
Monday, May 30, 2022

Book of Love Chapter/ Twenty One/ Arrival too the Sea of Galilee

      As I was on the Arab Palistinien bus heading towards the Sea of Galilee on one of my four times total that I have been in Israel and stopping along the way too Narareth on my way back and coming close to the Sea of Galilee a relatively short bus ride from Nazareth I was expecting to see some great resort hotel as coming towards a mountain hill bluff excepting to see the Sea and some big hotel along the way too the entrance of the view and instead I saw nothing but the Sea and when arriving in Tiberious there were no fancy tourist hotels to be seen, in my memory but did find a Youth Hostel on the Sea of Galilee and remembering feeding the fish on the Sea that came in swarms like that I have never seen in my life and it started by finding a quite place on a sea wall with calm and gentle and wave free water, where I could see the bottom and started throwing bread in the water and remember the verse in the Scriptures about casting ones bread upon the waters and after many days, it will return too you and when I did small fish started appearing and then bigger fish and then even bigger fish and a sight that I have never witnessed before as a fisher from my youth and they swarmed until I ran out of bread and then crossing the Sea of Galilee on a small ferry boat too the other side and seeing an amazing looking mountain that spoke volumes of mystery and was told something like this side of the Sea is where Jesus cast the demons out of the demonic and where the Sermon on the Mount was spoken, the greatest sermon every told or was that on the other side of the sea as some may say, but this mountain on the other side of the sea looked like the most dramatic place, that the most dramatic sermon was ever told and after a brief stop at the tiny port upon returning I could image how this Sea could be turbulent in a storm and had an erie feeling of what it must have been like in a storm and learning later or have been told or read that the winds can come down on the Sea in Great turbulence due to the fact that the Sea of Galilee is nearly below sea level and part of the Great African Rift that extended too the Dead Sea in the Jordon Valley or which the sea was part of in the North and surrounded by potential funneling mountains and it was obvious to me later that this was part of the ocean at one time, due to the Sea crabs on shore that looked exactly like the sea crabs on the open ocean on the rocks in shore as I was camping on the shore of the Sea after the  crossing and after checking out of the Hostel and finding a ace to camp,for there was not camp ground noticed, when I was there in the early seventies and after finding a solitary looking place on foot, just North of Tiberious and crossing a small farmers field and climbing over a stone border wall cautious of poisonous snake in the stones of which some of the most poisonous of snakes are in Israel with a Palastinian looking Arsb farmer watching in curiosity or concern, for this was put of the tourist or Pilgrims venue and coming too a small clearing on shore I steeled down and unrolled my light weight  but super earm down mummy bag. I began fishing with a drop line and wondering and praying in my heart, that I might catch a fish, with a coin in its mouth, like Peter did when Jesus told him to do, for tax money. Instead I caught a little fise at first and probably was an immature fish the locals call, Saint Peter's fish and but too sma to swallow a coin, so I fished again and caught a small or moderate size Catfish and I thought that this must have been the type of fish that Peter caught, due to its large mouth and able to swallowa coin and being a bottom feeder and Saint Peter's fish may be a misnomer, like many sites and things in the Holy Land are by traditions that are not always based on the facts and but even then, people are blessed I'm thier bliss for even the beautiful picture of the three wise men at Christ's birth never happened for they came some years later and but still a beautiful picture in spite of right being wrong and so many places in the Holy Land are not always a historical fact place and but close enough to be blessed in the heart and mind and visions and from the Sea of Galilee Iateth  traveled by bus again too Narareth and found na catholic Pilgrims Monestary to stay with a sweet and beautiful Nun greeting me at the door and from Nazareth and from there I traveled back to Jerusalem and from there I traveled further south too Hebron and visited Abraham's Tomb and also Joab"s tomb a cave and Abraham's tomb is a cave also but no one can enter in but one can peer down through a hole in the ceiling and I remember an Hasidic Jew in full garb tried to put a prayer note  down the well and chased off by an armed Israeli soilder guarding the Holy Site Moaerod sqe and venerated site by both Jews and Muslims of which building site over the tomb was built by Harod the Builder and one of the most authentic sites in Israel and the Holy Land and Joab's Tom just s modest cave tomb and I had to take it at the guides word or posts that it was authentic and creepy also when one knows the full history of King David's right hand man who died in disgrace and then I found myself stranded in Hebron and for it was the Sabbath and no busses were running so I visited Beer Shiva the place of the seven weeks that Abraham dug and so I checked onto a cheap and but clean Hostel and only way the next day through the amazing country side ride, back up too Jerusalem and checked into one of a number of Pilgrims Monestaries to stay in like the Lutheran Hostel. Casa Nova a Franciscan Monk Monastary where one can eat and drink wine with the Monks in the same large room and one Monk took a great liking to my son Elijah Muchael as a child and playing a sort of tag and making my son laugh and they both laughed together and but my favorite place to stay was the White Sisters Cathollic Monestaries and built over the Pavement that Jesus stood before Pontus Pilafe call the floor of Antonio's  Fortress the garrison that watched over the Holy Temple site and a carved game was on the floor by  by soldiers who mock Jesus before his crucifixion and the card game on the wall depicted someone being mocked as a king and robed and such and is a stark and real testimony of what happened to Christ at the head of the Roman soldiers under Pontius Pilate and the white sisters monastery was built over the ruins of Antonia's Fortress and the pavement where the famous words or inFAMOUS words were spoken by Pontius Pilate behold the man which in Latin is "Ecce Homo", from the roof of this Monastery one can see a good part of the old city of Jerusalem and the Temple area and the most fascinating is deep down below the in the lowest part of the monastary the  Flagstone of someone being mocked before being crucified is the be continued and edited 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Book of Love by Who/Chapter Twenty/ Exploring Jerusalem

   After settling in Jerusalem the next day we joined a tour, if It recall and he a local that  lived in The Old City and he wore the most coveted bag in Jerusalem, the official badge of a tour guide and showed us things of course, like I've never seen before and yurned and  wanted to do so and show anyone new in Jerusalem and history of the place as learned and parroted too others as a way of spreading the Gospel using historic locations and like your there, where it all began and like, wow everywhere one turns in the Old City of Jerusalem and the opposite of  modern West Jerusalem, are interesting things to see current and ancient and the main walking street of the Bazaar that ran across the Old City, starting from Damaskus Gate the Muslim Quarter and ending in the Christian and Jewish quarter area near too the entrance of the Western Wall and formally known as the Wailing Wall and King David Street area, was and is quite and experience and seeing every form of buchered animal meat hanging out in the open and live chickens in cages and dead ones hanging or piled and goat and sheep heads in piles or pyramids stacked, with the skins stripped off and the colors and the smells and the multicolored Turkish delights and brightly colored clothes hanging everywhere and antique jewelry stores of Roman coins and ancient Roman glass art made into jewerly and also beware, it is easy to fake an ancient Roman silver coin and was warned in something I read or heard from an Archeologist, somewhere in some media that virtually all the silver ancient coins are fakes or copies so beware and everywhere on goes shop keepers are trying to huddle you to buy things and shaking your hand and not letting go and even pulling people into their stores and desperately trying to sell their wares with a grin of a smile and sizing you up by asking what hotel or hostel or pilgrims lodging in Monestaries and such to find out how much to charge you and for there are no det prices in the Old City and ones has to haggle for  everything, of which is fun to have no set prices because on a slow day a shop keeper will sell you things a lot cheaper and haggling came easy for me after a while as long as they let go of your hand after shaking hands for the competition is great from the masses of tourists and Pilgrims and Israelis buying things in the Old City and also one can go underground Jerusalem in a massive cave under the city where the stones for the Temple of Jerusalem was excavated and called Jerimiahs cave from the believe that it's where Jerimiahs hid from the King, after saying that Babylon will destroy Jerusalem, because of her sins and be carried away too Babylon and the messenger was persecuted and also was put in a well to be rescued by Baruck the scribe and one can virtually walk around the Old City Wall, for a large part of the city and be all alone and away from the tourists and Pilgrims and every time I go too Jerusalem more of it is dug up from the ground and all the way down to the Roman level in places deep underground and excesable underground and fastinating beyond words and so to speak and the walks of the city are and have been dug down to buried levels and exposing more of the City Walks and down too it's foundations of which the ages have started to bury Poland naming the city walls even more dramatic to see with lights shining on then a night and my favorite Turkish Sulton Solomien the Magnificent had a dream centuries ago to rebuilt the walks, that had been broken down and he's my favorite, because he married and the daughter of an Eukraineian Orthodox Priest and she co ruled and he dismissed his Hairim to be free and marry and became faithful to one wife and her name was Roxanne and gave him so much love that he forsook all others. Another fascinating place in Jerusalem is the Valley of Gehennah where they dumped thier trash in ancient days and that there was a continuous fire burning day and night and is the scene or mephor of Hell, in the Scriptures for there the worms never die and is the garbage heap of Jerusalem and ironically it's the Hotest place outside Jerusalems walls and that I can just picture the recyclers toiling I'm the heat salvaging and recycling  what one could, in such mireable conditionsd  and picking through the trash, in the heat of the day and the continuous flames, like I had to do, medaphoriclly after my divorce for most of twenty years until my back was broken and then most of the next twenty years playing my guitar and ministering, to the tourists at the Sausalito Ferry boat Landing, to the tourist that missed their pets, with my little wienner dogs Caji Dog and Diamond Dogover the years as one passed away the Lord brought me another and you can see them preforming forever online if ones searchs thier names and like Lazarus in the Bible who was homeless and lay at the rich man's gate, I also ate from the trash cans and dumpsters or the wicked rich and whoes only companions were his dogs, who licked his sunburnt and skin cancerous sores and thus wi be the end of the unrepented wicked, who will be thrown into the trash bins and dumped into the Valley of Gehennah to pick though the trash and recycle for a living and feeling the shame and no one dare talk too them in thier judgements and stoking the fires of hell and in the night, cold comfort as they have to smell, the garbage buying while the redeemed sit stop the hill of the Golden City the New Jerusalem inside the gates of pearls and the streets of Gold, while the wicked and homeless rich, build thier shelters out of discarted and dry rotting lumber and plastic trash and rats for their only company and food and like Hitler, wi be spending his time and dying daily, just to be woke up again, to do then same and also in this valley, on the opposite side of the walked city of Jerusalem is a monastery in the  remembering of Judas Iscaroits betrayal and the field of Alcadama or which translated is called the field of blood of which was purchased by hippcritical Priests of the time to buy a field to bury paupers and also called the Potter's Field and a wall around it to and a Monestary in remembrance of the betrayal and a tree of which is claimed, to be the one, that Judas hung himself on in plain view, if I recall or imagined, in my mind, as I had no desire, to climb the side of the valley hill, to visit or see and nearby is a cave that tradition says that the Apostles fled too and hid after Jesus' arrest and illegal midnight court trial and out of the view, of the public and Ken Hopkins and I my travelling companion fought ancient and broken pottery such as pot sherds and oil lamp spouts and broken pottery everywhere, where it was dumped and around the bend too the left is the Valley of Kidron,where the beautiful Garden of Getsemenie is on the foot and side of of the Mount of Olives and the most quite and beautiful and respectful place, in Jerusalem outside the walls, where the Golden Gate is located where the Scriptures day the the Messiah will enter and feast in the great chamber of the gate after touching down, upon the Mount of Olives, where Jesus acended into Heaven,in front of five hundred witnesses and Angels present said that this same Jesus will return, as he ascended into the Heavens and there is even a traditional footprint like hollow in a stone that is traditionally called Jesus', footstep and the then there is the beautiful Inter Continental Hotel with a view where if one has the money, can stay and there is an Arab hotel on the top also of whom I was told was for sale for a mliin dollars, at the time I was there and a song of a price and but firbiddon, to be sold to any Israeli and there was a small Municiple Garden, in a scant hilltop village with a large Marijuana bush growing of the male plant, of which is not potent, as the female plant is and no one has cut it down and smoked it of used it as medicine and is quite impressive as a shade of garden bush and but one can smell Marijuana bring smoked on a Arab bus so to speak and because the Israilies don't bother much but do prosecute or did at the time I was there if an Israilie was caught smoking weed and front top of the Mount of Olives one can see the dead sea and on the back side of the mountain is a village where Lazarus' house is reputed to be and his tomb of which I'd open to the public, can be entered where tradition says raised him from the dead and further on down the mountain is the road to Jerico and the Dead Sea and the ancient ruins of the Jewish Monestary of Qumram where the Dead Seas Scrolls were found and a Jewish resort or Israelie maintained resort where on can float I.the dead Sea and I remember and Israelie jet flying low over the water patrolling and if I recall waving or at least close enough to wave and see the pilot and what a serial scene and then I tried to explore on of the Dead Sea Scrolls caves and an Owel came flying out blinded by the light and hit a wall of the cave and then safely flew out and the cave had been thoroughly excavated down to the floor in order to look for and scrap of Scrolls and the scenery from that point looking across the Sea too Jordan was quite a sight and to be in the Holy Land and then I explored the ruines of the Queram Monestey and saw the original caves where the first Scrolls were found and all was so sereal to be there and had to proverbially pinch myself over and over where ever I went and I remember staying a night in the Old City of Jerico's ruins atop a bluff as guests of what appeared to be a Bedouin family after I first entered the New City or village of Jerico and was almost pulled into a taxi cab by some youths saying that they wanted to show me around or a hotel and Israeli military police station was there and armed and looking lie an occupied zone with military presence and I found my way after avoiding an abduction, as I look back that I may ha e been taken hostage for there were no tourist around and military zone and the feeling that this ace was under strong occupation as the military police station  was right in the middle of the town and creepy hostil and after having a nice carrot juice drink in an outside juice bar I was told by a local youth where I could check into a hotel and I checked I to a roo.occupied by two Palastinian looking Arab youths of military age and looking  very  suspicious and seemed out of place there  with thier atmosphere and grinning smiles and darling but handsome complexions and we began talking and they said that they were Syrians and I was wondering what military age Syrians were doing in Jerico and was told by one of thier good memories visiting California and we were getting along a d bit still felt uneasy sleeping in the same room as them and decided to leave my back pack there and take my sleeping bag and trekked too the Old City and ancient ruins of Jericho planning on spending the night in one of the many caves on a Mount called the Mount of Temptation where there was a. Ancient and occupied Monestary of Orthodox vintage with Monks of one I passed through the street earlier and wasn't friendly or responsive from thier long Isolations I suppose and the general feeling of tension in Jerico and then there was the evidence of an abandoned Palestinian refugee camp fully intact and really creepy looking give a ghost town next too the Old City ruins or not far away and I also drank from Elijah's fountain where he prayed the bitter waters to be sweet and the water was the sweetest that I remember and coming out of the barren mountains of the Wilderness of Judea and as I was making my way through the ruins of Jericho heading up to the Mount of Temptation an Arab boy appeared riding on a donkey and greeted me and began saying in broken English that there were lions in those caves where I told him that I was going and he insisted that I not go there to sleep or camp and later found that what he meant was that there were solitary cave dwelling Hienias there and could have been eaten and so I got on his donkey or that he put me on his donkey and took me through the ruins too a bluff over looking the Old City and too his one room House built out of mud brick with some kind of make shift roof as  though that he was a squatter and had the most beautiful spot overlooking the Old City Ruins and was greeted by his extremely friendly father and his mother in the background of the one room hand made buying out of sight somewhat in the doorway as to be polite and let the man do the talking of which was roughly translated by his young school age son who was studying English and spoke in broken form and with the help of hand gestures we were able to communicate and was served tea and vegetables and ethnic Midfle East modest supper with my hostes wife back in the doorwat watching in Middle East respectivel way in the background making the supper and watching shyly and I noticed her face tatooed like a Bedouin women respectively and but very curiously and also during prayer time my host unrolled a prayer mat and prayed and bowed down too Mecca and then come evening he put me in bed with his son on a double bed on four fifty gallon oil drums and we lay together outside looking up at the stars and watching the search lights at night from the top of the Mount of Temptation the entrance too the Wilderness of Judia search the Jordin River where Jesus was baptized before his forty day fast and temptations by the Devil in the wilderness and looking and looking for anyone crossing the the Jordan at night from the Country of Jordon and somewhere I visited the home and met a Palastinian women who had swam back over Jordon to her home in Jericho after first fleeing and it was all so searel and all of a sudden a terrorist looking Arab came out of the dark to shake hands with me and greeting me with a big unsaved smile and teeth and was so friendly for going back too the time of Abraham Arabs pride themselves with hospitality too strangers of which Abraham was famous for and I got to experience and evening and a night with real Beoudins even though they built a temporary shelter instead of a tent and what an experience and in the morning my host and hostess prepaid a modest Middle East breakfast and with again tea and a little tree they had planted in front of thier little one room brick mud hut or shelter was used to pour out used water as a sink and being the only green thing on the bluff over looking the ancient city and when and or before leaving I left some money under a small plate and we said our goodbyes and I walked back through the mud ruins of the Ol City too the hotel room that I had left my back pack to find my two room guests looking wiered out and kind appeared to have been up looking or staring at my back pack as if maybe it was a bomb or the temptation to look inside and wondering where have I been and in my personal opinion they were military age militants that just looked or seemed out of place there and I moved on in that particular time that I was in Israel and moved on to Galilee by bus through the heart of the Jordon Valley and I had become ill and had flue like symptoms and was feeling anxious about staying overnight in the Old City ruins due to a fact that there was a Biblical curse upon the city that it should never be built again or lived in and was tempted to think that I was being cursed with this sickness due to spending the night there and Satan was working overtime on my mind with anxiety and I threw away a Porcupine work of art that my child host gave me as a gift of which I regret today and realized eventually the at my flue like systomes may have been related to the boiled and cuddled soar goats milk that I had drunk or just caught the common flue from someone else and during the bus ride on an Arab bus some strange looking and total Arab looking in thier rough dress clothes and unshaved demiener and looking at me in surprise that I was on an Arab bus if which the tourists never ride not the Israelies for that matter I an occupied and Arab war zone and then realized that I must have been simply a backpacker from the west and a Christian and also an Israelie jet flew over the bus at one point and everyone seemed to be looking out the windows anxiously as if about to be bombed and looking back the Isralies back in Jericho may have tipped off the pilot that a possible Israeli was on the bus meaning me and the bus was buzzed so to speak and well anything could have happened and it was all dramatic anyway for a jet to come so close to a moving bus and the excitement in the bus as something either unusual or common to happen in a technically a war zone and too be continued in the next unedited chaper twenty one my arrival in Tiberious on the Sea of Galilee....

Monday, May 16, 2022

Book of Love by Who/ Chapter Nineteen/ The Arrival too Israel

    Upon arriving too the Port of Haifa in Northen Israel we begin the most awesome part of our journey, the final destination after some five months since our departure from the San Francisco Bat Area to evangelize and minister healing and salvation in the name of Jesus and now for me it's back in the Holy Land of the Bible, where it all started for I also had been there before with John Newton a fellow believer from our little Congrgation back in Marin County and bay area and had started our journey and mission into Israel from th his port also and I have been there a total of four times by the time of this writting in 2022 and I will attempt by the Grace of God and the guidance of th he Holy Spirit in Jesus name to combine all my experiences into thus one and historical narrative and where does one go or start in narrating such an epic series of events and ministry in this wonderful and historically beautiful land and for starters the first thing one sees is the golden domed Temple of Baha'i, on the side of Mount Carmel and a vision that I will never forget, seeing a Jewish looking mother weeping at the first sight of the land her ancesters were driven from some to thousand years ago and sold into slavery by the Romans, in seventy AD, and returning alone with tears in her eyes all alone and looking over the ships rail and crying, for probably her whole family was murdered by the Natzis and being all alone in the return, too the promised land, given the Jews, from the time of Abraham some three or four thousand years ago and history never forgets and is ztialive in Israel, one can feel it and see it and breath it and like it was yesterday and the mind drifts off into Crusader forts and some buildings unseen, and the Muslim invasion of the Christian and Roman Byzentine conversion of the land called by the ancient and pagan Romans Palistine,   centuries before the Arab and Muslim invasion and occupation  in the seventh  century top a land that had become officially Christian by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the fouth century and one can see the evidence of this conversion and destruction and invasions and intact buildings left behind everywhere and one gets the feeling for instance the Crusades just happened yesterday and after landing in Hiafa we boarded a bus too Tell Aviv, a Los Angeles looking hussle and bushel and secular looking city and then another bus too Jerusalem and it's beautiful spiritually and religious Capital.and I remember also the first time I set foot in Jerusalem on a prior mission with San Francisco city Architect John Newton and the feelings that I had of absolute awe that I was actually there and entering at night made it feel even more awesome and mysterious and a feeling that I will never forget as walking through the Main Gate King David Street and then checked into the Angelican Church Mission and Pilgrim hotel and a clean and beautiful place with a very neverus and polite minister and caretaker and  concerned about anyone bringing in bed bugs from riding on Arab buses or hostels of which never happened and the first place in my life I expetienced bud bugs was on a later mission too Egypt and checked into the Sunrise Hostel if I recall the name and the secret with sleeping with beg bugs is to keep the light on a night, in your room for bedbugs hate light and yes,very annoying to slope with the lights on all night and two female backpackers chose to huddle outside thier room and not knowing the secret,of leaving the lights on and when I checked into the Hostel in Cairo, I was greeted with an Egyptian couple of youths a the front desk and pointing a gun at me and laughing and people wonder why do many terrorist come from the extreme elements of the Muslim religion !? Anyway after checking into the Anglican Christ of Christ Mission and Pilgrims Hostel or which was very cheap and reasonable for all Pilgrims for what ever financial class was or is one is for that would be blasphemy for holy pilgrims and many Pilgrims hostels are in the Old City of Jerusalem, such as the White. sisters of Zion a beautiful Pilgrims place too stsy and built over the place that Jesus was concerned to death for saying that he was the Son of God and run by the White Sisters of Zion of the Catholic faith and another Catholic Pilgrims Hostel is called the Casa Nova and can eat and drink wine with the Monks and another is run by the Lutherans and I can't rember then name is the Lutheran Pilgrims even though I stayed in them Al and my favorite was the White Sister of Zion and one can call them or all or any of the Pilgrims histels by phone for reservations and forget the expensive hotels in the modern East Jerusalem if you want to stay in the Old be continued next exploring Jerusalem 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The non violent battle to save our Free Port and Anchorage on San Francisco Bay off Sausalito California

   Sausalito historic Anchorage is being destroyed after thousands of years a free anchorage by the local Miwoks who were also called, "The Water People" and the first place that Francis Drake anchored according to the local Miwoks and written in a book by an ancester of Chief Marin called "Drake at Olympii" and now the State of California  ((Goldsbanz head of   BCDC ) Marin Counties RBRA (Richardson Bay Regency Agency) and the City Council of Sausalito want to sterilize, the last refuge and Anchorage on the San Francisco Bay. After during the Gold Rush the City of San Francisco's bay and  Anchorage was filled in, so Sausalito became the defacto Anchorage  of the city of San Francisco and there is no other safe place or free harbor left for working liveaboards, like fishermen, salvagers and rescuers and of course Privateers/Pirates, like Sir Francis Drake and the low income and poor people, that can't afford to buy land or houses. In the richest and most expensive county in Califirnia, and the developers have thier eye on the bay to fill it in like Fort Lauderdale and put paid moorings for yachts eventually destroying one of the last free ports in the world, and at the crossroads of the world at that, and the developers will continue to built houses on the bay and fill in the shorelines, like they did to Strawberry Point where the harbor seal haulout area was located and filled in, and multimillion dollar houses built and bought by local buyers like Pete Wilson the former Governor and number one rascal and Anti Anchorout former Marin County  Supervisor,  who bought a house on bay fill, and his name  is "Big" Al Ambaru who was a Marin County Supervisor the Cities surrounding the Anchorage keep polluting the bay with run off from their multimillion dollar homes (Ferryboat the Charles Van Dam Gate Five Road and early houseboats ) surrounding the Anchorage and blaming the poor and working Mariners for polluting the bay is pure hypocrisy and building no low income housing for the harassed and the displaced who's homes and boats are being destroyed, during the Covid19 pandemic after 72 hour notice, with no right to redeem ones boats or historical floating homes and a refuge for all who have had a tragedy in their lives and have lived in the County for years and decades and are born here and to have to have a refuge,  until one can get their feet back on land if they desire to give up working on the water historically speaking and will not even be allowed to redeem thier confiscated boats and historically floating homes and crush them right away with few exceptions on pain of leaving the safe harbor or be crushed without the thirty day waiting and redeem time that motor homes and cars have and Maritime Law states and to have twenty four hour security so a confiscated boat is not robbed in the night at the Army Corps crushing ground and people are not even allowed to stay on their pirated vessels at night to protect their property as has always been in the past and we are dealing with land thieves and pirate corporations and evil doers and homeless makers who will have no home in Heaven for those that make people homless and see you and rally every Sunday in front of the Sausalito City Hall for free hot mealsand Anchorout/Waterfront Church fellowship and protest against the City Council of Sausalito and County of Marin and political action and removal of the Tyrants in public office and to elect our own compassionate Council Members and County Supervisors and the Governor also who lives historically in the County and has not done a thing to help low income and permenant housing and home ownership and just sold his house for millions and a great judgement is waiting from Heaven on their houses and lands and health and bodies if they the Limosine Liberals in this solidly Democratic County and no excuses for blaming the Republicans here and yours truely Waterfront and Anchotout and homeless advocate and (Picture of Indiana Jones in San Anselmo California that resembles me on bottom  photo where I had turned our estate into a homeless shelter and rewarded by God and  Angels for taking in the homeless !?)  Pastor the Peter "Christian" Romanowsky and resident of the County since 1964 and the longest continues surviving (without a shore break) and resident at anchor on the San Francisco Bay, to the best of my knowledge, except for possibly long time Sausalito resident Gregg Baker !? Since first putting and mooring a boat off Sausalito in 1982 and full time living on a boat since 1984, with three years in a criminal conspiracy corporation and harbor called Galilee Harbor and supposed refuge for Anchorouts and full time Marine service harbor that has sold out to land lover and anti anchotout tenants, too the highest bidder of which no poor anchotout can afford to move in and should and will be under a Grand Jury investigation in the future also with their co conspirators on the Sausalito City and surrounding City Councils like Mill Valley, Tiburon and Belvedere the richest and most influential island in the World as well as the Marin County Board of Supervisors and the Governor of whom by Gods Grace will never be able to attaine a higher office due to their pride and greed and of neglecting the poor and throwing them just a bone like we were dogs and yeas we are dogs, Sea Dogs that will politically and Spiritually bite as sure as my  Great Grandfather/Uncle Matti Tarkkanen who first set foot in Sausalito to reach Mariners and Anchorouts for Christ in 1890 and founded the Finnish Seamens Mission in San Francisco   that eventually developed into Getsemene Lutheran Church and then merged with a Danish Luthern Church and is called Saint Francis Lutheran Church on Church Street in the Castro District of which originally was called Fin Town, with all its Saunas and bath house of which e eventually after the Sixties the quote "Gays" moved in and the first outbreak of Aids and of which my Great Grandfather and Uncle after the early death of his brother took over and adopted my grandmother in Finland and went on from the Bay area and Northern California as a Lutheran Priest to be the Head of the Finnish Missionary Society in Finland and its international missions from Angola to Israel and China and Japan and is written up in the United Nations for helping solve a dispute between missionaries like the Roman Catholics and the British Missionaries and write many books and translated the Finnish New Testament into modern Finnish as was Knighted with a metal from the Czar of Russia for his work as Finland was under the Czar of Russia and when the Russians came to San Francisco to buy grain for their holdings in Alaska they brought the best sailors and Mariners and ship builders and sail and line makers in Russia, who were the Finnish sailors of which many, like the Russians settled in San Francisco and Alta California with their Capital at Fort Ross and the last or next in line hereditary speaking lives still in Marin County named Peter Romanov and not to be confused with my name of which is another story altogether as my father Ardady Romanowsky was a Soviet officer who defected to Finland during the Russian and Finnish Wars before the Natzis invaded the Soviet Union and married my Finnish mother where I was conceived and all together escaped too Sweden in a thirty foot lifeboat with thirty refugees in it, in thirty foot seas where I was born and eventually my first waking moment in history was waking up on a ship in heavy seas coming too America and eventually I married a Famous Sea Captians daugter here in Marin County and who also was a County Supervisor and Chairmen of the Board at the Vallejo Maritime Academy and Senior Member of the then State Harbors and Navigation Commission and appointed first by Governor Pat Brown and then reappointed by Ronald Reagan and entertained both Eisenhower and Patton at his Captians table as a Merchant Mariner in World War ll, somewhere in the Mediterranean and named Captain Ernest Niles Kettenhoffen and to be continued unedited and unpuncuated, to get my thoughts and memories out on type, to be corrected and published in a book in the future with the help of my three grown and University graduate Children Michael, Hannah and Sarah Romanowsky and my three grandchildren, in the near future and forever and if don't get you straight about the Anchorage and homeless situation, my children will and if anyone presently like to run this treaties through a word processor then please do and email me the grammatically correct version too telephone me at 415 374 0734 and leave a message for I rarely answer the phone due to so much sp calls in these days and typing with one finger on a cell phone on my anchored ship and floating home on Richardson Bay, off Sausalito for some thirty five years and waiting to get help and housing that never comes and only promises and lies and waiting for me to die and crush my home to leave nothing for my descendants except a legacy that will not happen and the bay and the historical free port and Anchorage will not be destroyed on my watch, but political careers and fake news journalist will be exposed and thank you for your time reading and will continue this historical work in the future and if you would like to help donate too this cause and every penny used to dethrone land Pirate delevopers and Tyrant politicians and fire fake news so called puppet journalist for the greedy and rich and powerful Limosine liberals after first feeding the low income and poor disposed Mariners and house boaters and tent city dwellers that the surrounding cities and especially the County of Marin and the Non Union press of the rich and powerful and greedy Independant Journal that doesn't care a rats behind of permenant housing and ownership of low income families and people and just supports the current status quot and but a change and Revolution is coming as always happens when the landless pheasants revolt against economic tyranny and moral lawlessness and if anyone would like to put thier money where thier thoughts about this his historical struggle to save our Anchorage please do by mailing to the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc P.O. Box 2404 San Anselmo Ca.94960 a 501c non profit religious orginization of which I am also C.E.O. and President of and Waterfront and Anchorout Pastor Peter "Christian" Romanowsky and thank you dearly and for more information go too 

Book of Love by Who/Chapter Eighteen/Drama and Civil War in Cyprus while waiting for a Ship too Israel and nearly blown up out of curiosity

 Cloud photo by Peter Romanowsky of Sausalito....After arriving too the Port City of Nicosia Cyprus from Tarsus/Adana Turkey we hopped on a share ride taxi too the city of Limmasal to catch another ship to Haifa Israel and checked into a hotel and ag night we heard an explosion down the narrow street and glass shattering and upon waking up I asked the hotel manager if a war was going and he said that the explosion was a Greek faction fighting against another Greek faction and a bomb was placed in another opposition Partys business and he further told me that the police station. was blown up by a truck truck bomb or something after a phone call came to them and warning them that a bomb was about to go off and the police scattered,  for the Greeks were more interested in blowing up property rather then targeting people was my impression or that I was told at the time and as we waited for a Barkley Bank wire for money for boat tickets after making our first long distant collect   call for money from home Church and wife Becky for she wired the money and my memory fails ne somewhat as to first I wrote a letter from Turkey for support therebeing no Churchs to speak of in Turkey for indoor ministry and support and waited in Limmasol for the wire and it being late and wondered so called back for the first time in months calling back home collect after being in somewhat primitive conditions in the Near East like never seeing a Supermarket or a fast food resturant for example let alone a phone booth able to call collect internationally until researching the more Westernized side of Cyprus for example again and accustomed to listening or speaking I broken English for months on the roads and seas and at this point we began or begin to start babbling for the wire was a week late and the landlord began harassing us for a weeks stay using only our passports as collateral as the custom always was while travelling and pay as we leave and but now we are stuck with an unsympathetic hotel keeper and I lost my cool and chewed him out under the stress of being broke and no Churches to support us and no food or refreshing drink in the Mediteranian sun on the beach with it's clear blue waters and so hungery that I tried to spear bottom fish like sml flounder witn a fork on a stick and but they were to fast for me and as I was only wearing colored underwear mygrand mother gave me in Finland for underwear in Finland are colored somixed sexes andfamily and neighbors can Sauna together without bathing suits and but in truth most Sauna together naked is the custom with we known neighbors or family, unless one Saunas solo or with same sex friends and so here we were, poor and broke and had just gotton kicked out of our hotel room and leaving Ken's twelve string guitar as collateral on a weeks back hotel bill and we were on the beach with our back packs and sleeping bags and we thought that we would have to sleep on the beach at night, until our money wire comes and then something interesting happened and although the only Protestent little Church fellowship and the Pastor basically said that he could not take us in or help us or to have any ministry opportunity for it was an extremely small Church and so small that I couldn't even remember seeing a building and looked like from memory more of a store front fundamentalist  or home Church as the Greeks are mostly Orthodox and few protestant Churches in the Greek speaking World and no Greek Orthodox Church had invited us to minister on the whole time in Greece, for instance and meanwhile we had met a youthful Hippy with a tiny little sailing digney called the Good Ship and we had fun swimming and playing in the water and trying to forget our delema with he said where are you staying tonight for we had told him that we got kicked out of our hotel room and Ken's guitar was confiscated and he offered to buy it from us for extra cash after paying our hotel bill eventually and in the meanwhile he says that he knew a hotel that we could check into with our passports without money and he took us to what looked like the red light or bar and entertainment part of town and we checked into a clean and nice room and settled down to a good nights sleep and the next day or so we noticed beautiful women walking by the open door of our room wearing thier underwear and we thought or said to ourselves that we are in a prostitutes hotel and everyone was very friendly I including the hotel manager and I must say the women were gorgeous and didn't look like wasted on drugs or alcohole and but full bodied and healthy looking and polite in appearance for they probably spoke litte English or broken English and never remember speaking to anyone there just shy smiles and polite jesters, if any for it has been a long time ago In the early seventies, in the year of the Munich Olympics that we were  there there and now I am writting this in two thousand and twenty two and my mind is full of broken memories at the age of seventy three in June 26th and it is April now as I write and my mind is filling in the gaps of my memories with romantic notions and dreams and memories and inspirations for the Holy Ghost is promised to bring back out memories in the Scriptures and the memories given to me are being guided and checked by the Holy Ghost for importance and relevance and I can fill in gaps on my own also being partners together with God and not nearly robots or drones parroting things for we have amind of our own so to create poetic prose and embellishments without extaturations and as we go on with this historical narrative one finger at a time  and one letter at a time takes deep thought and patien dand again thoughtful prayers as one goes, when there is now writers block then run with it as I am doing now so back too out story in Cyprus as we were staying in our hotel room and waiting for a money wire from California is a good time to digress back too our first week in Cypress when passing time and some would say killing time we heard an explosion a few blocks away from near the shore where we liked to stay and on going to investigate what it was for being a low key civil war going on and out of curiosity and boredom we went to investigate and we found a crowd of people and across the street from them an official looking goverment building and being closed on Sunday a bomb had been strategically placed next to a flight of stairs too the main entrance and designed to blow out all the windows on the right side of the main entrance I then walked across the wide street to see more closing the damage and where the bomb had been placed inthe cornor of a short wall surrounding the frint of the building next to the concrete of stone stairs I went to look on the opposite side of the stairs and wall and noticed  what appeared to be a five gallon square metal can and as half the windows on the other side of the building were blown out it seemed logical that this was another bomb and ready to go off to blow out the second half of the buildings front windows, then I walked away and rejoined with Ken Hopkins my music minister and travelling conpanion, who stayed across the street and we walked a couple of block away and then heard behind us a second explosion and I wanted to go back and look to confirm that I was right in thinking that my face was only feet from the suspected time bomb and Ken would have none of it and said that he just wanted to keep walking away and I still shutter to think how close I came to being blasted in the face from the bomb and I thank God for preserving me and as we again waited for a second wire transfer of money, for the first never came and it caused us to wait again for some days for the second and when it arrived we went to a travel agency to buy tickets to board the ship to Hiafa  Israel on the boat that I believe was the Appolonia of which I had been on before on a mission too Israel from Athens Greece, on which ship and the then traveling companion and Agape' Church fellowship member, of which I was Pastoring named John Newton and I met the YMCA youth groupe that we had a service on the ship on the middle of of the Mediteranian and being announced on the ships public address system on which anyone could attend and no matter what class of passenger and meet in a sunny foreward room on the ship and that we were invited to speak of minister of give our testimonies of salvation or our mission too Israel of which the YMCA leader said that they were going on a pilgrimage also and whom Ken.and I met in Munich again on this present mission and the travel agent for the ship said, that the ship was booked and that he could not guarantee that we will be able to get on board and would give us a refund if denied passage for we were desperate to get off the Island as beautiful as it was in spite of the war and being broke in Paradise was no fun and the waiting what seemed like two weeks to deceive the money and pay the rents and redeem and sell Ken's guitar for extra food and travelling money and then we got into a long boat with other passengers and motored out to the anchored ship and slipped aboard and found a hiding place on the deck and expected to sleep on a deck chair over night too Israel and feeling like  stowaways and being concerned about being caught and taken back to shore in the launch when all of a sudden we heard or names called on the ships public address system to appear at the table where the new passengers were being processed for we had slipped on boat with only boarding passes and avoided the processing table and when we arrived with anticipation of being caught and disembarked instead the uniformed officer smiled and told us what cabin to go too and we were astonished and were given a double cabin on deck level instead of having to spend a cold and hungery night sleeping on cold deck chairs again, like from the ship from Turkey too Cyprus and to our further astonishment it included meals and when the call for supper came we found ourselves sitting and eating at a table with a travling family and we thanked God in our hearts for taking care of us and after a good nights sleep we arrived in the port of Haifa, the San Francisco of Israel and to be continued and please feel free to help me run this unedited and unpuncuated streaming and glossolalia writen and prostatic thoughts and memories through a word prossesor as I'malmost seventy three and need to write these memoirs for my childrens, children in a published book inthe near future and send a corrected copy if you can to and thank you friends and family for taking your valuable time to read and progress and remember Church and Lunch every Sunday starting at noon in front of the Sausalito City Hall at moon in California 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Book of Love by Who/Chapter Seventeen/ Across Turkey from Istanbul too Adana

    After boarding the bus from Istanbul we traveled East through very dry and unimpressive flatlands of a semi desert plains and shrubbery and virtually no towns along the way to speak of and trying to compare the landscape like a cross between California and the and dry land without sand dunes and hard to describe it was like central valley, California without water and as boring as crossing Texas and yet I intriguing and waiting for the next big thing to see other then a dry and waterless landscape with an occasional patch of green shrubbery and no and not really as boring as the Texas landscape with intriguing little turns now and then in the environmental landscapes and finally came to a sizable town called Anchora the capital of Turkey in the middle of nowhere on this vast plain of a country and in the middle of Turkey geographically speaking and a safe place from invaders and but the worse part of the journey through the dry and semi arid shrubland was the music that the bus driver played that sounded like someone playing drums on bean cans and I suppose it was his way or dealing exhile driving through unimpressive towns and villages of which I cant remember one, except Anchora of which wouldn't have even made a decent postcard and when stopping for water at one location I noticed a mosquito larva in my cup of water and a this point I think that we were bored from the long journey and the dry landscape with occasional greenery and but we finally made it too a mountain pass famous for Saint Paul to have passed on his way back to the West and preaching the Good News and when our bus broke down in this mountainous pass full of forest and green trees and a stream running through it of which Ken and I sat down by the river or stream and thinking of how Saint Paul passed this way and while the bus driver was doing a major repair on the front wheel of the bus, we patiently prayed and meditated for what seemed like hours and waiting for this major road side repair for no Triple A towing emergency here in the wilderness and eventually after a few hours we were on our way again down too the dusty and little agricultural town or city of Adana next too a river that we were told Cleopatra sailed up or rowed her gold plated barge with silver plated oars and a purple dyed sail the sign of royalty for purple dye from a sea mulusk was as rare as gold and only Empoers where allowed to wear the purple robes for Cleopatra came to Tarsus near by to seduce Mark Anthony ruler of the Eastrrn e part of the Roman Empire and Cleopatra was in trouble back at home in Egypt and needed his help in ano th her civil war with her sister this time if I recall for the throne of Egypt and dressed like Aphroditus and sitting on a throne on her luxury sailing barge and there was a stone bridge built by the Romans over the river and still being used today by cars amazing and meanwhile we checked into a low budget hotel, for nothing fancy there and out of the way of international tourism and deep into the heart of the real and rural Turkey and we had run out of money except some silver coins we saved from Switzerland as silverners and a local young man baught up for us in order to by food and I had written a letter from home Church fellowship and wife to send enough money to make it 
too the next step of our journey to the Island of Cyprus and then on too Israel and waited for the money to arrive via general delivery at the local post office for it took at least a week for letters from back home to arrive and we checked into the local hotel simply with our American passports for they were like gold in the Near East and were to pay before leaving a few days or week, after we arrived and were broke and living on faith and while we went to a local bank to try and cash in our silver looking Francus from Switzerland of which the bank teller could not officially do, because they were coins and not paper and the young and handsome  teller befriended us and brought us food too our hotel room and gave us as little money also for food and drink and told us that he was taking English lessons and paying for them and would rather learn English from us and that's a reason that he was helping us as we waited the week for money to come in the mail at general delivery of how  we got all of our corespindance and never by phone, wire or internet for there was none in the early seventies and wire or phone when arriving in Israel and it was always dramatic and exciting waiting for support from home in the different post offices in different towns and countries and took a lot of faith to travel without credit cards and only travellers checks and as we were waiting we got to know the hotel manager who was extremly friendly and critical of the decadence in the West and yo prove it he went into the hotel safe and pulled out some child pornography from Denmark or Sweden to show us and we or I thought to myself what the heck was he doing with this stuff and it seemed hippocritical or at least oxymoronic and then again once we got our money in, or on this time by wire Visa Barkelys Bank and but the requests for the money came by letter writing of which could take a week to get a response by mail to wire and then we payed our bill and and hopped on a bus to catch a ship too the Island of Cyprus and along the reltively short distance too the sea port and along th ge way we pashes by the entrance too the city of Tarsus where the Apostel Paul was born and was excited beyound belief to be in the place where it all started with the Apostel Paul being born and then going on the be thy he greatest missionary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his dramatic conversion,  from being a persecuter of the Church to being its greatest advocate and I and Ken being blessed to follow in his footsteps and arriving to where it all began from, Rome to Greece by land and sea and retracing his missionary journeys and it was like living the Bible in three dementions and feeling so blessed in spite ofthe trials and tribulations of travelling internationally for months and when we boarded the luxury liner looking white ship we booked deck class meaning we had to sit or sleep on the deck chairs and at night,  would sleep on the indoors on luggage racks, to get out of the cold at night for this overnight ferry and enveyed the fact that most of the second class seats passage and aviation style reclining  seats where empty, but none of us dared to sit and recline and sit in them except for an elderly man who wondered of we would get in trouble or humiliated for sitting in them and unpaid for and if I recall saying to him do to his age that I didn't think that he would be humiliated of ask not to sit in these comfortatble seats and after a ling night we arrived in the port city of Nicosia the latest of capital city of Cyprus and then I saw for th he first the evidence of a Crusader building Gothic looking Church and very dramatic scene with one side of the city looking primative and Muslim and the other city looking modern and Christian and the distinction looked so dramatic and distinct from the ship, as we entered into the harbor and then again with one side looking medieval and the other side looking modern and then th he real drama started to happen for we were all informed that nobody will be able to disembark from the luxury ship unless they had at least a couple of hundred bucks or so or a least a hundred bucks so I gave all the money we had to Ken to first go through immigration and he was wearing a tee shirt and sunglasses look and was asked to show the money and he did and then circled around once he got his via stamp on his passport and then gave me the money for me to pass immigration wearing more of a suit and tie look and was not even asked to show any money for a US passport is as good as gold, especially if you dont look like a Hippy and the most dramatic thing that happened in my memory of which I virtually can never forget is the look on a8n Indian National who came up to me and asked if I could loan him the money to get through costumes and that he would give it back once going through the line and since it was all the money that we had, I could not take the risk and I can still see the panic look on  his face and the prospect of being sent and back too Turkey be continued unedited and unpunchuated work in progress and just trying to get my thoughts and memories out before forgetting and friends and family children and future generations will help me edite and publish..

Friday, May 6, 2022

Book of Love by Who/ Chapter Sixteen/ Istanbul and Journy across Turkey too Adana

     Upon arriving too Istanbul from Greece the first thing we looked for was a Church but could not find one, except for what appeared to be and office operated by the Seventh Day Aventist as sort of an Embassy !? In a country that is historically very hostile to Christian  institutions  and still was when we were there and no doubt still is today and more and but the people were great and very friendly to us and I would further say that the people are friendly to a fault and finnally we  contacted the mission and met to men inside an office setting and no Church building or meeting room or hall in site and just a front office setting and we say down to chat with them and were relieved to find some Christians in the first Muslim country that we have ever entered onto and it was a strange and new World with the city skyline all filled with Mosques instead of what the Western skylines look like in New York of high rise office and residential building and instead I remember seeing mostly nothing but Mosques and Minirets and an an awesome and beautiful and foriegn sight it was and a sadness that no Church in Sight and upon finding a couple of Seventhday Day Adventist is was so good to speak freely in English again without an interpreter and by the time we reached Israel I was babbling to talk tot
 folks freely in English, for English is the third language officially in Israel, but really the second along with Arabic and basically everyone understands English for they ran what the Romans renamed Palistine or the land of the Philistines for no Arabs lived there then only the Jewish State of Judia/Israel of from which the Romans destroyed the State and deported its inhabitants until the recent return, after two thousand years and then imported foreigners in spite of the false Jewish king Herods Arab blood and let's go back too Turkey in this story, so Kenny and I talked and fellowshipped with the Adventists that the Pastors busiest day was the so called Christian Sabbath Sunday and Adventist pastors also on Saterday thier Sabbat and they just grinned and didnt know what to say and by the way a Christian pastors day off is Monday and so funny how truth is that Christ is our Sabbath and rest in Him daily and or whatever day one can rest and Saterday the Biblical Sabbath is good if one can keep and rest a full day a week of which is highly recommended or on Sunday for traditional Christian's or both days like the early Christian's did and go and figure and the Pastor and the Middle East Missionary Evangelist with him admired by Christian workers Bible that I had with me and the Evangist said he was the Evangelist for the whole Middle East for the Church and was visiting or .ministering in Istanbul and after leaving this stored front office and incognito location and probably with a discrete meeting room or place in the back, for missionaries are not looked on kindly in Muslim countries and is a dirty word in Israel, when get mad at someone they call them a  "Missionary ", and a much hated word especially amonog the ultra Orthodox Jews for they spite at the name and so use it sparingly in Muslim countries and Israel even though the average Muslim and Jew are just as friendly as in any country in the World and downtown Tel Aviv is just like downtown Los Angelist and it's in Jerusalem that things can get very intense and Ultra Orthidox believers will even spite at the name of Jesus and use a word that means let his name be forgotten. "Yehsu", and so after leaving the two Aventist ministers, we checked into a Youth Hostel in the evening and after a good nights sleep we woke up to being in front of the oldest and largest Christian Catherderal in the World and older then Saint Peter's although currently Sant Peter's is the largest Catheral in the World and in fact the latest open space building in the World and but the Church we stood in front of was the oldest and largest in the World until Saint Peter's, build centuries before our relatively modern Peters in comparison to the Cathederal called The Church of the Holy Wisdom or Saint Sophia and or in Arabic called the Aia Sophia and currently is being used as a Museum after the Turks took Contantinople now Istanbul from the Byzantine Romans and had turned it into Mosque and it is breathtaking to think about the history of this Church of which I had, had no idea about it being the Mother Church in the world until around the fall of Constaninople around the thirteenth century and then until the Renaissance ara in around the fifteenth century and as we stood in front of this historic site that was built in the fifth century and that for a thousand years was the largest Catherderal in the World we were flat broke at this time in a ninty nine percent Muslim country and no Church prospects to minister in and and to be supported and down to virtuall just enough money to buy a bus ticket too Adana Turkey almost three quarters away across Turkey to make our way too Israel via the Island of Cypress of which would leave us virtually broke when we finally arrived in Andana and checked into a hotel with our passports as security and no ticket money for the ship ride to Cypress, while waiting for a letter from our Church in California visa via my wife Becky with boat fare, after a week there and so we are here standing front of this historical Cathederal and because it was a museum now, they  charged a fee to get in, so instead we went a cross a groomed and pavedfield accros from the Cathedral too what was called the Blue Mosque and was build as kind of a diversion from people going too Saint Sophias as an alternate to visit and a big and spectacular as the Mosque was, it felt no sense of history but a clean and sterile and beautiful building designed to compete with Saint Sophiaz of which was full of history that se could not see, from lack of entrance fee for the upkeep and maintenance of the ancient building built by the Roman Christian Emporer Justinian but started by Constantine the Greats first Church site in Byzantina later called Constantinopl,  after him of course and the feelings that I have going back and thinking how close we came to entering into the Catherdral still haunts me as I look back then and knowing today of that I know of the Church building is that I have no regrets no entering in, but anticipation of going someday to enter in for I was wholly amazed at the time and honestly ignorant of the historical value of the site at the time and the Arch BIshop of Istanbul and the Eastern Orhodox want it back as a Church and the Muslim and Turkish government will give it back for Christian services for a certain  amount of which the Patriarch named Matthias currently dies not havethe moey to buy it back and meanwhile the current goverment in power as I write these words in May of two thousand and twenty two wants to or threatening to use it as a Mosque again in spite of someone like Elon Musk, could probably donate enough alone, to buy it back for the Christian World to use it again as a Church and last I heard or read Brother and Patriarch Mattias is hold up in his office in Instanbul from Muslim extremist and terrorists some time ago and is on constant alert and the Muslim controlled government won't allowe even seminariesto train new Priests or let trained Priests intothe country to serve and would like all Christians especially Orthidox just to die off or go away as an institution and but the option to sell the Catherdal back too the Orthodox would be a  great game changer and of course its been decades since I've been there and but have tried to keep up on current events and anyone can contact the Patriarch Mattias at his office in Istanbul for an update on the offer some time ago to sell the Catherdal back too the Orthodox Church and after visiting the Blue Mosque of which if recall was built by Sulimen the Magnificent across from the Saint Sophia and remember there was no Saint named the such, but a referance to Christ the Wisom of God based in passages from the book of Palms concerning " I Wisdom", a shadow referance to Christ for the Greeks love wisdom so the Church is called the Church of the  Holy Wisdom and Saint Paul said "Christ the Wisdom of God", and not after a Saint like Saint Peter, but after Christ for the Church is called, after all is said and done is the Church of Jesus Christ and not the Church of Saint Peter or Paul to be more Orthodox speaking and from Istanbul we boarded a bus for th he long drive across the country too the city of Adona on the South East of Turkey to board a ship to Cypress and fromthere too Israel our final be continued unedited and unpunchuated and to be published into book, with as little help from family and friends in the near future and if would like to help edite then send chapters too and thank you !!!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Book of Love by Who/Chapter Fifteen/ Leaving Corinth for Athens and the North too Thessalonica

       Where does one start when talking about the distance between Corinth and Athens and the ckear blue seas translucent like I have ner seen except in Lake Tahoe California and warm and beckening and the short few hours between Athens and Corinth, is a mind full of glorious and fantasies and foods of Greece and tastes and warm weather and not to hot being next to the sea, all the time in Greece and I remember the first time I few into Greece with John Newton a member of our Church fellowship of which I was Pastor of and we flew over Athens and I was amazed and never saw a city like that from the air for it was so magical and mysterious and and  ancient looking even from the heavens like nothing seen in modern Europe of United States that at least that I have seen from the air like the nucleur plants in California and Germany when taking off and landing of New York City of London on the ground or Stockholm or even Munich and nothing looked like Athens with all it's tiled food from the air and the bowels of my heart were moved and do excited to want to land and explore this ancient city and when we landed in the modern airport we had our way through narrow streets too Mars Hill where Saint Paul made his famous speech to the Unknown God and kept asking people the way to Mars Hill at the foot of the Acropolis and people said you mean Aropoagus, for I was using the Roman English name Mars Hill instead of the Greek name for it and we eventually through congested streets got to the famous site in history, where the ancient Athenians met to disguise important or too heard new things and we arrived to the solid marbel white hill and the base of the Acropolis and the ancient Temple of Athena and came to a bronze plaque with Saint Paul's famous sermon or speech to the Unknown God was written and then we climbed up the solid marbel steps that went to the top of the hill and the steps were so worn my pilgrims and locals in the soft marvel and they were so worn over thousands of years that they were slippery and one person I remember slipped and fell going up the shirt flight of stars and I could hear her bones or back cracked so be very careful and when we took on top of the small hill we were amazed at the site with virtually a Athens at our feet and the Temple on top of the Acropolis on our tight hand and the city sprawled on our left with the ancient Agora or market place before us like the ancient Roman Forum an archeological Park and we sat in awe that we were there like bring in a story book of Biblical setting and the most romantic place in all Athens and at night almost infescrible the way they light up the Temple at night with computerized and sycronized multicolored light moving up and down the Temple columns in a spectacular light show of almost unbelievable romance and couples at night together beholding the scene like people do on Mulholland Drive in San Fernando Valley back in Los Angeles a most romantic spot in the World I thought and longed for my wife there to be with me someday together beholding the romantic and historical beauty of beauties and after landibg on this spot with John Newton we from there made our way too the old quarter to find an inexpensive hotel room down very narrow streets full of anbience and meanwhile Ken and I arrived on bus to this place that I have been before and new just were to go to check into an affordable hotel room in the old quarter and settled in before going too Mars Hill together and on the evening while watching the spectacular site Ken Hopkins played his guitar and I preached to the people gathering there and felt like I was living the Bible and s couple excepted the Lord after Jrn dang and played and we were in heaven on earth for a moment in time and as we had our way back to the hotel room we got lost in the night and stubbled across a large Church building just as a youth group of youth came out of a meeting hall ajasent to the Church and they came to us and crowed around us in joy and glee for I had pasted in white felt the name of Jesus in big letters on my carrying bag where ever I went as a witness that we were on a mission and had no contacts in Greece or Athens except the youth of Corinth that we ministered to virtually every night in Corinth for a week and now again in Athens we came by faith that God wanted us there and would take care of us and lorn doors of ministry and Lo and behold it was happening without any privious contacts and they asked where were we from and told them California and we met the youth leader aist kind happy looking and pleasent man and he invited us to come to the next youth meeting and after returning too outhotel too.we were amazed as to God's timing to make such an important contact and invitation to minister and truly and spiritually speaking we were flying by the seat of our pants for the Lord and He is making the arrangements behind the scenes in the big picture of life in the Spirit, for the first time I was in Athens on a prior mission too Israel was to get the feel of the place and locate a hotel and laundry mat and mom and pop store of which we could not find in Rome except for accomodations and no laundry or mom and pop store near the Roman Forum so my first trips to countries are sonetimes just to lay the groundwork for the next Mission like when I went to Egypt to scout things outfit future ministry and plan on going back and finish climbing the Great Pyramid of which I was to exhausted to make it to the top the first time I was there from jetlag and but beware it's illegal and but I had a guide and can't say more about it but God will make a way where there is no way.
      Then upon the next youth meetinged  miracles happened Kenneth sang his original Gospel song he wrote upon the journey and wowed the youth and the thirteen year old son of a pastor of two Church congregations was Born Again and the Pastor was so grateful that he scheduled us for every meeting he had and took us into his beautiful apartment and treated us like royalty for dinner and played John Biaz Gospel and inspirational music and feed us authentic Greek food and said that he went to Bob Jones University and his wife was sweet and we took an afternoon nap in his apartment for the tradition in the Mediterranean was to stope work in the heat of the afternoon and take a Siesta and then go back to work in the afternoon and evening where cooler and ships even close down for the afternoons and a very savoy way of doing things to get around the summer heat and the night life wakes up to the warm summer nights and another miracle happened I met the beautiful daughter of the most famous Evangelist in Greek named Angelo Demaskenitus and we got an invitation to minister on a Sunday morning in a large Church in the port town of Athens by the sea and spoke there with Angelo as our interpreter as Ken Ministered in music and it was a topical Protestant formal Church service with no one saying Amen and quititly paid attention silently as we tried to stir the typically dry congregation up too a revival for the Greek Evangelical Church as it was called and the main Church was the one we met in Athens and ministered too the youth was and is theologically based on Congregational and Presbyterian lines and very dignified and conservative and after the .music and preaching a miracle happened people began praying out load and Angelo said that, that has never happened before and we knew that God was with us on this mission to revive the Church and to reach people for Jesus and before we left the port city of Pieraus Angelo told us that he would meet us in the city of Thessolonia where we had an invitation to preach and sing a revival meeting for a week and that he would be our  interpreter and after all the engagements with our Fundamentalist Pastor and his  Churches who's son became a Born Again Christian in the youth service we ministered in and before I forget one of the services was in a high rise hotel office building over looking the city of Athens and it was one of the most beautiful views of a city that I have ever seen and the Pastor told me that there there are people living in Athens that never have been too the Acropolis where the marbel Temple of Athena stands and I can relate for I have never been to Alcatraz the number one tourist destination in people busting San Francisco and number two I believe is my home town Sausalito outside of the City and accessable by ferry boat where Otis Redding wrote Sittin' on the dock of the Bay and just when we were about to run out  of money so to speak an elderly lady gave me a Pentecostal Hand Shake and put a five hundred Greek Dracma note in my hand for we never asked for money on our journey and people just gave and God provided all along the way without any support from home until we reached the Muslim country of Turkey where there virtually was no Churches to minister in. When we left Athens for our engagement in Thessolonia, we travelled through country north that reminded me of California the weather was so nice and the scenery on the bus and we came to a place first called Leptocardia and I forgot how we came to know about this place but about half way to Thessolonica when stopped there on the waterfront camp retreat where a large youth meeting was camped out and I think we got a tip to stop there along the way and were invited to speak at their summer camp and I gave my first sermon in broken Greek or testimony and the youth camp leader was so delighted as he interpreted my broken Greek words that I had picked up in Corinth while ministering to the youth there every evening for a week and the camp leader was so delighted that he invited us back to sing and minister in the future, so I still have an open invitation and then they put us up in a large walk in tent and I felt like the Apostle Paul the tent maker by trade and the youth leader told me that they were the reinments of fundamentalist and conservative Christians and refugees from Christian oppression in Turkey and the whole large Curch and  thfe Christian  community moved back too Greece some five thousand of them and after a shower and a good night's slept and snorkel diving in the swimming pool clear waters I found an octopus in discarted shoe and startled a school of large fish and I was in Heaven on Earth on the clear blue water and on the bus again going past California like weather and senery we pasted Mount Olympus somewhere ong the way and Ken was excited and impressed and then we finnaly rolled into Thessolonica the area of Greece where to he Greek version of Paradise would be with it's Elysian Fields and on course near the waters of Paradise beaches of which all Greeks dream of and the place where Socratese was suppose to go after Plato bribed the guards and official to look the other way to make his escape from the death penalty imposed upon him and Plato was a man from a family and friends of substantial means and Jewish family history background and but Socratese would have none of it at his old age and difficult wife to live with always nagging and him being a horsefly on the Greek State always criticizing thier beliefs I'm thier false gods and pagan ways, with his teachings and Symposiums and Thessolonia is were two great wars between East and West took place and were Julious Ceaser and Brutus faced off and lost and another great East and West conflict took place also if I recall and was an important strategic area and the city of Thessonica was named after Alexander the Greats mother and when we entered the city we meet the Pastor of the Greek Pentecostal Church on Agapis' Street Church and bargain our week long revival invitation with Angelo Demaskenitus as our interpreter Greeks version of Billy Graham as our interpreter and the Holy Spirit of God fell upon the congregation and true revival broke out and a Black female Gospel singer from America was there and filled the room with praise and revival is and the power of God was moving and Kenneth Hopkins as usual wowed the crowd with his original and traditional Gospel songs and the palms of my hands were sweating with the witness of the heat and fire of the Holy Spirit and music filled the air and people were shouting and singing and this went on for days until one night was completely quite and no revival and everything was a struggle and the anointing had left and afterwards the Pastor said that the secret police was there in plain clothes and he was so bored by the meeting that he left for Greece at that time was run by a Dictator named Papadopoulos and the secret police were wondering what was going on this meeting with all the shouting and singing and this was about the third or fourth day of the revival and after that incident at night I saw a flash of light outside the second floor window at night in our bedroom above the Church and I peeked out the window and saw a car parked in the alley wide street we were on and if seemed like it had a police type looking spotlight on the side of the car and maybe I was getting paranoid but I put my camera out of the side of the window and put the timer on to photograph the car without being seen on the window ledge and photografed the the dark shadow of the parked car that seemed to be somewhat blocking the narrow alley wide road and began to get nervous about being there and after another night or two we cut thr revival early and Angelo had left back too Athens and the pastor was our interpreter and at dinner sometime during our stay as his guest we had a great Greek dinner and salad and such and cucumbers and things and fresh food with wine if I remember for I learned to live Greek food and they avoided pork and ate lamb instead and the bread and wine and he told me a story about being in the middle of some desert town in Arizona somewhere visiting or on preaching your and stoped somewhere and was terribly thirsty for a beer and Assembly of God Pentecostles in America traditionally don't drink alcohole or at least not in public and just then a lady who recognized him from his international radio broadcast came up to him to say hi and he was saved so to speak from drinking in front of her for the Apostle Paul wrote not to drink in front of anyone that would be made weaker concerning alcohole and basically said that was the Lord's timing for him not to stop and have a beer for in Greece there is no problem drinking wine it's a tradition like in Germany there was no problem drinking emeine and beer at the YMCA . So anyway we had to cut our  revival invitation short due to concern about the secret police and Angelo our interpreter leaving early to back to Athens and feeling very nervouseaving the castle walled city and had an invitation north to minister in a little Greek Assembly of God Church near the ancient ruins of Phililipi and place when the Apostle Paul first set foot in Greece after having a vision on the other side of the Aegean Sea near the site of Troy and like a conqueror coming from the opposite way from the East with the Good News of the Gospel from Asia a minor from where he was born in the city of Tarsus and zi had s similar vision that brought me here also in my wildest dreams and we settled down in on the little Church and wonderful host and Pastor and ministered there and were treated to a delightful Greek dinner with olives from Tassos an island half way across the sea from us too Asia where the Apostle Paul first set foot and from there we took a day trip to the Ancient ruins of Phillipi and visited the traditional jail where Paul was kept with  Silas for preaching the Gospel stired up by the local non believing Jews who had already heard about him the man who was turning the World upside down and of which was released after an earthquake and man of his his first coverts the jailer who was about to commit suicide, when he thought that Paul and Silas had fled the scene and Paul.prevented it by saying that they were still here on the cell when they could have fled but stayed  as a matter of principle for they were falsely charged with disturbing the peace and Paul being beaten unlawfull and being a Roman Citizen was suppose to have a trial and the city officials were frightened for the potential consequences and begged them to leave and meanwhile and idelic scene had happened down by the riverside,  next too the city,  where Paul and Silas went too pray and met a women named Lydia a dyer of purple and excepted the Lord Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour and was baptized along with her family and became the foundation of the first Church in Greece along woth the Jailer before moving on South towards Athens and Kenneth and I visited also the river where the song "Down by the Riverside" of which the Gospel song was inspired by a we met a group of youth swiming there on the beautiful green shores and shade and one was was holding a poisonous serpent unharmed and smiling and obviously knew what he was doing and Ken played a Gospel song for them and witnessed Christ for them and they excepted and we felt like Paul and Silas reliving the Bible and we were with a prominent Greek physician student from the little Church of which we were invited to minister and took us to the ruins, of which an earthquake apparently destroyed long ago and from there after acouple of days boarded an ancient black steam train in the village of Drama a regiment of the old Orient Express line too Istanbul and was so excited to see or witness the black smoke pouring and billowing from the smoke stack and an almost unbelievable ssightike from the movie "Back too the Future" and virtually the smoke being in my face as I stared out the window in almost disbelief that trainslike this still existed in a modern World, like Europe and but Greece at the timewasstill using Dracmas for currency and not Euroes andeventually we rolled into Istanbul over what looked like the Golden Gate Bridge in size and landed in the heart of the City, with its countless Mosques and clear translucent waters and a sight to behold and being the Mosque capital of the World and the first thing we did was look for a Church to contact and we could not see or contact except for a whole in the wall office Church run by the Seventh Day be continued written as I speak in William Faulkner style paragraph long sentances or which that I have taken to a new level, like Chaper long sentances so to speak and unedited and unpunchuated in a continuous 
 glossolalialic and prosaic style of my own and if you would like to help me edite and proof read the chapters of this book for credits please do and send to or telephone 415 374 0734 for this non profit work and Gox bless you in Love and Grace Warefront Pastor and Apostle too Sausalito, California where we meet every Sunday in front of the Sausalito City Hall for a for a ten hour service and meals from noon till ten in the evening and ponder sonetimes and bring something to share or cook for this open mic Church event.Where all are welcome  and bring candels and insence and flowers if you can Love....