Monday, January 23, 2023
Chapter Seven Religion and Philosophy by Pastor Peter Christian Romanowsky of Sausalito a personal Journey
An overview of the most famous Cynic Diogenese of Sinope, the homeless aesthetic of Athens and even Jesus parallels some of the philosophies of the school of Cynicism that came down through Greece to the Roman Empire to a Greek settlement not far from Jerusalem, for instance and some examples are that Diogenes was first convicted of defacing coins with his father who together worked cinting coins In Sinope a Greek colony on the Black Sea in what is now Turkey and Greek colony on the Black Sea and was in prison and then exiled or escaped along with his father who died in prison and for he had gone to the Oracle of Delph, at one point in hia life in ancient Greece and was told to deface coins and apparently because they had images of people who were apparently proclaiming themselves as gods and making the coins into miniature idols and Jesus peaking about coin with Augustus Caesar on on it. Who also was a proclaimed as a god and temples built to worship him eventually and said render too Ceaser the things that are Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are Gods and Diogenes taught that basically that money or the love of it, was the root of all evil as Jesus also spoke that one cannot worship both God and Mammon of which meant riches or the god of riches to be understood eventually as another idol and Diogenes was also against the cult of conventional burials, at the time where there were brotherhoods or guilds that promise to give each other a decent and ritualistic burial and apparently whether they were good, bad or evil for that matter and Jesus told a man that wanted to be follow him to let the dead bury the dead and referring to the Man's father of whom the man told Jesus that he had to first go bury his father and apparently it was a reference to the old saying at al.ost every funeral that he was said that "he was a good man" and apparently this man's father was not a good man and shouldn't be given a ritualistic glowing burial as or as a general example. also also Jesus when he sent the seventy evangelist out and told him just to don't bring scripr or bag or two pairs of sandals and things like that and basically sent them out with a staff and the clothes on their back to preach the gospel to preach, like the ancient Bard Philosophers of old and to except the hospitality of people as mendicants, who were supported by those that they ministered too and traveled like Jesus and the apostles as homeless or at least itineraries living on the support of others being ministered to as they proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom and healing the sick and casting out devils as they had no time to reap and harvest and fish like during the three years that Jesus and a disciples lived homeless, as he taught said that the birds of the air have nests and the foxes have holes and but he didn't have a place to lay his head like Diogenies, in a sense and being homeless also and at least be had a wine vat to live in and of course no comparison with other extreme antics of Diogenes and but Diagonese did Break the mold on doing unconventional and extreme things in his lifestyle to shake and riddle the cage of the Hedonistic lifestyles other citizens of Anthenns and Corinth the seat of Hedonism and a port city with a Temple of Aphrodites and temple prostitutes of which Athens must have had also and in my many missionary visits too Corinth I was told that the Temple on Mount Corinth, had as many as five hundred Temple Prostitutes and also in a way St Francis of Assisi adapted this kind of Aesthetic lifestyle also, by wearing just a robe of what you wore all his life and it is in the Cathedral named in his honor in Assisi hid home town and can still be seen, full of patched holes, as the philosophers of old ideally were envision as wandering and traveling from town to town telling stories and philosophizing and wearing only a robe or just loin cloth at times and carrying a staff and a mindicant begging bowel anA mendicate begging bowl (like Buddist do today) or cup of which when Diogenes saw a child drinking water with his bare hands, Diogenes thinking how could this child out do me in frugality and no doubt thinking that children who really have nothing substantially in a a grown up world then broke his own bowel and began drinking with his hands and got rod of his Mendecant begging bowel and sti solicitaed for dobations directly and when Diagines was asked how he'd like to be buried for instance he said that to throw his body to the dogs that he loved so much and we don't know, if this actually happened and there is no grave od Diogenese and but after his death, In spite of his unconventional norms and antics, embarrassing and challenging the existent norms and challenging the establishment such as apparently doing things like be naked In public and nor ashamed and even masturbating and defecatingIn public at times a places like dogs, who are not ashamed to even make love in public do and of which Diogenese did not do, but a disciple or follower of his and Socratese.before did in even making love in public and for the word Cynic in Greek is the word for word for doglike behavior or apparently felt the dogs are not only mankinds best friend and but the purest form of animals or God's creations, for man and dogs in the wild ifor i stance wolves are monogamous and Diogenese himself was apparently was celibate and overal moral man and apparently never married and was a precursor in a way to early Christian Monk like behavior of which Francis of Assisi reverted too, with his one robe that he wore all his life and walking around barefoot like the early philosophers and especially the Cynics and of course there are other examples that paralles the school of Cynicism, that Jesus displayed also like telling the rich young ruler to sell whatever he didn't need and give to the poor and to and come follow him and how many people can do that today? To sell what they don't need or ha e two of have and give to the poor like giving so eone thier extra coat, John the Baptist spoke and Jesus and the early church practice Theological Communism or Communalism, as they held that they possess nothing and that everything belong to God and the Brethren and the early Christian family of believers henceforth went from house to house, like one big family, feasting, fellowshipping and praying and having home meetings and having church virtually daily in one form and another and living a communal lifestyle like the Essian Monks om the Dead Sea, of which I visited also, at the time of Christ along with John Baptist who lived with or alongside or even emulated, much of the Essians monastic and isolated hermit life, from the rest of the World and though, it is that Diagonist was as a student of Socrates' philophey and as though Plato described him as Socrates gone mad and even a disciple of Diogenes named Critius who also was a direct student of Socratese as Diogenes and , were two ships, passing in the night, historically speaking and also he did something out of the sicial norms as to.make love in public with a wealthy woman who forsook the social norms and it's pleasures and it's money and status and married him and dressed as a man and lived homeless and having only one cloke each between them and living homeless like dogs like Diogenes with her in what was called a dog wedding with Critius and consummated thier relationship, by making love in public and she is listed as the only woman philosopher that Diogenes the historical writer of the biographies of the Philosophers and historian was mentioned as the only woman philosopher, if not throughout all history, in his book of the lives of the Philosophers and in my opinion the second woman philosopher, so to speak was Zantippie, who was the wife of Socrates and the one who through all her historical antics about about her relationship with Socrates and being bepickted as a wild horse to be by Socrates in reply to when friends at symposiums, would question him about his wild relationship with his historically depicted nagging and srew of a wife and was depicted as a horse to be tamed in response and is said out of loving such women with spirit and depicted as a horse because her name in Greek means the blond horse and Socrates described himself also as a horsefly stinging the great steed of Athens and stinging Athens, with his wisdom, wit and philophophy, that she no doubt, learned from his relationship, with Zantippie the philosophers wife, of some forty years younger and probably has got a bad rapp through history and the butt of many jokes and antidotes and if asked, I.sure that he would say, in his humor, that it was Zamtippie, that made him the philosopher, that he has become and hats off too you Zantippie.... if you like these chapters unedited and in progress then please send a tip after downloading cash app and the name to send is Cajidog and if you'd like a tax-exempt receipt note your return address and God bless you!
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Chapter Six/Religion and Philosphey by Peter Christian Romanowsky a Personal Journey
A day in the life of a Sunday service on the waterfront of Sausalito California; I'm excited tomorrows Sunday Service in the park, for nobody knows how hard and complicated it is for me to get up early like 7:30 on Sundays watch my religious television programs like Joel Olsteen the nation's pastor he's such a positive person and then meditating and praying in my heart and preparing my soul and heart and then making it to shore in virtually any type of weather good bad or ugly and in the cool damp of the morning inside my boat collecting all the things that will be needed for the day like all the odds and bits that make the service what it is down to cigarette lighter the type device to put on battery to charge other people's cell phones in my own also during the service and every little detail counts if I forget one little thing it throws things off and makes things more expensive if I have to go to the hardware store and pick up something like batteries for the organ and the little mini amp of which can cost around $40 a month alone on accounting of food and drink and others implements and odds and ends that make the service a multimedia event with constant background music and intermittent Oregon piano music and guitar and open mic within some bike stands and wires and portable pulpit and big heavy alter Bible and then after buying food and supplies from Safeway in Mill Valley downtown I drive to the front of the library entrance and begin to unload my SUV of which I have turned into a catering truck full of implements and pots and pans barbecue and such and so the day begins as I start unpacking cooking and preparing for an hour from 11:00 to 12:00 if people aren't already there by one two or three people then they'll start coming in and filtering in up until between two or three is one most people come and go or arrive and a good time for Jeff Chase to read from the Torah as he does every Sunday because there is no synagogue in town and a number of Jewish people ethnically come to the Gathering and I will read something or will have it another Bible reader read something from the New Testament or I will sing something from the New Testament and play my guitar and or organ and there is no real set time for all of us to get to get together at once except by 3:00 usually and thanks for reading and listening and then all during the day from 11:00 while unpacking and cooking I'm talking to people in between and ministering and conjoling and answering questions and being a full-time pastor and priest with a listening ear and quoting Bible scriptures words of wisdom quips and jokes and keeping people entertained from a biblical atmosphere perspective and the constant inspirational music which virtually never stops it helps create a holy atmosphere that sometimes disruptors try to disrupt but have never completely been able to disrupt the service and rarely happens and but the more people that come the more likely a bad apple might come and try to disturb the service while either drunk or tweaking on methamphetamine and I don't expect this to happen this Sunday because there will be enough other anchor odds to put the kibosh on any Loose Cannon and then by evening the candles are lit which gives it a really great atmosphere and we can also cut loose after 5:00 when the library closest and we can make as much noise singing and preaching and testifying as we want until they AA meeting starts at 8:00 and we have to be a little quiet until 9:00 when they end and then we can cut loose again until 10:00 and after that you know we have to tone it down to a meditative atmosphere in the Tranquil dark with candles with and music playing in a perfect time for meditation and Afterglow and it is one of my favorite times for I'm not working so hard during the service and I'm able to send it to keyboard and play along with the music While others are meditating or quietly fellowshipping also and then I begin packing up about after 10 slowly and sometimes it takes me an hour or two to clean up and pack up and by midnight I drop off things into my skiff at the dock that I need to take home and I park my car ride my bike get down to my skiff and roll out into the night and all kinds of weather good bad and ugly and sometimes are oftentimes I use an electric motor to help get out if there's a stiff breeze and strong tide and it's all very challenging and in the middle of the night while everybody's asleep and I don't usually get into bed until 2:00 in the morning exhausted and but happy that I had been through a maritime Marathon day and I virtually sleep all day the next day recovering from all those hours I'm out into about 12:00 hours every Sunday of active Ministry or cooking or cleaning up and leaving the place virtually spotless and even cleaning the wax off the floor on hands and knees with a knife and I stay in bed usually Tuesdays after that also and Wednesdays and by Thursday I start to revive and wake up again and go to shore move my SUV like I have to do every 3 or 4 days according to the law and then I'm back on my boat Thursday Friday and Saturday and do what I can to work on my boat or Minister online from my boat and even in the 3 days I'm in bed usually from Monday to Wednesday I'm ministering online and over the internet and staying busy as a pastor full time and working on a on my newest book project in the category of religion and philosophy ideally one chapter a day when possible are feeling inspirational and that is my week and Sunday Ministry for the past 2 and a half years I had a cost of about $500 a month and sometimes more like up to 600 from my fixed income of which now it's upward 1500 a month along with food stamps and I have about four or $500 to live on myself personally every month to maintain my car and my skin and my boat and pay phone bill and at least no rent or taxes or mortgage and living freely on the water as I have for decades rent free and that's why I am able to finance the weekly Church Fellowship events and donations to come in sporadically to help out and that I've never made a single Dollar in profit and I'll link and not only in the past two and a half years that we have been meeting Outdoors but for about 3 years meeting indoors and paying the rent of which was up to eventually $380 a month at $35 an hour to meet indoors and we were unceremoniously evicted after a homeless Street tweaker came to our service from San Francisco and trashed the bathroom and flooded it by plugging up the toilet and defecating all over the floor and pulling three fire alarms bringing the fire truck to the service and the police officer white would not even take a police report at the time and since then he has been more cooperative and congenial and understanding since we've been having to meet Outdoors every since after about a year and a half break without having any services and when we met indoors the weekly cost out of pocket for I was still in the main financier of up to $850 a month for the food and the rent and my dog and I were laboring everyday virtually playing the guitar and singing and ministering at the Fairyland in to raise money to pay the rent and to buy the food and sometimes we only made like $20 in a whole day's work and I supplemented my social security and disability and my dog was officially designated as a fundraising Dog for our church by the humane society and therefore didn't have to pay the $500 a year animal exhibition permit because of being unofficial 501c non-profit under the name the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated and the address is PO Box 2404 San Anselmo California 949 60 and my telephone number is 415-374-0734 if anyone like to call for more information are suggestions on what to bring like especially we need candles in the evening and they are very expensive and about 40 to $50 a month alone and if you would just like to send the plane tip to help me continue buying the food and condiments you can through cash app under the name Cajidog, code name or if you would like to send the donation by mail your check can be used for tax exemption or the treasure Becky Romanowsky will send you a tax exempt receipt and if you asked what is the hardest part of my day Sunday well it's being completely exhausted after being up for 18 hours and up to 12 of them ministering cooking preaching either to a gathering or one at a time or two at a time for the 12 hours on site and again the hardest part is in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep rolling or motoring out to my boat in the dark and in iffey the weather and being concerned about being carried away with the Titan wind before reaching my boat but usually 2:00 a.m. in the morning while the whole world is asleep and I alone I'm awake in the night and cold and wind and tide and that is if some tweaker in the middle of the night and while I'm ministering late in the night some tweaker steal something from my dinghy like a deep cycle battery for an electric outboard motor that could cost over $100 to replace and one must take their horse with them and anything of value from their dingy at the dingy dock due to the tweakers in the night who will take anything to get out to their boats at anyone's expense and even taking people's kayaks and boats as well as oars of which are necessary to get out to ones boats in the dead of night.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Chapter Five/ Philosophy by Pastor Peter Christian Romanowsky of Sausalito
I am blown away this morning somewhere in January 2023, after the war series of storms in January I have ever experienced on land or on the sea of San Francisco Bay where I am both riding dictating and finger poking and printing my newest book project and unedited and unfiltered at this time and a living manuscript that I can go back and forth and correct and embellish and even idealize congratilized in the sense that sometimes times maybe overlapping in my heartfelt historical accounts of the ancient past and my knowledge and studies matriarchy thinking in the sense of being educated and matriculated by the Holy Ghost of God and of whom by his faith and knowledge given to me to navigate to passages of time travel through history in an imaginary way and through my mind's eye of seeing things in the past the way they were and what to learn from the past without looking back continuously as Jesus said that you can't plow a field straight while you're constantly looking back and yet by looking Back periodically one can learn from not only our own mistakes of which are not sins if done with the pure heart and pure intent for some say the road to somewhere is paved with good intentions as if good intentions or something turned into wrong and Evil by making mistakes and we are required to make mistakes and if we don't make mistakes we will never have anything to learn from and like an eraser on a pencil is just as necessary as the pencil even though it's the shortest part of the pencil so to speak in a poetic and Flowery way and as I think and pray in my heart and ruminate about pores and Tippy the wife of Socrates and it breaks my heart and it also Muses me the greatest name in philosophy would be partnered with the saddest name in history and one whose name has not entered into the history books like Socrates but has found its way or her way into the dictionary as a name associated with a dissatisfied and nagging and call some wife to this day and what a sad heartbreak that these two most famous people would go down in history at the office it ends of the opinion polls and yet obviously then Tippy socrates's wife was at his execution in the room with his three children crying and wailing I have some testing passing into the next world of what she had no fear of and had been preparing for all his life and no doubt especially since being a retired Hop light Soldier in the Peloponnesian War hero and a civil activist involved with politics as well as becoming a philosopher in his dreams and certainly would have wanted to walk around in a thin robe barefoot with a walking stick and a small little rucksack and went preaching along the roadsides like Homer for tips and blessings without charging anyone anything of which was the custom of philosophers and the way they dressed idealized and like even Christ who is forced to go on the road after in his hometown they attempted to murder him for declaring from the book of Isaiah that he was the Fulfillment of The Prophecy of the Messiah and had to go on the road like the philosophers of old with nothing but his robe and leaving everything behind and Nazareth including the family and family business there's a carpenter and then venturing down to the Sea of Galilee not too far away and meeting rough and tough fisherman Peter James and John who became his best friends and companions and no doubt bodyguards also for who would want to miss with three rough and tough fish and of course he collected other assorted disciples along the way and I'm sure Socrates and his dreams wish he could live like that and then diogenies came and fulfilled his dreams of vicariously after his passing and became the Socrates gone mad according to Socrates the student Plato and there was a lifetime and the team between Plato and diogenes in the prophetic and poking of fun at each other with diagonies having the upper handle and for he was living the dream of Socrates alone and free and non-dependent a non-restrain a non-committed to a family and children as Socrates was and couldn't take his message outside of Athens and yet he took his message to the world and how diogenies became Socrates vicariously postmortem and when on into the history books and not just in the dictionaries as a troublesome and quarrelsome wife and insecure like Tippy socrates's wife go home history may have misjudged and only God knows what was in tiffy's heart and all her insecure feelings with her three children 40 years younger than age in Socrates and no doubt living on the margin with his military pension and stone Carvers Guild retirement fund while Socrates continues to expose himself to the public on philosophical , judicial and political matters of what she was thrust into the Limelight after by some would call fate and others call God giving him the lottery ticket on a 500 person jury to be the foreman is the luck of the draw some might say to have a voice in defending the generals or admirals that were accused of leaving their men behind on the high seas after a naval battle during the storm and defending them and losing his defense for them and them having to drink the hemlock like he would in the future and at least we know something about Tippy before she was the object of some of Socrates is so teachings and machinations and conversations okay I am starting to go into a trans now and my writer's block has been unblocked and let me share my machinations and feelings about Socrates wife Tippy and the way she's been portrayed in the dictionaries as being synonymous with being a shrew, and angry woman, a dissatisfied woman, a harsh woman, an argumentative woman and above all most infamously portrayed as a nag. Now and nag me is a horse and of course she is named after a blonde horse, for in Greek her name Zane for instance of the two Greek words that make up zantipa, means blonde or zany. Plus Tippy means or is translated a horse of course and Socrates likened himself to a horse fly and said that he was a horse fly on the horse state of Athens. He never said he was a horse fly stinging his wife xantipa, in fact she is also can be seen as a longsuffering woman. If Socrates was asked what made him go into philosophy I'm sure he would say it was his wife and if so, then one way or the other she made Socrates the philosopher that he became. There are no women philosophers in ancient recorded history per se, she is the closest one to being a histories example of a wise woman or a philosopher woman and her philosophy was keeping the philosopher in line and but she could never get him to wash his dingy light robe or wear shoes instead of going barefoot Summer and Winter and apparently looking to shovel somewhat all the time and specially after long hours at the the drinking parties called symposiums and no doubt had to be escorted or shuffled home at times and there was a 40-year difference between her and her husband and that would make any woman a long sufferer and a kind of woman that every older man would like to meet and she probably wasn't very pretty and just like Socrates not very handsome and but apparently she had golden blonde hair at least and probably a steady sturdy body to a born three children and is the same in her own way and even though she has been the object of many seemingly unflattering or borderline remarks and an ancient Greece they had a God name terminus, who kept the boundaries and walls and borders for it is said without terminus there would be no Law and Order and there was a sort of terminus between Socrates and Xantippie and if they were two separate spheres and in orbit around each other and could never quite mix and as iron sharpens iron, what some people may have thought Xantippie was nagging, she was honing his skill and grooming him at the same time to go out and face the world and do your thing and all that I asked is to do it right Interruption in my train of thought and it is trans time and here is the word of wisdom for everything you see is a delusion and everything that you do not see is the truth and it takes a house to make the perfect egg in a well seasoned iron frying pan and my mind is going back now to 500 BC when the whole world went through a sea change from Athens with Socrates and China with Confucius and zoaster in Persia and the birth of taoism and Buddhism and the founding of the greatest City in the New World Tesla con of which also lasted a thousand years and this was a tremendous and Epoch event of which we will be going deeper and deeper into as this book gets deeper and deeper into the spirit of the golden age of Athens at this time and the thoughts I'm having is again about socrates's wife and Tippy and the bad rap she has had throughout history and the butt of many jokes so to speak and again in reality she was the only wife of a philosopher that I've ever heard or read about of hand and of which makes her very special as the only known history and historical facts about Xantippie and of which makes her a very important figure as a woman in philosophy and one that again no doubt Socrates would say that she made me the philosopher that I have become and must have been a tough woman and a demanding woman to keep Socrates corralled in his domestic life while he was historically changing the world in public and beyond anything that he could probably imagine happened when he came on to public scene as the jury Foreman of the trial of the generals who were accused of leaving their fellow sailors behind during the storm and two of them were condemned to drink hemlock as their punishment and one of them was sent into exile and this is really what put Socrates on the world stage as well as the play called the cloud that lampooned and we will go into further details about that play and how Plato said that is what swung the jury and socrates's trial against him and also Socrates was accused of charging for his wisdom of which was which was not a tradition among the philosophers in Athens for none of them were thought of or allowed to charge for their speeches or wisdom as Socrates was falsely charged while another well-known philosopher that he quoted was charging people and was never accused of such a thing publicly like he had been accused and even Saint Paul never charged for his preaching and boasted about it and was a tent maker and supported himself and others except when he was on the road delivering badly needed money to the famine in Jerusalem and when you're on the road yes you have to accept traveling money but other than that Paul was a self-supporting missionary from all we know and understand and of which made him the greatest missionary that ever lived for there is no profit and was no profit and what he was preaching and carried on the ancient tradition of philosophers not charging for their wisdom.
Monday, January 16, 2023
Chapter Five journey into ancient Athens during the classic. beginning around 500 BC by Peter Christian Romanowsky
It's time to time travel back again into the Golden Age of classical Greece during the sea change in human history about this time the greatest Minds in history begins to stir and a movement from China who is Taoism and Confucianism and Buddhism and Democracy in Athens and the founding of the Roman Republic and all this coming together in this Monumental era of recorded history, as if a veil was pulled back and a glimpse into what has become eventually the modern world began and at the center of all this in the world was in Athens Greece and the primary character we remember from that time was Socrates a men of little distinction and never wrote anything, that has ever come down to us and never sculptured anything famous as a stone worker as his father was and as he encouraged people to continue in the trades they were raised or born in and obviously for perfection reasons and in his View of the perfect Republic he advocated to stay in one's professional trade in a intergenerational way and somewhat resembling a caste system and yet not really for he was an advocate of freedom of speech and freedom of thought and freedom of vocation ultimately and believe that the perfect Republic according to Plato's writing of Socrates and his symposium discourses around food and wine as philosophers gathered together to eat and drink enjoy life and discuss philosophy traditionally at this time an era and obviously with the exception of Dialogines the Cynic who took his philosophy to the streets and to a ground level and to a level that every misfortunate man can I identify with with his antics and demonstrability and after this. Stoicism and Epicuruism and the Atomic School of philosophy and the discovery that the Earth revolved around the Sun happened by the 3rd and 4th Century BC and for beginning around the 5th Century BC, we have according to Aristotle the greatest [playwright] that ever lived in ancient Greece lived and the father of medicine Hippocrates and the father of History Herodias and although Democracy in Ancient Athens died shortly after Socrates unjust sentence of death and execution it was replaced by 30 tyrants imposed by the Spartans who conquered Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War of which lasted a horrible 26 years and of whom Socrates wasn't not only a decorated hero and half light of the television War and was noted for carrying is wounded comrade off the battlefield on his back and under dire himself and as yet he was a firm and I work activist and believing and saying that this war and this endless war so to speak must come to him and he was of course accused of being on patriotic and weakening the hands of the Athenians who by now had walled themselves in all the way to the port city of pirates and with no exitary egress and only the ships could come in with supplies of which brought to plague of which finally decimated Athens and weakened it to the point of collapse to the Spartans and after the imposition of the rule by the 30 tyrants even the Spartans realize it this was not a good form of government and relented back to allowing the Athenians to practice their form of democracy again and even though it only existed since around 500 BC along with the Roman Republic being founded also approximately the same time when the mesodonians finally drove out to Spartans and a lesser more watered down form of democracy came into being an all toll democracy lasted only a couple and while ironically the Roman Republic that eventually dominated grease in the world lasted well over twice as long and never really died and became the standard of all Democratic Republicans worldwide and even to this day and there's never been a Democracy since in Athens and it's death could be officially attributed, after a hundred years of Athenian Democracy to The Death of Socrates and what followed for another 100 years was more diluted and eventually evaporated in the history and there is never been a democracy like that in history again until our present day and the push back to the first hundred years of the birth of Greek democracy in Athens and the question anyone would ask is this good and is history repeating itself and will it end in the death of freedom of speech but if it did around 400 BC
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Chapter Four/Muses on Socratese and Diagenes his most admirer/philosophy containing working on my screen play and novel while anchor moored on San Francusci Bay and signed; writers Cabin Fever with Pastor Peter Christian Romanowsky of Sausalito
Diogenes the Cynic in Athens and even though he was not the father of Cynicism, he certainly has earned the title from his mentor an the official father of Cynicism and especially what do you think of sexual antics, like being virtually naked in public and homeless and defecating in public and urinating in public and walking around with his pinky finger extended, so to speak at the effeminiency him being and giving his middle thumb finger, to his critics and is this acceptable and sociable behavior and what is the points or the point that he's trying to make?! tThe point he's trying to make as he tells everybody is to go back to Nature and the simple life and the life of self sufficiency and yes it's ironic that he begs in front of statues and idols and when people ask him why does he do so and his answer was or would be that he was practicing rejection and obvious connotation if you please is the statues and Idols are nothing and cannot provide anyone with anything as the superstitious Athenians believe that the spirits of the Gods possesses statues and we make we and we must make offerings to them but they give nothing back except what the temple priests Dole out. But doesn't that go against his preaching of Going Back To Nature to Simple Life and non-dependency and self-sufficiency and that everything we need can be found simply in nature and all? Yes and he will tell you something like this that people are doing themselves a favor when they give him money and food and tips for basically it is better to give than to receive type attitude in a street artist roundabout way of speaking and in more flowery words, that he was doing them a favor for instance and meanwhile he forges like a dog, with his dogs and is quite an act when you think about it, the man who eats and sleeps and lives not only with the dogs but like a dog and we'll even pee on you if you insult him and one time a ritual to do man wanted to show him his villa mansion or state and told him that everything is so beautiful here and so please do not spit on the floor for in those days Villas had beautiful mosaics for instance on the floor if you were a rich man made out of little cubes of colored tiled called, Testi from the root word for testicle because these are very sensitive little cubes and must be laid out with great sensitivity to create a beautiful pattern or image and after the richest state holder gave him a tour of his mansion, he's spitting his face instead of on the floor on his proverbial mosaics and the rich man said why did you spit my face and he said that you were right everything here is beautiful except you or face and you so to speak. Well why doesn't he find some sort of work or gainful employment where he won't have to be homeless naked and begging with the dogs and creating all these Antics and outdoor Street drama for a living ? Well that he was a wanted man and on the lamb and on the run from his hometown and city-state of Sinope the Greek colony on the Black Sea in North Anatole and has lost his citizenship and is stateless and calls himself a cosmopolitan and some say he is coined the word, as a man of the world and a citizen of no country as before mentioned and therefore he is not eligible for any Social Services and was captured by Pirates after escaping from prison and then starved on the ship before being sold as a slave or a runaway fugitive to a Corinthian man and when the Pirates asked him what do you do and what are you good at he told them that he was good at ruling over men and so a man bottom was a tutor to his two children and as you can imagine eventually he worked off his slavery and was back on the streets so to speak homeless and with no family for his father had died in prison after both of them were charged with defacing currency for moral reasons as coins with images became idols called Mammon and he believed that the Love of Money was the root of all evil and so he makes his livelihood acting out and begging and foraging with his dogs and making a spectacle out of himself in front of the whole world and especially in Athens and Greece which are the two proverbial centers of the known world and the whole world has become his stage and nobody can do anything about it or to him for his to old to be a slave of any worth and depends on the kindest of strangers, as he acts out his sermons and messages in a down-to-earth way in the open and not hiding away writing down his philosophy like other sheltered philosophers too and this is why he is critical for instance of Plato for coming from a well to do family and could afford to be adventurous as his journey was to Egypt and being captured by Pirates and all and held for ransom is Pirates do on the high seas and while diogenes was held by Pirates and being starved with inadequate food he told them that if you were selling pigs or cattle you would fatten them up to get a better price and how silly are you for not adequately feeding us and starving us before taking us to Market and on such account he was given extra food and shared it with the other captured slaves for instance and but he is a devoted student of mine and someday May write my story for I am not a scholar or an academic or a writer and in fact I may be even functionally or professionally illiterate and as many people are for instance in rural Greece and Socrates was a tradesman and a retired Hop light soldier with honors and am acting out being a normal and decent and average human being that wants to see fairness and Justice and equality and selflessness in this world and Society we live in and I have no great gifts or a gifted Sculptor like my father before me and am retired now and want to leave this world in a better place than I have found it and just like normal and average citizen and why did the Oracle of Delphi say that I was the wisest man in Athens is beyond me other than that I have a gift to gab and am a storyteller at our drinking symposiums and having a lot of fun with people listening to my stories and views on how things should be for the average citizen and retired Soldier and Sculptor and in essence I epitomize the average working man and that is my gift and calling in God's eyes I do believe and I must take note and criticize the superstitious ways people are living in Athens in Greece and the Greek world and the whole world for that matter for the world is filled with superstitious beliefs that have no Foundation or footing in reality and beyond that they're superstitious beliefs have led them to build temples to Aphrodite's where in secret and out of the view of the public they fornicate and make love not only with anatomical statues of a marble made up of Bacchus with his erected penis to make love to and with the men anatomically correct statues of Aphrodite's as well as the temple prostitutes and priestesses and they dare criticize diagines for being virtually naked in public and sunbathing instead of showering and making love to himself instead of making love to statues objects and Temple prostitutes of which the outwardly highly moral Athenians and their own eyes have only one wife or husband and yet hold slaves and concubines and with the naked statues of Kings tyrants displayed in public with their heads modeled bodies that are not their own and the naked statues of Aphrodite's in public and with male statues like Backus also in public with his famous or infamous enlarged penis in places and how can poor and homeless diogenies be blamed for walking around virtually naked among these statues and making love to himself public in protest against a law forbidding masturbating in public or just out of playing necessity where nowhere to go and know where to hide and being exposed to the world anyways and being moral and just and celibate and monogamous at the same time and never having a family of his own and has only he himself to take care of living in his minimalist and low impact on the environment life, on whether he chose that life or whether it was chosen for him by others or by God, as some sort of chastening or example of doing some unknown sin or sins in his life out of the sight of the public other than peeing on someone for treating him like a dog and throwing chicken bones to him while people were eating and feasting and mocking him and his dogs and if this is or what his great sins are or were and I mean seemingly being rude and nasty to people for no apparent reason at all except to point out other people's hypocrisy and rudeness and neglect of him and aging man end of such abuse and neglect it is not only the abuse of the homeless but of the age it also and it wouldn't surprise me if he lived to be 90 years old living his intoxic life of non luxury and the pursuit of pleasure of which Athenians have became sadly famous for in their pride and victory is over Persia, their most hated enemy and now the Persians are supporting Sparta and the peloponnese and was Sicily with backings going this far as the new Roman Republic of which was just born after Lucius Brutus over through the last Roman King and has become a Republic and we are flanked now both on the East and on the west with people that hate us and want to destroy us and enslave us, while people are still living in there hedonistic life of pleasure after their victory from Persia and how long can or will this last only history will tell and The Barbarians are already at the gate so to speak and people are still living in pleasure and secret debauchery instead of loving and caring and supporting their neighbors and praying to God and not to Zeus that rascal and adulterer and kidnapper and rapist but the whole Greek world still worships and will continue to worship until a time of change has come and we have those in this city that believe in the one true and good God as surely as we have a Jewish Community also in Athens and their most famous prophet Isaiah, who preached barefoot and buttocks naked for three years, warning the back sliding and idle worshipers among them and in Egypt that the king of Babylon is coming to take them all away naked and barefoot five hundred miles away on a death March too Babylon as slaves
Chapter Three/ a conversation with Socrates by Peter Christian Romanowsky on his Philosophy and life
One day as I was sitting in the in the golden and white marble city of Athens, in the sunlìte late afternoon and just when the Golden Sun painted the brillient white Mabel structures of the Acropolis and sitting on a seat on the Athenian Palisade, where people come and walk get to be seen and to hear the latest news and gossip. I saw old man Socrates walking along Barefoot as usual come summer or winter come heater snow and wearing his dingy robe as usual and wondering why his wife doesn't make him wash it and as he walked bye, I asked him how goes it old man and Socrates and you're looking a little worse for the wear as usual and but I understand that is the philosopher way of life and look, the single robe the staff and the begging Bowl and I see you have neither with you and he said that I am not a beggar and I have never even charged for my wisdom as rumors are circulating by my vicious critic aristene the playwright and saying I have my head in the clouds and but my feet are not touching the reality or the ground and yet here I walk barefoot and as he spoke and I thought what would Socrates think of Dialogines yhe Cynic and all his Antics and your student Plato says that he is you gone mad and what you say and he would no doubt say that we need people like Diogenese, total screwball and left wing anarchist and liberal appearing and but a man with a conservative message, even though he acts everything out the way he does instead of teaching or preaching in a dialectical way in the 🤭 Academia Grove and yes after Play-Doh gave me Illustrated sermon on how he was saying that man is but a bipedal and pluck chicken and of course diagonist could not resist that analogy and interrupted the academy, by bringing a pluck chicken to the audience in the Grove and cried out and said I have finally found a human being that I've been searching for with my lit lamp in broad daylight and thanks to Plato I have found a real human being and of course that's when Plato no doubt said that he is you Socrates gone mad and do you feel or barely responsibility for your wayward student and admire and Socrates said no of course for I still live at home with a nagging wife and children and I cannot go out and do the demonstrative things that dialogeneous is doing for he is living in a wine vat and has no family responsibilities and I a veteran of the Peloponnesian Wars as a half light and Son of a sculpture of whom in my own words I teach that people in the trades should stick to their trades and although I am retired now and the tides are turning against me, especially after defending the generals In the Wars with the Sicilians who have Allied themselves with the Spartans in the peloponnese and we're accused of abandoning their Shipmates after a defeat on the high seas during the storm of which the generals were accused of abandoning their men from their wrecked ships and in the water when a severe storm came and prevented them from rescuing their Shipmates and were put on trial for their lives and I defended them and it made me very unpopular and but they must have known that you were a decorated Hop light Soldier in the Peloponnesian War and was noted for carrying a wounded comrade on your back to safety during the conflict and served with distinction and honor, even though now like everyone else it seems you are tired of the war in the peloponnese with the Spartans of which has gone far too long and seems endless and have become well known as a peace activist and a man wants to see honor and justice for all and especially for those who have fought and combat, whether or not I see are on land and I know you must have a deeper understanding into the psychic of Souls I hope you man on your face and death on the battlefield and I understand where you are coming from and your position and of course it all has made you marry unpopular for the Athenians Revel in glory and that's all they want to see is glory on the high seas and on land with the peloponnese and now the Sicilians are former Greek colony for where would Sicily be or Italia for that matter or even Southern gall, if it wasn't for Greek culture and this is the thanks we get here in Athens. Also I hear they've been bothering you at the gymnasium or bothering you for wanting to for instance letting females exercise in the gymnasium with the youth naked, as is the custom and you yourself enjoy going there and being with the students and I hear they are accusing you of also corrupting the Youth of Athens there by casting doubts and shadows about the pantheon of Greek gods in the face of a reason. Yes I'm being accused of being a an atheist for not believing in our national religions and the pride of Greek culture going back to the poet Homer and his fantasiful and comedic depiction of the Greek gods at the battle of Troy and for describing or telling the truth through reason of the adulterous Affairs of Zeus and of course this is blasphemy in the eyes of the Athenians for they accept him and all the social Norm evils that he commits and live in just like common and sinful man. But doesn't Zeus display or reflect all of humanity the good bad and Evil and Socrates says yes but something better and are someone better for us to worship as Plato speaks of a one God, who is good and of whom no evil like kidnapping and adultery has ever been found like the rape of Europa by Zeus and his homosexual rape of the kidnapped young man at the battle of Troy, the for Plato has Jewish roots and comes from a well to do family and has been sheltered most of his life even though he was kidnapped by Pirates and was enslaved himself at a time of his travels as far as Egypt of where he heard and wrote down what he could by the Egyptian high priest memories and Records of Atlantis and how there are those that believe that refugees from Atlantis gave and had the mathematical technology and Secret of the circumference of a circle for instance of which was necessary to build an engineer the pyramids mathematically and of course this is all conjecture and one thing we know, that it took Supernatural knowledge for an ancient people to build the largest structure and history even though it's ain't your knowledge to us today and I will go so far as to say that Plato is suffered imprisonment homelessness and captivity also and has known with a bitter ends of life also, as depicted in his analogy of we are all living in a cave and we are forced to stare at a wall in the dark and the only images we see are from behind us, Shadows on a wall, before us and not being able to see the true substance of people in life walking past the cave and only the outline of their images to be filled in metaphysically in the dark with eyes that are spiritual and not dependent on the physical to take only see the Shadows or outlines of life for people for that matter. Well let's go back to dialogines for he has suffered at all and going back to sinope on the Black Sea where he and his money changer or Temple Banker of the mint who was accused of defacing currency and was arrested along with him together and whose father died in prison and of whom he made his Escape after losing his citizenship and became the first person to call himself a cosmopolitan and a citizen of the world for being a stateless person in an age of city-states. Well how did he deface the currency it's a great debate or did he shave the edges of the silver coins like it was a common practice or was it as some believe that they took the opportunity whenever they could to deface the faces of kings and rulers on their coins who have proclaimed themselves as gods and was fighting a war on idolatry as it is said that he went to the Oracle of Delphi and was told to deface the currency and the only thing that really makes sense other than he was guilty with his father of avarice is that he detested the images of idols and Men who claimed to be God's, when they were ruthless Sinners and practice and tyrants and Bullies and Socrates answered that a disciple of mine went to the Oracle of Apollo also and asked who was the wisest man in Greece or Athens and the Oracle said that it was Socrates and look where it has got me this far, for if the Athenians don't believe the Oracle of whom they worship at the Temple of Apollo, then how can I convince them that I am not an atheist in the eyes of the Athenians and a blasphemer of their Greek gods. Well as long as we're on the subject what do you think of dialogines is he a blasphemer of the Greek gods? Socrates and I say no for he is a radical against the social norms of the Athenians and the Corinthians of pleasure seeking and Comforts of this world of which are transitory and never last in the end that's all rich and famous people we know, come to the same end of misery and it is only for long by hedonism and luxury and remember also that his name diogenes means born of God in this time of the new birth of reason and spirituality married together in Perfect Harmony and balance without the Myriad of gods that it takes just to make love to one's wife without having countless God send spirits dictating Every Act of making love in the bedroom to the point of spirits in the hinges of one's doors of the bed chamber and the spirits and gods dwelling in their idols and fetishes of which are too numerous to describe in a life of superstitious rituals that even extended the bedroom and rituals and conditions of making love. Where is diogenase would make love to himself in public and understand as with a good friend in order to take away his spiritual hunger as easy as it would be if possible just and just to take away his physical hunger for food by rubbing his belly if it were so easy that and his sexual expression comes from being a celibate and single man with no shame doing around close friends in public as well as making love to himself in the dark and of course his actions were only protest against a recent... to be continued and edited
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Chapter Two/Philosophy by Pastor Peter "Christian" Romanowsky of Sausalito. The whole world became philosophical at the aproximate same time period in history and there was a Great Awakening in the Universe of man and God
I've gained so much knowledge and wisdom over the decades living alone isolated at night on my boat anchored on San Francisco Bay of Sausalito Shores. Spiritually speaking I've heard supernatural music playing at night, for two nights in a row for instance. When the batteries in my radio and went dead and that I've never heard voices, in my whole life to speak of and ive learned from the countless documentaries I've listened to on audiobooks and all my favorites, the Philosophers of old and learning from thier lessons and so I am ready to burst upon the scene with a dialectical description mixed with poetry philosophy and the Socratic and philophical way, in painting an image of what I was like to live in a time of Socrates and Xeno the founder of Stoicism and Critius the disciple of Socrates who also took the Cynic philosophy to the extreme by even making love in public and in what he called a down-to-earth dog wedding and not just making love to himself in public as Diogenes did in protest of what people do in private anyways and look down in others and especially the homelss, in thier hypocricy on such matters as a Catholic Priest once told a friend of mine that the Catholic Church forbids master bastion, but then told him that we all do it. Cynic is the Greek word for a dog or being or acting doglike. For Diogenese believed dogs were the best example next to human beings on how to live and dogs were only corrupted by human intervention for in the wild they are monogamous and faithful for life and that's why the dog became a symbol of Diogenes the man that would walk backwards in the forum, just to trip everybody out and showing them that they were going the wrong way with their Hedonism and pride and luxury and with Alexander the Great there in Athens at the same time, with Plato and Aristocracies the playwright, who brought Socrates down by Aristophanes the playwright that slandered Socrates with his play called "The Clouds", like he Socratese had his head in the clouds, so to speak and about this time, not only were these Great Men and minds were basically all together, in or about the same time period in history people like Confucius began teaching morality and Buddha begin meditating and teaching, also the High Priest Zarathustra founder of Zoasterism, with fire as a symbol of the Creater instead of the Sun, like the Eguptians, Greeks and Romans symbolized the Creater and he called the Creater Ahura Mazda. At the same time and Taoism was written by the Philosopher Lao Tzu, in the Far East Orient, China and all these great minds and great awakenings were happening all around the world at roughly the same time period and Just like the great megalith building cultures that build all the fiant stone buildings and walls around the world, as far as Easter Island and to the Americas and far East China and in between the Middle East, in the same time period and so by God's Grace, I will bring all these great minds together in a sophefic play and that's with no fears or regards to norms, not even a grammar or sentence structures and of course phargraph long sentences, like I was told the famous writer William Falconer wrote also and as Diogenes' writings all disappeared anyways and only the stories are left to tell or share, into a one gigantic philosophical movie, with all of the actors coming together and visualized in a play or a movie, that the likes has never been made or seen before, with all the subjects and actors together and with the humor of antidotes of mythological stories mixed in from the days of Homer long past and the founding of the Roman Republic by By Lucius Brutes and around the same time period that Alexander just conquered Greece and Corinth and myself being in Greece some four times and is one of my home away from homes is in Corinth. The other being Jerusalem and so I have a three-dimensional view now of the ancient and pagan and pre-christian world looked and acted and so put the picture together in Athens, the proverbial Center of wisdom in the world is the stage set again to say in this universe, the center of being the city state of Athens of whom Alexander formed into what was called the Delos League, of Greek city-states of which he ruled now from Macedonia a was preparing to make all out War on Persia, for its treatment of Greeks that lived in his kingdom in Western Anatolia and the two attempted invasions of the Greek city-states and failures and was about to be punished by history and even in the Bible it was written that a nation with the symbol of a ram would conquer Persia the Bear as it was written before, in the Book of Daniel.
Chapter One /How I came to feel identified with Diogenes the Cynic and other Philosophers by Pastor Peter "Christian" Romanowsky of Sausalito an Anchorout Ascetic on San Francisco Bay /Chapter One
Chapter One/ on how I came to be Diogenistic in my philosophically and thinking, metaphoristically speaking, in my life's experience and I feel inspired and full of matter, like a wine cask about to burst with new wine and an old wineskin and flood the Earth with wisdom, taken from the old and learned and the wise and the subject of my traffic, is the Cynic Philosopher Diogenies of Sinope. I am using voice to text speech plus typing with one finger on my cell phone, in a poetic way and almost a rambing way of freedom of speech and not just babbling for babbelers ofen just kept repeating themselves and ramblers spew out endless trains of knowledge and speech of which is hood, especially if one is writing a long book. As for me one of my eyes on one side of my head is the primary one and the other one on the otherside the eye follows. For we all have a primary eye, that we mainly look through and the secondary eye that follows, just like there are some people who are right handed and left eyed is the dominant eye and they are conflicted, when one is right handed and the left eyed dominant can cause a somewhat dyslexic look on life and a sort of confusion space between ones hand and eye coordinace is one reason why I couldn't understand and read a book like others and why couldn't I read a novel all the way through without interruption and without having to think about everything that's being written and trying to analyze everything and so, I like to open a book in the middle or at the end and find out what built up to this or that ending. This is a form of dyslexia, of which I feel I suffered from sometimes in a almost undiagnosed of foreseeable learning disability of which can end up in low grades in education for instance. It wasn't until I was or became a Born Again Christian, that I could pick up for instance the Bible and begin to read it throughly and understand it like no other book I've ever read or attempted to read. For I grew up in a television generation in the 50s and early 60s before moving to Marin County in 1964 at the beginning of what is called the 60s hippie era, when the Beatles burst on the scene at Shea Stadium and John Lennon burst out and tongues, at the adulation and audience and awesomeness of the pivotal moment in western music history. When the inventors of rock and roll music we're out done by English Rockstars who took American music art forms and repackaged it and copied it and sold it back to us in spades. But that's another story in itself and painting a little background for the philosophy I have about to share. I was late Hands On By the most famous woman evangelist in the known world Kathryn Kuhlman in front of 7000 people on stage at The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles where she was performing by the power of the Holy Spirit a healing service and she laid hands on my head and prayed that I would receive the gift of wisdom. Some months later at a charismatic home Bible study meeting during the height or the beginnings of the Jesus movement, when people started to go to church on Sunday morning and also in the evening and then mid-week service and bible studies and prayer meetings and Street witnessing outings in between. That was great Revival at that time simultaneously called the Jesus movement and the charismatic movement at the same time and the first was the masses of hippies coming to Christ and the latter of institutional churches and their members coming to Christ and if not already Christians moving into the deeper gifts of the Holy and for not all people that attend the church or attend church are actually born again Christians but only born nominally Christians and the charismatic movement was a Great Awakening in the churches also. The Elder name Armin wolf of the charismatic Bible study I attended weekly was a nuclear engineer at Stanford and he would teach the Bible study while still wearing his radiation badge from work and other ministers came and attended this home Bible study to be fed and ministered to also and we had a hot seat where people could sit and hands be laid on them and prayed over and prophesied and healed and comforted and on one of these occasions I took the hot seat and the leader of the Bible study laid hands on my head and prophesied that I would receive the gift of wisdom, just like the evangelists prayed over me earlier and I felt this electricity going into my head through his hands as he prophesied and it was an answer to the Evangelist prayer. Virtually within 3 years of becoming a born-again Christian by the grace of God and not through any effort or work so my own other than giving up the last besetting sin I could think of and asking God to remove it, by giving me something better and I was born again a few days later after that prayer and with him 3 years I was pastoring a church service in the woodacre Improvement Club Auditorium that my brother and my and our wives rented to have services, as proof that the gift of wisdom was imparted for as my brother joked after hearing about me receiving the gift of wisdom saying that I really needed it. Now back to the subject of our philosophical traffic I want to share my own Diagonies experience so to speak and how I became a Sinope so to speak the place that Diogenes the Cynic hailed from and was driven from, after being accused along with his father, apparently a prominent businessman Banker or money changer and is referred to mostly as a mentor of coins, of which they were both accused of defacing. This is a great riddle in historic philosophy, of how he defaced coins. Was it that they shaved the edges of the coins to make them lighter and collected the shavings as was a common practice in ancient days until going started having riddled edges on them, or was it that they defaced the images on the coins of what may have been Idols or Kings or governors that had their images put on coins and that have declared themselves to be gods, as a form of idol worship and it is said or read of by myself studying the subject that deface coins have been found around the city he came from and started or consummated and him going to the Oracles of Delphi to inquire as even Socrates did if not personally going there was told that he was the wisest man in Athens when someone went to inquire at least on his behalf as to who is the wisest man Athens or the world so to speak and so was told to deface currency by the Oracle. Both Diogenes and his father were reputed to be in prison and his father dying there for if they were defacing coins with Kings or Emperors faces that would be a very serious charge and those days when men thought themselves as gods and made statues and temples of themselves. Diogenes somehow escaped and but lost his citizenship of this city on the Black Sea and in those days people were citizens city-states and he became stateless and was the first one to call himself a Cosmopolitan of the meaning a man of the world or a citizen of the world.... to be continued by pastor Peter of Sausalito and ascetic anchor out Monk on San Francisco Bay the perfect floating writer's cabin for decades to be continued ...