Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Chapter Two/Testimonial/ 60's Runaway Arriving back too San Francisco Bay Area/by Peter Romanowsky CEO/President of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc.
A story almost unbelievable, as a young runaway Hippie from Los Angeles, during the Summer of Love and returning back to Marin County in the San Francisco Bay Area where I lived before for a time and after hitchhiking from my parents home, in San Fernando Valley a suburb of Los Anges. I eventually became the head of a Commune of four teenage girls and my best friend and we were living it up on the hip life and in a beautiful Hillside brand new home, in the Redwoods in San Anselmo California, Marin County. I fell in love with one of the young girls as we were all the same age and had just turned 18 and after giving up my last besetting sin, of which I was at that time was a teenage Marijuana user and gave it up for Jesus and was Born Again by the Holy Ghost which entered into my heart and a voice came out of my chest saying you're forgiven and again saying, you're forgiven and for the first time in my life I felt peace with God and all my fears of God disappeared and I felt like I had a clear channel to the father and of course looking back it was the Holy Spirit, speaking from my heart and I initially thought I was losing my mind from all the teenage years of drug abuse and experimentation and I thought I was having a super flashback and that I was losing my mind, for when someone has a spiritual or Supernatural experience for the first time in their life the first thing initially one feels is the fear of the unknown experience and then after imagining me being taken away in an ambulance and I realized that I was not losing my mind but that I was having a supernatural experience, for the first time in my life and I felt peace in my mind and joy in my heart the two things all of us run away hippies from the 60s were searching after and after the initial experience and shock of the unknown as someone once said that the word fear not is mentioned 365 times in the Bible and I haven't looked it up but easy to find with a Bible Concirdance and virtually every time an angel appeared to someone in the Bible the first thing the angel would say is "fear not" and the first thing the Holy Spirit told me was that I was forgiven and in a beautiful feminine voice, like a receptionist saying welcome aboard. After marrying one of the young ladies in the commune, who was the youngest daughter of the Marin County Supervisor at the time named Ernest Niles kettenhofen. I remember seeing his name when I was homeless and hitchhiking on, campaign posters and I had no idea that I would become his son-in-law someday. He was so rich and powerful and so influential, that I was awestruck initially and like my dream had come true, of marrying a rich girl and be happy for the rest of my life, but since I was born again and now knew Jesus personally and had become a part of the family of God, his wealth and power and influence, seemed like nothing to me, compared to the Kingdom of God, that was now in my heart as Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within you and Jesus was now and is my king and even Elvis Presley said when somebody called him "The King" his reply was there was no King but Jesus. And well anywhere that was my story, I lost my train of thought and AND, may not be a proper way to start a sentence in modern American English, and but in King James Bible it is allowed and as I was saying about my late father-in-law and his wealth and his power of which was almost and still is beyond description. He was called the man with the Midas touch in our major and primary paper called The Marin Independent Journal and that everything he touched turned to gold and was winning all the time and accumulating properties and political influence and was an acquaintance of the late President Eisenhower of whom he hosted on his Liberty ship in the Mediterranean during the war and when he was a Merchant Marine Sea Captain and he said he also hosted that famous General Patton and he was appointed also, to the then, State Harbors and Navigation Commission by Governor Pat Brown and reappointed by Governor Ronald Reagan and was the chairman of the California state Maritime Academy in Vallejo and the Chairman of the Board of our main hospital in Marin County called Marin General Hospital and initiated the founding of the mental health ward Wings A and B and his name is in a bronze plaque in front of the mental health wing of Marin General Hospital and I felt like that's where he wanted me to be, after I told him that he needed Jesus when I first met him. He was standing in his luxury hillside home with counting six bathrooms and a basement room that looked like the proverbial block in length and he was wearing a shabby suit and overcoat and he was standing in the middle of his living room looking down like he was frozen and couldn't move and so I took the initiative when I first met my future father-in-law by coming up to him and helping him snap out of it by saying that "You need Jesus" and pointing to him and of which may have been rude to point to him, but I can't remember and I no doubt from memory, just came up to him with a big heart and a big smile and said to him that "You need Jesus"! Well his reaction was he started to shake like he was grumbling and kind of came back to life so to speak for I don't know how long he was in that funk of a depression. Well anyways that was the beginning of the end for me before Becky is youngest daughter and I were married and he took me aside before the wedding in his luxury home and pointed his finger at me and said that you're not going to get nothing, or anything was more his exact words thinking that I was marrying him for his money. I Shrugged him off as just another non-believer and not making much sense at to me at the time and thought that virtually he was just being over sensitive , paranoid or over emotional or just joking, it was not a joke and in fact he really meant it and he kept his word until the day he died and that's another story and back to his power and influence as a Marin County Supervisor, he probably served as Chairman of the Board also, for he was a sea captain with something like a hundred and fifty voyages on Matson Line as Captain, too Hawaii and back and as being a Sea Captain and an Alpha Dog, it's hard to imagine him being second fiddle to anyone. He owned some of the largest properties in Sausalito for instance, his office building that was size of a third world state capital building and that was needed was a dome called the 30-30 Bridgeway Office Building and his office was inside, of a walk-in safe and it looked like Scrooge Mcduck's walk-in safe except it there were no bags of money around and the office safe is still there and you can stop by the building on Bridgeway and ask them to see it for themselves and it was used to lock up top secret plans on the Liberty Ships that were being built here in Sausalito for instance and he also owned the airplane hangar looking size building called the Industrial Center Building and he also owned the underwater rights to the property behind the Yellow Ferry and owned the largest condo project in Sausalito called the Anchorage after first teaming up with one of the Kingston Trio and then buying him out and he also owned a whole block in the front of the Sausalito City Hall and the Library of which he developed from it originally being a nursery here in Sausalito and is where the famous Sausalito Art Festivals began and aside from the Sausalito holdings he also in the Sausalito Yacht Harbor owned a luxury 55 ft Garden Catch called the Night Wind of which he eventually donated to the California State Maritime Academy in Vallejo, as it was his Alma Marta. He also owned one of the most fabulous ranches in California originally called the S Bar S and also known as the Lost Springs Ranch of which was the entire Valley behind the extinct volcano called Mount Konocki in Clear Lake California, of which lake is the largest natural lake in California and his Ranch was around 1200 Acres and it was breathtaking and beautiful and he had a Hatari type of rough terrain vehicle to cruise his ranch and had a dirt landing strip for airplanes and ponds and rentedor leased the pastures out for cattle grazing and at one point had some Lamas and there were approximately 5 buildings houses, buildings and cabins on the property, from what I understand the main Ranch House was a former Stagecoach Inn and building and was donated to the town of Lakeport down the road to be a museum and my children's mother who is treasure of the Family Foundation, wrote the check of some $175,000 if I recall, to have the Stagecoach Inn to move the Inn, down the road some miles on wheels and as amazing as that was and is and I could almost imagine, what it looked like for an Old Stagecoach Inn to go rolling down the road some miles away, from the ranch to be used as a Museum in Lakeport the capital city of Lake County, California and I used to go horseback riding and learned to saddle horses with every, doing it before and they had a heated pool in the family house on the ranch, that my late father-in-law used to use as a hunting lodge and taking up to 30 of his friends up there for hunting, including even his personal mechanic and no doubt there were judges and attorneys and financiers and bankrollers and authorities there as he was also a Marin County Supervisor and the richest and most lust County in California and was he not allowed to meet with any other Supervisors, even for coffee, without an observer under what's called the brown Act and I sometimes wonder if he invited fellow Supervisors up there at the same time again the Broen Act and will at least they were witnesses!? if he did and I think that's where a lot of the shenanigans were hatched and business deals and other nefarious deals were done and well anyways Becky and I with the children, would go up there regularly and it was a lot of fun and very beautiful place. He also owned Tahoe ski Bowl and made the children of my mother a limited partner and a beautiful beach house at Dillon Beach and a small farm on Bradford Island in the delta with a house and a dock where he could go duck hunting also, like he did at his Ranch in a Duck Blind, also the beach house had a brand new looking Cabana for guests in the back and I used to love to go there with my wife and two kids at the time and eventually I had a third child and I am Sarah and well that's another story also and I heard that he was partners In The Bank of Marina fire recall and owned a historic post office building in Mill Valley California in Marin County and said he helped developed downtown Novato a city north part of Marin County and had a mink farm there and a heat wave kill the Minx and he apparently owned the historic old Courthouse building in the center of Marin County's largest town and I watched it burned down one night, after a young homeless guy I met a new said that he had accidentally set the place on fire while lighting newspapers in the building and the place obviously did not have enough security and my in-laws No Doubt made good money on the deal for the property was sold it a couple of major Banks that were put in its place of this historical an Irreplaceable Old Courthouse and I'm not saying that he owned all these properties and more like the first house he ever owned and built in El Cerrito if I recall East Bay of San Francisco and houses in Santa Rosa and a large building that he rented out to a church in Santa Rosa and the list seems to go on and on and that's just what I know of or have heard of of his influence and as well and his power and he told me that he was certified genius and a member of Mensa and I doubted him not and so this is the type of person that I had to contend with over his youngest daughter Becky, he told Becky to be stubborn with a grin, asked her if she would like the apartment building in San Anselmo next to the mortuary and also which is next to George Lucas's property and when I would go overseas on a missionary journey for instance they buy her luxury Garden home with Redwoods, in San Anselmo and even made her manager of the apartment complex called the Anchor Vista prior of which her family owed also and that t we move too from our Hillside house across the road in San Anselmo and even bought her a brand new car which turned out to be a lemon because my late mother-in-law bought it and didn't know anything about cars and the thing burned oil from day one and it was brand new and it was lemon colored and if I had been asked my opinion having been an apprentice mechanic as a teenager and for an entire summer and I wouldn't have had anything to do with that car and but I was overseas and they also gave her credit cards like a gas card and department store card and I am overseas doing the missionary evangelism and having healing services and speaking in churches and being supported along the way with some major help from Becky and our home church that I was pastoring when for instance we ran out of money in Turkey, a Muslim country and we couldn't find any churches to minister in and receive support and that is another story itself and I'm so thankful that she always managed to send money and aid on the road, in a foreign country like, Turkey with no churches to help us along to the next destination of which was Cypress the island and the stepping stone to Israel and Jerusalem our final destination and before I go on I want to digress back to the beginning of my story, about running away from home at the age of seventeen and hitchhiking back to Marin County on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge where I lived and went to Redwood High School in my junior year and the beginning of my senior year in high and before that I attended Analy High for my junior year and in the year that Martin Luther King was assinated in 1964? and lived on Ross Station Road in Forestville California off the Gravristine highway and attended Analy High in Sabostopol before moving with my parents and family to 66 Hillcrest Road in Larkspur California and I woke up, for we reached our destination at night and could see the San Francisco Bay from are a luxury Old Redwood estate home of which our yard looks like a national park. Now I was in another world after growing up in the suburbs of Los Angeles and originally living in Redondo Beach is a child before moving to Reseda and then to Encino and eventually to Tarzana, from which I left again after the Summer of Love in San Fernando Valley. Towards the end of 1966, I was busted and charged with possessing marijuana while I was with a best friend in front of a liquor store in Tarzana and I did not possess the marijuana my best friend did and he freaked out when the police pulled up and instead of putting the 1 oz bag of Mexican Brown down his pants like he should have and the cops would never have searched it he instead, freaked out and wasn't thinking and through the plastic bag on the ground and peed on it and thinking that the police wouldn't pick it up if he peed on it I thought it was just trash or garbage and how wrong he was and strange things happen when people are under sudden shock surprise and such and one must have a plan not to panic under such circumstances whatever they may be and thinking straight to clear headed instead of panic mode of which makes the one thinking, unreasonably. And as one of the young cops was taking back off of a portable radio we had looking for more drugs I made a slide remark and laughed about him looking inside the radio when he had already made his bus and now protection from the look on his face see different like my little heart and I was arrested along with my best friend and I was taken to the West Valley Police Department of which had a very bad reputation ation for police brutality and this all white neighborhood and part of West Sacramento Valley and while being booked one of the arresting officers I was joking and lsughing in the front of the other offices that were there in the station and asked if I knew how to sign my name on the booking and I jokingly in a snide remark kind of way said, in retort and in a self-defense sort of manner,I told him "no" and why don't you sign my name and the cop I remember he was about five feet ten and heavy set with red Irish or Scotch hair and then he pushed me violently too the ground and fell backwards,on my back on the cement floor and when I open my eyes and looked up I saw all these cops in the circle around me laughing and it reminded me of the movie The Laughing Policemen and I didn't think it was funny and then the officer drove me to the worst jail in downtown Los Angeles called that Georgia Street jail and on the way he was telling you that I was going to the worst three other Los Angeles for the weekend because the South Central Los Angeles Juvenile Hall only takes in New prisoners on Mondays and weekdays and not on weekends and so I spent the weekend and it was jail in Los Angeles and believe me I was glad to see your patch sky after that experience and to be continued in chapter three and subtitled my experience in South Central Juvinile Hall in the heart of down town Los Angeles and if you have been blessed by the Lord reading this testimony and would like to send the contribution or even just a tip you can through PayPal or zelle number 415-374-0734 and make a note if you would like a tax exempt receipt and thank you very much in advance and much love!
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