
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Sausalito Anchorage press release

Sausalito historic Anchorage being destroyed after thousands of years a free anchorage by local Miwoks also called, The Water People and the first place Francis Drake anchored a cording to the local Miwoks and written in a book by an ancester of Chief Marin and now the State of California BCDC, Marin County RBRA and the City of Sausalito want to sterilize the last refuge and Anchorage on the San Francisco Bay after during the Gold Rush the City of San Francisco's bay and  Anchorage was filled in, so Sausalito became the defacto Anchorage of the city of Ssn Francisco and there is no other safe or free harbor left for working liveaboards, like fishermen, salvagers and rescuers and of course Privateers like Sir Francis Drake a d low income and poor people that can't afford to buy land or houses in the richest and most expensive county of Marin and developers have thier eye on the bay to fill it in like Fort Lauderdale and put paid moorings for yachts eventually destroying one of the last free ports in the world and at the crossroads of the world and the developers will continue to built houses on the bay and fill in the shorelines, like they did to Strawberry the harbor seal haulout area by local buyers like Pete Wilson and former Governor and number one rascal and anti anchorout who baught a house on the bay fill and his name eludes me and help me remember someone out there who was a County Supervisor at the time and the County of Marin and Cities surrounding the Anchorage keep polluting the bay with run off from their multi million homes surrounding the Anchorage and blaming the poor and working Mariners for polluting the bay in pure hypocrisy and building no low income housing housing for the harassed and the displaced who's homes and boats are being destroyed during the Covid19 pandemic  after 72 hour notice, with no right to redeem ones boats or historical floating homes and a refuge for all who have had a tragedy in their lives and have lived in the County for years and decades and are born here to have to have a refuge until one can get their feet back on land if they desire to give up working on the water historically and will not even be allowed to redeem thier confiscated boats and historically floating homes and crush them right away with few exceptions on pain of leaving the safe harbor or be crushed without the thirty day waiting and redeem time that motor homes and cars have and Maritime Law states and to have twenty four hour security so inse confiscated boat is not robbed in the night at the Army Corps crushing ground and people are not even allowed to stay on their pirated vessels at night to protect their property as has always been in the past and we are dealing with land thieves and pirate corporations and evil doers and homeless makers who will have no home in Heaven for those that make people homless and see you and rally every Sunday in front of the Sausalito City Hall for free hot meals and Anchorout/Waterfront Church fellowship and protest against the City Council of Sausalito and County of Marin and political action and removal of the Tyrants in public office and to elect our own compassionate Council Members and County Supervisors and the Governor also who lives historically in the County and has not done a thing to help low income and permenant housing and home ownership and just sold his house for millions and a great judgement is waiting from Heaven on their houses and lands and health and bodies if they the Limosine Liberals in this solidly Democratic County and no excuses for blaming the Republicans here and yours truely Waterfront and Anchotout and homeless advocate and Pastor the Reverand Peter "Christian" Romanowsky and resident of the County since 1964 and the longest surviving resident at anchor on the San Francisco Bay, to the best of my knowledge since first putting and mooring a boat off Sausalito in 1982 and full time living on a boat since 1984, with three years in a criminal corporation and harbor called Galilee Harbor and supposed refuge for Anchorouts and full time Marine service harbor  that has sold out to land lover and anti anchotout tenants, too the highest bidder of which no poor anchotout can afford to move in and should and will be under a Grand Jury investigation in the future also with their co conspirators on the Sausalito City and surrounding City Councils like Mill Valley, Tiburon and Belvedere the richest and most influential island in the World as well as the Mari. County Board of Supervisors and the Governor of whom by Gods Grace will never be able to attaine a higher office due to their pride and greed and of neglecting the poor and throwing them just a bone like we were dogs and yeas we are dogs, Sea Dogs that will politically and Spiritually bite as sure as my Great Grandfather and Uncle who first set foot in Sausalito to reach Mariners and Anchorouts for Christ in 1890 and founded the Finnish Seamens Mission in San Francisco   that eventually developed into Getsemene Lutheran Church and then merged with a Danish Luthern Church and is called Saint Francis Lutheran Church on Church Street in the Castro District of which originally was called Fin Town, with all its Saunas and bath house of which e eventually after the Sixties the quote "Gays" moved in and the first outbreak of Aids and of which my Great Grandfather and Uncle after the early death of his brother took over and adopted my grandmother in Finland and went on from the Bay area and Northern California as a Lutheran Priest to be the Head of the Finnish Missionary Society in Finland and its international missions from Angola to Israel and China and Japan and is written up in the United Nations for helping solve a dispute between missionaries like the Roman Catholics and the British Missionaries and write many books and translated the Finnish New Testament into modern Finnish as was Knighted with a metal from the Czar of Russia for his work as Finland was under the Czar of Russia and when the Russians came to San Francisco to buy grain for their holdings in Alaska they brought the best sailors and Mariners and ship builders and sail and line makers in Russia, who were the Finnish sailors of which many, like the Russians settled in San Francisco and occupied Alta California with their Capital at Fort Ross and the last or next in line hereditary speaking lives still in Marin County named Peter Romanov and not to be confused with my name of which is another story altogether as my father was a Soviet officer who defected to Finland during the Russian and Finnish Wars before the Natzis invaded the Soviet Union and married my Finnish mother where I was conceived and all together escaped oo Sweden in a thirty foot lifeboat with thirty refugees in it, in thirty foot seas where I was born and eventually my first waking moment in history was waking up on a ship in heavy seas coming too America and eventually I married a Famous Sea Captians daugter here in Marin County and who also was a County Supervisor and Chairmen of the Board at the Vallejo Maritime Academy and Senior Member of the then State Harbors and Navigation Commission and appointed first by Governor Pat Brown and then reappointed by Ronald Reagan and entertained both Eisenhower and Patton at his Captians table as a Merchant Mariner in World War ll, somewhere in the be continued unedited and unpuncuated to get my thoughts and memories out on type, to be corrected and published in a book in the future with the help of my three grown University graduate Children and granchildren in the near future and forever and if don't get you straight about the Anchorage and homeless situation, my children will and if anyone presently like to run this treaties through a word processor then please do and email me the grammatically correct version too telephone me at 415 374 0734 and leave a message for I rarely answer the phone due to so much sp calls in these days and typing with one finger on a cell phone on my anchored ship and floating home on Richardson Bay off Sausalito for thirty years waiting to get help and housing that never comes and only promises and lies and waiting for me to die and crush my home to leave nothing for my descendants except a legacy that will not happen and the bay and the historical free port and Anchorage will not be destroyed on my watch, but political careers and fake news journalist will be exposed and thank you for your time reading and will continue this historical work in the future and if you would like to help donate too this cause and every penny used to dethrone land Pirate delevopers and Tyrant politicians and fire fake news so called puppet journalist for the greedy and rich and powerful Limosine liberals after first feeding the low income and poor disposed Mariners and house boaters and tent city dwellers that the surrounding cities and especially the County of Marin and the Non Union press of the rich and powerful and greedy Independant Journal that doesn't care a rats behind of permenant housing and ownership of low income families and people and just supports the current status quot and but a change and Revolution is coming as always happens when the landless pheasants revolt against economic tyranny and moral lawlessness....

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