Sandra Sgorbati I shared with the street team both sides one from Ritter house and the other one from Richardson Bay Regency agency which offered to pay my rent for a year at $3,000 a month with a promise of a Section 8 voucher at the end of the year and the other side Ritter house already offered me an apartment in Fairfax and I looked at the apartment and I said how could I be happy in this apartment after living freely in the middle of San Francisco Bay with spectacular sunrises and sunsets and unbelievable scenery worth multiple millions of dollars and location and location and location and living in everyone's dream of escaping from Apartments to live freely in the world and so I shared with them both sides that are trying to help me relocate that I am not leaving the boat without a Section 8 voucher in my hand and no promises for a year later and I'm going to ask for $50,000 for my boat and then donate the money to our nonprofit and put a down payment on some land or church and the only place left to buy is in Mendocino and still interested in the 40 acres near the hog farm and waiting for word on that with Caroline is going to get the word on that for she has wealthy relatives who said they put up I think at least $50,000 towards buying property and if Richardson Bay Regency agency stalls I'm going to ask for $100,000 and if they keep stalling I'm going to say give me the equivalent of the average price of a home in Marin County which is around a million dollars I think or how about giving me an equivalent to one year salary that the carpetbagger they hired Mr gross from Los Angeles to come up in his trailer and live in his camper while collecting $150,000 to help us relocate out of the nearly 3 million designated to relocate us and they changed the rules again instead of giving us two years more before the coming persecution or relocation and The Limited down to one year now of which is a joke and it will end up in federal court and legal action has already been taken by one of the anchor outs and got a federal restraining order against the Harbormaster from taking his boat and that we have a Jewish guy named Jeff Chase which I called a rabbi and reads from the Torah on Sundays for us and he is threatening to sue in federal court too and Robbie Paulson helped with his attorney to get the restraining order on the Harbormaster of which is a precedent and we are in the thick of a monumental and non-violent battle to save the only special Federal Anchorage on San Francisco Bay and if they take this Federal Anchorage away it will affect every Anchorage in the world if not in the United States alone Hallelujah long-winded I haven't forgotten about sending your flashlight I know it's a special flashlight because it has multiple LEDs so you can see the diamonds more clearly and in retrospect after giving people $18,000 to give up their tents they're offering only like $7,500 at $150 a foot for my 50 ft boat for instance wow the homeless people at Camp got 18,000 up to 18,000 and so double that and more with interest and that's at least 50,000 of which is a nice lump sum and I won't have to pay any tax on it if they donated directly to the New Covenant Evangelistic Association towards buying property or a ministry house or a partnership for instance with you in Mendocino for example and God bless you again I still waking up I've been at hibernation for days watching pirate movies and the end to pass the time away at night and Toby and I are so stuck like glue that I don't even have to have her on a leash she stays and shadows me and never runs away from me and always come when I call and it's like living a dream! All the dogs come out Sunday afternoon to the park and run around and it's heaven in Paradise for Toby it's like the dogs have church in the park at the same time that we do and everybody's breaking the law by unleashing their dogs for the law is made for the Lawless and not for conscientious spiritual and non-legalistic people!
Friday, December 22, 2023
Forty Years on Hook bt Peter of Sausalito the Hermit of Asante Franvisci Bay
Inside the Mind of an anchor out pirate who has been living without indoor plumbing or baths or showers and I'm forced to go naked on the beach for sunlight and antiseptic purposes and dipping in the ocean and for nobody likes to shower with their clothes on and the powers that be instead of taking away my happy home showers and plumbing and children in life are about to pay the price and if not in this life in the next unless there is true repentance and compensation on top of reconciliation with evildoers and relatives also to boot and don't mind me and nobody does in a sense and virtually nobody supports my Ministry outside of my anchor out and so-called pirate community and if so then I am the chaplain of the Pirates very very support there is nobody else out there willing to do the job of weddings and funerals and memorials and counseling and binding up proverbial wounds and feeding the malnourished and as Jesus told Peter the Apostle feed my sheep after his resurrection and the first thing that Jesus did after appearing to his disciples on the Sea of Galilee after his Resurrection, was to have a fish Barbecue on shore and calling out to Peter and the others to come and join and we have a anchor out Privateer buccaneer BBQ every Sunday and rendezvous sponsored by the New Covenant Evangelistic Association Incorporated every Sunday and I am the CEO
40 years on a hook by Peter of Sausalito
Sandra Sgorbati I shared with the street team both sides one from Ritter house and the other one from Richardson Bay Regency agency which offered to pay my rent for a year at $3,000 a month with a promise of a Section 8 voucher at the end of the year and the other side Ritter house already offered me an apartment in Fairfax and I looked at the apartment and I said how could I be happy in this apartment after living freely in the middle of San Francisco Bay with spectacular sunrises and sunsets and unbelievable scenery worth multiple millions of dollars and location and location and location and living in everyone's dream of escaping from Apartments to live freely in the world and so I shared with them both sides that are trying to help me relocate that I am not leaving the boat without a Section 8 voucher in my hand and no promises for a year later and I'm going to ask for $50,000 for my boat and then donate the money to our nonprofit and put a down payment on some land or church and the only place left to buy is in Mendocino and still interested in the 40 acres near the hog farm and waiting for word on that with Caroline is going to get the word on that for she has wealthy relatives who said they put up I think at least $50,000 towards buying property and if Richardson Bay Regency agency stalls I'm going to ask for $100,000 and if they keep stalling I'm going to say give me the equivalent of the average price of a home in Marin County which is around a million dollars I think or how about giving me an equivalent to one year salary that the carpetbagger they hired Mr gross from Los Angeles to come up in his trailer and live in his camper while collecting $150,000 to help us relocate out of the nearly 3 million designated to relocate us and they changed the rules again instead of giving us two years more before the coming persecution or relocation and The Limited down to one year now of which is a joke and it will end up in federal court and legal action has already been taken by one of the anchor outs and got a federal restraining order against the Harbormaster from taking his boat and that we have a Jewish guy named Jeff Chase which I called a rabbi and reads from the Torah on Sundays for us and he is threatening to sue in federal court too and Robbie Paulson helped with his attorney to get the restraining order on the Harbormaster of which is a precedent and we are in the thick of a monumental and non-violent battle to save the only special Federal Anchorage on San Francisco Bay and if they take this Federal Anchorage away it will affect every Anchorage in the world if not in the United States alone Hallelujah long-winded I haven't forgotten about sending your flashlight I know it's a special flashlight because it has multiple LEDs so you can see the diamonds more clearly and in retrospect after giving people $18,000 to give up their tents they're offering only like $7,500 at $150 a foot for my 50 ft boat for instance wow the homeless people at Camp got 18,000 up to 18,000 and so double that and more with interest and that's at least 50,000 of which is a nice lump sum and I won't have to pay any tax on it if they donated directly to the New Covenant Evangelistic Association towards buying property or a ministry house or a partnership for instance with you in Mendocino for example and God bless you again I still waking up I've been at hibernation for days watching pirate movies and the end to pass the time away at night and Toby and I are so stuck like glue that I don't even have to have her on a leash she stays and shadows me and never runs away from me and always come when I call and it's like living a dream! All the dogs come out Sunday afternoon to the park and run around and it's heaven in Paradise for Toby it's like the dogs have church in the park at the same time that we do and everybody's breaking the law by unleashing their dogs for the law is made for the Lawless and not for conscientious spiritual and non-legalistic people!
Monday, December 18, 2023
Forty Years on a hook bt Peter of Sausalito
To an ancient mariner there is nothing more beautiful than a ship on the ocean and even the King Solomon said that it was one of the most beautiful things that he has ever thought of or seen and a ship has no straight lines and every board is curved or bevel, black woman's body smooth and rounded and shapely with her skirts flying in the sails and the breathtaking views and knowing that you could die any moment falling off the rigging or falling into the ocean off of ship that would take miles to turn around and rescue you and it is also beautiful and cunning and wise and adventurous in the ultimate plan of God in the Creator to live life, without being bored and a poem by Peter of Sausalito The Hermit of San Francisco Bay!
Forty Years Before the Hook
To an ancient mariner there is nothing more beautiful than a ship on the ocean and even the King Solomon said that it was one of the most beautiful things that he has ever thought of or seen and a ship has no straight lines and every board is curved or bevel, black woman's body smooth and rounded and shapely with her skirts flying in the sails and the breathtaking views and knowing that you could die any moment falling off the rigging or falling into the ocean off of ship that would take miles to turn around and rescue you and it is also beautiful and cunning and wise and adventurous in the ultimate plan of God in the Creator to live life, without being bored and a poem by Peter of Sausalito The Hermit of San Francisco Bay!
Forty Years Before the Hoom by Peter of Sausailto
For those of that dream of living like a pirate free from landlords and tyrants and the fat and the greedy and the selfish and the politicians who are paid off by the rich and enslave the poor and working class and those that have escaped from indentured servitude or press gang on British or other National Men of War sailing ships and those who have been pirated and given a choice to flee their captive Masters and their government and their Nation and even their wives children and family for freedom from tyranny and death on the tiller and starting a new life in the Caribbean! Poem by Peter of Sausalito The Hermit of San Francisco Bay
Forty Years Before the Hook by Peter of Sausalito
Nelson the greatest Navigator known in history who plotted the sea from Australia New Zealand Tahiti and Hawaii where he met his end at the hands of the Savages who laid claim to his skiff which broke loose from his ship and after having a friendly encounter with them and had to come back to resupply or something of A Sort after attempting to go further north to Alaska for instance where the whales go in the summer and there was an Evan flow of whales that people could follow and Admiral Nelson again for one reason or another unexplainable and could have actually made it up to the whale migration to Alaska if he was not slain and eating by the Hawaiians and over our argument over a skiff and the chief said that all Salvage belong to him and Admiral Nelson disagreed that you can't take my skiff and he was slain and eating and it Shipmates went back to get his remains and all that was left for his hands and pointing to where he came from and this is a legacy of seafaring and Hawaii and it's probably the reason that they lost their island eventually to the British and then to the Americans for old sores, never die in the hearts and minds of men unless they are healed by the grace of God in Christ and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Host a poem by Peter of Sausalito The Hermit the Storyteller of San Francisco Bay!
40 years on a hook by Peter of Sausalito
Living on the ocean is like living on nothing on Earth and you're moving and you're swaying and you're rocking and then you're standing still in the doldrums between storms and your left Wonder in your mind and you know there are sharks and monsters and Rays under your bunk at night and whales in the ocean and even visited by a white one and yet to be visited by a dolphin and is my prayer on the sea and on the bay and on the water and on the way with one who is not an expert swimmer and can tread water and will to those that can't swim at all and who will learn quickly if ever a fall and we love you all in people and but you'll never understand what it's like to live in a fluid world and not on dry land. Poem by Peter of Sausalito the hermit of San Francisco Bay
Forty Years Before the Anchor
40 years on an anchor on San Francisco Bay off of Sausalito by Peter of Sausalito
All of us Mariners with a history of living on boats and ships on San Francisco Bay off our last federally protected Anchorage of which is being assaulted and assailed and taken over by local unelected bureaucrats and we all dream of sailing down the coast of California down the coast of Baja and from the tip of crewing on a ship to Hawaii and Tahiti and to the South Pacific and on to Australia and then up to past New Zealand to New Guinea and join the naked Savages and smoke their pipes and dance with them like Adam and Eve in the innocent Garden and teach them not to eat human flesh like they do and the abortion clinics proverbially speaking in America and for it's all cannibalism and what was the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden is a great question and what is it cannibal eating of the firstborn being the first sin other than the obvious one Pride?