
Monday, January 23, 2023

Chapter Seven Religion and Philosophy by Pastor Peter Christian Romanowsky of Sausalito a personal Journey

An overview of the most famous Cynic Diogenese of Sinope, the homeless aesthetic of Athens and even Jesus parallels some of the philosophies of the school of Cynicism that came down through Greece to the Roman Empire to a Greek settlement not far from Jerusalem, for instance and some examples are that Diogenes was first convicted of defacing coins with his father who together  worked cinting coins In Sinope a Greek colony on the Black Sea in what is now Turkey and Greek colony on the Black Sea and was in prison and then exiled or escaped along with his father who died in prison and for he had gone to the Oracle of Delph, at one point in hia life in ancient Greece and was told to deface coins and apparently because they had images of people who were apparently proclaiming themselves as gods and making the coins into miniature idols and  Jesus peaking about  coin with Augustus Caesar on on it. Who also was a proclaimed as a god and temples built to worship him eventually and  said render too Ceaser the things that are Caesar the things that are Caesars and  unto God the things that are Gods and Diogenes taught that basically that money or the love of it, was the root of all evil as Jesus also spoke that one cannot worship both God and Mammon of which meant riches or the god of riches to be understood eventually as  another idol and Diogenes was also  against the cult of conventional burials, at the time where there were brotherhoods or guilds that promise to give each other a decent and ritualistic burial and apparently whether they were good, bad or evil for that matter and Jesus told a man that wanted to be follow  him to let the dead bury the dead and referring to the Man's father of whom the man told Jesus that he had to first go bury his father and apparently it was a reference to the old saying at al.ost every funeral that he was said that "he was a good man" and apparently this man's father was not a good man and shouldn't be given a ritualistic glowing burial as or as a general example. also  also Jesus when he sent the seventy  evangelist out and  told him just to don't bring scripr or bag or two pairs of sandals and things like that and basically sent them out with a staff and the clothes on their back to preach the gospel to preach, like the ancient Bard Philosophers of old  and to except the hospitality of people as mendicants, who were supported by those that they ministered too and traveled like Jesus and the apostles as homeless or at least itineraries living on the support of others being ministered to as they proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom and healing the sick and casting out devils as they had no time to reap and harvest and fish like during the three years that Jesus and a disciples lived homeless, as he taught said that the birds of the air have nests and the foxes have holes and but he didn't have a place to lay his head like Diogenies, in a sense and being homeless also and at least be had a wine vat to live in and of course no comparison with other extreme antics of Diogenes and but Diagonese did Break the mold on doing unconventional and extreme things in his lifestyle to shake and riddle the cage of the Hedonistic lifestyles other citizens of Anthenns and Corinth the seat of Hedonism and a port city with a Temple of Aphrodites and temple prostitutes of which Athens must have had also and in my many missionary visits too Corinth I was told that the Temple on Mount Corinth, had as many as five hundred Temple Prostitutes and also in a way St Francis of Assisi adapted this kind of Aesthetic lifestyle also, by wearing just a robe of what you wore all his life and it is in the Cathedral named in his honor in Assisi hid home town and can still be seen, full of patched holes, as the philosophers of old ideally were envision as wandering and traveling from town to town telling stories and philosophizing and wearing only a robe or just loin cloth at times and carrying a staff and a mindicant begging bowel  anA mendicate begging bowl (like Buddist do today) or cup of which when Diogenes saw a child drinking water with his bare hands, Diogenes thinking how could this child out do me in frugality and no doubt thinking that children who really have nothing substantially in a a grown up world then broke his own bowel and began drinking with his hands and got rod of his Mendecant begging bowel and sti solicitaed for dobations directly and when Diagines was asked how he'd like to be buried for instance he said that to throw his body to the dogs that he loved so much and we don't know, if this actually happened and there is no grave od Diogenese and but after his death, In spite of his unconventional norms and antics, embarrassing and challenging the existent norms and challenging the establishment such as apparently doing things like be  naked In public and nor ashamed and even masturbating and defecatingIn public at times a places like dogs, who are not ashamed to even make love in public do and of which Diogenese did not do, but a disciple or follower of his and Socratese.before did in even making love in public and for the word Cynic in Greek is the word for word for doglike behavior or apparently felt the dogs are not only mankinds best friend and but the purest form of animals or God's creations, for man  and dogs in the wild ifor i stance wolves are monogamous and Diogenese  himself was  apparently was celibate and overal moral man and apparently never married and was a  precursor in a way to early Christian Monk like behavior of which Francis of Assisi reverted too, with his one robe that he wore all his life and walking around barefoot like the early philosophers and especially the Cynics and of course there are other examples that paralles the school of Cynicism, that Jesus displayed also like telling the rich young ruler to sell whatever he didn't need and give to the poor and to and come follow him and how many people can do that today? To sell what they don't need or ha e two of have and give to the poor like giving so eone thier extra coat, John the Baptist spoke and Jesus and the early church practice Theological Communism or Communalism, as they held that they possess nothing and that everything belong to God and the Brethren and the early Christian family of believers henceforth went from house to house, like one big  family,  feasting, fellowshipping and praying and having home meetings and having church virtually daily in one form and another and living a communal lifestyle like the Essian Monks om the Dead Sea, of which I visited also, at the time of Christ along with John Baptist who lived with  or alongside or even emulated,  much of the Essians monastic and isolated hermit life,  from the rest of the World and though, it is that Diagonist was as a student of Socrates' philophey and as though Plato described him as Socrates gone mad and even a disciple of Diogenes named Critius who also was a direct student of Socratese as Diogenes and , were two ships, passing in the night, historically speaking and also he did something out of the sicial norms as to.make love in public with a wealthy woman who forsook the social norms and it's pleasures and it's money and status and married him and dressed as a man and lived homeless and having  only  one cloke each between them and living homeless like dogs like Diogenes with her in what was called a dog wedding with Critius and consummated thier relationship, by making love in public and she is listed as the only woman philosopher that Diogenes the historical writer of the biographies of the Philosophers and historian was  mentioned as the only woman philosopher, if not throughout all history, in his book of the lives of the Philosophers and in my opinion the second woman philosopher, so to speak was Zantippie,  who was the wife of Socrates and the one who through all her historical antics about about her relationship with Socrates and being bepickted as a wild horse to be by Socrates in reply to when friends at symposiums, would question him about  his wild relationship with his historically depicted nagging and srew of a  wife and was depicted as a horse to be tamed in response and is said out of loving such women with spirit and depicted as a horse because her name in Greek means the blond  horse and Socrates described himself also  as a horsefly stinging the great steed of Athens and stinging Athens, with his wisdom, wit and philophophy, that she no doubt, learned from his relationship, with Zantippie the philosophers wife, of some forty years younger and probably has got a bad rapp through history and the butt of many jokes and antidotes and if asked, I.sure that he would say, in his humor, that it was Zamtippie, that made him the philosopher, that he has become and hats off too you Zantippie.... if you like these chapters unedited and in progress then please send a tip after downloading cash app and the name to send is Cajidog and if you'd like a tax-exempt receipt note your return address and God bless you!

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