
Saturday, January 21, 2023

Chapter Six/Religion and Philosphey by Peter Christian Romanowsky a Personal Journey

A day in the life of a Sunday service on the waterfront of Sausalito California; I'm excited tomorrows Sunday Service in the park, for nobody knows how hard and complicated it is for me to get up early like 7:30 on Sundays watch my religious television programs like Joel Olsteen the nation's pastor he's such a positive person and then meditating and praying in my heart and preparing my soul and heart and then making it to shore in virtually any type of weather good bad or ugly and in the cool damp of the morning inside my boat collecting all the things that will be needed for the day like all the odds and bits that make the service what it is down to cigarette lighter the type device to put on battery to charge other people's cell phones in my own also during the service and every little detail counts if I forget one little thing it throws things off and makes things more expensive if I have to go to the hardware store and pick up something like batteries for the organ and the little mini amp of which can cost around $40 a month alone on accounting of food and drink and others implements and odds and ends that make the service a multimedia event with constant background music and intermittent Oregon piano music and guitar and open mic within some bike stands and wires and portable pulpit and big heavy alter Bible and then after buying food and supplies from Safeway in Mill Valley downtown I drive to the front of the library entrance and begin to unload my SUV of which I have turned into a catering truck full of implements and pots and pans barbecue and such and so the day begins as I start unpacking cooking and preparing for an hour from 11:00 to 12:00 if people aren't already there by one two or three people then they'll start coming in and filtering in up until between two or three is one most people come and go or arrive and a good time for Jeff Chase to read from the Torah as he does every Sunday because there is no synagogue in town and a number of Jewish people ethnically come to the Gathering and I will read something or will have it another Bible reader read something from the New Testament or I will sing something from the New Testament and play my guitar and or organ and there is no real set time for all of us to get to get together at once except by 3:00 usually and thanks for reading and listening and then all during the day from 11:00 while unpacking and cooking I'm talking to people in between and ministering and conjoling and answering questions and being a full-time pastor and priest with a listening ear and quoting Bible scriptures words of wisdom quips and jokes and keeping people entertained from a biblical atmosphere perspective and the constant inspirational music which virtually never stops it helps create a holy atmosphere that sometimes disruptors try to disrupt but have never completely been able to disrupt the service and rarely happens and but the more people that come the more likely a bad apple might come and try to disturb the service while either drunk or tweaking on methamphetamine and I don't expect this to happen this Sunday because there will be enough other anchor odds to put the kibosh on any Loose Cannon and then by evening the candles are lit which gives it a really great atmosphere and we can also cut loose after 5:00 when the library closest and we can make as much noise singing and preaching and testifying as we want until they AA meeting starts at 8:00 and we have to be a little quiet until 9:00 when they end and then we can cut loose again until 10:00 and after that you know we have to tone it down to a meditative atmosphere in the Tranquil dark with candles with and music playing in a perfect time for meditation and Afterglow and it is one of my favorite times for I'm not working so hard during the service and I'm able to send it to keyboard and play along with the music While others are meditating or quietly fellowshipping also and then I begin packing up about after 10 slowly and sometimes it takes me an hour or two to clean up and pack up and by midnight I drop off things into my skiff at the dock that I need to take home and I park my car ride my bike get down to my skiff and roll out into the night and all kinds of weather good bad and ugly and sometimes are oftentimes I use an electric motor to help get out if there's a stiff breeze and strong tide and it's all very challenging and in the middle of the night while everybody's asleep and I don't usually get into bed until 2:00 in the morning exhausted and but happy that I had been through a maritime Marathon day and I virtually sleep all day the next day recovering from all those hours I'm out into about 12:00 hours every Sunday of active Ministry or cooking or cleaning up and leaving the place virtually spotless and even cleaning the wax off the floor on hands and knees with a knife and I stay in bed usually Tuesdays after that also and Wednesdays and by Thursday I start to revive and wake up again and go to shore move my SUV like I have to do every 3 or 4 days according to the law and then I'm back on my boat Thursday Friday and Saturday and do what I can to work on my boat or Minister online from my boat and even in the 3 days I'm in bed usually from Monday to Wednesday I'm ministering online and over the internet and staying busy as a pastor full time and working on a on my newest book project in the category of religion and philosophy ideally one chapter a day when possible are feeling inspirational and that is my week and Sunday Ministry for the past 2 and a half years I had a cost of about $500 a month and sometimes more like up to 600 from my fixed income of which now it's upward 1500 a month along with food stamps and I have about four or $500 to live on myself personally every month to maintain my car and my skin and my boat and pay phone bill and at least no rent or taxes or mortgage and living freely on the water as I have for decades rent free and that's why I am able to finance the weekly Church Fellowship events and donations to come in sporadically to help out and that I've never made a single Dollar in profit and I'll link and not only in the past two and a half years that we have been meeting Outdoors but for about 3 years meeting indoors and paying the rent of which was up to eventually $380 a month at $35 an hour to meet indoors and we were unceremoniously evicted after a homeless Street tweaker came to our service from San Francisco and trashed the bathroom and flooded it by plugging up the toilet and defecating all over the floor and pulling three fire alarms bringing the fire truck to the service and the police officer white would not even take a police report at the time and since then he has been more cooperative and congenial and understanding since we've been having to meet Outdoors every since after about a year and a half break without having any services and when we met indoors the weekly cost out of pocket for I was still in the main financier of up to $850 a month for the food and the rent and my dog and I were laboring everyday virtually playing the guitar and singing and ministering at the Fairyland in to raise money to pay the rent and to buy the food and sometimes we only made like $20 in a whole day's work and I supplemented my social security and disability and my dog was officially designated as a fundraising Dog for our church by the humane society and therefore didn't have to pay the $500 a year animal exhibition permit because of being unofficial 501c non-profit under the name the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated and the address is PO Box 2404 San Anselmo California 949 60 and my telephone number is 415-374-0734 if anyone like to call for more information are suggestions on what to bring like especially we need candles in the evening and they are very expensive and about 40 to $50 a month alone and if you would just like to send the plane tip to help me continue buying the food and condiments you can through cash app under the name Cajidog, code name or if you would like to send the donation by mail your check can be used for tax exemption or the treasure Becky Romanowsky will send you a tax exempt receipt and if you asked what is the hardest part of my day Sunday well it's being completely exhausted after being up for 18 hours and up to 12 of them ministering cooking preaching either to a gathering or one at a time or two at a time for the 12 hours on site and again the hardest part is in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep rolling or motoring out to my boat in the dark and in iffey the weather and being concerned about being carried away with the Titan wind before reaching my boat but usually 2:00 a.m. in the morning while the whole world is asleep and I alone I'm awake in the night and cold and wind and tide and that is if some tweaker in the middle of the night and while I'm ministering late in the night some tweaker steal something from my dinghy like a deep cycle battery for an electric outboard motor that could cost over $100 to replace and one must take their horse with them and anything of value from their dingy at the dingy dock due to the tweakers in the night who will take anything to get out to their boats at anyone's expense and even taking people's kayaks and boats as well as oars of which are necessary to get out to ones boats in the dead of night.

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