Saturday, March 28, 2020

Thirty Years on a Hook on San Francisco Bay by Peter Romanowsky Chapter Sixteen King of Recycling and Salvaging on the Waterfront of Sausalito.

The amount of toxins and paints and used thinners and even used oil for outboard engine gas mix in a tire spot and the good oils I found for my van and or car, when I had one, was amazing and topside oil paints and bottom paints I found them all. Gasoline also in outboard motor tanks. Flares and all kinds of such hazardous stuff, like flareguns and flaregun amo, including parachute flares and hand held rocket flares all in dumpsters and hazardous waste and image gun one, children getting a hold on some of this stuff and also found a lot of discartered medicines and one time I found a trashbag full of used hypodermic needles from a clinic and a student doctor I was told later illegally discarted the contaminated waste, because so expensive to dispose of properly I sermize, or that he pocketed the money, anyway it took two thousand dollars  to have the needle at the bottom of the trashbag, after the fire department came down and inspected and the harbor master/owner had to foot the bill and I hope that he collected from the yacht harbor tenant. Another time I found a grocery bag stuffed with what looked like fresh cut Marijuanna and I took it to Chris Hardmen and neighbor on mine when I was in a slip and a member of Galilee Harbor, yo ask him if this was weed and we both looked and figured that is so and meanwhile apparently we were doing or I was being followed to the Harbor, by what looked like two, suspicious looking guys, in the dark when heading into the  harbor and miraculously a friend popped up out of the dark and stroll with me and I asked him if I was being followed and he turned around and said something like "yes", then I went to Crisis' tugboat covered to a houseboat and whe  I came back out to the front of the Harbor parking lot. There was no one there for I had gone back to the dumpster to see if or how much I accidentally spilled in the dumpster,  when I broke open the shopping bag and that's when I felt that I was followed back and that I may have interfrered with a drug drop off and I was a little shook up and so I took the pot, to the police station and showed it to a cop and asked him if this was Marijuanna and he looked and said yes and I asked him what he was going to do with it and he said that he was gonna burn it and now mind you, I hadn't used Marijuana but a few sample times since I was Birn Again, I  1968 in front of the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, while Katheryn Kuhlmen was conducting a Miracle Service I  side and could only hear the singing and preaching from outside. Because the Fire Department used the e trance down because the Auditorium, had reached its maximum capacity af around seven thousand people. So I at first could not recognize that it was pot at first or just cutting from weeds and I asked the policemen to have it published in the papers that I had turned it in, so whoever followed me, unless it was only in my mind, would read it and try not to find me. The Independant Journel, Marin Countys mayor newspaper and the only one,holding a monopoly, said that it was worth $10,000.00 dollars an obviously ridicules amount, uses there were buds of course,  packed at the bottom of the bag?!. ,

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