Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Theilogical thoughts by Reverend Peter Romanowsky in Exhile in Sausalito from all I love in this Earth since 1984
Moses's career started off by murdering and Egyptian who is abusing one of his fellow people and when the Pharaoh heard of it he fled Into the Wilderness and suffered 40 years and even at the hands of his father-in-law in Midian which is in Arabia and was even held captive by him and suffered imprisonment according to some historical and ancient sources and even after talking to God in person and directly and leading his people out of the wilderness and not only finding Redemption for himself by taking the Law into his own hands and basically at least committing the manslaughter by some people's opinion including my educated opinion and taught frequently that he killed a man without a trial and it wasn't in self-defense but in defense of another but did it warrant capital murder is the question and it's not wrong to ask questions and the main issue is that he started off on the left foot so to speak and in the end he wasn't allowed to enter into the Promised Land for reasons not technically and exactly known other than he disobeyed God who said speak to the Rock and water will come out in the desert and instead he flipped out into a rage at the people and banged Aaron's holy rod apparently with the almonds on it the miraculous almonds the groove from a dead Rod against The Rock and in spite of his disobedience to God the water came out and some say this is the reason he was not allowed into the promised land but could only see it with his eyes from Mount Nebo and Jordan of which I have seen the mountain across the Jordan Valley and I'm saying all this to say you may be the most perfect man in your circle of friends or Ministry and but in the end nobody is perfect and not even Moses and although we all seek perfection of which is God's will as Jesus said be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect and further the scripture say there's not a perfect man or a good man on Earth who doesn't need Redemption from the mystery of original sin in the Garden of Eden.
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