Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Forty Years on a Hook wit the Pirates of San Francisco Bay / Chapter Eight the Philosophy of so called Piracy ....rough draft and unedited and a work on progress...40 years on a hook with the Pirates of San Francisco Bay by Chaplin Peter Christian Romanowsky rough draft and working progress and unedited as you go along you will see along an epic book being written in real time chapter by chapter. In the spirit of Robert Louis Stevenson and Treasure Island of which is reputed to be inspired by Angel Island of which I am also not far anchored from on San Francisco Bay as I speak dictate this novel in real time where the first European to Anchor off of what we now know in the Sausalito it was Sir Francis Drake before he was knighted for circling the world and is reputed to a very tons of looted silver from the Spanish here in Marin County California 38th parallel where he landed and I can't recall where I read this information you may have been from Drake's chaplain who wrote a book also about the voyage around the Earth and apparently they had a disagreement at one point and his chaplain ended up in the brig while circling the earth. New paragraph This is the last account of the last surviving free booters privateers looters and Hooters salvagers and recyclers mercenaries and Pirates Rebels against landlords and paying rent and the last free ride on Earth on the water where no one contain the water except Jesus who walked on the water and all those that live and work at sea have Jesus as their lord Savior and Captain and not Neptune. To be continued if you like the rap send a tip to cash app my code name Ccajidog$ or PayPal peteromanowsky@gmail.com and thank you and God bless you and this is a mythological voyage!