Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Chapter One/Testimonial/1967 Summer of Love/ by Peter Romanowsky CEO/President of the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Inc.
Testimonial the last thing I gave up to the Lord was Marijuana in 1968, for I was a teenage pothead and my fingers were amber from smoking it and the Lord delivered me from the habit, after I put it on the altar, for it had become my forbidden fruit and shortly after that, I was Born Again and I had asked God, that I was willing to quit if He would give me something better and the New Birth was the answer and I didn't pick it up The Habit again for some 45 years, for I was so full of the Holy Spirit and the joy of the Lord that I lost the desire, until I got older and started having physical problems and begin using it again medically. Also I haven't had a girlfriend/sex partner for going on thirty nine years, and in spite of stumbling a few times, after I went through an unwanted divorce. After being accused of being mentally ill and a fanatical Christian by my inlaws and have had only a few lady friends since and one was a homeless and mentally disabled lady. That I took care of as a minister and that lived on my boat for some time. Over two or three years, that I found homeless and begging in front of our local grocery store and now she is in a nice home called Saint Francis on 4th Street in San Rafael California and her name is Mary McClelland of South Boston and is doing very well only that they are not giving her proper food of which is making her gain weight even though she is a vegetarian and probably forced to taking medication and feel free to visit her sometime and or call her and everyone knows who she is there, for she is a healer there and a woman of God and needs some major dental work, before she loses all her teeth are before some dentist pulls them all out for the discomfort of dentures. I've been living on my 30 ft sailboat and 48 ft sailboat converted to a houseboat for approximately 40 years full-time, save for 3 years and a marina called Galilee Harbor which had fraudulently advertised itself as a Marine Service Harbor and instead turned out to be a Democrat and Socialist Party lying a scam as usual with liberal Democrats and Marin County is the seat of Satan when it comes to Liberal Democrats and is arguably and statistically the richest county in California and the Republicans a minority, except for those Liberal Republicans in name only, so called RINOS here and Sausalito is one of the jewels of liberalism and segregation, from the black community next door in Marin City and I can't remember when a black, last time seen shopping in our main grocery store, even though the black community is only a few blocks away and it hurts to say this, but it's true and also I myself have been anchored out, all this time and full-time on San Francisco Bay since 1984 the year of the Big Brother, save for 3 years in the fraudulent and libelous harbor called Gallilee Harbor. Of which took in a lot of money in grants and told a lot of lies, to the public about being a refuge for the Anchorouts on the bay to get their permit and it should be revoked by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission of which issued there permit, as a Marine Sevice Harbor initially. Until the so called artist took over control and of which is persecuting the anchor outs and the harbor was supposed to be a refuge for the anchorage and instead has turned into a residential community and has turned against the anchor out community of which thr same BCDC commission is persecuting also, with no place to go and even pulled out a public dingy dock next to the harbor, out of hate for the anchorouts, by the same commissions permission and permit to remove and leaving only one city dock for the Anchout Community to land thier skiffs and dingys and no one is permited by the City of Sausalito, to land thier skiffs or dingy or even kayaks on any public shore of Sausalito and another claim to fame among many over the years living off shore from Sausalito and sailing the bay is that I have never been on physical or mental medications in my whole adult life and I will be 74 on June 26th and when examined by a psychiatrist before my divorce, I was told that there was nothing phyciartically wrong with me and that I was suffering the suffering on a Saint called Saint Teresa of Vailla Spain who founded the cloistered nuns monestarys hundreds of years ago and the is one at the end of Blackwood Drive, in Novoto California and is open to the public for services and but the cloistered nuns, never leave the Monestary and so I spent three years in a trance in my home wrestling in prayer and studying the Bible and dictionaries and that became my Monestery experience, without leaving our lush and Redwood garden home in San Anselmo, California and my wife was very supportive and ordering study books for me and picking up books from the two Seminary libraries, here in Marin be continued
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