex but drugs and specifically Marijuana of which had become my god as a teenager and I worshipped it as the only thing that made me happy and was the last vestage of conscious sin in my life as I understood was sin was, for I had been delivered from Meth Anphetimine  a year earlier after my mother took me to a Holy Ghost and Pentecostal mid week prayer meeting adjacent to the famous Church the  Angeles Temple founded by Amie Simple McPherson after the Elders laid hands on me and prayed fervently in touges over me and the next time I took meth, I thought that I was going to die from this drug and have never used in since and yet I was not yet a Born Again Christian for being raised a Catholic I had never even heard the term or the experience and I thought that being a Christian was simply living a good life and going to Church and I knew sex outside of marriage was sinful and it was the Sixties when young people thought that marriage was a state of the heart and not simply a piece of paper or marriage licence and so I continued having sexual relationship with my sixties girlfriend and I asked her for her hand I marriage and but she also was a long haired hippy also from a commune that I met her in San Anselmo California and felt that love was more informant then paper and her father was a Marin County Supervisor and extremely weathly and intimidating and so I felt that I had tried to marry and my heart felt satisfied that I had tried to marry and but another issue was pressing on my mind for after being delivered from Meth a year earlier and swore to myself that I would never take another drug again except high grade Marijuana always well until some young New Yorkers visited our hillside commune with Redwoods and Ferns and deer in a brand new sash and glass Redwood Grove home on  Spring Grove Ave in San Anselmo and with them came a strain of LSD they called  religious acid and I feel from my fast from hard drugs by taking this LSD on and off for a week or so and made me feel real good and sure enough it felt like a religious experience and then my eutopian world came crashing down for I traded a capsual of LSD for a cheap broken stringed electric guitar and was busted and home raided and charged with misdemeanor receiving stolen property and handcuffed and humiliated in from of my girlfriend and future wife and taken too the local station and then booked into Marin  County Jail in San Rafael and it was the first time my future father in law saw my face on a mug shot and not a good start to a relationship and as usual I was forced to plead guilty and slapped on the wrist or put on probation and cane back to the commune feeling like a moral failure and leader on keeping hard drugs such as Meth, pills and such and LSD wasn't inner moral failure and I pianed in the suffering and struggle to attempt to live a moral and decent and respectable life and I felt powerless to do the right thing with my future wife and girlfriend and the humiliation in front of my commune friends of which I felt the leadership of and I failed to stop that drug from coming into the commune. Meanwhile I started getting these crazy letters from my mother in the suburbs of Los Angeles in the Tatzana/ Encino area saying that she had been delivered from what's called periodic alcoholism where she would black out for a weekend beginning with my parents ownership of the Happy Hour Bar on Ventura Blvd in Encino and she wrote that the Lord Jesus had instantly delivered and healed her at a Kathryn Kulhmen Holy Spirit Miracle Service and I thought that she had finally snaped and lost her mind after bearing some nine children and thought that it wouldn't last and said to myself that if she had finnaly lost her mind and that at least she was happy in happy land instead of the agoney of a black depression and but she kept writing letters and encouraged me to attend a Kathryn Khulmen Miracle Service and when I realized that sobriety was lasting after instantly being healed with AA meetings or therapy I decided to hichike down too LA, with my girlfriend Becky and during this time I decided to make a deal with the God that I didn't know that if He would love me something better then Marijuana that I would give it up and it was the last conscious sin that I put in the alter, my firbiddon fruit for we all that that one sin that we are struggling with to keep us out of reach of perfection and in my situation this was my Garden of Eden fruit of temptation and had nothing to do with sex for I had thought that, that subject was settled in my heart and mind and some three days later I was Born Again by a rushing and mighty wind of the Holy Ghost who came into my heart in front of the Miracle Service of which we were not able to get in from the crowds seeking miracles and healings in front of the Shrine Auditorium where the Academy Awards we're given back then and I heard a voice coming from inside of me louder then any human voice say that I was forgiven or again and it felt like I had died and gone to Heaven and for the first time in my life I felt one with God and nothing between us and at first I thought that I was losing my mind and pictures myself in a flash being taken away in an ambulance and then I realized that I was not losing my mind because I felt Peace and Love for the first time in my life the very thing all of us Sixties Hippies we're searching for and the voice I heard wasine that of a women comforting me like a smiling receptionist of living mother or dear friend and all of the above and after the extacy and my feet finnaly fell back on the ground and attending First Baptist Church and being baptized in San Francisco Bay in Paradise Cove in Tiburon not far from where Robin Williams Tragickly took his own life I became consciously aware that my relationship to my girlfriend who also thought that I had lost my mind and became a different person then won she knew and non stop talking about Jesus and going to meetings and Church three times on Sundays and mid week service and Bible Studies and home prayer meetings in between my heart was troubling me some months after being Born Again as to the question of my relationship to my live in  girlfriend and I prayed on night and I saw the words fornication cross my mind in prayer and meditation with my eyes closed and I knew that I got my answer that we were not married in the Eyes of God and He gave me Grace and understanding until I was able to receive it and we moved to separate bedrooms and for the next thirty six some odd years I was able to be free from even Marijuana until old age and arthritis set in and now I use it medicinally be continued rough draft 

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