
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Sausalito anchor out and Waterfront news

Rough day on the water today even though the sky was blue and there was no strong wind at the time apparently my Zodiac got caught under the bow of my boat with one side deflated and my outboard went under and you all know that means Mariners and it's going to take time for my outboard to be sweated out and Rippy came over and virtually rescued my zodiac to help me get my motor back on Deck so I can pump up the side Pontoon and Billy the pump out man who pumps out people's boats that are taken on water pump to my Zodiac out once we got it above the Freeport so to speak and it was quite a show and thank God for Rippy and and others that helped me today like Lisa mccracklin and Steve her close friend who brought an anchor and chain for me and shackles and labored for hours to help pull it up and anchor so I could reset my boat away from other boats and I'll have to wake up at around 3:00 in the morning to pull up my main anchor with the tide and so on and so forth and so is the life on a waterfront it's not for everybody not everybody is cut out to be a mariner and remember Sausalito is where the inspiration for the movie Water World came from in my opinion because I Hollywood movie Ghost Rider was living out on the dry docks which reminded me of the atol in the Water World and was on at one time possibly the world's largest catamaran that blew into the dry dogs and he moved in with his typewriter and typed away and may have typed the script for the movie Waterworld or involved in it as a Ghost Rider and he was a tutor for the Kennedys if I recall also.

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