Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Chapter Nine /Forty Years on a Hook with the Pirates of San Francisvo Bay
40 years on a hook other technically I'm into my 40th year and I actually started anchoring out about 1982 or 1983 and part-time and then full-time after 1984 with 3 years in Galilee Harbor and Sausalito of which was one of my worst experiences living on the bay and now has gone into a houseboat Community instead of the original Maritime community that they got their permit for being and needless to say they got the most expensive eviction attorney in Marin County to evict me for $5,000 over a few thousand dollars in back rent of which I was not the only one and but being the only active conservative and Republican type I was not very welcome in Galley Harbor of which was run by liberal Democrats and sellouts on the Anchorage and now is full of mostly non-mariner types with no history on San Francisco Bay and that's another story and in the meanwhile let me hit you to this rough draft of a Monumental book that I'm in the process of writing in no concerns about our worries I should say about spelling grammar and punctuation for this is a proverbial pirate speaking and an outcast by the most infamous pirate in history in my book . My late father-in-law Ernest Nile Kettenhofen retired sea captain for the medicine lines and told me that he's been to Hawaii over 100 times back and forth and during World War II he captained the Liberty ship in the Mediterranean and claimed to have had both Eisenhower and patton at his Captain's Table and after the war he was appointed to the California state harbors and navigation Commission by the Democrat Republican governor of California Pat Brown and then reappointed by Governor Reagan and eventually was denied being reappointed by Jerry Brown son of Governor Pat Brown who wrote a letter asking his son to reappoint my late father-in-law and he wouldn't do it being too liberal even though my late father-in-law was a liberal Republican and ended up being the chairman of the Vallejo Maritime Academy and one of the most prestigious in the world and which in my book makes him the greatest pirate of the Pacific Ocean and corporately speaking. There are two types of pirates corporate and independent in the system and out of the system and or kicked out of the system and or fleeing from Injustice like the Pirates of the Caribbean who gathered together on the island of Tortuga off Hispaniola which is now Haiti and begin to barbecue the fauna that was released commonly on islands with wild hogs pigs and deer or whatever people have to release and of course domesticated livestock also and the Buccaneers of the island of Tortuga is where the name came from for Buccaneer and French means a barbecuer. I hate punctuation and it interrupts my train of thought and I need to free flow in my dictation memory in making this Epic and Memorial book and tribute to the last surviving free booters, filibusters as French Pirates were called as well as Buccaneers for after the Buccaneers of the island of Tortuga where accused of feeding the Pirates of the Caribbean the Spanish came and invaded their Island and they escaped and were set adrift as the first Buccaneers and out to survive at all costs in a sea of Wars between the Spanish and the English and the Dutch and the Portuguese and the French and it was a free-for-all during the Golden Age of piracy in the Caribbean of which what really kicked off the gold rush was the sinking of the Spanish gold Fleet that once a year took off for Spain with 13 ships and 12 of the ships Shipwrecked off Florida and to this day people are still finding gold silver doubloons and treasures and at this time the Pirates of the Caribbean had established a second Republic in the Bahamas on the island of Nassau with Calico Captain Jack and Blackbeard the pirate and others and since privateers as well as pirates were first of all scavengers and recyclers so to speak and headed for Florida to get as much as the sunken treasure in the shallow Waters that they could after the Spanish begin their Salvage operation and conflicts that followed over the treasure hordes and in the meanwhile the powers that be kept fighting one another and people change sides as pirate ships boarded ships of another Nation that some were commissioned as privateers for instance by the English and like Sir Francis Drake was and who became known as the Pirates of the Caribbean as long as with huguenots from the island of Tortuga and even a crusader from the from the Middle East of which moved to the island of Malta in the Mediterranean by the Muslims that drove them out of the near East and what is now Israel after the Crusaders set up Their Kingdoms there and were eventually driven out and the holy order of hospitality of which came to be known as the Knights of Malta who then having no resources on this barren set of islands were forced to become Crusader Pirates and took Muslim ships as they transversed from one end of the Mediterranean to the other as the island of Malta was smack dab in the middle of the Mediterranean seafaring ways and that's another Untold and unfinished story that I'm working on and in the meanwhile the meanest of all pirates in the Caribbean was a French pirate whose name alludes me and for the most part the Pirates of the Caribbean were Mercenaries at war with shipping from opposite Nations that they were commissioned to take and see his cargo and other privateers or Pirates were totally independent and did what's called roving and of course free booting and looting whatever ship that came across their path for being stateless and escape to indentured Maritime slaves for instance to the British admiralty and of course escape the black slaves and these independent nations floating at sea served no one except their own survival instincts and of course the British government after making peace with Spain and the Pirates and privateers of the English had no trade and no support system like the Dutch did who retrained their privateers and Pirates to be fishermen and but the English Pirates had no where to go except to go freelance and freebooting like Blackbeard the pirate for instance and Captain Jack Calico who took the king's pardon on the island of Nassau for all Pirates who would lay down their pirate ways and Captain Jack Calico went back to piracy along with his cross-dressing first mate name Bonnie and another cross-dressing female pirate of which is another story and he ended up being hung for piracy and put in a cage for the birds to pick his bones at the entrance of the largest city in the Caribbean of which was taken over by Rogue Pirates and was sunken to the ocean after a massive tidal wave and tsunami as a judgment of God no doubt for the Pirates who went too far in their free booting life and more to say on the subject. If you like my rap and my flying by the seat of my pants book then you can send the tip and help support or help me correct and edit the chapters for General reading consumers by downloading the cash app and my code name is after my first dog Cajidog$ or PayPal
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